
So the President is on that Hydroxy

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Talk about mind games. I don't actually believe that he's taking it, but, you know...

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  On 5/18/2020 at 9:49 PM, HermitMunster said:

Talk about mind games. I don't actually believe that he's taking it, but, you know...


Yes mind games, once upon a time it was called a playhouse 90. The end game, the press right now is chasing its tail.

Think of all the issues of the past two weeks its halarious. One can only be amused as to what the analytical war rooms are going thru now.

What do we have to lose......that would be code as the dems used to say...Total war...it's all on the line. 

Meanwhile I am personally looking forward to a fire sale on slightly used container/oil transport ships. It would seem they have lost some market share..

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  On 5/18/2020 at 9:49 PM, HermitMunster said:

Talk about mind games


Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis 

Dr. Harvey A. Risch

Published May 27, 2020



"Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquinealone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy."

HCQ administered and monitored by a doctor is extremely safe.  One has to monitor the patients electrolytes.

Time for the Charlatans in the FDA, NIH, CDC, CNN and Democratic Party need to desist with the Hate Trump mentality and  put working to save lives ahead of political power grabs. 

It's sad state of affairs we find our country in.  Very sad. 

U.S. Congress looks more like a Jerry Springer TV show than a governing legislative body with Statesman and Stateswomen. Just waiting for the fist fights begin then Minority Leader Pelosi (D) throwing a chair at Rep McCarthy (R) in true Jerry Springer TV form. Statesmanship, Respect and Civility is nowhere to be found in the House of Representative, never to return.  

Let me ask the FDA, CDC, W.H.O. if  Hydroxychloroquine is so dangerous and can cause death shouldn't you take it off the market in the U.S. or at least issue a warning for use in treating Malaria, Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis ?  HCQ is even approved by the FDA for pregnant women.



ADDENDUM #1  5/30/20: Attached is a post by contributor ORO @oro in response to a HCQ naysayer. He summarizes the point of Dr. Risch's paper in a concise and thorough manner.  I think it's important to add here.

"The whole 2nd point of Dr. Risch's paper is that there is no such risk. The arrhythmias are not associated with increased mortality beyond the effects of chance in a sample of >300k patients

The treatment doses for rheumatic conditions and CV19 both reach the same final blood serum levels. The rhuematic treatment does so slowly, the CV19 does it more rapidly.

The constant attempts of the officialdom of the medical establishment to shoot down the one known treatment to save lives is an indication of political pressure to maintain crisis conditions and commercial interests of the 180 companies working on vaccines and treatments for a redundant purpose. These are despicable people working against their medical oaths. Why do you constantly adhere to their malicious nonsense? "



ADDENDUM #2  5/30/20: Doctors lining up to condemn political W.H.O. for halting HCQ trials based on an extremely flawed study published in Lancet.

Guardian article on Lancet paper and the seriously question the integrity of the alleged database from Dr. Desai's Surgisphere Corp.  Dr.Desai previously worked for NCH and reportedly resigned in February.  NCH would not discuss Dr Desai's departure.   Dr. Desai's promotes several Surgisphere products including a Covid-19 diagnostic kit which is sold on Amazon. 

Dr. Desai's Surgisphere Corp will not or can not verify the accuracy of the database or the source of the database.  Several Austrailian Hospitals Dr.Desai mentioned as a source have denied ever talking to him.  


Dr. Kaur continues trial


Doctor Vliet

"Waiting until you are in the ICU is like installing home locks and alarm system after burglars have invaded, vandalized your home, and stolen all your valuables in your home. 



Edited Sunday at 08:27 AM by BL
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  On 5/19/2020 at 9:46 AM, BLA said:

All EU is making it available.   HCQ is safe.



Nope and Nope.

Deaths due to adverse effects of HCQ were reported amongst patients treated for COVID-19 by the FDA and the french agency ANSM.



From Plaquenil monogram, latest revision August 2019..



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  On 5/19/2020 at 9:46 AM, BLA said:

His Doctor confirmed it .


The letter doesn't say that Trump is treated with HCQ.

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I can't help myself, so please forgive me, but:  I thought it was reassuring news that the President got himself a Prophylactic from his Navy doctor.  You've gotta love it!  Sorry.

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But won't the press have a field day with that, since the rest of the world, that NEEDS prophylactics, cannot get them due to a shortage, but the President forced his way into the supply chain once again, stealing from needy citizens.

Global condom shortage looms

KUALA LUMPUR: A global shortage of condoms is looming, the world’s biggest producer warns, as a coronavirus lockdown has forced it to shut down production.

Karex Bhd makes one in every five condoms used globally. It has not produced a single condom from its three Malaysian factories in the past 10 days because of the lockdown imposed by the government to halt the spread of the virus.

That’s already a shortfall of 100 million condoms, normally marketed internationally by brands such as Durex, supplied to state healthcare systems such as Britain’s National Health Service or distributed by aid programmes including the UN Population Fund.

(more at the link, are Brits still having sex?)

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  On 5/19/2020 at 4:41 PM, Jim Profit said:


Nope and Nope.

Deaths due to adverse effects of HCQ were reported amongst patients treated for COVID-19 by the FDA and the french agency ANSM.



From Plaquenil monogram, latest revision August 2019..




August 2019 report.  Nice try. Covid 19 didn't exist then.  

Hillary lost to Donald Trump .  .  .  GET OVER IT.  

It is funny.  How embarrassing Secretary State Hillary loses to Trump.  Bill must have taken all the sharp items out of the house.

LOL. Did you read the email from Dr. Fauci to Hillary after reality TV star Trump beat Hillary.  " We still love you ". "How could you not cry ". LOL

What kind of losers have to politicize a pandemic .  Sick.

Actually the state of U.S. politics has become sad, it's quite sad.  

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  On 5/19/2020 at 5:18 PM, BLA said:

August 2019 report.  Nice try. Covid 19 didn't exist then.


Plaquenil (HCQ) exists for many years. 🤦‍♂️

You mean that since COVID-19 appeared Plaquenil has lost its averse effects ???

As for the rest of your post: poor distraction attempt, 3/10

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  On 5/19/2020 at 5:27 PM, Jim Profit said:

Plaquenil (HCQ) exists for many years. 🤦‍♂️

You mean that since COVID-19 appeared Plaquenil has lost its averse effects ???

As for the rest of your post: poor distraction attempt, 3/10



he he he he he



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  On 5/19/2020 at 4:51 PM, Dan Warnick said:

I can't help myself, so please forgive me, but:  I thought it was reassuring news that the President got himself a Prophylactic from his Navy doctor.  You've gotta love it!  Sorry.


When on shore leave always use a rubber!

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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:30 PM, BLA said:


he he he he he




Americans elected a reality tv star.

He he he.


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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:30 PM, BLA said:


he he he he he




What have you got to lose?  LOL!  

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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:51 PM, Enthalpic said:

Americans elected a reality tv star.

He he he.



I had to get out for a break from Covid.  I went for a hike in a park up in Westchester County , NY.   

I SAW HER !  HILLARY WAS STILL AIMLESSLY WALKING THRU THE WOODS.  She had a glazed look on her face .  She was mumbling something about "errrr  can't believe I lost to him .  I'll never live it down.".  

he he he he he he 

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  On 5/19/2020 at 5:27 PM, Jim Profit said:

Plaquenil (HCQ) exists for many years. 🤦‍♂️

You mean that since COVID-19 appeared Plaquenil has lost its averse effects ???

As for the rest of your post: poor distraction attempt, 3/10




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Are you intoxicated? Or something ?

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  On 5/19/2020 at 8:42 PM, BLA said:





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  On 5/19/2020 at 8:42 PM, BLA said:





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  On 5/19/2020 at 8:45 PM, Jim Profit said:

Are you intoxicated? Or something ?


Not yet.I have only had 1 scotch so far.  I'll let you know. 

Do you know what Hillary did with the fireworks she bought ($5 million +) for her 2016 victory celebration at the Jacob Javits Center, NYC ?

Awfully cocky move on her part. 

Maybe Beijing Biden will buy them from her for his 2020 celebration. 

Hillary lost. GET OVER IT. 

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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:51 PM, Enthalpic said:

Americans elected a reality tv star.

He he he.



So what does that say about Hillary.

he he he he 

Is she still on suicide watch .  

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  On 5/19/2020 at 11:22 PM, BLA said:

Hillary lost. GET OVER IT. 


Yes, exactly.  Likewise, Obama was a prior administration... don't blame him trump, you have had an almost full term to "fix" things.

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  On 5/19/2020 at 11:47 PM, Enthalpic said:

Yes, exactly.  Likewise, Obama was a prior administration... don't blame him trump, you have had an almost full term to "fix" things.


Make no mistake here,Obama let the gates open to international unbridled immigration. As going so far as to showboat Ebola on US soil.

He knew well what could come and did little if nothing but to write a step by step procedures. Note here he wrote a manual....and did nothing of consqences. As Trump so noted total incompetence, to the flip side of the coin Trump  stopped such practices..

I do remember a s@#@ hole controversy. What's that slogan...

Democracy Dies in Dakness

It seems the curtain is being lifted to what can happen integrating the world without standards being implemented.

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Thousands of Doctors who study the literature know the mechanisms of why Hydroxychloroquine is effective.  The Medical Mafia (Big Pharma, FDA, CDC, AMA, Pharmacy Administration) is doing all they can to suppress this information.  I hear the reports from Doctors who are prescribing Hydroxychloroquine. 

Why would the media, Big Pharma, and government agencies suppress a simple inexpensive method of boosting a person's immune response to Covid-19?  If one can not answer that question correctly, then they are already pretty brainwashed and will likely never recover their common sense..

Mechanism of Action

Hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell.   Hydroxychloroquine acts as an Ionophore for Zinc.    Zinc inhibits the replication of viruses.    Quercetin (a natural substance found in onions and apples) also acts as an ionophore for zinc.  You can buy Quercetin as a supplement, but it helps to take Bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapples, for better absorption.   

Ionophore – definition – A substance which is able to transport particular ions across a lipid membrane in a cell.

Dr Vladimir Zelenko describes treating over 900 patients for the coronavirus in the New York City area with Hydroxychloroquine.  Article:  https://techstartups.com/2020/04/05/new-updates-dr-vladimir-zelenko-cocktail-hydroxychloroquine-zinc-sulfate-azithromycin-showing-phenomenon-results-900-coronavirus-patients-treated-must-watch-video/

Chloroquine and Natural Solutions for Coronavirus   http://drdahlman.com/chloroquine-and-natural-solutions-for-coronavirus/

March 16, 2020  MERCOLA.COM  Quercetin and Vitamin D — Allies Against Coronavirus?  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/03/16/quercetin-vitamin-d-coronavirus-prevention.aspx Mercola goes into great detail about QUERCETIN and cites the literature… the SARS epidemic…Ebola… U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funding the anti-viral studies.

Los Angeles Doctor, Dr. Anthony Cardillo speaks of potential benefits of Hydroxychloroquine combined with Zinc.  https://www.zerohedge.com/health/while-left-continues-pan-trump-touted-treatment-another-doctor-reports-dramatic-improvement  

Modern Medicine Knew Of Zinc Cure For Coronavirus Infections A Decade Ago But Failed To Put Into Practice   (well written article covering a lot of information with sources)  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/bill-sardi/modern-medicine-knew-of-zinc-cure-for-coronavirus-infections-a-decade-ago-but-failed-to-put-into-practice/

By the way, Dr Robert Rowen and Dr. Mercola discuss the hydroxychloroquine and shed light on it.  Also, they go over Vitamin C IV Therapy along with other therapies like Ozone blood therapy.  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/04/05/ozone-therapy.aspx?cid_source=prnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200405Z1&et_cid=DM501478&et_rid=844415321

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Dr Vladimir Zelenko describes treating over 900 patients for the coronavirus in the New York City area with Hydroxychloroquine



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