Tom Kirkman + 8,860 May 12, 2020 7 hours ago, Alfredo said: Tom Kirkman you are an excellent analyst and you understand perfectly how corruption works and you expose the EU and the PCCH. I ask you please do a detailed analysis of what happened to the oil industry in Mexico, where the corruption of former President Enrique Peña is not news. You please speak with that vehemence and analysis of the PCCH, the EU and of USA. By PCCH, are you referring to the Mexican acronym for CCP (Chinese Communist Party) PCCh (Partido Comunista Chino) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Gagen + 713 May 12, 2020 On 5/10/2020 at 6:29 PM, Wombat said: Yeah. Couple of weeks ago, they also announced that they are producing commercial quantities of methane clathrate. If true, you can say goodbye to global LNG industry. Producing commercial quantities of natural gas from methane clathrates has been done mulitiple times in a variety of nations and settings - the US, Canada, Russia and Japan have done it more than once each. Producing commercial quantites of natural gas from methane clathrates at a reasonable cost or level of effort has yet to be done however. they are all science projects to gather data and learn more about the way the resource works - not commercial ventures to produce energy or revenue. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canadas canadas + 136 c May 12, 2020 It's called the People's Republic of China (PRC), but not everyone is a member of the communist party. Only something like 10% of the people are members. Would be more in their rhetoric if 100% of the people were members since it would potentially make it a more equal society of which it claims to be, but it is not. Are not members of the communist party their elites? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 May 12, 2020 On 5/10/2020 at 8:55 PM, Marcin2 said: It is very common at this forum, that people that have worldview that is more in line with global consensus about reality not American consensus about reality are these bad guys from American movies so if we are talking about China, I must be Red China fan. If we would be talking about Russia I would be Soviet agent and so on. I do not response to such allegations cause all or nearly all people at this forum are nice persons, Americans or non-Americans. And just because you have American exceptionalism philosophy embedded into your conscious is not a cause to be rude to you. So Usually I try to stick to facts and opinions on the basis of some facts. ”Predatory geopolitics” : Well every country acts in line with its interests. What I really find fascinating is that US media and politicians achieved the same level of sort of influence ( brainwashed society but it is impolite to formulate this way) that Chinese CCP. And only using subtle uniform propaganda, not censoring media and internet, throwing opponents to jail etc. You certainly believe that US invaded Syria and Iraq because of benevolent cause and occupy these countries against the will of vast majority of society because you are so fantastic. No it is not truth. This is just predatory geopolitics made in US. Every large country does it, US much, much more than China. It is normal cause US is much stronger than China, and China still keeps low profile posture. The Syrian "invasion" was a coalition action, not specific to the US. The WAR was against ISIS. Russia was actively shooting inside Syria. Iran both in Syria and Iraq was supporting Assad and an opposition terrorist movement among the Shia in Iraq. Syria and Iraq have no borders, just a paper claim. The international organizitions can't have any claims of authority, since all of it derives from the US forces, they are no more legitimate than the mafia. Turkey is intervening in Libya Cyprus seas and Syria. Are they lawless predatory geopolitical actors? Americans are indeed subjected to left wing international militarist propaganda in the mainstream media both for US aggression, and then denigrating it in execution. That is nothing for someone outside the US to understand. They are not charged with confronting every hot spot as the US had been since WWII established it as the world's "policeman". Poland, since joining NATO has been active militarily in some of these hot spots. Is Poland a military aggressor acting illegally as you claim the US is? It is part of military coalitions against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Are 17000 French troops there also illegal aggression? This is again, your reading of Russian and Chinese propaganda as facts. Which they distinctly are not. On 5/11/2020 at 8:17 AM, Marcin2 said: „I cannot specify in writing what I am arguing about ” is also some sort of definition. „i just know i am right”. But this makes further discussion difficult. Thus we never discuss with RomanCatholics if Jesus was deity or not. I admire you guys , it is not only you Douglas, how you can apply religious thinking and beliefs in topics Usually reserved for rational deduction. Of course it is dangerous for the rest of the world, cause it is difficult to reason with Americans really tangible actions. You just attack Syria or Iraq because „it is the right thing to do”. Next time it could be Batavia, Utopia or Poland. Or nuclear war started by some adventurism in South China Sea. It is brilliant never the less your lack of hesitation when you just know it is the right thing to do. Fortunately top decision makers in your country, like Trump DO the rational process and know it is just interest of your country that needs to prevail, it is patriotic to act this way. But for the masses it is dangerous to have no doubts, cause major virtue of democracy: control of actions of authorities is lost. China's BRI project is a senseless kleptocratic process of "soft power" projection, where fraudulent "contracts" are used to provide China with "claims" against participating state's assets. Those states will eventually negate the Chinese claims and re-nationalize the assets in due course the moment Chinese money stops flowing in sufficient quantity. The reason this was abandoned as a method by the West, which practiced it through the World Bank in the 1960s to the 1990s was because it was useless for the West. So they set up stricter conditions for the funding so that it is not a permanent financial leak. The bulk of Americans don't care about foreign entanglements and don't know a thing about them. They also don't vote. The half of Americans that do vote are divided into the media informed largely socialist camp, and the self informed right wing or libertarian side that include most folks with a military background. The socialist side has no constructive idea of what the military should be doing. The right side is split between wanting the US to reduce its commitments to a narrow band of direct mutual protections, and the smaller empire builders who want US control - no longer "for the West" as was the case in the cold war, but for the US itself. Where there is a universal consensus is that the US should detach from China completely. The political divisions are whether we go into an active cold war to do our best to crush China, or just withdraw from it and counter their aggressions if and when they come. That is where there is a huge distance between the popular Left and its leadership, which through corporate lobbying or direct bribery by China, have been supporting continued mercenary Chinese CCP activity. As usual, @Marcin never supports statements or analysis with references or facts. His posing of thought provoking questions, however, is valuable, even if they are often directly derived from CCP propaganda vehicles and commercial and financial interests married to China's future. 1 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jay McKinsey + 1,491 May 12, 2020 18 minutes ago, 0R0 said: Where there is a universal consensus is that the US should detach from China completely. The political divisions are whether we go into an active cold war to do our best to crush China, or just withdraw from it and counter their aggressions if and when they come. That is where there is a huge distance between the popular Left and its leadership, which through corporate lobbying or direct bribery by China, have been supporting continued mercenary Chinese CCP activity. I think the full cold war with hot flashes is inevitable, particularly cyber warfare. Chinese aggression and our responses will escalate into it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 12, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 May 12, 2020 32 minutes ago, Marcin2 said: @0R0 Yes occupation of Syria and Iraq is lawless per international law. It was invasion and is occupation. It really does not matter whether the cover story is „ war with ISIS” or „weapons of mass destruction”. In many proxy wars past WW2 there were always cover stories, Gulf of Tonkin incident was lame narrative but it was height of Cold War so better was not needed, US fighted with totalirarian regimes which was very good cause in itself. In 21st centrury, with unilateral world order, better cover story was needed for Syria, the only country in Middle East still leaning towards Russia, the only country with Russian not American bases on its territory. If you have better peace of mind I think you should believe in any narrative that would show the moral high ground of any country or any organization. Small European countries that are members of NATO do not have strategic versatility of United States. United States can choose on territory of which country it has to conduct war due to its strategic or tactical interests. Small countries just toe US line, NATO is military alliance and US provides security under NATO umbrella. Say, US would need to attack Venezuela next month to protect its interests. I would choose cover story: Maduro sold narcotics to American youth and co-operated with China in spread of corona virus. And some European countries would first check where Venezuela is on the map and later send troops there if US asks them to do this favour. Apart from this favour there are many other benefits also for small countries: you can check whether training is Ok for real war conditions, you get many veterans , especially officers that would later serve the country, you can test military gear etc. And this is perfectly OK for me. US needs to attack country to protect its interests and small European countries need to send troops to the theatre of war to protect its interest. Interests of the country are different than simple moral values of deeds of single person. Sometimes countries just do nasty things to protect greater good like sovereignty or its citizens. But cover stories are needed cause in Democratic countries we have public opinion that does not understand this concept. So cover stories are like override of democracy for the best interest of society. Ironic that you would choose Venezuela for your example, where a massive humanitarian crisis is and has been going on for at least a year. They were very near failed state status the last time I checked. We discussed the situation quite a bit here and the Trump administration got a lot of pressure from many countries and other players to intervene (or INVADE, if you will). If I recall correctly, the consensus around here was that the people down there need help, lots of help, but that they were going to need to rise up and take action themselves before the U.S. should or could provide assistance, both military and humanitarian, since humanitarian assistance was attempted and rejected/repelled by the government of Venezuela already. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 12, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 May 13, 2020 19 minutes ago, Marcin2 said: Yes and it is even more ironic that you mention Venezuela in this context. Yes there is massive humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, at present mainly due to US economic sanctions. I hope you understand how it works cause there is a lot of about it in the news. In short US is ready to kill as many Venezuelians ( increased mortality due to hunger and diseases because of sanctions) as needed to get rid of Maduro and install government that is pro US. It would be a really long process cause Venezuela is incredibly stable. So if US really invaded Venezuela and overthrown Maduro these would be really humanitarian from US cause it would need to kill just some number of people in one attack and the rest of population would not need to suffer cause sanctions would be gone. Yes, I recall your opening tirade of delusion on this thread: After your initial tirade, you dropped out of the conversation. Why did you drop out of the conversation? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 13, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 May 13, 2020 14 minutes ago, Marcin2 said: What it has to do with current conversation ? Do you agree with what I just said or you have different view ? You brought it up. Then you pressed on with your original tirade from the thread I just referenced, which is a place where the subject has already been discussed and debated. You are once again becoming petty, overbearing and tiring, which is why I had you on block until recently. Recently you seemed to be able to discuss topics rationally without flying off the handle, so I unblocked you and re-engaged. Do you run out of certain meds from time to time or what? I'm sorry but I don't have the patience to engage with you when you go on like this. Until next time, bye. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 13, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 May 13, 2020 2 hours ago, Marcin2 said: Yes that is a good idea to block any persons with different views on a forum already populated in 90% by Trump cult members. With all voices saying the same it is really nice, I always said Americans are very similar to Chinese. He blocked you due to the fact that your logic and debating style is helical, tedious and never ending, not because of your different views. I would block you as well, but as I participate via the handphone app, I don’t have that option.😖 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 13, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 May 13, 2020 3 minutes ago, Marcin2 said: I also use mobile, maybe simultanous blocking by both users would to the trick. I just blocked you, block me. You’re not worth the effort mate... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW May 13, 2020 14 hours ago, 0R0 said: Where there is a universal consensus is that the US should detach from China completely. The political divisions are whether we go into an active cold war to do our best to crush China, or just withdraw from it and counter their aggressions if and when they come. That is where there is a huge distance between the popular Left and its leadership, which through corporate lobbying or direct bribery by China, have been supporting continued mercenary Chinese CCP activity. That's going to be a lot tougher call than the NATO - WARSAW PACT cold war. Chinas economy, on purchasing power parity is the largest in the World In the old cold war China and USSR were not friends - Russia and China are now on friendly terms China is the worlds primary exporter and therefore the biggest manufacturing base. The USSR's only real export commodity was oil and gas. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 May 13, 2020 9 hours ago, Marcin2 said: Yes and it is even more ironic that you mention Venezuela in this context. Yes there is massive humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, at present mainly due to US economic sanctions. I hope you understand how it works cause there is a lot of about it in the news. In short US is ready to kill as many Venezuelians ( increased mortality due to hunger and diseases because of sanctions) as needed to get rid of Maduro and install government that is pro US. It would be a really long process cause Venezuela is incredibly stable. So if US really invaded Venezuela and overthrown Maduro these would be really humanitarian from US cause it would need to kill just some number of people in one attack and the rest of population would not need to suffer cause sanctions would be gone. US is not invading Venezuela because of bad geography. Brazil and Columbia do not allow US to attack from their territories. And amphibious operation from Mexico Bay could potentially cause thousands of US casualties. and the terrain us difficult , good for partisans, climate unhealthy for combat. It is not warm and dry Iraq or Syria. It is hell in the jungle like Vietnam. US didn't need to invade Venezuela to get the Maduro regime ousted. He is so secure in his position that when he sent out troops to secure his offices against mobs, he didn't allow the soldiers to carry ammunition, just positioned them with empty assault rifles and machine guns. It is the end if you can't trust your soldiers. The sanctions against Venezuela are nothing compared to the deprivations created by the Chavez regime. There is a Venezuelan refugee crisis going up to the Mexican border and deep into Brazil. It started before the sanctions. First the money fled, then the engineers and the doctors and businessmen. Only Chavez' close allies and assorted looters stayed behind. Russia and Cuba "assisted" but eventually left. Venezuela today is no prize. As NG displaces diesel, that leaves only jet fuel to be produced from heavy crudes uniquely. The world will not need Venezuelan grades for quite a while. 2 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 May 13, 2020 53 minutes ago, NickW said: That's going to be a lot tougher call than the NATO - WARSAW PACT cold war. Chinas economy, on purchasing power parity is the largest in the World In the old cold war China and USSR were not friends - Russia and China are now on friendly terms China is the worlds primary exporter and therefore the biggest manufacturing base. The USSR's only real export commodity was oil and gas. Ueah, China has it all....just look at all they have accomplished! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV May 13, 2020 15 hours ago, Jay McKinsey said: I think the full cold war with hot flashes is inevitable, particularly cyber warfare. Chinese aggression and our responses will escalate into it. I disagree. I think the USA will slide into "gentile poverty". It was Bush who said cyber-attacks would be met with real bombs. Never happened, never will. US elites from both sides of fence still arrogantly think that they can make China self-implode. Either that, or they shit-scared of dropping bombs on China. As an Australian, I no longer trust the US nuclear umbrella. I want nukes of our own and so does every other country in this region. Our patience is wearing thin, the corona virus has exposed what a bunch of pansies the American elite have become. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV May 13, 2020 On 5/8/2020 at 2:30 AM, Ward Smith said: Assuming it's true, is this the "force majure" they've invoked to cancel LNG shipments previously contracted? No. Even India has had to declare Force Majeure as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW May 13, 2020 1 hour ago, Douglas Buckland said: Ueah, China has it all....just look at all they have accomplished! The points I made are not supportive of China but simple facts. I don't disagree with the sentiment to isolate China but it will be a harder task than before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV May 13, 2020 On 5/11/2020 at 5:58 PM, Dan Warnick said: Oh, yes.That's a good one, too. I remember a time when my brass had come over to negotiate a contract, and shoulder out our own partner company who had been providing rather, what's the term, creative billing. Negotiations included the VP of M&E and the director of stores, Miss Xu, who also acted as interpreter. The VP finally allowed Miss Xu to sign the contract and we were done. Handshakes all around and retreat to my office. I told my brass that that was just the beginning and they asked what I meant. I said well, you will finish the job, send the engine back here and they will call you back to discuss billing. They said yes, but that is because of their recent experience with our partner company. I said nope, they will call you back and demand that you shave about $200k off the bill if we want to get paid. Why? Because they will, that's all. Nah, the brass said. They were called back and the VP told us he had not agreed to that price. We said well, Miss Xu signed the contract! To which he told us "Miss Xu was the interpreter that day, she had no authority to sign the contract." "She just signed it to say she understood the English." It turned out that we had to shave $186k off the bill in order to get paid. It does pay to be observant. It also pays to have some balls and tell the Chinks where to shove it? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK May 13, 2020 (edited) - Edited May 19, 2020 by Marcin2 - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV May 13, 2020 3 hours ago, Douglas Buckland said: You’re not worth the effort mate... Haha, I blocked him ages ago but his crap still appears! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 May 13, 2020 2 hours ago, NickW said: The points I made are not supportive of China but simple facts. I don't disagree with the sentiment to isolate China but it will be a harder task than before. Nothing worth doing is easy... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites