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This debate should be hilarious....Biden wont take a beating laying down and when he lets go....boom..zing...bang...


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These are not "debates" in any cognizable sense.  They are incoherent people making hogwash statements to try to grandstand, and they all fail, on any intellectual level.  They score points only with the slob contingent of society.  Trump stands there making faces and shouting insults.  Jeb Bush replies:  "You cannot insult your way to the Presidency."  Jeb was wrong; The Donald did exactly that - insult his way to the Presidency.   These "debates" are nothing more than the insult-shouting you see before some World Wide Wrestling match.  Just disgraceful. On a personal level, I refuse to watch them, they are just so appalling. 

What this demonstrates is:  just how low, politics can go.  

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  On 7/1/2020 at 2:26 AM, Jan van Eck said:

These are not "debates" in any cognizable sense.  They are incoherent people making hogwash statements to try to grandstand, and they all fail, on any intellectual level.  They score points only with the slob contingent of society.  Trump stands there making faces and shouting insults.  Jeb Bush replies:  "You cannot insult your way to the Presidency."  Jeb was wrong; The Donald did exactly that - insult his way to the Presidency.   These "debates" are nothing more than the insult-shouting you see before some World Wide Wrestling match.  Just disgraceful. On a personal level, I refuse to watch them, they are just so appalling. 

What this demonstrates is:  just how low, politics can go.  


I am in total agreement with you, if a true intellectual debate was actually performed in the public domain a riot or a total shut out would occur. Trump does understand the debates are merely a entertainment medium and he plays it like a fiddle.

Personally is support his actions the man has almost obliterated terrorism in 4 yrs....One could on and on. Merely a opinion and then there is that milage thing.

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  On 7/1/2020 at 2:26 AM, Jan van Eck said:

These are not "debates" in any cognizable sense.  They are incoherent people making hogwash statements to try to grandstand, and they all fail, on any intellectual level.  They score points only with the slob contingent of society.  Trump stands there making faces and shouting insults.  Jeb Bush replies:  "You cannot insult your way to the Presidency."  Jeb was wrong; The Donald did exactly that - insult his way to the Presidency.   These "debates" are nothing more than the insult-shouting you see before some World Wide Wrestling match.  Just disgraceful. On a personal level, I refuse to watch them, they are just so appalling. 

What this demonstrates is:  just how low, politics can go.  


Back in the day of.Lincoln Douglas, we had debates. Society doesn't evolve, it devolves. There's no way Lincoln or Douglas gets elected dog catcher in today's society with their. Boring ass speeches where your constituency wears their pants 4 sizes too large and 90% of their butts exposed. When your voters themselves can't form a coherent sentence, how can you expect them to follow one? 

When Obama gave his convoluted answer to Hispanic television, and flat out said, "vote" even if you're illegal, it took legal scholars hours to explain away the nuances that meant he wasn't really encouraging illegal voting by illegal immigrants. And they're experts in the language! You think those nuances made it thru translation? Not on the signs, posters and graffiti I saw in the San Jose area in 2016. No problemo. 

Nope, the Democratic Party has their demographic and what's left of the Republican Party has theirs. Unfortunately, no candidate who excludes stupid people stands a chance, since they make up the statistical majority in my opinion. You want only intelligent voters? Great, now you've got 10% of the vote. 

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  On 7/1/2020 at 3:26 AM, Ward Smith said:

Unfortunately, no candidate who excludes stupid people stands a chance, since they make up the statistical majority in my opinion. You want only intelligent voters? Great, now you've got 10% of the vote. 


And now you know why I don't run for any Office.   I would only want intelligent voters, who would weigh the presentations and vote accordingly. 

I would also refuse to respond to any press reporter, and they have devolved into imbeciles and can only shout inanities. Who needs it?

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Michigan: Biden +10.7
Pennsylvania: Biden +8
Wisconsin: Biden +8
Florida: Biden +7.3
Arizona: Biden +4.8

Texas: Trump +0.2

Also, Oklahoma voters just expanded Obamacare through a ballot initiative today, just to demonstrate where the trend lines are pointing. But good luck with that whole cognitive decline thingy you got going. 


Annotation 2020-06-30 210931.png

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:12 AM, BradleyPNW said:

Michigan: Biden +10.7
Pennsylvania: Biden +8
Wisconsin: Biden +8
Florida: Biden +7.3
Arizona: Biden +4.8

Texas: Trump +0.2

Also, Oklahoma voters just expanded Obamacare through a ballot initiative today, just to demonstrate where the trend lines are pointing. But good luck with that whole cognitive decline thingy you got going. 


Annotation 2020-06-30 210931.png


The polls just prove what I said above. Stupid people will vote for Biden. As you've so aptly proven time and again. 

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:12 AM, BradleyPNW said:

Michigan: Biden +10.7
Pennsylvania: Biden +8
Wisconsin: Biden +8
Florida: Biden +7.3
Arizona: Biden +4.8



June polls are worthless.  As history has shown. 

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:10 AM, Jan van Eck said:

And now you know why I don't run for any Office.   I would only want intelligent voters, who would weigh the presentations and vote accordingly. 

I would also refuse to respond to any press reporter, and they have devolved into imbeciles and can only shout inanities. Who needs it?


Would intelligent voters vote for you ? 

So are you saying do away with voting ? 

Edited by BLA

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  On 7/1/2020 at 2:26 AM, Jan van Eck said:

These are not "debates" in any cognizable sense.  They are incoherent people making hogwash statements to try to grandstand, and they all fail, on any intellectual level.  They score points only with the slob contingent of society.  Trump stands there making faces and shouting insults.  Jeb Bush replies:  "You cannot insult your way to the Presidency."  Jeb was wrong; The Donald did exactly that - insult his way to the Presidency.   These "debates" are nothing more than the insult-shouting you see before some World Wide Wrestling match.  Just disgraceful. On a personal level, I refuse to watch them, they are just so appalling. 

What this demonstrates is:  just how low, politics can go.  


But the highlight reel is worth watching!  Good entertainment is rare these days.  The "debates" are at least fairly effective at showing how quick a candidate's brain works, whether or not they have a basic idea on foreign affairs (and whether or not those ideas are in our interests or the foreign interests).  In other words, can they hold their own and give us some hope that they can lead.

Otherwise, you are absolutely right, they are not "debates" in any way, shape or form.  It's lowball, seemingly by design.

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:25 AM, BLA said:

Would intelligent voters vote for you ? 


If you have to ask........

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:25 AM, BLA said:

So are you saying do away with voting ?


Somewhere in @Jan van Eck's comment, you saw that?  Hmm.

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  On 7/1/2020 at 6:15 AM, Dan Warnick said:

But the highlight reel is worth watching!  Good entertainment is rare these days.  The "debates" are at least fairly effective at showing how quick a candidate's brain works, whether or not they have a basic idea on foreign affairs (and whether or not those ideas are in our interests or the foreign interests).  In other words, can they hold their own and give us some hope that they can lead.

Otherwise, you are absolutely right, they are not "debates" in any way, shape or form.  It's lowball, seemingly by design.


Reporters are protecting Joe's dementia.

But Trump will not be so kind in a debate.

Trump will do the reporters job. He will ask about.

* Joe's gift to Hunter and Chris Heinze of Federal $130 million TALF loan in 2009 when neither had an experience.

* Joe's gift of Federal $1 Billion construction contract in Iraq to his brother who never built a thing in his life.

* Hunters $1.5 Billion Chinese deal

* Hunters Ukraine deal 

* Joe's support for segregationist.

Etc , etc , etc , etc

What is Joe going do ?  Can't bring a teleprompter to debate.  Can't bring notes to debate.

Even when CNN gives Biden the questions they will ask in the debate Biden can't remember the question or the answers his handlers wrote out for him.  

DNC , we need a replacement.  Do it for Joe.  Save him the embarrassment.  


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  On 7/1/2020 at 6:19 AM, Dan Warnick said:

If you have to ask........


Awfully high opinion of yourself.  

You're saying Vermont voters are stupid. Don't let them know .

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  On 7/1/2020 at 6:22 AM, Dan Warnick said:

Somewhere in @Jan van Eck's comment, you saw that?  Hmm.


Yes.  Jan thinks Americans are too stupid to allow them to determine who governs.

Only the intellectual ELITES, as himself should rule.  

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  On 7/1/2020 at 2:26 AM, Jan van Eck said:

These are not "debates" in any cognizable sense.  They are incoherent people making hogwash statements to try to grandstand


You just posted the definition of a politician.  

Would you hire any current pol to run your business ?

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  On 7/1/2020 at 3:10 PM, BLA said:

You just posted the definition of a politician.  

Would you hire any current pol to run your business ?


In my experience most CEO's are the best politicians out there!

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Fraudulent election in New Jersey

Thanks to mail in ballots and crooked machine politics, it's very possible this next election is already over. The mendacious will claim there's nothing to see here folks, move along. The useful idiot class will claim there's very little fraud because there's very little prosecution and conviction, while blithely ignoring the fact that the winners such as Gregoire after five fraudulent recounts wanted no part of an investigation that would delegitimize her "victory". 5 Republican legislators in Orange County heavily Republican districts were bounced after "recounts" involving mail in ballots this past election. Now that the Demoncrats are in power, do you believe there's a holy chance in hell they'll do the right thing and investigate themselves? 

And the conviction argument is likewise meaningless. One person can be responsible for 10,000 fraudulent votes, more than enough to swing an election. If, and it's a big if as proven above, this one person first gets caught, then gets successfully prosecuted, then gets convicted, it moves the needle, one digit. For 10,000 votes. Think about that

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:17 AM, Ward Smith said:

The polls just prove what I said above. Stupid people will vote for Biden. As you've so aptly proven time and again. 


As you've been eager to broadcast, you have a huge IQ just like Donald. However, this isn't about dumb or smart voters. It's about the sociopolitical identity of geography. 

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  On 7/1/2020 at 4:21 AM, BLA said:

June polls are worthless.  As history has shown. 


Oklahoma was not a poll. Red state urban America is ditching the GOP.

"The people of Oklahoma voted to expand Medicaid on Tuesday, with mostly urban voters pushing the measure over the line by a one percent margin."

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  On 7/1/2020 at 5:20 PM, BradleyPNW said:

Oklahoma was not a poll. Red state urban America is ditching the GOP.

"The people of Oklahoma voted to expand Medicaid on Tuesday, with mostly urban voters pushing the measure over the line by a one percent margin."


Wow, one whole percent !

Break out the champagne. Meanwhile why would they vote with their pocketbooks, seeing as how thanks to China and Saudi, half the state is unemployed?

Your tea reading needs work. Hell, your everything reading needs work! 

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  On 7/1/2020 at 3:10 PM, BLA said:

You just posted the definition of a politician.  

Would you hire any current pol to run your business ?


Yes.   The current Governor of Vermont, Phil Scott.  He is a successful businessman, plus a great Governor. 

Edited by Jan van Eck
typing error
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  On 7/1/2020 at 5:29 PM, Ward Smith said:

Wow, one whole percent !

Break out the champagne. Meanwhile why would they vote with their pocketbooks, seeing as how thanks to China and Saudi, half the state is unemployed?

Your tea reading needs work. Hell, your everything reading needs work! 


138 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election. Donald won the 2016 electoral college by 77,000 votes -- 0.0006% -- in Michigan (0.2%), Pennsylvania (0.7%), and Wisconsin (0.7%.) 

Obamacare won by 1.0% in ðŸ‘€ðŸ‘‰ Oklahoma (Trump +30 in 2016.) 



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