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Canada exempts migrant farm workers from travel ban, but does not exempt newfoundlander migrant workers for oil patch.

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Well fort mcmurray is a hot mess. About 60% of the labour force here, and nearly 100% on some sites are fly in fly out workers.  Contractors cant get their workers in and out very easily any more. In particular Newfoundland has imposed a self isolation for anyone returning to the rock. Sounds like a hell of a way to spend your 14 days off....


Meanwhile the ontario government has fast tracked exemptions for migrant farm workers because they are "essential workers" ok but the by's who keep the plants running that supply gas and diesel is not essential enough to figure out how to get these people to work? I imagine they will have to do what the farm workers will do. Quarantine for 14 days on arrival and stay here to work for much longer. The 14/14 and the 7/7 fly in fly out shifts are a train wreck right now.  It is partially the reason why all the maitenance shutdowns have been cancelled. Cant get the by's out here to work. 





For those who dont speak newfenese, b'y is newfie for man, or buddy. 

Where is my by's to?  dem's back home my b'y. My son! Lord geezus!   is newfanese for "my crew did not show up to work because they are quarantined in Newfoundland." 




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