NY Gov Cuomo (D) allowed hydroxychloroquine . It worked. He asked Trump for more. Look at NY stats. Mass Gov Baker (Rhino) would not allow. His stats continue to get worse.

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Brasilian guinea pig testing has gone badly, many older people have died of heart failure. 

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  On 4/16/2020 at 9:18 PM, BradleyPNW said:

"Hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure! Everyone who takes it in New York is instantly cured!" 

Do you have a source? 

"Google it!"

Source is crackpot websites run by Alex Jones. 



  On 4/16/2020 at 9:20 PM, BradleyPNW said:

Meanwhile, in the real world. 

"No evidence of clinical efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection with oxygen requirement: results of a study using routinely collected data to emulate a target trial"



I made this thread specifically to deal with types of people like you:


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  On 4/17/2020 at 7:47 AM, Rob Plant said:

Nope it shows it, just click on the USA and it breaks it down by state


Thanks but state by state breakdown only has latest numbers. I was interested to see the graphs to see if a dramatic drop that could be attributed to the HCQ treatment can be seen in the data. But nevermind I'll Google if I have some time.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 5:07 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

You were doing just fine until the ‘You f**ks‘ and the ‘f**k**g liars’ comment. That is beyond the pale for this site. Furthermore, it tends to cause people to suspect that you can’t support your argument without cussing.


I kind of liked it.  Refreshing.  But, yeah, I know, it's not allowed in polite company. 😁

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  On 4/17/2020 at 8:51 AM, Dan Warnick said:

‘f**k**g liars’


It was that bit that went a bit too far. Not the swearing but calling people liars, its just opinion after all.

Sort of agree with you about the refreshing though

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  On 4/17/2020 at 9:14 AM, Rob Plant said:

It was that bit that went a bit too far. Not the swearing but calling people liars, its just opinion after all.

Sort of agree with you about the refreshing though


Good point, well taken.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 7:50 AM, Rob Plant said:

Well if the Sun says so I guess it has to be factual 🤔


I have no idea about how credible the Sun is in the UK, but it didn't state this as fact but observation and it is the first English newspaper I came accross. I don't think any cure or vaccine for this novel Covid19 is factual, but observation.

If you need a "trust-able" US source and an US scientist/doctor name, then I give you CNN:



Tuberculosis and Covid-19 infection are two very different diseases -- TB is caused by a type of bacteria while Covid-19 is caused by a virus, for starters. But the BCG vaccine might help people build immune responses to things other than TB, causing "off-target effects," according to Dr. Denise Faustman, director of immunobiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
"In other words, in clinical trial format, people started picking up positive benefit from getting the vaccine that had nothing to do with tuberculosis," she said. Faustman has studied how the BCG vaccine affects people with Type 1 diabetes for many years. She is interested in how its off-target effects change the immune system in beneficial ways for people with autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 diabetes.




Several countries around the world are beginning human clinical trials to evaluate the BCG vaccine's efficacy, such as Australia and the Netherlands.
Faustman and her colleagues are preparing for trials in Boston, which are currently under a multistep review process. Once approved, she and her team members hope to enroll about 4,000 health care workers into the trial.



There is a link in that article above refer you to a paper about BCG mechanism if you want to dig deeper.

Edited by SUZNV
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Being a liar is not a matter of opinion. A person is a liar when he knowingly proclaims statements that are false. 

For example when Trump said: "We have the virus under control", it was a lie. Since telling lies is provably his method that characterizes him as a person, he is a liar. There is nothing subjective or opinion-based on that. 

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:38 PM, SUZNV said:

If you need a "trust-able" US source and an US scientist/doctor name, then I give you CNN:


Just curious, are you being serious or tongue in cheek in quoting CNN?

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:40 PM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Being a liar is not a matter of opinion. A person is a liar when he knowingly proclaims statements that are false. 

For example when Trump said: "We have the virus under control", it was a lie. Since telling lies is provably his method that characterizes him as a person, he is a liar. There is nothing subjective or opinion-based on that. 


You misinterpret this

The context of the original posts was that they were stating their opinion on a subject,  not knowingly stating something false.which obviously is lying.

If you disagree with someones opinion does that then make them a liar? That was the context!


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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:41 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Just curious, are you being serious or tongue in cheek in quoting CNN?


Half and Half. I try to separate news and political agenda with cherry picking, half of the truth, or make a greater deal out of a non-important news while just a short post for important one. Generally I always questioning the hidden motive of every article but never discard any news source. If I am in doubt and interest in the matter, then I will cross check with the opposite side or dig deeper.

Edited by SUZNV
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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:38 PM, SUZNV said:

If you need a "trust-able" US source and an US scientist/doctor name, then I give you CNN:


You surely are poking fun! It did make me chuckle though.!!🤣

For your information The Sun is nothing more than paper to wrap your chips (fries for the US) in from the fish + chip shop.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:50 PM, SUZNV said:

Generally I always questioning the hidden motive of every article but never discard any news source.


Good to question but then why continue with a news source that repeatedly is bogus or has bias beyond belief or an agenda it is trying to push?

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:53 PM, Rob Plant said:

Good to question but then why continue with a news source that repeatedly is bogus or has bias beyond belief or an agenda it is trying to push?


If you lived in a country with a state controlled lying mainstream, with a firewall, and you didn't pick the hidden truth or compare with the opposite rumors, would it make you be stupid with no information and swallow anything in the opposite? Or getting brainwashed by the mainstream.

I  have 3 citizenship and have never seen any independent truth and only the truth new sources. Maybe the news nowadays have less income from advertising and more form the donation. Busy people will not watch movies on TV much but netflix, prime video etc.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:58 PM, SUZNV said:

If you lived in a country with a state controlled lying mainstream, with a firewall, and you didn't pick the hidden truth or compare with the opposite rumors, would it make you be stupid with no information and swallow anything in the opposite? Or getting brainwashed by the mainstream.

I  have 3 citizenship and have never seen any independent truth and only the truth new sources. Maybe the news nowadays have less income from advertising and more form the donation. Busy people will not watch movies on TV much but netflix, prime video etc.


Fair point!

I take for granted sometimes that I live in a country of free speech and can legally demonstrate against anything i choose to.

My bad!

But I guess if its all you've ever known you do take liberty for granted.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:49 PM, Rob Plant said:

If you disagree with someones opinion does that then make them a liar?


It does if you're a Democrat.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 1:55 PM, Rob Plant said:

Fair point!

I take for granted sometimes that I live in a country of free speech and can legally demonstrate against anything i choose to.

My bad!

But I guess if its all you've ever known you do take liberty for granted.


Everyone capitalizes his experience for his future choices. I have lived in one of a few communism country for 17 years, a liberal country (top 5 in 2020) for another 17 years and now live in the US so I do realize and  appreciate the freedom of choices and speech. I did and do fulfill any duty as a naturalized citizen, along with the acquired liberty. And all those moves do cost me something in return, at least  my accumulated social/family relationships, finance, for the risk I were about to take. But if I had been bound to a few "self or public approved" sources of information and had been happy with the choices they feed me, consciously or sub consciously, I would still have been able to legally demonstrate against anything i choose to as well, no matter where I live. 

Edited by SUZNV
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P.S.  back in March:


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in 2005, this fact was already known:

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread


Why did Fauci lie when said the evidence was "anecdotal"?

Known for 15 years and cited more than 221 times by other researchers around the world


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But I guess if its all you've ever known you do take liberty for granted.


I didn't fully understand this, but now I can guess your angle of view, after doing some soul searching 🙄


You may think that I am an opportunistic, have no loyalty/appreciate  anywhere I lived and always try to move to a "better" country for economical gain, or better future?

It is not applied to me, although I think there is nothing wrong with the above. Wasn't liberty the reason many generations of immigrants moved to the US from Europe, China, Japan, Vietnam, Mexican, Africa ...? How do you decide who take/took it for granted and who don't/didn't?

My choices:

-I left VN when I was 17, as an international student to NZ, so it is for educational purpose, not migrating purpose. It was a risky investment from my Dad, where he may lost all of his savings before I finished the degree, we will waste both his money and my time. My dad was granted an Engineer scholarship from West Germany during the Vietnam war and has been studying and working there until he chose to go back to VN on 1981, to contribute to his country. So it is his dream for me to have a Western Education(Back then I was curious to compare Communism and Capitalism and took economics class instead of ESL in high school). So I didn't ask for it.

-Graduated in the start of Great Recession. I have to make a decision. To go back to VN, enjoy living with family but have to listen to the propaganda( just like my dad endured and he didn't want me to go back), keep my head down, cannot be so honest, may have to bribe or cheat or shortcut to gain advantage as everyone does it, knowing that I may never can afford western education like my grand uncle (later lived in Montreal, as a dental professor), my Dad or me. Or to stay where you have a low starting point, English as a second language, Job opportunities were rare even for native and depended on family for money before got the first job. My dad seemed very sad when I decided go back to VN, like he did in 1981. I needed to go back to NZ to sell the car before making the final return and his sadden looks haunted me. Only then I chose to keep the car, stayed in NZ and face the difficulty ahead. It took me 1.5 year to have a first job. I believe that I would have get married with my dad friend's daughter if I chose VN and wouldn't need to worry about retirement, above US retirement standard average, which is luxury with VN cost of living. This would be easier if I chose economical gain over liberty.

-I knew my wife since we were 13 until. But we stopped contacting each other 2 years after I left.  It had been 10 years before knowing she was in my fb. So we talked on phone. Knowing she still had feeling for me and I have been single for a while, since I left VN, so I told her I gained weight but if she flew from US to NZ and visited me and still wanted me, we would get marriage. And we got marriage in NZ. She can't leave her mum alone in the US so the only option left is I need to move. I do research about US in that 2 years, mainly for what will i do and how to have one. My wife will not have any inheritance and no US college degree (She is working in Manufacturing Industry as Quality Control Engineer and is studying at night toward an Industrial Engineer degree) 

All the long background to prove that it my choices to migrate were not really my wish. I were not unhappy here and find a way to move to the richer country. 

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  On 4/17/2020 at 10:52 PM, SUZNV said:

But I guess if its all you've ever known you do take liberty for granted.


I didn't fully understand this, but now I can guess your angle of view, after doing some soul searching 🙄



I believe he was saying that HE takes liberty for granted.  He was saying that he gets your point and that (maybe) he missed it at first.  Your posts are just fine.  Keep them coming and thanks.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:38 PM, SUZNV said:

I have no idea about how credible the Sun is in the UK, but it didn't state this as fact but observation and it is the first English newspaper I came accross. I don't think any cure or vaccine for this novel Covid19 is factual, but observation.

If you need a "trust-able" US source and an US scientist/doctor name, then I give you CNN:

There is a link in that article above refer you to a paper about BCG mechanism if you want to dig deeper.


CNN is trustworthy? They have less of a viewing audience than the Shopping Channel!

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“no US college degree (She is working in Manufacturing Industry as QualityControl Engineer and is studying at night toward anIndustrial Engineer degree)“

Just curious can she have no US college degree and be working as a QC engineer? Seems to be alot of engineers with no degree these days. Can you be a doctor or a lawyer without the appropriate degree? Can just anyone build a bridge or design a well now!

Yes, it is a sore point. I suffered for 6 years at the Colorado School of Mines to get my first degree, and the right to refer to myself as an engineer.

Anyone else feel this way?

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