Douglas Buckland

The Most Annoying Person You Have Encountered During Lockdown

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  On 4/2/2020 at 3:22 PM, James Regan said:

Just go with a nice constant flow as you would pour a beer a magical bottle of beer that never ends (now your sounding like an engineer to me Rob). Pretend you dont want to spill any of that lovely amber nectar.

Your comment is exactly how an engineer would look at this, over engineered are you Norwegian?


If it was me I wouldn't bother pouring it at all, I'd just drink it from the bottle, fu*k the glasses!

You got me I'm too stupid to figure it out, I just keep agreeing with Jan! (sorry Jan I guess I just put you in the stupid category, which you certainly arent)

unless of course it depends which glass you pour the beer into first

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Just tried to use this diagram to assist

it didn’t but I’m feeling happier!



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  On 4/2/2020 at 2:46 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

No knobhead! It is a simple accumulation exercise, Q(in) vs Q(out).

I know what you, in your simple Subsea way are trying to get at, put you failed to set parameters or define the system sufficiently...



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  On 4/2/2020 at 1:17 PM, James Regan said:

Thats a good answer but lets assume the bottle is and endless supply, you know the Brand Unicorn....


Schrödinger's bottle - simultaneously empty and full.

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  On 4/2/2020 at 4:34 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Schrödinger's bottle


Holy Cro-moly Batman- Whats his cat got to do with this, I started to read the paper and realised I dont speak English and another issue I have is how can A+B+C/2=3 its all gobbledegook to me. I would need to be using drugs to understand that paper @Tom Kirkman 😂

Edited by James Regan
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  On 4/2/2020 at 3:40 PM, Rob Plant said:

Just tried to use this diagram to assist

it didn’t but I’m feeling happier!




What kind of Boat is that in the background, caught my eye.....

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  On 4/2/2020 at 11:40 AM, Jan van Eck said:

7-6-3-5-4-2-1    But that is only if one assumes the hydraulic engineer has sobered up.  Otherwise....


As a geologist I would say somewhere between 1 and 270,000,000?

Ball park figure of course

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  On 4/2/2020 at 1:16 PM, James Regan said:

@Jan van Eck I would have expected better from you, please try harder. It took me a while, but got it. No tricks involved.

Surely there are some Engineers on this forum who are not too smashed to work this out, try to forget its beer.....


You arre quite correct; I was taking a totally simplistic view of the puzzle, not thinking it through at all.  Given that the donor bottle (the one with the fluid in it before some filcher starts to drink the stuff) is the same volume as the receptor bottles, and that the lower pipe in bottle #1 leaves a residual volume, it would be impossible for any other bottle to completely fill.  But hey,  that was too sophisticated for me!  [Remember, I'm a finance guy, not one of you sophisticated engineering types....]

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  On 3/31/2020 at 7:19 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Okay, now for a bit of levity during these trying times!

Give a brief scenario or description of the most annoying person you have met during lockdown. Use your imagination, this thread is strictly for entertainment value.

Me first;

While trying to keep myself amused during house arrest, I invited a few (only three) of my less inhibited female associates over for some liquid refreshment. In this time of social distancing it is imperative that you know where all the holes in the fence are and the back-ways into buildings which avoid the security guys.

Anyhow, I got them upstairs without too much hassle and the refreshment began to flow. Eventually, the young ladies were dancing on the balcony and the neighbors and folks in the surrounding buildings didn’t appear to have any issues with my socializing.

Anyhow, the apartment manager showed up in a huff. She said that I was in contradiction of the lockdown rules. I asked, ‘How so? My guests are wearing masks.’

Well, apparently they should have had on something other than just masks and masks were supposed to cover parts of the anatomy associated with respiration. Who knew? I never saw this explicitly stated in the lockdown rules!

Anyhow, the killjoy apartment manager shut us down and now I am back in Big Boy lockdown.😖


Well....I doubt anyone is going to be able to top that story! My version only involves one entertaining lady not 3! 


So I see a Facebook post from a (plutonic) lady friend who is scolding people for partying, hanging out, hugging, kissing, basically doing anything enjoyable in life. I decided to ruffle her feathers and post a month old picture I had on my phone. I was posing with a girl who dressed up in garters and a tube top, like full on hooker costume, and I was wearing a bear fur coat and a ridiculous pimp hat. We staged the photo but it was a hella good one. She I should keep it PG. Let's just say it was the opposite of social distancing. 

Ok so I update my Facebook profile picture. I try to start casual conversation. This woman is previously the FIRST person who wants to go out and do stuff. Like anyone wants to go anywhere she wants to come. I get this response.

"You are a part of the problem keith!"

She hosts zoom meetups daily now and I have no interest in joining her zoom trivia, scavenger hunts, board games or whatnot. I hope she is taking vitamin D supplements because I dont think she has not gone out since the beginning of March. She did post a video of herself driving around in an empty parking lot, but she never got out of her car. Baby steps I guess. 


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  On 4/1/2020 at 3:07 PM, James Regan said:




Its fairly simple- The beer flows into bottle number 1 to number 3 and fills up number 3 then proceeds to fill up 1 until it reaches the outlet to number 2 which fills up the next one being number 4 then 2 fills up and then number 1 - 5,6,7 never see a drop

SO 3-4-2-1.

Oh shit I see the Engineers screaming already.....

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  On 4/2/2020 at 11:40 AM, Jan van Eck said:

7-6-3-5-4-2-1    But that is only if one assumes the hydraulic engineer has sobered up.  Otherwise....


If you were from Tibet you would have got this quickly......

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  On 4/3/2020 at 7:54 AM, James Regan said:

If you were from Tibet you would have got this quickly......



Undoubtedly, because I would have beeen neither drunk nor senile.  Then again, I would be living under the Communist thumb, so perhaps being drunk and senile is notsuch a lousy fate after all.  Oh, well.

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  On 4/1/2020 at 11:41 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Marcin, this is a humor thread, and the clip is clearly a parody.

If others get offended, I might consider taking action by hiding the comment.  But it is pretty rare for me to censor comments.

Please note, it can be difficult to police humor.

And, as per the thread title, Hitler is pretty annoying.



@Tom Kirkman you evaded my question.

What about nig** song. I fine tuned it: The Ku-Klux-Klan guy could be just partly juxtaposed over  Martin Luther King speech "I have a dream" with speech partly changed. Martin Luther King will start "I have a dream" and than comes the white guy: That all people obey social distancing, and so on.

So funny, for me much less offensive than popularization of Adolf Hitler speeches.

Usually parodies, real pariodies about Hitler are reffering to movies about Hitler, where Hitler is impersonated by an actor.

This is acceptable.

Popularization of real Hitler speeches, good actor I confess, hours of motonne trainning so that it look emotional,

is where the red line is crossed. Real Hitler speeches could only be used for scientific and educational

purposes. This "parody" is the best warming of Hitler personality  and his ideas in mass media I have found in months.

Edited by Marcin2

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/ edit  deleted incorrectly referenced comments in another thread.  


  On 4/3/2020 at 11:25 AM, Marcin2 said:

@Tom Kirkman you evaded my question.

What about nig** song. I fine tuned it: The Ku-Klux-Klan guy could be just partly juxtaposed over  Martin Luther King speech "I have a dream" with speech partly changed. Martin Luther King will start "I have a dream" and than comes the white guy: That all people obey social distancing, and so on.

So funny, for me much less offensive than popularization of Adolf Hitler speeches.

Usually parodies, real pariodies about Hitler are reffering to movies about Hitler, where Hitler is impersonated by an actor.

This is acceptable.

Popularization of real Hitler speeches, good actor I confess, hours of motonne trainning so that it look emotional,

is where the red line is crossed. Real Hitler speeches could only be used for scientific and educational

purposes. This "parody" is the best warming of Hitler personality  and his ideas in mass media I have found in months.



Nope, I'm not "evading" your question.  While you may be offended by parody Hitler clips as a satire, I am not.

As I mentioned previously, it is difficult to police humor.  For example, Monty Python has hilarious sketches that are in "bad taste".

You are apparently upset with me as a moderator.

This forum is not Reddit or Facebook or Twitter, where anti - CCP comments or politically incorrect humor get deleted and users get banned simply because someone else gets offended.

1) This is a humor thread.

2) You do not like the humor.

3) You complained.

4) I responded twice now, explaining that as moderator, I am allowing the silly Hitler clip, as it fits the thread title of "Most Annoying Person".

5)  You are free to complain to the site admin or other moderators, if you are upset with me.

6) if others comment that they are very much offended by the Hitler parody clip, then as a moderator, I will consider hiding it.


Please note, as a moderator, I do not take censorship lightly, especially when it comes to humor.


Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so.


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  On 4/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

Please note, as a moderator, I do not take censorship lightly, especially when it comes to humor.


Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so.


P.S. have some "Springtime for Hitler and Germany" from Mel Brooks classic comedy "The Producers"


And my meme riffing on that theme



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  On 4/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, Tom Kirkman said:





Nope, I'm not "evading" your question.  While you may be offended by parody Hitler clips as a satire, I am not.

As I mentioned previously, it is difficult to police humor.  For example, Monty Python has hilarious sketches that are in "bad taste".

You are apparently upset with me as a moderator in 2 separate threads.

This forum is not Reddit or Facebook or Twitter, where anti - CCP comments or politically incorrect humor get deleted and users get banned simply because someone else gets offended.

1) This is a humor thread.

2) You do not like the humor.

3) You complained.

4) I responded twice now, explaining that as moderator, I am allowing the silly Hitler clip, as it fits the thread title of "Most Annoying Person".

5)  You are free to complain to the site admin or other moderators, if you are upset with me.

6) if others comment that they are very much offended by the Hitler parody clip, then as a moderator, I will consider hiding it.


Please note, as a moderator, I do not take censorship lightly, especially when it comes to humor.


Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so.



"Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so."

The day comedy has to be policed in this way is the day comedy is dead!

Wow I really didnt see this coming from this thread.

Marcin if you dont have a sense of humour then please dont read any of this thread, you have a choice do you not???

Almost all humour of this nature is parodying or mocking the sinister NOT promoting it. I fail to understand how you dont see that!

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  On 4/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, Tom Kirkman said:





Nope, I'm not "evading" your question.  While you may be offended by parody Hitler clips as a satire, I am not.

As I mentioned previously, it is difficult to police humor.  For example, Monty Python has hilarious sketches that are in "bad taste".

You are apparently upset with me as a moderator in 2 separate threads.

This forum is not Reddit or Facebook or Twitter, where anti - CCP comments or politically incorrect humor get deleted and users get banned simply because someone else gets offended.

1) This is a humor thread.

2) You do not like the humor.

3) You complained.

4) I responded twice now, explaining that as moderator, I am allowing the silly Hitler clip, as it fits the thread title of "Most Annoying Person".

5)  You are free to complain to the site admin or other moderators, if you are upset with me.

6) if others comment that they are very much offended by the Hitler parody clip, then as a moderator, I will consider hiding it.


Please note, as a moderator, I do not take censorship lightly, especially when it comes to humor.


Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so.



First, politically incorrect humor is good for the soul.

Secondly, anyone who cannot understand or appreciate Monty Python humor has other issues, likely stemming from fornicating with small mammals as a child.

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“Almost all humour of this nature is parodying or mocking the sinister NOT promoting it. I fail to understand how you dont see that!”

Probably went blind from doing you know what....

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“P.S. have some "Springtime for Hitler and Germany" from Mel Brooks classic comedy "The Producers"”

Don’t ya just love the classics Marcin!

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  On 4/3/2020 at 12:34 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

First, politically incorrect humor is good for the soul.

Secondly, anyone who cannot understand or appreciate Monty Python humor has other issues, likely stemming from fornicating with small mammals as a child.



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  On 4/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

/ edit  deleted incorrectly referenced comments in another thread.  



Nope, I'm not "evading" your question.  While you may be offended by parody Hitler clips as a satire, I am not.

As I mentioned previously, it is difficult to police humor.  For example, Monty Python has hilarious sketches that are in "bad taste".

You are apparently upset with me as a moderator.

This forum is not Reddit or Facebook or Twitter, where anti - CCP comments or politically incorrect humor get deleted and users get banned simply because someone else gets offended.

1) This is a humor thread.

2) You do not like the humor.

3) You complained.

4) I responded twice now, explaining that as moderator, I am allowing the silly Hitler clip, as it fits the thread title of "Most Annoying Person".

5)  You are free to complain to the site admin or other moderators, if you are upset with me.

6) if others comment that they are very much offended by the Hitler parody clip, then as a moderator, I will consider hiding it.


Please note, as a moderator, I do not take censorship lightly, especially when it comes to humor.


Anyone else wants to weigh in and argue that humor needs to be politically correct, by all means, please do so.



1. You evaded for the second time my question about the most US taboo topic : racial relations and my sinister proposal. I just wanted to show you how it could be to find yourself in other persons shoes.

I do not try for the 3rd time : the total taboo about racial topics, I do understand that you cannot answer it. This were free speech ends in the United States.

2. The issue relating to parodies of Hitler and generally Nazi ideology.

I have already explained it, but somehow everybody commenting about my post have not noticed this (on purpose ?)

You can do anything, but do not post real movies with Hitler as a basis for parody.


(The only exampple is the disgusting one posted yesterday at this forum).

3. Do not mend political correctness or CCP with these serious topics I described in 1 and 2. Actually who cares about the parodies of China or anybody else ? People find it funny (most of yours is) or do not care at all. Some CCP lovers become charged but this is just their bias.

Edited by Marcin2
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Maybe I should just shut up and do not comment about this disgusting parody, we do have enough troubles with this lockdown for the morons (me?) to disturb fun threads like this.

But honestly, I have never met parody with the real movie of Hitlers speech by Hitler not by an actor and I like Monty Python sort of humour very much.

Do you know any more movies like Blazing Saddles or Life of Brian, maybe there are some I have not watched yet.


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Marcin, what do you REALLY know about race relations in the US? Is it all gleaned from the media or have you actually experience it?


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