TRUMP pushing Hydroxychloroquine + Zpak therapy forward despite FDA conservative approach. As he reasons, "What have we got to lose ?"

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  On 4/1/2020 at 1:04 AM, BLA said:

There is no way.  Many more qualified and cogent Democrats.


Which is why they are not running for the office. 

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  On 3/31/2020 at 3:37 AM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

‘This is insane!’ Many scientists lament Trump’s embrace of risky malaria drugs for coronavirus

When President Donald Trump recently touted the common malaria treatments hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as potential remedies for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), he ignited unprecedented demand for the drugs—and set scientists’ teeth on edge. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) agrees the compounds are worth testing more fully on the pandemic coronavirus, few drug or infectious disease experts—not even the president’s own advisers—share his optimism that the drugs could become “one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine,” as he tweeted. And many are critical of the small French clinical study of just 42 patients that seems to have touched off most of the excitement.

Dahly and others, only much larger, better studies such as one WHO has just started can show whether any optimism about the compounds is warranted. “The best way to know whether a medication for COVID-19 is effective is through a high-quality clinical trial,” says Joshua Sharfstein, a vice dean at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and a former principal deputy Food and Drug Administration commissioner. “Efforts to widely distribute unproven treatments are misguided at best and dangerous at worst.”

Such cautions were buried under an avalanche of demand for hydroxychloroquine, also sold under the brand name Plaquenil, and chloroquine, as doctors rushed to prescribe one or the other for confirmed or possible COVID-19 infections. Among the immediate consequences:

- Shortages of the drug are endangering patients who need it for lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
- India, a major producer, has banned exports, and some doctors are hoarding both drugs by writing prescriptions for themselves or family members.
- Deaths in Nigeria among people self-treating for apparent COVID-19 were attributed to chloroquine overdoses, and an Arizona man trying to avoid COVID-19 infection died after reportedly self-medicating with a toxic form of chloroquine used to clean fish tanks.
- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a staunch Trump ally, ordered that nation’s military labs to ramp up production of chloroquine. Panic buying has ensued.


Many scientists have criticized the French trial as riddled with enough methodological flaws to render its findings unreliable or misleading. Biostatisticians from the United Kingdom and Ireland cited a basic failure: Investigators didn’t randomize the groups—essential to ensuring dependable comparisons. They also noted that six of the treated patients were lost to the study, five of whom fared badly—one died, three entered intensive care, and one stopped treatment because of nausea. Yet they were dropped from the analysis, potentially skewing the outcome.

Elisabeth Bik, a scientific integrity consultant, wrote on her blog that for some patients supposedly helped by the treatments, daily tests for the presence of the coronavirus fluctuated between positive and negative, suggesting the virus might have persisted, just below the test’s detection threshold. Investigators should have confirmed viral clearance over two or three consecutive days, she said, particularly because the trial did not keep track of clinical indicators such as fever or shortness of breath. But the viral tests also ended after no more than 6 days total for all patients.


I didn't realize the Chinese government was so interested in preventing people from using reasonably safe drugs with a well known best practice that can save lives. The study by Dr. Raoult shows  that the virus goes steadily down to undetectability. Doing quantitative tests on the new virus is not that easy. When the technique is honed, better precision will be obtained. 104 repeats is useful enough information to conclude that the virus would be gone within a 10 day course. Dismissing strong results due to misgivings about its statistics is an act of jealousy or clutching at straws in fear of losing the gravy train of a blockbuster drug. 

The treatment is not a cure to the disease symptoms. It is a cure for the Wuhan coronavirus infection, which is the subject of the test.  Therefore, the people where the virus could no longer be tracked were off the study. The disease condition can continue long after the virus itself is gone because of the damage to the lungs and continued overactive cytokine immune response. 

The criticism of the study has so far not been germane to it and its goals nor to its conclusion to do a wider more definitive test. It suggests that this treatment would be best applied to earlier stage symptomatic patients and as a possible prophylactic for people of high risk of exposure.

I can only conclude that the Communist Coronavirus Propagators (CCP) are concerned that there would be a cure developed quickly in the West, one that they failed to capitalize on despite discovering it partially themselves, in Wuhan, no less. 

Chinese propaganda is just plain disgusting. 

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  On 4/1/2020 at 1:06 AM, BLA said:

I don't think people blame the Chinese people.  

The blame the Chinese leadership.


This is true for the vast majority, unfortunately there are moronic idiots in every country who will respond in the wrong way

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Shortage of HCA. Very difficult to find.  

New York state Gov Cuomo signed regulation all supply goes to hospitals.  

Can't find it anywhere in NYC. 

As thought from the beginning the problem is getting supply.  



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The stupid, it burns.  U.S. Representative Tavia Galonski (Democrat / Ohio) wants to charge Trump with Crimes Against Humanity for recommending treatment of Hydroxychloroquine for Covid - 19.  Insanity.



Luckily, she got called out for her TDS in the first comment



But many others are infected with TDS and agree with Rep. Tavia Galonski.   REEEEEEEEEEEEEE !


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