WTI wrong price on Plus500

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  On 4/17/2020 at 4:02 PM, Lucia said:

Hi everyone, 

Is anyone else here who is experiencing issues on Plus500 platform in regards to WTI rollover and trading price at the moment? 


Please avoid Plus500. They manipulate their platform for their own gains. Go and read all trustpilot Plus500 reviews in all the threads. Plus500 have clever ways to take traders money. Trust me you need to get out fast. 

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Don’t go with CFD. These are market makers who trade against you. Search ECN. ECN work on commission and no incentive to scam you but CFD do. CFD trading means your loss is their profit. Plus500 has many tricks to relieve traders of their money and they use them all the time. Go check out trustpilot Plus500 reviews in all the threads. Pure scam in my eyes. 

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Please contact me if you have lost money or have issues with Plus500. They’re causing loss to traders through no fault of their own. Please stand up and help stop this happening.

Plus500 are manipulating their platform for their own gains. They’re a market maker which means your loss is their profit and they’re very clever at helping their traders lose money. Stay away. 


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  On 5/19/2020 at 10:40 AM, Jay70 said:

Please avoid Plus500. They manipulate their platform for their own gains. Go and read all trustpilot Plus500 reviews in all the threads. Plus500 have clever ways to take traders money. Trust me you need to get out fast. 


Can you please explain more what do you mean by they manipulate their platform?

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3A4AC6D5-8373-436F-A3F5-45738EC175AF.jpeg.724bb5b32fdfe15ec45e25e21728f7fa.jpegThey freeze the close button so you cannot take profit or close your trades that head deeper into the red. They also restrict people’s accounts so they cannot manage their trades. Go to trustpilot Plus500 and read all the reviews in all the threads. Same old tricks with same results..traders loss of their money through no fault of their own. just one of my many screenshots. Others have lost due to this freezing of the close button and Plus500 do nothing. Remember, your loss is their profit. Do you think they want you to profit??? 

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The First mistake is you are using Plus 500 as your platform. Get off that immediately if you want to be taken seriously.

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