
So the President is on that Hydroxy

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“You think a medical dr will ruin his reputation by lying ?“

Have you heard of Dr. Fauci and the entire World Health Organization?

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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:14 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

“You think a medical dr will ruin his reputation by lying ?“

Have you heard of Dr. Fauci and the entire World Health Organization?


You might think he's wrong, you might think he has caused a mass overreaction, and you might just plain disagree with him, but do you really think Dr. Fauci is lying?  I just don't see why a man of his age and background would do so.

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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:19 AM, UNC12345 said:

You might think he's wrong, you might think he has caused a mass overreaction, and you might just plain disagree with him, but do you really think Dr. Fauci is lying?  I just don't see why a man of his age and background would do so.


Fairly obvious at this point....


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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:19 AM, UNC12345 said:

You might think he's wrong, you might think he has caused a mass overreaction, and you might just plain disagree with him, but do you really think Dr. Fauci is lying?  I just don't see why a man of his age and background would do so.


I’ll give you that he is not lying, but his tunnel vision and ultra conservative opinion is driving issues which he apparently does not understand, nor can he see the consequences of.

It is my opinion that the good doctor is thinking ‘worst case’ and hyping models which highlight that case. The models have recently been shown to be defective and are not mirroring the events on the ground. The Covid-19 issue is much more than a medical issue at this point, it is seriously effecting our society and economy.

The governors and politicians in many states appear to be in ‘cover their ass’ mode and will adopt ANY plan to combat this virus simply so there is no blowback on them later and they can claim that they did EVERYTHING they could....even if that ignores the Constitution or the Bill of Rights!

I do not expect non-Americans to fully understand the seriousness which Americans place on their freedoms, but to ignore this issue, in the States, is a very slippery slope.

A very poor analogy would be to ban alcohol in an effort to curb drunk driving. You can see something similar during Prohibition.

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  On 5/20/2020 at 12:42 AM, Tom Nolan said:

Thousands of Doctors who study the literature know the mechanisms of why Hydroxychloroquine is effective.  The Medical Mafia (Big Pharma, FDA, CDC, AMA, Pharmacy Administration) is doing all they can to suppress this information.  I hear the reports from Doctors who are prescribing Hydroxychloroquine. 

Why would the media, Big Pharma, and government agencies suppress a simple inexpensive method of boosting a person's immune response to Covid-19?  If one can not answer that question correctly, then they are already pretty brainwashed and will likely never recover their common sense..


Mechanism of Action


Hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell.   Hydroxychloroquine acts as an Ionophore for Zinc.    Zinc inhibits the replication of viruses.    Quercetin (a natural substance found in onions and apples) also acts as an ionophore for zinc.  You can buy Quercetin as a supplement, but it helps to take Bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapples, for better absorption.   


Ionophore – definition – A substance which is able to transport particular ions across a lipid membrane in a cell.



Dr Vladimir Zelenko describes treating over 900 patients for the coronavirus in the New York City area with Hydroxychloroquine.  Article:  https://techstartups.com/2020/04/05/new-updates-dr-vladimir-zelenko-cocktail-hydroxychloroquine-zinc-sulfate-azithromycin-showing-phenomenon-results-900-coronavirus-patients-treated-must-watch-video/


Chloroquine and Natural Solutions for Coronavirus   http://drdahlman.com/chloroquine-and-natural-solutions-for-coronavirus/


March 16, 2020  MERCOLA.COM  Quercetin and Vitamin D — Allies Against Coronavirus?  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/03/16/quercetin-vitamin-d-coronavirus-prevention.aspx Mercola goes into great detail about QUERCETIN and cites the literature… the SARS epidemic…Ebola… U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funding the anti-viral studies.


Los Angeles Doctor, Dr. Anthony Cardillo speaks of potential benefits of Hydroxychloroquine combined with Zinc.  https://www.zerohedge.com/health/while-left-continues-pan-trump-touted-treatment-another-doctor-reports-dramatic-improvement  


Modern Medicine Knew Of Zinc Cure For Coronavirus Infections A Decade Ago But Failed To Put Into Practice   (well written article covering a lot of information with sources)  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/bill-sardi/modern-medicine-knew-of-zinc-cure-for-coronavirus-infections-a-decade-ago-but-failed-to-put-into-practice/


By the way, Dr Robert Rowen and Dr. Mercola discuss the hydroxychloroquine and shed light on it.  Also, they go over Vitamin C IV Therapy along with other therapies like Ozone blood therapy.  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/04/05/ozone-therapy.aspx?cid_source=prnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200405Z1&et_cid=DM501478&et_rid=844415321


Let no one say that evidence has not been presented.  Good job, @Tom Nolan

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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:34 AM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Fairly obvious at this point....



Now, IF Donna Summer had told me I had to stay at home back in the day, I most definitely would have.  (Unfortunately, Donna Summer passed away back in 2012.  What a lady.  RIP.)

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  On 5/20/2020 at 12:42 AM, Tom Nolan said:

Thousands of Doctors who study the literature know the mechanisms of why Hydroxychloroquine is effective.  The Medical Mafia (Big Pharma, FDA, CDC, AMA, Pharmacy Administration) is doing all they can to suppress this information.  I hear the reports from Doctors who are prescribing Hydroxychloroquine. 


Like someone is innocent until they are proven guilty, medications are ineffective until they are proven effective.

Hydroxychloroquine isn't effective. Not for prophylactic use, not at an early stage, not at a later stage..

Every study with a control group show HCQ ineffective. The famous french studies that are supposed to show that HCQ+AZ works are pure garbage.

Pro-HCQ propaganda rely on correlations, anecdotal evidence, opinion poll, opinion of some random doctors.. things that do not prove anything.. and ignoring every study that shows HCQ isn't working.. 

Many fake news like claims that lupus patients are protected by HCQ.. Studies show they do not fare better..

When a country fares better than the other this has to be because of HCQ.

Examples of dubious claims I came accross:

* They found that New Brunswick has a very low mortality and that a trial of HCQ had to take place:

Pro-HCQ claim "Look, New Brunswick adopted HCQ and have a very low mortality rate.. HCQ saved them !"

The trial was stopped and only about ten people were treated with HCQ..

* "Sénégal adopted HCQ and Sénégal has a lower mortality rate, HCQ works !" 

Median age is 18.1 years in Sénégal, vs 38 years in US. Very few people over 60. Knowing how covid-19 is supposed to disproportionally affect older people...Same goes for lots of sub-saharian african countries that are supposedly saved because people are supposed to eat HCQ like candies because of malaria..

20 from now years some people will pretend that HCQ is effective, like some are stillpretending man didn't walk on the moon;;

Edited by Jim Profit

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  On 5/20/2020 at 4:19 AM, Dan Warnick said:

Let no one say that evidence has not been presented.  Good job, @Tom Nolan


If you are statisfied with that kind of "evidence", that means you aren't looking for evidence, rather for confirmation of a preformed belief..

That's more how evidence looks like:

Baseline use of hydroxychloroquine in systemic lupus erythematosus does not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19

Outcomes of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in the United States- Real-World Evidence From a Federated Electronic Medical Record Network


Edited by Jim Profit

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If you said that the sky was blue, or that the sun rose in the east, Jim would somehow ‘prove’ you wrong....

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  On 5/20/2020 at 5:15 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

If you said that the sky was blue, or that the sun rose in the east, Jim would somehow ‘prove’ you wrong....



Any comments about the two papers I mentioned ? Did you have a look at them ? Or did you just brush them away with a joke.. 

Proper clinical trials takes time, now that some time has passed, the amount of evidence showing that HCQ is ineffective is growing...

Here is another study:


Maybe your prefer "opinions" ? This editorial sums it up..


Seems like India were underwhelmed by the results and are going to stop with this nonsense..


To date 187 trials on HCQ for covid-19 are ongoing.. Started because of some garbage studies and massive hyping..

All in all this will have been a massive waste and a scientific failure..

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Maybe you prefer meta-analyss ?

Hydroxychloroquine Versus COVID-19: A Periodic Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


"Conclusion This systematic review and meta-analysis indicated no clinical benefits regarding hydroxychloroquine treatment with/without azithromycin for COVID-19 patients. Surprisingly, according to multiple sensitivity analysis the higher mortality rates were observed for both HCQ and HCQ+AZM regimen groups, especially in the latter, which was affected by age factor. Also, frequency of known HCQ adverse effects was higher in this regimen group in comparison to the controls. However, due to that most of the studies were non-randomized and results were not homogenous, selection bias was unavoidable, further large clinical trials following comprehensive meta-analysis should be taken into account in order to achieve more reliable findings."

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I’m on the handphone app here in Malaysia. Sometimes it is a pain in the butt to read articles on my little iphone 6.

Also, many videos won’t play. I generally just read/respond.

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  On 5/20/2020 at 4:54 AM, Jim Profit said:

Like someone is innocent until they are proven guilty, medications are ineffective until they are proven effective.

Hydroxychloroquine isn't effective. Not for prophylactic use, not at an early stage, not at a later stage..

Every study with a control group show HCQ ineffective. The famous french studies that are supposed to show that HCQ+AZ works are pure garbage.



You are a shill with an agenda.

The Panic Agenda Energizer Bunny.


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HydroxyChloroquine destroys fear.

HydroxyChloroquine destroys mail-in voting.

HydroxyChloroquine destroys Democrats’ election hopes.

HydroxyChloroquine opens the US economy.

The coordinated attacks by the MSM \ Democrats on HydroxyChloroquine gives you all you need.  

HCQ is liberal Kryronite.


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Can't argue with that ! 🤷‍♂️

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Copied from an anon board that I frequent.  Waiting for the anons there to kick this around and see if the theory holds water.



For Anon's consideration

WHY do the Democrats and the media have such a hatred of HCQ?  I think I have the answer.  (Full disclosure I am the author of a pre-print medical paper on the hemoprotein etiology of COVID-19)

Essentially COVID-19 is a blood disease that manifests in the lungs (via pneumocyte desquamation.)  It does damages by stripping iron from its 'cage' (porphyrin) in your red blood cells.  This iron leads to iron overload, which is why the disease damages both lungs simultaneously in all patients…. I could go on if anons are interested in that BUT

Why HCQ?  It is an anti-malarial (quinoline derivative) that prevents the iron from being removed from its porphyrin cage, which stops the disease progression.  And why zinc?  Well zinc inhibits the replication of 'rogue' DNA and RNA– the kind you find in SARS-coronavirus-2…. and viruses in general… and cancerous cells….  Do you see where I am going with this??

HCQ biocrystallizes 'heme' iron and this is toxic to malarial larvae- hence its use in fighting malaria.

BUT combined with ZINC supplementation, the HCQ allows the zinc to enter the macrophages and red blood cells that are infected with the virus- stopping the virus from reproducing— hence the miraculous results of HCQ, but only when combined with ZINC.

BUT WAIT THERES MORE!  What if… What if this combination inhibited ALL viral replication?  Herpes, Epstein Barr, FLU!  What if it inhibited cancerous cells (with their mutated genetic code) from replicating themselves?   

Well big pharma wouldn't like that!  I mean, how can you make billions off treating viral infections if the cure costs 5$ for a week's dosage?


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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:19 AM, UNC12345 said:

You might think he's wrong, you might think he has caused a mass overreaction, and you might just plain disagree with him, but do you really think Dr. Fauci is lying?  I just don't see why a man of his age and background would do so.



The medical establishment is in the business of selling expensive drugs. They are not in the business of curing people or treating them effectively with old drugs and natural compounds. That was the reason the regulatory structure was created, and the "research". We saw it again here, a totally quack scientific fraud article was published showing a retrospective analysis of HCQ use in unspecified doses against a control group with some treated with other drugs known to have an effect, and this highly dubious report causes the immediate cessation of HCQ trials in the US. It is perfectly routine. The careers of Gallo Fauci and the entire pharma executive suites and the regulatory and research organizations align to block cheap treatments from being proven for diseases for which expensive solutions are being developed. The NIH because it gets a donation - i.e. kickback, the FDA gets a hefty fee that pays for its employees, some academic institute gets its medical research arm funded. It is all corruption as usual. 

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Hydroxy sounds like a lethal combination of hydrogen and oxycontin.

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There is evidence that people were  harmed by HCQ w/ or w/o AZ, some even died. See the FDA, ANSM (France), Sanofi..
You can look for yourself on the Launch the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Public Dashboard

10344 serious cases, 223 death linked to Plaquenil.
Data as of 31th March so it doesn't include most of the cases related to treatment of covid-19, an illness known to affect the heart..



You can post anything you want this won't erase these well-known and verifiable facts.

Deal with it.

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  On 5/20/2020 at 10:21 AM, Jim Profit said:

There is evidence that people were  harmed by HCQ w/ or w/o AZ, some even died. See the FDA, ANSM (France), Sanofi..
You can look for yourself on the Launch the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Public Dashboard

10344 serious cases, 223 death linked to Plaquenil.
Data as of 31th March so it doesn't include most of the cases related to treatment of covid-19, an illness known to affect the heart..



You can post anything you want this won't erase these well-known and verifiable facts.

Deal with it.




Jeez, you are deliberately and obstinately obtuse.

CDC says it is safe for adults, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  On 5/20/2020 at 9:03 AM, Tom Kirkman said:


"Hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages.  It can also be taken by pregnant women & nursing mothers."





^ PDF attached:

hydroxychloroquine.pdf 589.03 kB · 0 downloads




The primary reason HCQ is being attacked is because Trump suggested it might be good.  At that point, the pivot was made and the medical establishment and the Trump haters suddenly attacked HCQ.

The attacks on HCQ are a case of TDS writ large.  Deal with it.


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  On 5/20/2020 at 6:18 AM, Jim Profit said:

Maybe you prefer meta-analyss ?

Hydroxychloroquine Versus COVID-19: A Periodic Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


"Conclusion This systematic review and meta-analysis indicated no clinical benefits regarding hydroxychloroquine treatment with/without azithromycin for COVID-19 patients. Surprisingly, according to multiple sensitivity analysis the higher mortality rates were observed for both HCQ and HCQ+AZM regimen groups, especially in the latter, which was affected by age factor. Also, frequency of known HCQ adverse effects was higher in this regimen group in comparison to the controls. However, due to that most of the studies were non-randomized and results were not homogenous, selection bias was unavoidable, further large clinical trials following comprehensive meta-analysis should be taken into account in order to achieve more reliable findings."


You do understand that this is a straw man study, right? The actual treatment regimen is HCQ +azithromycin or doxycyclin for heart rhythm compromized patients, and Zinc supplements. The treatment is not intended for the  late stage patients that dominate the trial population as they do not have a chance to benefit from the eradication of the virus as they already have gone through the cytokine storm and are at high risk of death regardless of the virus' presence, very often, late stage patients do not have live virus remaining. Same problem as in using Remdesivir that Fauci lauded.

First, none of the studies uses the complete protocol as developed in practice, all are missing a reference to the use of Zinc supplements.  They did not filter out the irrelevant studies. Those conducted on HCQ alone. Those of 5 days or less duration and those with low doses of HCQ (below400 mg), Thus this is a useless study as it does not look at the current practice of the treatment  protocol. And includes studies with doses and durations that could not have had an effect.

The NYC trial that accounts for a large portion of the data (50%) was conducted on hospitalized patients in moderate to severe condition. But that isn't the main differentiator, the treatment drugs were provided to patients "those receiving hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, or both were more likely than those not receiving either drug to have diabetes, respiratory rate >22/min, abnormal chest imaging findings, O2 saturation lower than 90%, and aspartate aminotransferase greater than 40 U/L. " Meaning that they were more likely to die and were in serious condition, vs. controls which were in better shape. . No attempt was made to compare like for like populations among the controls and the treatment population. Not in the metadata review and not in the original work.


The second NYC study was of HCQ alone


The only "legitimate" trials were the original ones from Dr. Raoult's group.

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  On 5/20/2020 at 6:15 AM, Jim Profit said:


Any comments about the two papers I mentioned ? Did you have a look at them ? Or did you just brush them away with a joke.. 

Proper clinical trials takes time, now that some time has passed, the amount of evidence showing that HCQ is ineffective is growing...

Here is another study:


Maybe your prefer "opinions" ? This editorial sums it up..


Seems like India were underwhelmed by the results and are going to stop with this nonsense..


To date 187 trials on HCQ for covid-19 are ongoing.. Started because of some garbage studies and massive hyping..

All in all this will have been a massive waste and a scientific failure..


The first trial you quote is using dangerous levels of HCQ. And there is no azythromycin or doxycyclin and no zinc. As Dr. Raoult pointed out at the start, the HCQ alone was not a sufficiently effective drug on its own in reducing viral counts. Again an irrelevant reference.

The opinion in your second reference is an "I am not impressed" dismissal that is simply a disagreement with Dr. Raoult, and references  trials that are just starting.


and announcement


This one should be useful if they run it to completion


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  On 5/20/2020 at 2:14 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

“You think a medical dr will ruin his reputation by lying ?“

Have you heard of Dr. Fauci and the entire World Health Organization?


Excellent point.  

I stand corrected.  

But W.H.O. Chinese puppet Tedros is not a Medical doctor.   He's a former Ethiopian Health Minister that covered up several cholera outbreaks.  China must have been impressed with his cover-up resume to promote him for the W.H.O. job.

Ethiopia is already a Chinese vassal state.  All the Ethiopian  leaders ate bought and paid for. Ethiopian leaders sold out key national mineral rights and infrastructure to the Chinese for a prayer. 

Edited by BLA
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