Pelosi demands Democratic oversight of CV19 Relief Funds . . Nancy please convene a Congressional Investigation as to how VP Biden's Son Hunter was awarded $130 Million Federal bailout loan for 2009 TALF Program.

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Totally disillusioned with Dems in 2008.  They could have paid the mortgages to the banks through homeowners to kill two birds with one stone.  Homeowners would have home and banks would have been paid for the mortgage. Win win. Instead, they paid directly banks with very few conditions applied resulting in not much mortgage relief for homeowners and big home losses for homeowners.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 2:04 PM, canadas canadas said:

It's not the Republicans being accused of this but the Democrats as originally mentioned by the OP. 


My bad. I'm so used to the shills and trolls here I missed your point and thought you were defending the dems with whataboutism. 

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  On 5/12/2020 at 2:21 PM, Ward Smith said:

My bad. I'm so used to the shills and trolls here I missed your point and thought you were defending the dems with whatobamaism. 



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  On 5/12/2020 at 12:46 PM, BLA said:

No, Pelosi is corrupt.  POWER CORRUPTS.

Now if you want to talk senile go no further than Joe Biden.  We don't need to test to agree with that diagnosis.

All the Democrats I know do not support him .   .   .   but they will vote for him.  



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  On 5/12/2020 at 1:14 PM, canadas canadas said:

This must have touched a raw Democrat nerve somewhere in that it almost lead to Trump's impeachment.  Then suddenly the Democrat super delegates started an all out support for Biden against Sanders in which all of the hardcore neoliberals and their supporters in the Democrat Party threw all of their media, connections, influence and money against the antineoliberal Sanders. Many Democrats are more neoliberal than even the most hardcore Republicans who may be Libertarians. Neoliberals believe in large government corporate handouts and bailouts to their big business friends and supporters whereas Libertarians do not. Many people are becoming antineoliberal due to corporate CEO abuses such as getting government money, paying themselves millions from it and firing workers all at the same time.


What doesn't almost lead to Trump's impeachment?

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Now Biden wants to increase the Estate tax to "Help women during Covid crisis"

Go figure ? Don't see the connection. 

What really is happening is Joe wants to help the Richetti Brother's Lobbying firm.  They represent a large number of Insurance Corporations. 

The Insurance Industry lost a lot of Estate Financial Planning fees and moneyanagement fees after the change to Estate Tax.

If tax reinstated the number one way to avoid estate taxes would be life insurance policies. The benefits received from life insurance policies are not taxed.

EVERYTHING IS A PAYOFF WHEN IT COMES TO JOE BIDEN. He thinks his privilege allows him to fill his family's bank accounts with millions. 

 Interesting Joe's campaign fund raised $60 million in April.  Part of that from Insurance Companies.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 7:08 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Pelosi must be clinically senile...


Bruh, you're going to be shocked when you find out about the damaged brain currently occupying the White House. In fact, the past two days of tweets from Bonespurs McBonespurface have been crazy even compared to the covfefe standard. 

Obamagate? ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ Donald's brain got broke.


Annotation 2020-05-12 091730.png

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  On 5/12/2020 at 3:58 PM, BLA said:

Now Biden wants to increase the Estate tax to "Help women during Covid crisis"

Go figure ? Don't see the connection. 

What really is happening is Joe wants to help the Richetti Brother's Lobbying firm.  They represent a large number of Insurance Corporations. 

The Insurance Industry lost a lot of Estate Financial Planning fees after change to Estate Tax.

If tax reinstated the number one way to avoid estate taxes would be life insurance policies. The benefits received from life insurance policies are not taxed.

EVERYTHING OS A PAYOFF WHEN IT COMES TO JOE BIDEN.  Interesting Joe's campaign fund raised $60 million in April.  Part of that from Insurance Companies.


You are probably right, and the facts would seem to back you up.  However, considering recent headlines and accusations, I'd say it is the word "women" in the phrase "Help women during the Covid crisis". 

Breathe in that feminine scent, Joe.  Squeeze those dainty shoulders, like Mr. Wipple and the Charmin.  Joe: "Nobody lov.(shit!), I mean, er, respects women more than me!  Nobody!"  Anyway, turnabout's fair play.  I think we all get that.

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  On 5/11/2020 at 9:16 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Yes you are correct...before this all ends i am quite sure a civil uprising will take place on a national level. 

When Barr came out and let go of the charges against Flynn along with releasing the information the FBI withheld was the beginning of something very big.

Next was implicating officials in the food chain as far up as Obama himself. I have no issues stating the deeper this investigation becomes the harder and left will become...The world socialists are deep in the weeds here..the closer they come to being exposed...well lets just say fanatical efforts will be deployed...Hold on tight the Swamp is draining 


The Dems have for multiple decades acted in obtain bribes and direct federal funds (as they do in state and local jurisdictions as well) to particular "friends" that constitute the financial base of the Party. They only managed to do so by the systematic takeover of the DOJ and the FBI and most intelligence operations. That has allowed them freedom from prosecution and a means to attack those who might seek justice against them. If the top 3 layers of these agencies are implicated in this and other sweeps against Dem corruption, then the Dem party leadership is going down the drain entirely. 

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"Civil uprising"

The red hat army will caravan from Cracker Barrel to Cracker Barrel. Plus a few side trips to CVS to resupply their Medicare prescribed statin meds. 

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  On 5/12/2020 at 7:14 PM, 0R0 said:

The Dems have for multiple decades acted in obtain bribes and direct federal funds (as they do in state and local jurisdictions as well) to particular "friends" that constitute the financial base of the Party. They only managed to do so by the systematic takeover of the DOJ and the FBI and most intelligence operations. That has allowed them freedom from prosecution and a means to attack those who might seek justice against them. If the top 3 layers of these agencies are implicated in this and other sweeps against Dem corruption, then the Dem party leadership is going down the drain entirely. 


Comey is also in on the act.  After rising to the upper echolon of the FBI  , Comey took a leave of absence from the department just as it was preparing bidding for two major multi $ billion Information Systems contracts. So Comey took this leave of absence from the FBI and worked as a consultant to one of the bidders for the two IT contracts, McDonald Douglas Corp.   Comey was paid an overly generous salary.  Comey walked the McDonald Douglas into being awarded the two contracts.

The revolving door here in D.C.  They take care of their own. 


Comey then returned to his career at the FBI.  The rest is history.

FBI does great work. Unfortunately when you get to the top everything is very political.  The top tier officials in Justice, FBI and Intelligent Agencies are all political appointees.  Trump was too green to understand this at first. 

Power begets money.

Money begets power.

Not that this is new, but we have never seen this much corruption, fraud and abuse at the top of the  U.S. Justice Department and Intelligence Agencies as we have seen on the last 4 years.  Much of it may even be criminal.   In the past it has been getting friends jobs or contracts.  Now its about power Gran's and destroying lives . Those on power control the handouts. 

This is the worst of it. Unless you count Clinton's in my opinion.  They're really good at it.  Too smart to get caught in my opinion only. They are pros in my opinion. 

Trump is not perfect but he has never abused the power of a U.S. government position as those involved in the recent events. I abstained from voting for President last election.  I couldn't vote for either candidate.

The Hell the Presidency and the Trump Administration has been put thru is a travesty. 

Any hope going forward ? 

Edited by BLA
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  On 5/12/2020 at 4:19 PM, BradleyPNW said:

Bruh, you're going to be shocked when you find out about the damaged brain currently occupying the White House. In fact, the past two days of tweets from Bonespurs McBonespurface have been crazy even compared to the covfefe standard. 

Obamagate? ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ Donald's brain got broke.


Annotation 2020-05-12 091730.png


Ahh I see Antifia is back, there are times I just shake my head and smile..They never take a lesson from history.

Question...What tactics did bonespurs employ during the wall food fight

If memory serves me correctly he got up in front of a mike and stated something along these lines..

First this court the that court and a lot of blah bubba blah bubba blah...and then I will win..

And he did...infuriated the left to a near annurism of course


The guy just lives on spinning up the socialist movement..I do believe he made mention of that during a state of the union address.

Perhaps instead of acting out in rage the movement should ground themselves a smidge an give some thought to just where he is actually doing..

I really liked the ending of the Syrian conflict...and just like that Russia left the building...It seems Syria's oil fields had been preoccupied...and now Turkey is cleaning up the unsettled mess..and in short order I may add.




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  On 5/12/2020 at 2:15 PM, canadas canadas said:

Totally disillusioned with Dems in 2008.  They could have paid the mortgages to the banks through homeowners to kill two birds with one stone.  Homeowners would have home and banks would have been paid for the mortgage. Win win. Instead, they paid directly banks with very few conditions applied resulting in not much mortgage relief for homeowners and big home losses for homeowners.


The scale of that was prohibitive as the bulk of the money and the losses was in the >$500k homes. These were NOT foreclosed but went into extend and pretend programs to keep the banks from having to write them down. The owners in 55% or so of these, have not made complete payments for a decade. Real estate prices in those areas have never recovered to the point of being able to cover the original mortgages, not to speak of the accrued interest and fees. Thus banks have not foreclosed at a significant rate, nor do they intend to.  They need a large inflation impulse to get those houses to price in the ballpark of their mortgages. Those are specific pockets in CA and Seattle.

The lack of these foreclosures is part of the reason nobody can afford to live in those areas. Which is why their populations have been leaving and business moving out their back offices and forward projects and their managements. As Elon Musk is demonstrating, the cost of being in Silicon Valley is being in CA. That now far outweighs any benefit of proximity to the tech talent pool. That talent pool will be leaving too. The CV19 work from home demonstration has essentially eliminated the need for physical proximity for Tech software and much of the design activity. Thus the CA tax base is going to die along with its ability to subsidize the greens and fund the core of  Democratic party gov't employees and retirees is gone with it. . 

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  On 5/12/2020 at 10:01 PM, 0R0 said:

The scale of that was prohibitive as the bulk of the money and the losses was in the >$500k homes. These were NOT foreclosed but went into extend and pretend programs to keep the banks from having to write them down. The owners in 55% or so of these, have not made complete payments for a decade. Real estate prices in those areas have never recovered to the point of being able to cover the original mortgages, not to speak of the accrued interest and fees. Thus banks have not foreclosed at a significant rate, nor do they intend to.  They need a large inflation impulse to get those houses to price in the ballpark of their mortgages. Those are specific pockets in CA and Seattle.

The lack of these foreclosures is part of the reason nobody can afford to live in those areas. Which is why their populations have been leaving and business moving out their back offices and forward projects and their managements. As Elon Musk is demonstrating, the cost of being in Silicon Valley is being in CA. That now far outweighs any benefit of proximity to the tech talent pool. That talent pool will be leaving too. The CV19 work from home demonstration has essentially eliminated the need for physical proximity for Tech software and much of the design activity. Thus the CA tax base is going to die along with its ability to subsidize the greens and fund the core of  Democratic party gov't employees and retirees is gone with it. . 


Hi @0R0.  If you don't mind, I'm going to reach out to @Jan van Eck about the foreclosures of 2008.  Jan had a very different take on what happened to a very large % of homeowners, and how foreclosures were (mis)handled.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 1:25 PM, canadas canadas said:

All in true Neo-Liberal Dem form while critisizing and accusing other parties of doing this. What hypocrisy.


I am not saying that all Republicans are free of Chinese influence though. We will see how we do in decreasing trade with them. 

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  On 5/12/2020 at 9:49 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Ahh I see Antifia is back, there are times I just shake my head and smile..They never take a lesson from history.


I always laugh when Trump toadies think his harshest critics are antifa/socialists. 

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  On 5/13/2020 at 1:36 AM, BradleyPNW said:

I always laugh when Trump toadies think his harshest critics are antifa/socialists. 


Odd what else is left of the Democratic party...weird

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  On 5/13/2020 at 1:45 AM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Odd what else is left of the Democratic party...weird


To be clear, in your mind, you believe every Trump critic is a Democrat, which is synonymous with antifa, correct? If so I have the privilege of opening your wide eyes to a whole new political paradigm.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 4:19 PM, BradleyPNW said:

Bruh, you're going to be shocked when you find out about the damaged brain currently occupying the White House. In fact, the past two days of tweets from Bonespurs McBonespurface have been crazy even compared to the covfefe standard. 

Obamagate? ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ Donald's brain got broke.


Annotation 2020-05-12 091730.png


Deflecting again....the topic was Pelosi.

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Ahh yes indeed, you will have to excuse me for my leaps...Seeing Bill Crystal as a active commentator on CNN just triggers me....So there ya go we all have a our triggers, excuse my labeling if you could be so kind. And now let us carry on with this discussion of enlightenment in a gentile way...well kinda gentile..

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  On 5/12/2020 at 10:01 PM, 0R0 said:

The scale of that was prohibitive as the bulk of the money and the losses was in the >$500k homes. These were NOT foreclosed but went into extend and pretend programs to keep the banks from having to write them down. The owners in 55% or so of these, have not made complete payments for a decade. Real estate prices in those areas have never recovered to the point of being able to cover the original mortgages, not to speak of the accrued interest and fees. Thus banks have not foreclosed at a significant rate, nor do they intend to.  They need a large inflation impulse to get those houses to price in the ballpark of their mortgages. Those are specific pockets in CA and Seattle.

The lack of these foreclosures is part of the reason nobody can afford to live in those areas. Which is why their populations have been leaving and business moving out their back offices and forward projects and their managements. As Elon Musk is demonstrating, the cost of being in Silicon Valley is being in CA. That now far outweighs any benefit of proximity to the tech talent pool. That talent pool will be leaving too. The CV19 work from home demonstration has essentially eliminated the need for physical proximity for Tech software and much of the design activity. Thus the CA tax base is going to die along with its ability to subsidize the greens and fund the core of  Democratic party gov't employees and retirees is gone with it. . 


Given that many can now work from home, get paid electronically, do many of their purchases online and have things delivered to them, a kind of defensive home fortress like society may develop where people may not venture much outside their homes and may be living a sedentary lifestyle somewhat like those of some teenagers who live in a basement and are on the computer and internet 24/7. This can eventually lead to great isolation, lonliness, anti-social behavior, mistrust between people, agoraphobia, introvertism, etc.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 7:45 PM, BradleyPNW said:

"Civil uprising"

The red hat army will caravan from Cracker Barrel to Cracker Barrel. Plus a few side trips to CVS to resupply their Medicare prescribed statin meds. 


Your assumptions are 180 degrees out of phase. Let's us not forget the some extremely vital stats here. 

As of now Fox news market share is equal to if not greater than both CNN and MSNBC combined. 

Now with that being said throw your emotional baggage down for a moment and imagine your actually responsibilie for the survival of those network's.

The operative word is responsible, meaning cognitive and critical thinking guide your actions. How do responsibilie individuals continue messaging that fails, not once not twice but for three consecutive Years. Flat earth reality comes to mind,the insanity of doing the same process over and over until failure finally closes the doors.

It will be those that carry the rage into the streets, you see there is no sanity in rage....Critical thinking in the party of resistance?....Rage and discourse along with thier messaging will not end until they have burned their own house down.

They say there are no atheists in a fox hole...I give you there will be no atheists in a voting booth.

Strictly a opinion your mileage may vary 



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  On 5/13/2020 at 2:35 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Deflecting again....the topic was Pelosi.


Ok, in that case, Pelosi has at least 30 IQ points on Donald. And I'm most certainly understating the gap. 

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  On 5/13/2020 at 3:49 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

As of now Fox news market share is equal to if not greater than both CNN and MSNBC combined.


Let's take a look at what that means. 

quote source:



As indicated by a New York Times article, based on Nielsen statistics, Fox appears to have a mostly aged demographic.[65] In 2008, in the 25–54 age group, Fox News had an average of 557,000 viewers, but dropped to 379,000 in 2013 while increasing its overall audience from 1.89 million in 2010 to 2.02 million in 2013. The median age of a prime-time viewer was 68 as of 2015.[66] A study done by the Pew Research Center found that around 60% of Fox News viewers identify as conservative.[67]

According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 94% of Fox viewers "Either identify as or lean Republican".[68]



And, since People Using Television (see TV viewing age graph) is in a pretty sharp free-fall, Fox News is grabbing a larger audience of olds from a shrinking pool of viewers. 

After red hat America occupies US coastal cities and the compression sock wearing mobility scooter riding block captain starts ordering me to salute when I pass the Donald Trump propaganda poster I'll sneak by when he's in the middle of his nap to detach his battery cables from his drive motor and that will be the end of that. 

Look, a civil uprising ain't happening. Sit down and try to draw out a logistical plan. You'll see what I mean. 


Annotation 2020-05-13 092924.png

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  On 5/13/2020 at 4:42 PM, BradleyPNW said:

After red hat America occupies US coastal cities and the compression sock wearing mobility scooter riding block captain starts ordering me to salute when I pass the Donald Trump propaganda poster I'll sneak by when he's in the middle of his nap to detach his battery cables from his drive motor and that will be the end of that. 


Gotta say, I love your descriptives.

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