TRUMP pushing Hydroxychloroquine + Zpak therapy forward despite FDA conservative approach. As he reasons, "What have we got to lose ?"

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Places like Nigeria, where these drugs are commonly taken (I believe without a prescription) are showing virtually nil cases of Covid 19. Either it's because of the sunlight, humidity and temperature, or the chloroquine, or all the above. 

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So first the administration under reacts. Now it's panicking and over reacts. Great.  

S&P 2000 here we come.  And now I don't think we stop there.  

Edited by Zhong Lu

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  On 3/23/2020 at 12:06 AM, Ward Smith said:

Places like Nigeria, where these drugs are commonly taken (I believe without a prescription) are showing virtually nil cases of Covid 19. Either it's because of the sunlight, humidity and temperature, or the chloroquine, or all the above. 


Or too broke to travel.

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  On 3/22/2020 at 1:27 AM, frankfurter said:


Fact: China gave its citizens, free, 2 ICU hospitals in 14 days and unlimited treatments for months.  USA gives its citizens tents and a poisonous serum.  



Why are you so retarded? 

I'm done behaving myself temporarily. This level of stupid demands attention. Or lack thereof. 

Edited by KeyboardWarrior
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  On 3/22/2020 at 2:34 PM, frankfurter said:

uh, maybe you should read the French reports in French.  24 cases is insufficient to draw any conclusions: any genuine Epidemiologist anywhere and everywhere will confirm this.  Chloroquine has serious side effects and can kill.  All test subjects were 'mild' cases: ie those cases with next to zero symptoms. No test subject was independently verified by any body. For these, 25% remained infected after treatment course. We have no data if the symptoms recurred, nor how long the subjects were/are virus free. The drug is ineffective for serious and critical cases: in fact, it is deadly.  If it were effective, alone, Italy and other countries would not seek help from China. 

The CDC is no longer reporting cases. Your state governments are expecting massive numbers of cases soon.  When covid hits you, and you live to tell, do let us know your progress/recovery with the Chloroquine.



If we end up seeing massive success with this treatment, I'm going to make a thread for making fun of you. 

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  On 3/22/2020 at 3:47 PM, 0R0 said:

China did build prisons and put patients in them.

The US was unprepared - couldn't help if it wanted to. Bureaucratic blunders held the US back and put it in a terrible position. That was predominantly due to the Bureaucrats following advice from China's National Health Service. 

The US had only one virus sample to work with from an early patient in Seattle at the start of Feb.  China refused to supply any samples at all. 

There were some deliveries to those quarantined at home  other than JD .com and other online orders. Those fell off, and left people to fend for themselves as they fell off. 

The famous doctor was indeed arrested and was forced to sign a document retracting his warning about the spread of a then unknown virus in Wuhan. His warning was "rumors" to the officials. In fact they were medical findings. 

Covid 19 has nothing to do with the US, it is a domestic Chinese concoction, most likely engineered in the Wuhan Biosafety Lab where dozens of recombinant pathogenic viruses were created and researched and published in the virology and medical journals. It has had a bad review by Western visiting scientists who criticized safety and it was by far the most likely source for the coronavirus. 

Your CCP propaganda does not constitute fact. Indeed, if it were fact then they would not have bothered with the propaganda. You should personally find a CCP member and drop them out the nearest window. It is your duty to the Chinese people and humanity in general.

Just as now, testing is no longer reported in order to create the illusion that China magically overcame the virus pandemic. 

Nobody believes anything coming out of the China leadership. Nobody believes you.


re Deliveries.  I suppose you were in Wuhan, to speak from experience?   Nobody was left to die in their homes.  Suspected cases were quarantined at home. Confirmed cases were transferred to hospitals.  You are spreading lies.

The doctor was not arrested. An arrest requires a charge: no charge was laid. The doctor was an Ophthalmologist, not a Pathologist. He acted contrary to established protocols. He had no clinical findings to support his claims. The LOCAL authorities reprimanded him and he returned to work. The local authorities made mistakes, and they are now removed and paying the price. When the true situation became clear, the central govt stepped in to move massive amounts of supplies, personnel, built hospitals, etc. The fact is now clear: the crisis escalated because of a few local officials; not because the CCP per se deliberately ignored the situation. Again, those officials are now charged with criminal offences. 

Testing not reported? This is a lie.  Daily, flight arrivals are screened and tested extensively, and reported. Anybody having symptoms is tested extensively and reported. 

To say the USA has not bio-engineered a corona and myriad other pathogens is a lie. The only way to know the truth is to have all such labs open their secret files for public scrutiny. We know the US will never permit this, so why should others? 

My duty is to drop people out of windows?  My duty is to murder people?  What kind of demented person advocates this?  

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  On 3/22/2020 at 1:27 AM, frankfurter said:


Fact: China gave its citizens, free, 2 ICU hospitals in 14 days and unlimited treatments for months.  USA gives its citizens tents and a poisonous serum.  



Well, anywhere else on the planet would have requisitioned already erected structures and repurposed them as hospitals as opposed to hastily erecting 2 hospitals in 14 days to show the world how aggressively they were attacking a situation they caused. Pre-existing structures do not require new water, electrical and sewage systems to be built and tested.

We really wouldn’t need serums if the virus never arose - in China.

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  On 3/23/2020 at 2:45 AM, frankfurter said:

re Deliveries.  I suppose you were in Wuhan, to speak from experience?   Nobody was left to die in their homes.  Suspected cases were quarantined at home. Confirmed cases were transferred to hospitals.  You are spreading lies.

The doctor was not arrested. An arrest requires a charge: no charge was laid. The doctor was an Ophthalmologist, not a Pathologist. He acted contrary to established protocols. He had no clinical findings to support his claims. The LOCAL authorities reprimanded him and he returned to work. The local authorities made mistakes, and they are now removed and paying the price. When the true situation became clear, the central govt stepped in to move massive amounts of supplies, personnel, built hospitals, etc. The fact is now clear: the crisis escalated because of a few local officials; not because the CCP per se deliberately ignored the situation. Again, those officials are now charged with criminal offences. 

Testing not reported? This is a lie.  Daily, flight arrivals are screened and tested extensively, and reported. Anybody having symptoms is tested extensively and reported. 

To say the USA has not bio-engineered a corona and myriad other pathogens is a lie. The only way to know the truth is to have all such labs open their secret files for public scrutiny. We know the US will never permit this, so why should others? 

My duty is to drop people out of windows?  My duty is to murder people?  What kind of demented person advocates this?  


I stand by everything I said. The Dr. in question was taken to the police station and was threatened with charges. That is an arrest. Charges come later. 

The testing at the airports is for show. They don't track people or quarantine them at the hospitals anymore. witness accounts from patients thrown out of Wuhan hospitals before their treatment was complete including deaths following discharge. 

I don''t believe a word you say. You are a shill for a deadly genocidal regime. Yes, your duty is to protect the Chinese people and the world from the occupation by the CCP. If you have a better way to do it, more power to you. 

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  On 3/23/2020 at 3:23 AM, 0R0 said:

I stand by everything I said. The Dr. in question was taken to the police station and was threatened with charges. That is an arrest. Charges come later. 

The testing at the airports is for show. They don't track people or quarantine them at the hospitals anymore. witness accounts from patients thrown out of Wuhan hospitals before their treatment was complete including deaths following discharge. 

I don''t believe a word you say. You are a shill for a deadly genocidal regime. Yes, your duty is to protect the Chinese people and the world from the occupation by the CCP. If you have a better way to do it, more power to you. 


Obviously, you believe what you choose. The question I have is upon what basis?  Upon lies? 

China has ostensibly defeated the corona. Shanghai (pop'n 36mm) had zero new cases, for a week, until new cases arrived via inbound flights.  All inbound passengers are now subject to nucleic acid tests.  What kind of person would claim this to be a show?  All passengers are tested and assessed, all are quarantined, all are tracked, all active cases are hospitalised.  These are facts. 


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Let’s face it kids, there is absolutely no way to completely lockdown a modern city, let alone an entire country!

It is also virtually impossible, with the resources currently available, to test the entire population of any reasonably sized city, again, let alone an entire country.

If ‘you’ have the resources, you may be able to monitor those who test positive.

Countries are doing the best they can, with whatever resources they have available.

Pointing fingers and second guessing is adolescent behavior. If you have a better way to approach the containment and treatment of this pandemic, let’s hear it. If not, just shut the f**k up and let the professionals get on with it!

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  On 3/23/2020 at 11:12 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Let’s face it kids, there is absolutely no way to completely lockdown a modern city, let alone an entire country!

It is also virtually impossible, with the resources currently available, to test the entire population of any reasonably sized city, again, let alone an entire country.

If ‘you’ have the resources, you may be able to monitor those who test positive.

Countries are doing the best they can, with whatever resources they have available.

Pointing fingers and second guessing is adolescent behavior. If you have a better way to approach the containment and treatment of this pandemic, let’s hear it. If not, just shut the f**k up and let the professionals get on with it!


Indeed listen to the professionals, not trump "We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. At the end of the 15-day period, we will make a decision as to which way we want to go."

Basically he cares more about money than lives.  He will himself, of course, be protected.

Or this drivel:

"which will make it possible for people that have been exposed to return to work more quickly with -- by wearing a mask for a certain period of time."

Meanwhile the experts say masks don't work and we need social distancing.


We will see how much this spreads in states, right now the numbers look grim - spreading insanely fast.


People, stay home, listen to doctors not politicians.


Edited by Enthalpic

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Re: Chinese official numbers, coverups, etc:

Here is another data point, from 2003 as the SARS outbreak was winding down:

Just like this time, there seemed to be a cover up, there was some evidence that it wasn't just a local problem in Guangdong where it first started.

At the time, Shanghai was reporting very few new cases. The international community was skeptical. It turned out that most likely the Chinese had been successful at containing it since SARS cases did die down long term. Who knows about this time, it looks like novel coronavirus spreads more easily, but an interesting data point.

Anecdotally, a former coworker of mine who lives in Jiangsu province in the outskirts of Shanghai says that people are out and about, but with masks. It sounds like normal economic activity is returning to China.

Hu Jintao said this after SARS:

"As leaders of China, we could not account to the 1.3 billion people in this country and we would even feel responsible to the people of the whole world if we could not control this epidemic effectively and if we sat idly by and saw the spread of this dangerous disease to other parts of the world. We believe disasters are our best teachers. I hope we have emerged from this disaster wiser and we have learned more."

Xi Jinping would be wise to echo those sentiments.

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  On 3/23/2020 at 6:18 AM, frankfurter said:

Obviously, you believe what you choose. The question I have is upon what basis?  Upon lies? 

China has ostensibly defeated the corona. Shanghai (pop'n 36mm) had zero new cases, for a week, until new cases arrived via inbound flights.  All inbound passengers are now subject to nucleic acid tests.  What kind of person would claim this to be a show?  All passengers are tested and assessed, all are quarantined, all are tracked, all active cases are hospitalised.  These are facts. 



I do not believe they are testing as you claim they are. This is a PR stunt. not facts.

Following the PR guidelines from the CCP propaganda office does not make any of it true, factual, or even possible.So long as your posts are within those guidelines we must read them as biased propaganda. Again. you owe it to your people and the world at large to dissolve the CCP or get rid of it otherwise. Figure out your way to wikileak what info you can obtain. Turn your PR efforts to make them as clearly incompetent and murderous as you know them to be. 

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  On 3/22/2020 at 6:19 PM, 0R0 said:

People don't die from the virus, they die from the bacterial pneumonia that takes hold in the inflamed lung tissue, so stopping the bacterial infection helps just as much as stopping the virus. Of course, the chances of a critical patient surviving with or without the drug cocktail is pretty slim. 


Actually the chances are pretty good, the earlier the drug cocktail the better the results. 

See   #31

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  On 3/24/2020 at 9:50 PM, 0R0 said:

I do not believe they are testing as you claim they are. This is a PR stunt. not facts.

Following the PR guidelines from the CCP propaganda office does not make any of it true, factual, or even possible.So long as your posts are within those guidelines we must read them as biased propaganda. Again. you owe it to your people and the world at large to dissolve the CCP or get rid of it otherwise. Figure out your way to wikileak what info you can obtain. Turn your PR efforts to make them as clearly incompetent and murderous as you know them to be. 


What can be said about someone who denies facts and believes his own narrative? 

Murderous?  The potus recently murdered a general who was on a peace mission. Daily, 'murcan armed forces murder civilians in cold blood. Americans have murdered millions of civilians in its history. Vietnam, Balkans, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, none of whom could threaten the US, let alone attack.  American society is so sick, you murder each other, daily. 

Have you never heard the maxim, judge not lest ye be judged?  

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  On 3/25/2020 at 12:51 AM, frankfurter said:

What can be said about someone who denies facts and believes his own narrative? 

Murderous?  The potus recently murdered a general who was on a peace mission. Daily, 'murcan armed forces murder civilians in cold blood. Americans have murdered millions of civilians in its history. Vietnam, Balkans, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, none of whom could threaten the US, let alone attack.  American society is so sick, you murder each other, daily. 

Have you never heard the maxim, judge not lest ye be judged?  


I would be happy to compare the records. CCP will always come out as more murderous than anyone save the Soviets and the Nazis. Take your message on yourself. The American house has fewer glass windows than the CCP house. 

The general was a soldier involved in an attack on the US embassy. Great target to take out. Would you prefer his commanders in Qom were taken out?


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  On 3/24/2020 at 11:17 PM, ronwagn said:

Actually the chances are pretty good, the earlier the drug cocktail the better the results. 

See   #31


When you become infected, do let us know how you get on with the drug cocktail.

China gave her citizens new ICU hospitals, new hospital beds in arenas, all with proper filtration of intake and outtake air, water, waste. Over 50,000 doctors and nurses. Thousands of ventilators, CTs, etc. Millions of people tested in a few days. Free medical care, food, clothing, to many millions. And much more. 

The USA gives her citizens tents and army cots, no free medical care, starves it hospitals and staff of critical supplies to protect themselves and to care for the dying, pitiful low number of testings, and much less.

China has donated plane loads of medical supplies and staff to countries who prior expressed hatred of China, Countries who are NATO and thus enemies. What has the USA done? Zero. 

May your hatred help you in your time of need.


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  On 3/25/2020 at 1:00 AM, 0R0 said:

I would be happy to compare the records. CCP will always come out as more murderous than anyone save the Soviets and the Nazis. Take your message on yourself. The American house has fewer glass windows than the CCP house. 

The general was a soldier involved in an attack on the US embassy. Great target to take out. Would you prefer his commanders in Qom were taken out?



Well, given you deny facts and believe your own narrative, I suppose your comparison would result in a picture of your favour. 

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  On 3/25/2020 at 1:04 AM, frankfurter said:

When you become infected, do let us know how you get on with the drug cocktail.

China gave her citizens new ICU hospitals, new hospital beds in arenas, all with proper filtration of intake and outtake air, water, waste. Over 50,000 doctors and nurses. Thousands of ventilators, CTs, etc. Millions of people tested in a few days. Free medical care, food, clothing, to many millions. And much more. 

The USA gives her citizens tents and army cots, no free medical care, starves it hospitals and staff of critical supplies to protect themselves and to care for the dying, pitiful low number of testings, and much less.

China has donated plane loads of medical supplies and staff to countries who prior expressed hatred of China, Countries who are NATO and thus enemies. What has the USA done? Zero. 

May your hatred help you in your time of need.


Your CCP propaganda is showing.



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What do we have to lose? Lupus patients whose condition is actually treatable by these drugs, for example. 

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  On 3/23/2020 at 12:06 AM, Ward Smith said:

Places like Nigeria, where these drugs are commonly taken (I believe without a prescription) are showing virtually nil cases of Covid 19. Either it's because of the sunlight, humidity and temperature, or the chloroquine, or all the above. 


I think it must be the snow. Antarctica has also "nil cases". In case of Nigeria, they are just waiting on their turn. When the virus arrives to Africa in full force, it won't be pretty. 

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  On 3/28/2020 at 12:56 AM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

I think it must be the snow. Antarctica has also "nil cases". In case of Nigeria, they are just waiting on their turn. When the virus arrives to Africa in full force, it won't be pretty. 


I'm not positive, but I suspect ultraviolet light in Antarctica is off the charts. Unfortunately, near the equator it's probably at its lowest due to the thickness of the atmosphere there. 

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  On 3/25/2020 at 1:04 AM, frankfurter said:

When you become infected, do let us know how you get on with the drug cocktail.

China gave her citizens new ICU hospitals, new hospital beds in arenas, all with proper filtration of intake and outtake air, water, waste. Over 50,000 doctors and nurses. Thousands of ventilators, CTs, etc. Millions of people tested in a few days. Free medical care, food, clothing, to many millions. And much more. 

The USA gives her citizens tents and army cots, no free medical care, starves it hospitals and staff of critical supplies to protect themselves and to care for the dying, pitiful low number of testings, and much less.

China has donated plane loads of medical supplies and staff to countries who prior expressed hatred of China, Countries who are NATO and thus enemies. What has the USA done? Zero. 

May your hatred help you in your time of need.



Sucks to be you

But stick around, always fun to pick on a CCP operative. 

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