The President and the Plague

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  On 4/14/2020 at 3:07 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Ten foot poles on sale here  ...  Ten foot poles, cheap  ...  Anyone?  ... Get 'em while they're hot !


Wow, and some people thought my first post was out of line! LOL  

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Not thin-skinned at all, reading your posts with interest.  I'll bet you would be entertaining as hell to have a (?) beer with.  I do enjoy hearing multiple viewpoints.

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  On 4/14/2020 at 3:12 PM, UNC12345 said:

Wow, and some people thought my first post was out of line! LOL  


Well, you said 

"The corona virus could have largely solved the problem, since it is killing mostly those who are drawing Social Security. And it is disproportionately killing people with comorbidities who don't have much longer to live. It doesn't kill many of those younger, healthy people who are paying taxes. But fighting the virus is destroying the solution to the problem."


How would you like me to respond, except by trying to defuse this comment with a silly joke?

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For some time now, President Trump has been saying that he thinks we can go back to work earlier than expected.  We even had a thread on it here on OilPrice.  The left, in response, poo poo'd the very thought of it.  Called it reprehensible how anyone could put business and MONEY first (they actually said many many more bad things about the idea).

Has anyone else noticed how, in the last two days, a number of mostly, if not only, Democrat Governors and Mayors are now saying they are putting forth plans to get us back to work BEFORE President Trump's estimated timeline.

Like a fish on the deck!

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  On 4/14/2020 at 4:08 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Well, you said 

"The corona virus could have largely solved the problem, since it is killing mostly those who are drawing Social Security. And it is disproportionately killing people with comorbidities who don't have much longer to live. It doesn't kill many of those younger, healthy people who are paying taxes. But fighting the virus is destroying the solution to the problem."


How would you like me to respond, except by trying to defuse this comment with a silly joke?


I think you misinterpreted my comment.  I liked your joke.  My comment was referring to the first post of Pisstol, basically saying that the virus killing off the old and infirm was solving the social security problem.  

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  On 4/13/2020 at 5:53 AM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:


How Donald Trump failed at the single most important task of the Oval Office: keeping the American people safe from harm

A very informative article mapping the blunders commited by Donald Trump on his stumbling through the coronavirus crisis. He and his T-cult will try to shift the blame, forget and downplay them, so it's important not to let the facts to be "swept away". 


The revision of history by the rolling stone among other hard core CCP socialist clients like the Democratic party leadership, will not stand. They have their own record pressing against the president closing off Chinese air travel. The WHO and the government of China are on record spewing incorrect guidance, hiding facts, playing down the Wuhan coronavirus. Creating statistics off a spreadsheet, blocking access to patients and virus specimens. 

The Democrats defended China and the WHO. The CDC, headed by one of their own, made sure tests were not available. The media criticized Trump at each step of tackling the pandemic as over-reaction. Trump made the same mistake everyone in the West had. They believed the official story at least long enough to act too late. Did Italy Spain and France not have bad breakouts?

Were not all governors in on the suspected carrier tracking program? 

Your attitude is as dishonest as possible, dipped in antisemitism. 

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Revision of history? Are you saying that Trump did not waste months by downplaying the danger of the threat? That article is factually correct. 

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  On 4/13/2020 at 6:17 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Yes, the Rolling Stone magazine is where rational adults go for unbiased political discourse. 

How’s your ears?


Routinely attacking the messenger while being unable to refute the message? T-cultist's 101?

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There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, and prefer to be told what to think by CNN and their ilk.

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Would you say that those on FOX news are any different in terms of pushing a viewpoint?  Obviously on the other end of the political spectrum and almost always in support of all things Trump...

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  On 4/14/2020 at 6:04 PM, UNC12345 said:

Would you say that those on FOX news are any different in terms of pushing a viewpoint?  Obviously on the other end of the political spectrum and almost always in support of all things Trump...


Yep.  I generally dislike Fox as well.  


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  On 4/14/2020 at 6:04 PM, UNC12345 said:

Would you say that those on FOX news are any different in terms of pushing a viewpoint?  Obviously on the other end of the political spectrum and almost always in support of all things Trump...


It's time to take a hint here, your looking at the new to be informed. It saddens that critical thinking is no longer used by the masses. To believe  either network's broadcast actual factual news speaks to one's abilities to comprehend events.

To that point one only needs to look at the ratings of any source of news to determine which source is used to come to any type of conclusion.

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Trump is good at producing chaos, confusion, and conflict.  He immediately puts his detractors on the defensive with his insults and other ways of denigrating individuals, groups, companies, politicians of both parties  and by doing so creates enemies.  In his first month of his term, he called the press the enemy of the people.  There has never been an attack on the media such as this from any POTUS.  He uses words like "human scum" to describe people he doesn't like.  All of this aberrant behavior attracts responses and actions which a normal person would want to avoid.  Its human nature, but somehow he never learned this.  His ego is out of control.  He essentially trusts no one but himself.  He's an extremely flawed individual and not even a decent human being.  Yes, some of the attacks are unfair.  A good leader would move on and rise above his critics.  He doesn't possess this ability.  He want revenge & retribution like a jilted school girl.  And like a jilted school girl, he wants his detractors to be "nice" to him.  He has not earned that honor.  

For those of you who want to overlook his shortcomings and contribute to his delinquency, (and since this is an oil forum) its like Exxon allowing Captain Hazelwood to retire to his bunk while sh**faced under the bridge of the Exxon Valdez which we all know struck ground.  It took a disaster to realize their mistake.  

I almost wish I was employed by Trump just so I could tell him to "get f**ked" to his face. He will go down in history as a failure and deservedly so. 

Focus on Trump's behavior, not on his critics.    He self-indicts. 

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  On 4/14/2020 at 3:14 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

Where have all these thin skinned rascals come from?😂


Bred, taught by Marxist thin skinned losers who were shown how inept their Utopian BS was by the USSR, Cuba, Cambodia, China, Zimbabwe, in epic murderous style.  They were never good enough to compete against people better than them so decide to cry and whine instead.  The only place where pathetic crying whiners can actually have a job?  Government, academia where there is no competition other than competing for mediocrity and least amount of work. 

It is why the left HATES charter schools.  It eliminates a big source of their cushy jobs. 

PS: As far as I am concerned, there should be no education bureaus at the state level.  County level?  Ok.  State level?  No.  Certainly not at the Federal level. 

Edited by footeab@yahoo.com
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I grew up and educated in a Communism Country (not China) for 17 years. I went oversea for education and then lived in the most liberal country in 2018 for another 17 years and now I settled down in the US. It's amazed me that many US citizens and multimedia don't appreciate how much freedom and rewarding they have compares to the rest of the world. Yes, complaining about your current Gov party is necessary for improvement but at least compare cons and pros of both sides and have an independent  opinion. In this Information Age, the problem is not to have access to information, but to filter it.  Never let the media throws a problem to you and give you the answer.  There is always a hidden motive that want you to think their ways, no matter CNN or Foxes. If you give your president 0/10, then you are trying to manipulate people or you got manipulated, and the same if you give your president 10/10. No one rate a President Candidate without seeing his action as a President first. You can be a "useful idiot" no matter of your education levels if you are lazy to raise a question and find your own answer, instead of being feed both questions and answers.

About COVID19:

Firstly you cannot stop the COVID 19 spreading in national level, totalitarianism or not .Secondly you cannot use the death counts to evaluate top Gov responses efficiency.

Vietnam Gov did not have any action sooner than US Gov nor any European Gov yet COVID19 could not cause massive damage in term of human lives, and it shares the border with China. It simply the life style that will decide the spreading. Vietnam big cities air is polluted , but most people have the habit of wearing masks and gloves for the last 15 years, and each person or couple ride their own motorbike or bicycles. Because of the hot weather, each apartment windows are open everyday, each house have their own Air Condition and no common Central heating or Common Ventilation system and not that many buildings. They do have buses, but each user wear a mask, a sun glass and gloves. The same with HongKong or Taiwan, masks and gloves are everywhere. Compares with NY in winter with central heating, people move around without masks or gloves in metro, in lift, in big indoor shopping malls. And US was one of the first closed flight from China and Europe.

So it is up to the Gov or Head of each big metropolis cities to decide for themselves and are responsible for the consequences. If you believe China or WHO stats, then you do more damage than good. 

About single payer healthcare system:

Bonus for NZ single payer system compares to the US. It is still good, for now, but getting worse and worse. Private Health Insurances in NZ and Australia are  more and more popular.


About household incomes:

For the same job, US salary is much higher and job is much easier to find if you are not picky, want to work and flexible to move. Especially for fresh college graduates. 

Apologize for my bad English.

Edited by SUZNV
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  On 4/14/2020 at 5:52 PM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Revision of history? Are you saying that Trump did not waste months by downplaying the danger of the threat? That article is factually correct. 


Nope...articulate your thoughts if could be so kind. 

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  On 4/14/2020 at 5:53 PM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Routinely attacking the messenger while being unable to refute the message? T-cultist's 101?


Next you’ll be quoting Mad Magazine...

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  On 4/15/2020 at 2:07 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Next you’ll be quoting Mad Magazine...


don't badmouth Mad.

If you have any copies where the fold-in isn't creased I will buy them


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  On 4/14/2020 at 4:17 PM, Dan Warnick said:

Has anyone else noticed how, in the last two days, a number of mostly, if not only, Democrat Governors and Mayors are now saying they are putting forth plans to get us back to work BEFORE President Trump's estimated timeline.

Like a fish on the deck!


That's not what those governors are doing. They identified the measures they will use to start opening the economy, they did not offer timelines. One example, testing. They're sending a message to Trump: get testing in order or the economy will remain closed. Here's one of the west coast governors explaining that point: https://mynorthwest.com/1816026/gov-inslee-testing-increase-covid-19/?

Cuomo and the other governors have indicated we will be on stay-at-home orders until we have a vaccine. That means we're looking at a year to 18 months of this. The reason we're in lockdowns is that Donald decided to golf and cosplay at red hat rallies during January and February. That resulted in skyrocketing cases across the country that left us vulnerable to exponential infection rates if we cancel the stay-at-home orders. If infection rates turn exponential rather than linear we will wind up killing our hospital ER and ICU staffs, highly skilled workers who require decades of training. 

If Trump wants to start getting the economy re-opened he will sit down, shut up, and do what he is told. Of course, he's an incompetent boob with narcissistic personality disorder so he will keep doing stupid things and the economy will remain in limp mode. 

I feel sorry for people who keep thinking the economy will re-open now that stay-at-home orders have restrained the pandemic. They don't understand that you have to keep the stay-at-home orders in place to keep the infection rates down. It will be especially hard on the unemployed in red states that refused to expand Obamacare. They'll lose their healthcare insurance on top of everything else. 

Edited by BradleyPNW
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This plandemic has been a concerted efforted by the Global Elite to remove Trump and create a new World government. They have the MSM working overtime to try to shift sentiment against Trump, but it does not seem to be working. Hell Gates has already been acting as the overlord of the world, trying to force everyone to be in lock down for 2 more months and eventually get the new digital vaccine ID.

People are waking up though that they are being led astray once again by the MSM and Big Pharma puppets like Fauxi.

Disclaimer: I am not a Trump supporter, just observing from a neutral perspective

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Don’t hate me Trump fans but humour never hurt anyone! 🤣


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