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  On 6/1/2020 at 2:41 PM, ronwagn said:

And here's the ugly side.  Check out the big Antifa thug at the end of the video?


Edited by Dan Warnick
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  On 6/1/2020 at 8:15 AM, frankfurter said:

(but not Chinese)?  uh, what are you implying with this?  


One could imagine that if he were some kind of white supremacist he'd hate all other races,  however he married an Asian so there's that. The not Chinese part means she's not Chinese. There are other Asians you know, you're not all that. 

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  On 6/1/2020 at 11:11 AM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Trump did not disappoint. After months of aggressive rhetoric, when he finally stoked up genuine unrest, he run off to hide in a fortified bunker at the first sight of trouble. It's really fascinating how fast is this illiterate, morally repulsive clown turning a powerful, global empire into a smoldering ruin of chaos-infested ruins. 

A disgusting, dishonest person who preaches water, but drinks wine himself, a hypocrite, and a fraud - plus a sympathizer with extremist white supremacist circles, the smelliest filth of the Earth. 


The murder, the riots, the rhetoric from Trump, the $ trillion covid bail out, all go to show clearly what is America. 

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  On 5/31/2020 at 12:27 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

Antifa are thugs.

AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson

Earlier today U.S. Attorney Bill Barr made a public statement about the George Floyd killing and the opportunistic mob violence that has taken place over the last three days. Within the statement the attorney general correctly identified Antifa as the primary organizing mob behind the riots, looting and mayhem.

[Transcript] – “The greatness of our nation comes from our commitment to the rule of law.  ...


That may be the case! as the "Rule of Law of Looting" lies at the heart of the Financial Constitution of the Empire of Debt & Deficit, post Nixon Shock in 1971.

Billy would say that, it is part of his job description, he is paid to do so, he is the acting AG of the f....g ruling corrupt Banksters who are looting the World by printing 6 to 10 billion dollars of Viagra Money per day just to "stimulate their package" and inevitably down the loot chain leaving the looting of a liquor shop or Walmart store down town LA, Phili, Atlanta, ....... to the angry disposed violent mobs be they AntiFa or ProFa with a clear warning that you will be shot on site, or literally feel the full weight of law enforcement officers on your neck stopping you from breathing in your moment of departure and saying good by to American Dreams.

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  On 6/1/2020 at 3:59 PM, M_Ali said:

That may be the case! as the "Rule of Law of Looting" lies at the heart of the Financial Constitution of the Empire of Debt & Deficit, post Nixon Shock in 1971.


Or as the Onion so concisely put:


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  On 6/1/2020 at 3:40 PM, Dan Warnick said:

And here's the ugly side.  Check out the big Antifa thug at the end of the video?



More interesting to me is the video further down where a black woman talks to but eventually yells at two white women who are spraying BLM graffiti on a Starbucks. White women, and the black woman rightly says, "The news isn't going to show your faces, they're going to blame us for this". And they do and they did. 

Meanwhile check your local city's Craigslist. In Seattle they're paying protestors $40/hr. But yeah, there's no organized antifa movement, no [Soros] money behind it. Keep smoking

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Normally the game is rigged and the New World Order puts before you two candidates and they own both. They let you choose because the game is rigged and the house always wins. One got through in 2016 that they don't own and they are seething being out of power that is why they have unleashed their bought and paid for media and criminal politics against him. If the Washington Globalists hate you like they do Donald Trump there is no better endorsement than that you can get. This is why they are constantly trying to take him out with their lies. The entire Democratic Party as we can all see is completely complicit and compliant.

I took it back to the year 2000 just so you could see how they rig the game.

2000 Bush vs. Gore (Both NWO)
2004 Bush vs. Kerry (Both NWO
2008 Obama vs. McCain (Both NWO)
2012 Obama vs. Romney (Both NWO)
2016 H.Clinton (NWO) vs. Trump (Not NWO)

One got through that was not supposed to and that is why they want to destroy him. Because the globalist butchers are out of power and they are pissed.




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Antifa is the world’s most ‘fascist Orwellian organisation’


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Trump is to right 'to label Antifa as a terrorist organisation'


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  On 6/1/2020 at 4:53 PM, Dan Warnick said:

Trump is to right 'to label Antifa as a terrorist organisation'



You are correct,I live in a coast city that is a strong hold for Antifa. The mayor of the central city actually supports the point where riots became so egregious the governor had to call in the feds to shut them down. It was not the national guard but type of federal law enforcement...

After they came in and quelched the riot/demonstration they anitfa left town like a thief in the night. I can tell you they do go out to the universities and recruit the young&dumb kids to participate in these is quite extraordinary to witness.

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  On 6/1/2020 at 5:31 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

You are correct,I live in a coast city that is a strong hold for Antifa. The mayor of the central city actually supports the point where riots became so egregious the governor had to call in the feds to shut them down. It was not the national guard but type of federal law enforcement...

After they came in and quelched the riot/demonstration they left town like a thief in the night. I can tell you they do go out to the universities and recruit the young&dumb kids to participate in these is quite extraordinary to witness.


Yes.  But others on the forum tell us that Antifa doesn't even exist!

Feds, state to assist Portland police during planned protest

PORTLAND, Oregon — Oregon's federal prosecutor is convening meetings with federal, state and local law enforcement to help Portland police prepare for a right-wing rally and counter-protests that could become violent.

A rally against anti-fascists being advertised for Aug. 17 is expected to draw far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters to Portland.

Rose City Antifa has issued a statement asking counter-protesters to defend Portland from a "far-right attack."

Clashes between right-wing demonstrators, many from outside Oregon, and anti-fascist groups attracted national attention in June when an attack on the conservative blogger Andy Ngo was captured on video.

Police Chief Danielle Outlaw said Friday that social media postings indicate some people who plan to attend plan to engage in criminal activity and police are preparing for that possibility.

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  On 6/1/2020 at 5:37 PM, Dan Warnick said:

Yes.  But others on the forum tell us that Antifa doesn't even exist!

Feds, state to assist Portland police during planned protest

PORTLAND, Oregon — Oregon's federal prosecutor is convening meetings with federal, state and local law enforcement to help Portland police prepare for a right-wing rally and counter-protests that could become violent.

A rally against anti-fascists being advertised for Aug. 17 is expected to draw far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters to Portland.

Rose City Antifa has issued a statement asking counter-protesters to defend Portland from a "far-right attack."

Clashes between right-wing demonstrators, many from outside Oregon, and anti-fascist groups attracted national attention in June when an attack on the conservative blogger Andy Ngo was captured on video.

Police Chief Danielle Outlaw said Friday that social media postings indicate some people who plan to attend plan to engage in criminal activity and police are preparing for that possibility.

Expand there loud and proud in this city. One can see there activitys on facebook.

Edited by Eyes Wide Open
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  On 6/1/2020 at 4:27 PM, Ward Smith said:


Meanwhile check your local city's Craigslist. In Seattle they're paying protestors $40/hr. But yeah, there's no organized antifa movement, no [Soros] money behind it. Keep smoking


If it's on Craigslist it must be true! 

If it were true take the money... it's taking money from your enemies.

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The terrorism threat was getting too low, time to make terror domestically!

Hate your neighbours? Half the country is anti-American?



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  On 6/1/2020 at 8:37 PM, Enthalpic said:

The terrorism threat was getting too low, time to make terror domestically!

Hate your neighbours? Half the country is anti-American?




Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco and don't forget to say grace. 

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  On 6/1/2020 at 8:27 PM, Enthalpic said:

If it's on Craigslist it must be true! 

If it were true take the money... it's taking money from your enemies.


Here ya go Paid protestors

To take the money I'd have to show up. Only you got paid for doing nothing, the real world doesn't work like that, only govt 

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  On 6/1/2020 at 10:33 PM, Ward Smith said:

Here ya go Paid protestors

To take the money I'd have to show up. Only you got paid for doing nothing, the real world doesn't work like that, only govt 


Well, well. YOU were and remain one of the greatest deniers of the claim the HK protestors were aided, abetted, and funded by foreign parties. Yet now you kindly provide a link to prove your hypocrisy.  no kidding, gotta thank you for this.  You, and all other 'murcans here, continue to claim China responded brutally and deployed forces against the protestors in HK [when, in fact, NO Chinese troops or forces of any kind entered HK]. The mere possibility was enough to set you off. China delayed all response for a full year, and now has responded in complete accord with the Basic Law of Hong Kong.  This, too, you demonise.  Yet, Trump has now threatened to deploy your Army against your own civilians, and not a peep from you or the other racists here.  This youtube link is but one of many to choose to demonstrate fascism in Trumprael.  So again, Trump is acting per law to use full force against thugs.  So, on one hand, you condone full state force against your people. On the other hand, you condemn a foreign govt for using less force, for the exact same reasons as your govt, under the exact same laws.

At no time have you or others here even considered putting your two hands together to see what may be common.


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The current political climate in the US is very poisonous. The divide is so pronounced that we are now seeing the Divided States of America. America is evolving into two different countries. On one side are conservatives who traditionally stick closer to the US constitution and favor virtues and values that are based on the country’s Judeo-Christian history. On the other side, the Democrats seem to embrace everything new such a Gender Identity politics, Open Borders and other Socialistic ideas. In general, they also favor a more hedonistic way of life.

Over the last year the clashes have intensified over almost every issue imaginable and the hatred for each other is palpable in each Social Media discussion. Where do we go from here? I would like to explore three possible options to try to resolve this great divide.

Firstly, and most desirable, would be an attempt for both sides to treat other with respect and care and try to find common ground. This appears to be increasingly unlikely to happen. When politicians such a Democrat Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard made Bringing America back together part of her campaign in 2019, she was viciously attacked on a regular basis, interestingly mostly by her own party. The divides and contempt for the other party seems to be so deep that it is hard to imagine both sides being willing to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle, if that is even possible on some of the disputed issues.

The second outcome is the least favorable one, i.e., a civil war. This outcome looks increasingly likely after the violent riots that we have seen over the last week. Interestingly, the riots occurred almost exclusively in Democrat run cities with mayors just looking on or even applauding. Interestingly, the New York Times is now somehow blaming Trump for the protests turning violent. This brings us to the underlying cause of all this hatred. Most of the MSM is so biased and untruthful in their reporting that they increasingly polarize the country. Democrats appear hell bound to try to destroy the economy and the country this year in their attempts to try to remove Trump by all means. They know they cannot win fair and square with Biden, so we can expect more chaos before the election. Neither side will accept defeat fairly. Should anything unexpected happen to Trump, his base would surely launch a civil war. Keep in mind that many Republicans own guns and will use them if things get out of hand more than they already have.

Thirdly, I would like to propose a political solution. And this is to officially divide America into two countries. During the November election each state can vote if they want to become part of the Republican Country of the Democrat country. Every person who votes Democrat will have to move to a Democrat state if their state is won by Republicans and vice versa. This way each state will be politically more homogenous. We can expect the West Coast and New England area to be Democrat with Republicans winning most of the other states. This way each new country can pursue their path and identity without having to always waste countless time, energy and funds fighting off the opposing and destructive elements. This would inconvenience quite a few people, i.e., people in rural Washington State, Oregon and California who tend to vote Republican but get outvoted by the Democrat leaning cities. But this solution appears to be favorable over a civil war.

I don’t expect a majority of people to favor this divide of America into two countries, but I had to at least share so others can consider it.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 9:50 AM, Radha said:

Firstly, and most desirable, would be an attempt for both sides to treat other with respect and care and try to find common ground. This appears to be increasingly unlikely to happen. When politicians such a Democrat Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard made Bringing America back together part of her campaign in 2019, she was viciously attacked on a regular basis, interestingly mostly by her own party. The divides and contempt for the other party seems to be so deep that it is hard to imagine both sides being willing to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle, if that is even possible on some of the disputed issues.


And I will reply to all three seperately.

The leftists want the absolute right to voice their opinions, but anytime a conservative speaks, the left screams RACIST! They just are incapable of wrapping their minds around the idea that if one person's right to free speech is curtailed, we all lose. But it is so with them, they have small closed minds and cannot see what the actual implications are to censorship. In fact, the most recurring theme I see is they honestly believe that it would apply to only their opposition and would in no way affect them. Never mind that once the government gains that power that ALL of us would be censored at one point or another. The only difference being that the people that decide what is "allowed" and "not allowed" will vary depending upon whom it is making those decisions. It is very difficult to have an argument with someone so closed minded that they absolutely can't see the implications into the future. Where do we cut censorship off. Will the next "judge" be more strict or lenient? 

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  On 6/2/2020 at 9:50 AM, Radha said:

Thirdly, I would like to propose a political solution. And this is to officially divide America into two countries. During the November election each state can vote if they want to become part of the Republican Country of the Democrat country. Every person who votes Democrat will have to move to a Democrat state if their state is won by Republicans and vice versa. This way each state will be politically more homogenous. We can expect the West Coast and New England area to be Democrat with Republicans winning most of the other states. This way each new country can pursue their path and identity without having to always waste countless time, energy and funds fighting off the opposing and destructive elements. This would inconvenience quite a few people, i.e., people in rural Washington State, Oregon and California who tend to vote Republican but get outvoted by the Democrat leaning cities. But this solution appears to be favorable over a civil war.



I'll address the second paragraph lastly.

So, thinking about the division of the country into two distinct countries, one with the original values that protect us with what have been defined as "God given rights" We would end up with a bunch of LARGE cities as their own city states, and the areas around them would mostly be the other country of conservatives. So this would create another division with the fact that these large cities are NOT self sustaining, and would require a LOT of goods to be moved into the city each and every day, but a lot of those goods would be from the "conservative" country. There is a lot of friction between the two, and the division only heightens that division. So at what point do those city states piss the conservative states off SO BADLY that they refuse to sell any of the essential goods to the Left wing cities? They have a tendency to be very unfavorable towards any opposing viewpoints and would eventually start demanding that they be supported by their neighbors for free, not wanting to pay for the goods they need at fair market prices. After all, they would be entirely dependent on those from outside the city to keep food and medicine coming in, along with everything else they need on a daily basis. At what point do we decide that they can screw off and figure it out for themselves? For a port city the disadvantage wouldn't be so readily apparent, but for land loked cities? Everything is different for them. At what point are they going to be begging for those conservatives they hate so much to bail them out. We won't even go into where they would get money from, and to be able to support all the illegals and welfare would absolutely destroy them in no time at all. However, the conservatives that refuse to support those said illegals would not be sharing tax dollars with those big cities anymore, so our tax burden would drop, and I do believe it would be a substantial drop in taxes for us. Their taxes would have to go through the roof to keep supporting the ridiculous socialized programs. There is SO much to discuss with this concept, so many ideas......

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  On 6/2/2020 at 9:50 AM, Radha said:

The second outcome is the least favorable one, i.e., a civil war. This outcome looks increasingly likely after the violent riots that we have seen over the last week. Interestingly, the riots occurred almost exclusively in Democrat run cities with mayors just looking on or even applauding. Interestingly, the New York Times is now somehow blaming Trump for the protests turning violent. This brings us to the underlying cause of all this hatred. Most of the MSM is so biased and untruthful in their reporting that they increasingly polarize the country. Democrats appear hell bound to try to destroy the economy and the country this year in their attempts to try to remove Trump by all means. They know they cannot win fair and square with Biden, so we can expect more chaos before the election. Neither side will accept defeat fairly. Should anything unexpected happen to Trump, his base would surely launch a civil war. Keep in mind that many Republicans own guns and will use them if things get out of hand more than they already have.


This is the one they haven't really put much thought into. The big cities that are mainly lorded over by the demonrats have no concept of how heavily armed the United States really is. Leftists have been so much in favor of "gun control"and restricting the rights of those gun owners they want to have disarmed. Screw what the Constitution protects, we want their guns taken away. All the speeches of getting rid of guns and how violence would end. Spoken by die hard idiots. The only way to stop an armed criminal is with another armed person, be it whomever steps up and defends the area being attacked or the police, someone with a gun will have to put an end to any attacks. But I digress again. A civil war would be absolutely devastating to the city dwellers, us country boys have been shooting since we were kids, and if you can take a squirrel out on the branch of a tree 25 yards away, then a human sized target is no issue. The estimates run from at LEAST 150,000,000 guns in the hands of US citizens and range upwards of over 300,000,000 with literally billions of rounds of ammo in their hands as well. Can you imagine an army of 100,000,000 armed to the teeth? Take a look at just simple hunting licenses from various states. Pennsylvania, Montana, and Colorado hunting licenses number more than any standing army in the world, and there would be 47 more states worth of hunters added to that number. And all of us have trained to sit quietly and patiently for a deer(whatever) to come along and usually kill it with one shot. We already know in our hearts which side would win a civil war, and I would guess that it would be over in a couple of months. Now the real question is, how many families would be devastated by this. Our last civil war destroyed families, tore our country up, and created a divide that actually exists till this very day. And we would be responsible for cleaning up the mess, as the cleanup usually goes to the victors.... But there would be a new rift between us afterwards... Is it true that history repeats itself? Yes, when the uneducated masses have been purposely indoctrinated and the truths been hidden from them, then it is inevitable that they will make the same mistake again and again.. 

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I've got a solution. It's been tried twice before, but with questionable results, so we will say the third time is the charm here. Since these so called leftists, socialists, anarchists and BLMs hate this country so much, lets send them to a more socialist country, one with the free healthcare they desire, and discrimination is non-existent. Send them all to CANADA!. Lots of room in BC and Alberta and further north.😂😂

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Speaking for myself im quite sure the violence is over, last yr in Portland Or Antifa amassed and rioted for a few months things became way out of control. Finally the feds came in and the Antifa community just disappeared...THe DOJ came out and again and this time there coming after them....Does below look fimiliar...


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