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  On 5/9/2020 at 1:54 PM, Jim Profit said:

Almost 4 P. M. here

Anyway I have to be very active otherwise I'll miss my work targets. 

(as you may already know I'm a paid WHO/Gates/Soros shill) 


Interesting I do miss the good old days of tracking one's IP, then suddenly doxing became a very real Nasty event.

It is to bad that occurred..doxing kept life in check..

Reality was always just around the corner..

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  On 5/9/2020 at 2:15 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Interesting I do miss the good old days of tracking one's IP, then suddenly doxing became a very real Nasty event.

It is to bad that occurred..doxing kept life in check..

Reality was always just around the corner..


Should I feel threatened ?

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  On 5/9/2020 at 2:20 PM, Jim Profit said:

Should I feel threatened ?


No...not by any means, individuals have a right to express their opinions. To that point however organizations need to be exposed just as that.

One fundamental of humanity is opinions and those opinions vary greatly. There is a large body of singular unified opinions and messaging in society in the world today...I find it repulsive for any organizations to message half truths and RESIST truth...I for one believe this body needs to be exposed...it has finally begun in the US in the past few days...


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  On 5/9/2020 at 2:15 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Interesting I do miss the good old days of tracking one's IP, then suddenly doxing became a very real Nasty event.

It is to bad that occurred..doxing kept life in check..

Reality was always just around the corner..


The fact that you evocate such methods says way more about you than about me.
Triggered ? Loosing your means ?

I'm curious: how do you know where people live with just their IP address ?
I mainly post from my own personal internet access, static IP, no VPN..
Supposing you know my IP how will you know where I live ?

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The people who have access to this information could have a look at the IPs that appears in the forum logs..
Maybe they'll discover interesting things and I'm not thinking of me.

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  On 5/9/2020 at 2:34 PM, Jim Profit said:

The fact that you evocate such methods says way more about you than about me.
Triggered ? Loosing your means ?

I'm curious: how do you know where people live with just their IP address ?
I mainly post from my own personal internet access, static IP, no VPN..
Supposing you know my IP how will you know where I live ?


You make a very illuminating point...."advocating such methods"

Are these methods nefarious in nature?

You as a individual articulate quite well and reason somewhat like a legal mind. That is a compliment to you as a individual,it took both a education and discipline to achieve that and most importantly intellect.

It is quite apparent you have a negatve agenda with HCQ...yet at the same time you are completely dismissive of what took place in Turkey.

I cannot but help ask myself why you do not take your skill sets and uncover/illuminate just what really happened in Turkey..How did they use it so effectively...Or is it indeed just fake news.

Just a opinion your mileage may vary.


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Doxxing is generally done with a malicous intent, people get killed by swatting.. I was just joking, as I was already accused two time of being a WHO/Gates agent, including by an account not less suspect than me.. But with a different "agenda". 

Is having a different opinion is "having an agenda"? 

I'll have a look at Turkey, I don't see what you are referring to. 

I do not support a particular treatment as I'm not convinced by the current available evidence. If you have some evidence I will be happy to have a look. If HCQ happens to be effective I'll be very satisfied. We aren't supporting football teams and all that matters is that a cure is found. 

I'm just a sceptic. I believe in science and intellectual honesty. Sometimes I should be less inflammatory. 

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Or someone with a very unhealthy obsession.  If not a paid employee, there are many well qualified mental health workers, who have fulfilled a much needed role for many sufferers.

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  On 5/9/2020 at 2:28 PM, Jim Profit said:

This is all heavily lagged information. People exhibit symptoms that get them tested at least 1-2 weeks AFTER infection, Or are just tested when taken into the ER as a matter of course. People die 3-4 weeks after infection. Both periods have fat tails. A much more rapid indication would be from Kinsa's temperature data.

It shows that in a few of the counties in states that are opening up there is a noticeable pop, still really small, of new infections. 


The use of the confirmed case counts is problematic.

1. Because of shifting criteria for qualifying for testing.

2. Rapid increases of availability of tests means more people get tested even non-symptomatics seeing a hospital for a completely different reason, while 1 month ago you were not tested unless you had clear symptoms.

3. Varying gaps from time of infection till a test is administered. And a distribution of virus carrying time with really fat tails.

4. Varying test qualification from one area to the next.


Again, we can use NY as an example. Note the much increased testing in late April. Along with a much lower rate of % positives, now that all hospital/ER/Urgent Care admissions are tested regardless of symptoms. 


We can look at individual counties



We can compare this to the Temperature charts for both counties. 



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  On 5/9/2020 at 3:16 PM, Jim Profit said:

I'll have a look at Turkey, I don't see what you are referring to. 



Both Turkey and Israel standard of care includes HCQ/Z as soon as symptoms show up.

Thus their results are so much better than Say Spain Italy, France where you only get to HCQ/Z at the hospital, Or the US, where only 1/4 of patients receive that treatment. (because it is "republican" and "racist")



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Maybe given its size (state of Texas is the same area than France), and its heterogeinty, USA shouldn't be considered as single country.

I'm not sure if I'm clear.

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  On 5/9/2020 at 6:01 PM, 0R0 said:

Both Turkey and Israel standard of care includes HCQ/Z as soon as symptoms show up.

Thus their results are so much better than Say Spain Italy, France where you only get to HCQ/Z at the hospital, Or the US, where only 1/4 of patients receive that treatment. (because it is "republican" and "racist")




See sweden ? They adopted a no-lockdown strategy. Ouch.

I saw the claim about Israël massively using HCQ but I was unable to confirm it.

Seems like Israël evaluated hydroxychloroquine, they were unimpressed. "About 28 percent who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too."

On their ministry of health website you can read:
"* Is there a treatment for the disease caused by coronavirus?
Currently, there is no specific treatment for novel coronavirus. Patients in more severe states are treated with experimental treatments that are not yet fully proven. The treatment is mostly supportive in character and is given, based on patient’s clinical state. Antibiotics do not help patients fight novel coronavirus."

So this seems unlikely for Israël.

So relatively soon the massive use of HCQ/AZM in Turkey should produce data than definitively validates the treatment. Nice !

Edited by Jim Profit

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  On 5/9/2020 at 10:03 PM, Jim Profit said:

See sweden ? They adopted a no-lockdown strategy. Ouch.

I saw the claim about Israël massively using HCQ but I was unable to confirm it.

Seems like Israël evaluated hydroxychloroquine, they were unimpressed. "About 28 percent who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too."

On their ministry of health website you can read:
"* Is there a treatment for the disease caused by coronavirus?
Currently, there is no specific treatment for novel coronavirus. Patients in more severe states are treated with experimental treatments that are not yet fully proven. The treatment is mostly supportive in character and is given, based on patient’s clinical state. Antibiotics do not help patients fight novel coronavirus."

So this seems unlikely for Israël.

So relatively soon the massive use of HCQ/AZM should produce data than definitively validates the treatment. Nice !


Sweden's deaths per million population are still well below the UK (not something to amazing I know)


Did you watch the video I linked 2 pages page from the German Virologist? You really should...I've backed off politics as much as I can in the last few weeks and just stuck to figures coming from gov sources for my arguements.

I really do think the UK which is a major transit hub got hit hard since we didn't shut the borders early (forget about lock downs) but according to my own crappy back of the fag-packet calculations, the German virologist plus other scientist's calculations, I really do think the UK has had around 10 million cases which puts things into perspective. The fatality rate is no doubt close to a flu outbreak but even if you don't agree there are a lot of scientists on that channel including Niel Furgeson so it doesn't seem to be biased.

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1)     Over half of all U.S. coronavirus deaths have occurred in just 5 states  (all Blue states)

Well over half of all documented coronavirus deaths in the United States have occurred in just five states, a statistic which mirrors the heavily concentrated and localized nature of COVID-19 outbreaks in several other countries. 

Of the nearly 80,000 deaths from the virus in this country as of Saturday afternoon, nearly 48,700, or about 60 percent, had occurred in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

New York remains the hardest-hit state of any in the country by far, having logged nearly 27,000 deaths as of Saturday afternoon. The next-hardest-hit state, New Jersey, had recorded over 9,100.  ...


2)     Nearly 50 Percent of California Coronavirus Deaths in Nursing Homes  (another Blue state)

Data released from the California Departments of Health and Social Services on Friday show that nursing home deaths represent almost half of the coronavirus fatalities in the state.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the development:

There were at least 11,344 confirmed cases among staff and residents at California’s skilled nursing facilities and residential care facilities for elderly as of Thursday, according to state data. These cases account for 18.1 percent of the state’s total 62,512 cases.

Meanwhile, 1,276 staff and residents at such facilities have died of the disease, making up 49.4 percent of the state’s 2,585 deaths as of Thursday.

Given those numbers — which the state said are “provisional” — an alarming 11.2 percent of people infected with the coronavirus at a nursing home has died.

The information confirms that elderly people with underlying health conditions — the demographic in nursing homes — and the workers who care for them represent the most vulnerable population during the coronavirus outbreak.  ...


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  On 5/9/2020 at 4:27 PM, Richard Snyder said:

Or someone with a very unhealthy obsession.  If not a paid employee, there are many well qualified mental health workers, who have fulfilled a much needed role for many sufferers.


I am tempted to say that's rather the delusional people believing in conspiracy theories and accusing people of being occult agents who need to be mentally reevaluated..
But I won't do this, this is worthy of the Soviet Union.
Or more recently of the MAGA slogan "Liberalism is a mental diseases"
A slogan so sinister, with authoritatian overtones, that it sends a chill down my spine.
As a friend of the USA I'm terribly sad seeing USA leaning toward authoritarism.

Anyway I agree with you that I spent too much time there these last days.

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  On 5/9/2020 at 10:03 PM, Jim Profit said:

See sweden ? They adopted a no-lockdown strategy. Ouch.

I saw the claim about Israël massively using HCQ but I was unable to confirm it.

Seems like Israël evaluated hydroxychloroquine, they were unimpressed. "About 28 percent who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too."

On their ministry of health website you can read:
"* Is there a treatment for the disease caused by coronavirus?
Currently, there is no specific treatment for novel coronavirus. Patients in more severe states are treated with experimental treatments that are not yet fully proven. The treatment is mostly supportive in character and is given, based on patient’s clinical state. Antibiotics do not help patients fight novel coronavirus."

So this seems unlikely for Israël.

So relatively soon the massive use of HCQ/AZM in Turkey should produce data than definitively validates the treatment. Nice !


I asked a relative who is head nurse at a large Israeli hospital what they are doing. That is what she said. There is all manner of official posing to show that they are sticking to consensus, but that would not reflect what is happening on the ground. I can ask again. 

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  On 4/22/2020 at 6:35 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Interesting assertion.  I thought colluding with Russians was supposed to be his biggest failure.


I thought that was his biggest success assisting his election.

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  On 5/9/2020 at 10:24 PM, Jim Profit said:

Or more recently of the MAGA slogan "Liberalism is a mental diseases"


Jim, if you lived in the US, youwould recognise this is the US version of humor.  Roll with it. Nothing sinister here.

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