Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 3, 2020 Excellent overview. Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history ANALYSIS / OPINION: The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed. In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government. The facts are this: COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly the elderly — and does nothing to the vast majority. That’s it. That, in a nutshell, is it. Or, in the words of Dan Erickson and Artin Massih, doctors and co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California: Let’s get the country reopened - and now. “Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no. Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. … [T]he data is showing it’s time to lift,” Erickson said, in a recent interview. He’s right. They’re right. The data to keep America closed and Americans closed in simply doesn’t exist. If truth be told, it’s questionable it ever did. The scientists leading the coronavirus shutdown charge predicted in March that in America, between 100,000 and 250,000 would die. They based those estimates on computer modeling. But at the same time they were basing those estimates on computer modeling, they were acknowledging that computer modeling is inaccurate and errs on the side of hype. “I’ve never seen a model of the diseases I’ve dealt with where the worst-case actually came out,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of President Donald Trump’s White House coronavirus task force, during a CNN interview in March. “They always overshoot.” Catch that? Fauci’s message: Computer models are flawed and inaccurate and always overestimate the problem. But from these faulty overinflated computer figures came all the constitutionally questionable actions by government anyway - from ordering businesses closed to quarantining-slash-house arresting American citizens to doing some quick and pitiful and economically painful income redistribution schemes via stimulus funds’ legislation. Since, about 56,000 have died in America due to coronavirus — or have they? Again, the facts are flimsy. Government ordered hospitals weeks ago to stop performing elective surgeries to make way for the projected numbers of coronavirus patients. So they did. And in so doing, they cut off their revenue streams. So Congress passed legislation giving hospitals billions of dollars to treat coronavirus patients. Conflict of interest? Yikes. Yes. The coronavirus counts, already flawed from computer modeling, were then given another flaw treatment. “[Pennsylvania] removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy,” The Inquirer reported. Add to that the ever-changing nature of a virus that spreads by air and contact, and honestly, suddenly, even expert Fauci’s best guess is about as good as Joe Neighbor’s best guess. So that leaves common sense, combined with knowledge of past viruses, to guide. But the quote-unquote medical experts refused to go there, refused to acknowledge common sense, refused to compare with past viruses in any way that didn’t hype the coronavirus counts. This virus was different, Americans were told. This virus was far more contagious than anything ever before seen or studied, Americans were told. And any time the case counts dropped off and the numbers proved wrong, well, this was due to the social distancing and quarantining and face-mask wearing that Americans had been doing, by government’s order - Americans were told. It just didn’t make sense. It just doesn’t add up. It just didn’t, and doesn’t, justify the utter shredding of civil rights. And now some in the medical community, thank goodness, are starting to point out the glaring omissions of logic and fact that have plagued this overhyped, overreaching coronavirus crackdown that has stretched on far, far too long. Among some of Erickson’s remarks: “This is immunology — microbiology 101. This is the basis of what we’ve known for years: When you take human beings and you say, ‘Go into your house, clean all your counters, Lysol them down’ … what does it do to our immune system? … Sheltering in place decreases your immune system.” And this: “Any time you have something new in the [medical] community, it sparks fear — and I would have done what Dr. Fauci did … initially. … But you know, looking at theories and models — which is what these folks use — is very different than the way the actual virus presents itself throughout communities.” And this: “Do you think you’re protected from COVID when you wear gloves that transfer disease everywhere? … We wear masks in an acute setting to protect us. [But] we’re not wearing masks. Why is that? Because we understand microbiology. We understand immunology. And we want strong immune systems. I don’t want to hide in my home, develop a weak immune system and then come out and get disease.” And this: “When I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers, and make it look a little bit worse than it is. We’re being pressured in-house to add COVID to the diagnostic list when we think it has nothing to do with the actual cause of death. The actual cause of death was not COVID, but it’s being reported as one of the diseases processes. … COVID didn’t kill them, 25 years of tobacco use killed.” Does it get any clearer than that? Seriously, America. The only reason America is still in shutdown mode is political. Either politicians are too afraid to make any move that might come back to bite them politically or politicians are using this coronavirus to political advantage — to, say, pass gun control laws, like Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam. Or to, say, float campaign hopes on the current ravaged economy, like former Vice President Joe Biden and oh, all the Democrats facing races. But for the rest of America - the rest of hardworking, freedom-loving America - it’s time to reel in the radically unconstitutional. “If you’re going to dance on someone’s constitutional rights, you better have a good reason - you better have a really good reason, not just a theory,” Erickson said. “The data is showing us it’s time to lift … so if we don’t lift, what is the reason?” That is the key question. As time goes by, the answer will only become more and more evident. The coronavirus may be real — but the hype is hoaxed. Now let’s just hope this is a one-time hoax that doesn’t roll around every time flu season approaches. 5 4 12 3 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 3, 2020 ======================== ZOMG PANIC ! ! ELEVENTY ! ! ! TWELVETY ! ! ! ! CORONATY ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 2 2 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM May 3, 2020 Today Covid is taking the lives between 2000 to 2500 Americans each day and is not diminishing. Covid now is in 1st place of the leading causes of death in the US. Without the social distancing it would be double that. Covid is not a political hoax. Get rid of the measures put in place to slow down the deaths and you will see 5000 Americans die each day from Covid. Lets see if any politician will step up and say that 5000 dead Americans from covid each day is ok. 7 6 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Thomas 2 + 10 May 3, 2020 @notsonice There's been a lot of talk of overestimating covid deaths. "In other words, by only counting people who go to the hospital, we are overestimating the percentage of infected people who die of COVID-19." i mean it's not a source I'd usually go for unless I was researching vampirism but top of google will do. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankfurter + 562 ff May 3, 2020 Recovery/death rates must be determined ex-post. Of the decided cases, the ratio is 9:2. Thus the death rate is 18%. Is the data flawed? Well, if ALL actual cases are not receiving medical screening, then yes. The question is to what extent? Even if actual cases were to double, would the ratio change? To change the ratio downwards, the total deaths must remain constant and the cured cases increase by 100%. So, the death rate would be 9% To get to <1% deaths, the ratio must exceed 100:1. That is a huge change from to-date actual, and thus, in the absence of hard data, is not a credible assertion. Is the covid hyped? Probably. But do you want the risk of infection? If so, then no lockdown is for you. But what if you become infected? Have you the right to infect others? 4 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 May 3, 2020 (edited) Do others, reacting to fear, hype and flawed computer models have a right to close your business, take your job, ruin your livelihood and trample on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Edited May 3, 2020 by Douglas Buckland 5 3 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Regan + 1,776 May 3, 2020 (edited) 5 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: ======================== ZOMG PANIC ! ! ELEVENTY ! ! ! TWELVETY ! ! ! ! CORONATY ! ! ! ! ! ! I am probably the most informed person here on CNN as im forced to watch it, for any news or fake news or whatever, but the meme of Herr Wulf Blitkreig is very common, they often forget the the extra zero when its in their favour or conveniently add another for the contrary, these people are not amateurs and they have to really think and be vetted before making and presenting hot a banner, this isnt left to the intern or someone like me. Oh how I would love to have a special remote control that I w=could write the breaking news Banners on CNN, I would only need it for a day or two, enough to make me and my friends and you guys well enough off that we could chill for the rest of our days and the last day to destroy CNN and some of the people on my list. Probably better to have this remote than nuclear bomb keys and codes, you could really do some damage with that kind of access, so using my analogy look at the damage these morons are doing putting up Fake news live.Fake news live and the making of and being caught takes a special talent. Go on just let me have it for a week. Edited May 3, 2020 by James Regan 3 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 3, 2020 19 minutes ago, Douglas Buckland said: Do others, reacting to fear, hype and flawed computer models have a right to close your business, take your job, ruin your livelihood and trample on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Another article that lays things out pretty damn clearly; excerpt below: Opinion: We Wrecked Our Economy for Nothing Imagine if you will, an edict from your Mayor, Governor, the President or all three. This edict targets you and 30 million other citizens simply because you are a member of a specific economic class or category of worker. Your vocation has been determined to be “non-essential.” The directive is clear. You will forgo your wages for an indeterminate period of time. You have no choice. If you fail to comply, you face fines and/or imprisonment. The stated objectives of all of this, are to preclude the medical system from being overwhelmed and to increase the lifespan of one million people, many of whom would perish within 6 months anyhow from already existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened. The Federal government has encouraged mayors and governors to enact certain “social distancing” guidelines and forbade workers in “non essential’ occupations from earning a paycheck. This has over the past few months, caused over 30 million people to become newly unemployed and unable to feed their families. This number will continue to rise. It is not much of a reach to believe we could hit 20% unemployment…numbers we haven’t gotten to since the Great Depression. There is little to no actual science behind this draconian decision. The experts told us that by sacrificing the jobs of 30 million people (and still counting) we would “flatten the curve” on new infections and thus keep our hospital system from being overwhelmed. The “experts” and their models have been proven wrong time and again throughout this debacle. The expected tidal wave never struck the hospital system as a whole. Point of fact, because of deferred procedures put off in order to free up bed space for the expected surge, many hospitals have laid of staff and some have shut their doors…permanently. The United States is now exporting ventilators. As more and more information comes in, we are seeing that this virus not near as infectious as previously thought, and it is far less deadly. When it comes right down to it, this disease is going to end up with a Mortality Rate at or below our annual flu average. For that, we brought direct harm, pain and suffering to 30 million other Americans. ... ... Mind you, none of the above was done via legislative action, which might have made it somewhat more palatable. It was all done via executive orders, big and small. As new data comes in, we are seeing that all of this had little to no effect on the spread of the virus nor the number of fatalities. We trampled on the Constitution, destroyed our economy and wrecked the lives of millions of Americans…for nothing. And we aren’t done yet. 2 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 3, 2020 4 hours ago, James Regan said: using my analogy look at the damage these morons are doing putting up Fake news live. Fake news live and the making of and being caught takes a special talent. How dare you question authority ! Questioning authority is racist, apparently. 3 1 5 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Regan + 1,776 May 3, 2020 22 minutes ago, Douglas Buckland said: Do others, reacting to fear, hype and flawed computer models have a right to close your business, take your job, ruin your livelihood and trample on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Doug and Tom I don't think that we can dispute the fact that there is a virus called CV19 and it kills people, we all agree on that, but its killing people all over the world. Remember the comment about the USA being overly Hysterical, point has been proven. The mass hysteria allowed through freon of speech etc has been abused and this virus has been politicised in this year of election. My memory fades me but it was PussyGrabbin, Russian collusion, Ukraine impeachment and now DT is being blamed for a Pandemic, don't the Dems have anything better to do right now, or at least let those in power work through this Pandemic. We have to remember this is not a US virus it's affecting the world, the dems may want to back off a little as they are showing their big teeth that hide underneath the wooly mouth. You guys in America have really used this virus well to allow social and political hitchhiking. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canadas canadas + 136 c May 3, 2020 (edited) One thing that is certain after such an occurance is that many millions of more people are going to find themselves much much poorer while some are going to find themselves even more richer than ever before. Thus, there is going to be a very big increase in Anti Neoliberalism. Also, it will be hard for governments to be able to maintain so many new unemployment payments out to millions of people who have just lost their jobs for more than a few months without governments going fully bankrupt themselves. Where are any new monies coming out from? Governments may go bankrupt. Big powerful rich businesses, banks and people which have too much power and money cannot currently be squeezed too much since they have built certain protective measures with the government, system, police and military over the last decade to protect themselves. What is left where wealth can be found? Big rich non-profits of which a large part are charitable and religious institutions that are sitting on a lot of money and land. They are the easier social-economic targets that have hoarded resources over time. Edited May 3, 2020 by canadas canadas 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Regan + 1,776 May 3, 2020 SORRY GT YOU JUST GOT CHANGED OUT BY ROGER KAPUTNICK - WHO WOULD YOU TRUST? 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Kramer + 696 R May 3, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, Douglas Buckland said: Do others, reacting to fear, hype and flawed computer models have a right to close your business, take your job, ruin your livelihood and trample on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Your telling me as a Canadian I can smoke 1000 cigarettes a day,smoke unlimited weed , drink alcohol like a fish , do backflips on a dirt bike, jump out of planes with a parachute.... but NOT go to work because of a flu .... oh ya makes sense! Bahaha Edited May 3, 2020 by Rob Kramer Note I do none of the above I'm stating legalities 3 5 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M_Ali + 32 May 3, 2020 The coronavirus may be real — but the hype is hoaxed. You will forgo your wages for an indeterminate period of time. You have no choice. If you fail to comply, you face fines and/or imprisonment. We trampled on the Constitution, destroyed our economy and wrecked the lives of millions of Americans…for nothing. And we aren’t done yet. The experts told us that by sacrificing the jobs of 30 million people (and still counting) we would “flatten the curve” on new infections and thus keep our hospital system from being overwhelmed. For a homicide detective to find any track of the perpetrator who committed the crime, after collating all possible and relevant material data from the crime scene, the detective must first establish a credible motivation from among a multitude of probable or potential causes and motivations for the crime. Otherwise the detective will be looking for a needle in a haystack, especially if bombarded 24/7 by fake news manufacturing industry, compounded by conflicting and confusing independent and hired experts statements and testimonies aided by their fiddled models and data inconsistent with the real crime scene data, as well those coming from in-fighting federal, state and local officials and divided rural gun-toting versus urban Instagram-twitting public views and opinions on the victim’s circumstances impacting their political lives and economic livelihoods. In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government. [] How convenient??!!! the Deep State owned and run by Banking Industrial Complex pushes the Medical Professionals in front of their main stream media microphones to provide the initial scientific impetus help justifying the paramount case for the imposition of the global lockdown – BIC Hoax - then a few weeks later down the line when reality conspires to the contrary, making a scapegoat meal of them?!!! And all the while they were and still are busy with money printing, QE/Bond merchandising, bailing out own and cronies Ass-ets, redistributing wealth form the laid-off, pensioners, savers and low wage earning residents of the base of and the lower levels of the Social Pyramid to its upper level and Apex residents through the well oiled mechanism of Monetary Inflation or Stealth Taxation, shamelessly dancing on the dead bodies of the “God” sent Covid-19 Pandemic dispatched to the Boroughs of the Dead away from their loved ones in their last breathless heart wrenching hours of their lives cut short across the continent, all paid for curtsy of BIC, in more ways than one. BIC Deep State strategic motivation and cunning plan? To delay the collapse or demise of the Debt Empire, flattening the hoover dam of its Trade Deficit with the makers of Wuhan Virus, also saying to Putin and OPEC go pump yourself to death you suckers. You’re looking at the wrong curve guys, it’s all because of the Cognitive Dissonance Eyeglasses you’re wearing. Over 30 million workers laid off in just over 3 weeks which means nearly a 100 million family members are without income, livelihood, health insurance, schooling, deprived of their simple civil rights and life enjoyment like going out for a walk with the dog, kids playing ball games in the park, people going to restaurants, visiting families and friends......a HOAX, a False Flag with no global strategic motivation???!!! excluding the impact on the rest of the world? I don't think so Rational critics are welcomed, shallow xenophobic remarks NOT. 3 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rd407 + 10 RL May 3, 2020 That’s a lot of a deep thought for one simple problem. GRIEF As a human being our reaction to a swift virus killing (USA) 55,000 deaths in 1 month is grief. The first grief reaction is denial and then blame. A virus has no emotions, no life, no death, it’s not human but it has replication into human cells. The Human host obliterates it’s own cells to destroy the recognized virus thereby causing death of the host cells. That’s why we die from the virus. It’s the ridding the virus process that kills us. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Thomas 2 + 10 May 3, 2020 5 hours ago, frankfurter said: Is the covid hyped? Probably. But do you want the risk of infection? If so, then no lockdown is for you. But what if you become infected? Have you the right to infect others? At some point we have to consider how much saving the lives of old people, voters here in the U.K., we value against the futures of young people. No doubt we will be dealing with the aftermath of this for at least a decade, in the same way austerity measures are still felt from 2008. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rd407 + 10 RL May 3, 2020 The writer contemplates saving the lives of an older generation as opposed to the younger generation. Grief —->Blame Try to focus on the subject -Virus There is no correlation between older and younger generation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 3, 2020 5 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: Fake News Media still still pushing almost double the deaths as the CDC. CDC says 37k Covid deaths WaPo says 66k Covid deaths 2 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 May 3, 2020 (edited) There is so much one could say to this topic it almost defies the minds ability to grasp the past 3 almost 4 yrs. I am very concerned, actually deeply troubled...our press is out of control...actually desperate. The messaging started with 250000 deaths, then escalated to the lack of testing. They also flavored the message with the firing of former Obama officials as if they could have had a positive influence on the outcome....The narrative was simply one of mismanagement and lack of critical thinking..incompetence. It should be known it is illegal to take and share medical information in the US. It should also be known it now takes 10 hours for test turn around results. Even a child with a 8th grade education would be able to work out the numbers from there...It would be impossible to orchestrate and compile such a event.. Then there is the reported cause of death vs actual cause of death...who in there right mind would take such reports to a board meeting and expect to have your position after the presentation. And yet to this very day the US press runs with this does this happen in a society on the scale of the US? Have we De evolved into a banana republic? I Edited May 3, 2020 by Eyes Wide Open 2 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Thomas 2 + 10 May 3, 2020 2 hours ago, Rd407 said: Try to focus on the subject -Virus I was getting more of a fatal pandemic vibe off the press. Common-cold is a virus. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Profit + 46 May 3, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: Fake News Media still still pushing almost double the deaths as the CDC. CDC says 37k Covid deaths WaPo says 66k Covid deaths CDC on may 2 reported 64,283 John Hopkins university 66,369 Edited May 3, 2020 by Jim Profit remove extra graphs 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Regan + 1,776 May 3, 2020 (edited) CNN is the only trusted provider of the real numbers, its on TV all the time and in colour so it must be true Edited May 3, 2020 by James Regan 6 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Profit + 46 May 3, 2020 (edited) (obsolete post) Edited May 3, 2020 by Jim Profit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Profit + 46 May 3, 2020 4 minutes ago, James Regan said: CNN is the only trusted provider of the real numbers, its on TV all the time and in colour so it must be true CNN number is 67,200, not far off from CDC or John Hoskins university. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 May 3, 2020 11 hours ago, notsonice said: Today Covid is taking the lives between 2000 to 2500 Americans each day and is not diminishing. Covid now is in 1st place of the leading causes of death in the US. Without the social distancing it would be double that. Covid is not a political hoax. Get rid of the measures put in place to slow down the deaths and you will see 5000 Americans die each day from Covid. Lets see if any politician will step up and say that 5000 dead Americans from covid each day is ok. Covid is the leading registration of deaths, it is not actually recording CV19 caused deaths. That is the point. The statistics only record whether you tested positive. Doctors are being pressed by their managements to put down CV19 in order to shift costs from uninsured or badly insured onto the Feds. That simple. In most places now, all hospital and ER admissions are tested for CV19. All it tells you is the portion of people dying who happen to have the virus. All it does is give you a picture of prevalence of live virus of the population that died. e The number of deaths follows different patterns in different states. Those with a hard lockdown have higher rates because of the lockdown, not because CV19 is actually killing that many people. The reports are being used as a justification for murderous dictatorial behavior in the name of saving your ailing granny. The alignment of political interests, and medical institutions on the matter does not validate the political stances but instead leads us to disbelieve and mistrust the medical profession in general and its institutions in particular. 2 1 6 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites