Enthalpic + 1,496 August 31, 2020 (edited) On 8/31/2020 at 3:14 PM, Ward Smith said: Garbage in garbage out. People keep assuming Worldmeter is some kind of official site. It is anything but. It gets its data from news reports and we all know how untrustworthy they are. Expand I know, you prefer completely made up numbers that are off by over an order of magnitude. Even trump is more logical... and me saying that should let you know how far from reality you have drifted. "It is what it is." -trump Edited August 31, 2020 by Enthalpic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD August 31, 2020 On 8/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, Yoshiro Kamamura said: This is a good example of bullshit right-wing propaganda. Ask people who have two or three jobs and still barely pay rent, bills, and still do not have a healthcare plan, whether they would prefer to live in a country that provides affordable healthcare, education and where they would feel safe or if they want to live in this perverse dystopian jungle where the rich throw the poor overboard in an insane race to be even richer. Majority of the people in the US would like to change that, and that's why you have a divided country on a brink of a civil war. Expand The US isn't close to a civil war. Things were even worse in the 1960's through early 1970's in the states, eventually a new social accommodation is attained and things calm down. Any readjustment of social influence/power dynamics is turbulent waters in any society but this to shall pass. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matto777 + 7 MG August 31, 2020 Covid is over. It's a 99% Asymptomatic virus. Death toll is ridiculously low. 99% of hospitalizations is UC related. Don't give a fuck. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enthalpic + 1,496 August 31, 2020 On 8/31/2020 at 9:03 PM, Strangelovesurfing said: The US isn't close to a civil war. Expand It is if the election results are not accepted. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 September 1, 2020 (edited) On 8/25/2020 at 3:25 PM, Marcin2 said: Yesterday US 41,484 and China 16 new cases of Covid-19. 41,484>16 resurgence of Covid 19 , bad economic situation in US > epidemic contained , normal life , economy back to pre Covid performance in China. Expand Covid is about done here also. The rural areas have not had enough cases to build herd immunity yet though. Many, like me, will hold out until vaccines are available. I take a host of other immunity building products though. HCQ needs to be over the counter for those with positive tests. All testing should be rapid or it is worthless. The latest news and info. on COVID 19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXY8T0j7k0oUBsHW4BfjJM__DRIyzqrDf_FSlV4hHpw/edit Edited September 1, 2020 by ronwagn added reference 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 September 1, 2020 On 8/28/2020 at 8:34 AM, Tomasz said: I was drinking coffee while browsing the posts on oilprice.com. I got to this post and flooded my t-shirt with laughter. With all due respect you have about 25% of all cases and 25% of all official deaths from coronavirus worldwide. I do not want to be anti-American, but even in Poland, which, apart from Kosovo, is the most pro-American country in Europe, people nowadays write that America has been compromising itself in many areas since the beginning of the year. I really support Trum I really do but even in Poland recently the tweet titled "USA is the richest country of the third world" is very popular. I am well aware of what totalitarian methods the Chinese used to fight the pandemic, but lets be honest this particular round of the struggle for global domination the USA lost by a heavy knockout. I will not judge there whether it is Trump's fault, democratic governors fault or God knows who. Looking objectively at how much money the US spends every year on the health service, which in general is of course the very positive fact but what the results have been this year, in my opinion it should not be a topic for a party fight, but for very serious discussion. I personally support Trump because it seems to me that he is the first American president in a long time who is trying to rule as president and to improve the fate of ordinary Americans not corporations , but this year is extremely terrible and unfortunately it is an election year for Trump. Expand Please understand and consider that two thirds of the deaths occurred in cities and states nearly totally run by Democrats. The same places where riots have occurred. The area I am referring to is very small, it goes from Boston to D.C. and includes Detroit and Chicago. Without those deaths our statistics would be far better. Our deaths have primarily occurred in very old people with other health problems. Now it comes out that most had other lung illnesses and even the flu. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/shock-report-week-cdc-quietly-updated-covid-19-numbers-9210-americans-died-covid-19-alone-rest-serious-illnesses/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=daily SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses By Joe Hoft Published August 29, 2020 at 7:45pm 1285 Comments My topic on COVID 19 has over 163 stories and references. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXY8T0j7k0oUBsHW4BfjJM__DRIyzqrDf_FSlV4hHpw/edit# 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD September 1, 2020 On 8/28/2020 at 4:37 PM, Tomasz said: This year it is so different that these riots are so intense that it happens once in several years that they resemble a regular war in some cities . Many countries have problems with this and it is not the fault of ordinary Americans that African Americans are somewhat problematic citizens, but so are the facts. Expand I wouldn't say Black people are problematic citizens. The main demands are due process under the law. There obviously is an issue of too many police officers viewing African Americans as more dangerous than other ethnic groups. There are too many cases to count where a lighter skinned person's action will be no different than a darker persons actions yet the lighter skinned person is given every due process right and the darker skinned person ends up receiving a violent police response. If everyone was treated the same way a lot, not all, of this current strife in the US would disappear. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 September 1, 2020 On 8/31/2020 at 9:03 PM, Strangelovesurfing said: The US isn't close to a civil war. Things were even worse in the 1960's through early 1970's in the states, eventually a new social accommodation is attained and things calm down. Any readjustment of social influence/power dynamics is turbulent waters in any society but this to shall pass. Expand It is worse than that. The middle class and blue collar folks are in a vise between paying taxes for the poor and being controlled by government bureaucracies in any way they can. The Demoncrats will let the mobs make things even worse since the mobs work for them. If They gain the Presidency there is no buffer and things will get really ugly. Fortunately, that is not likely to happen this time around. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 12:47 AM, Strangelovesurfing said: I wouldn't say Black people are problematic citizens. The main demands are due process under the law. There obviously is an issue of too many police officers viewing African Americans as more dangerous than other ethnic groups. There are too many cases to count where a lighter skinned person's action will be no different than a darker persons actions yet the lighter skinned person is given every due process right and the darker skinned person ends up receiving a violent police response. If everyone was treated the same way a lot, not all, of this current strife in the US would disappear. Expand The more lenient the response to crime the worse the crime will be. There is no room for letting lawless people act out. Mayor Giuliani cleaned up New York City by using the broken window law. That means you enforce the little rules and the big rules. Any group that does not follow the law is fair game. Cultural rot in any group is not acceptable, color has nothing to do with it. Black LEO's are not respected any more than White, Brown, Yellow, or Red LEO's. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ward Smith + 6,615 September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 12:47 AM, Strangelovesurfing said: I wouldn't say Black people are problematic citizens. The main demands are due process under the law. There obviously is an issue of too many police officers viewing African Americans as more dangerous than other ethnic groups. There are too many cases to count where a lighter skinned person's action will be no different than a darker persons actions yet the lighter skinned person is given every due process right and the darker skinned person ends up receiving a violent police response. If everyone was treated the same way a lot, not all, of this current strife in the US would disappear. Expand My friend is a retired prosecutor. The problem of some of those stats is they ignore the prior crimes. Unfortunately, many in the black community believe it's better to be a Playa than a law abiding citizen. This starts in their childhood, every rapper they listen to promotes lawlessness, every person they look up to in their "hood" who goes to prison is still a hero. How many crimes have they committed by the time they're 18? You really don't want to know. Not all, but too damn many, and it's a crying shame. Yes if you focus on the singular crime where the black person was arrested, it looks like the white person was treated more leniently. But correct for prior convictions and the disparities disappear. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enthalpic + 1,496 September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 1:06 AM, ronwagn said: Mayor Giuliani cleaned up New York City by using the broken window law. Expand Read Freakonomics. There is a very interesting chapter on that topic. 1973 Roe v. Wade 1985+ Crime drop with the "broken window law." Ask what is the average age that children become criminals in disadvantaged neighbourhoods? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect It is sort of disgusting but sometimes you have to accept ugly facts. Planned parenthood abortion clinics targeted low-income, minority areas. The mothers killed the statistically likely future criminals in the womb... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enthalpic + 1,496 September 1, 2020 (edited) On 9/1/2020 at 1:45 AM, Ward Smith said: Yes if you focus on the singular crime where the black person was arrested, it looks like the white person was treated more leniently. But correct for prior convictions and the disparities disappear. Expand White people are treated more leniently. As for priors you neglect that the leniency starts well before the arrest level. White kids with rich, respectable parents get warnings; black, poor, kids get charged every time. Driving while black... Ward always "corrects" real numbers to fit his narrative. Clearly racist. Give facts a chance! Edited September 1, 2020 by Enthalpic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV September 1, 2020 On 8/28/2020 at 1:48 PM, SUZNV said: It is the case in many other countries, but in the US, you can also say that because it is an election year for Trump, planned and unplanned events are magnified, except for the natural disaster. Not every Covid19 death in US is caused by Covid19 while in others, they may want to ensure the death is by Covid19. It is because the hospitals have higher Medicare rates for Covid19 deaths than normal deaths. Of course there will be no evidence because how much more money you need to investigate case by case and in the worst cases, they just simply say too many deaths and they made mistakes. US people got to fight back the hospital/clinic administrators and insurances all the times but most Federal Government funds don't do that to corporations since long and State Government wouldn't care if it is not from their pocket. You cannot fix the whole system by yourself. Not even any dictator can do that without losing some of their political allies. You can say one thing and your expert will say another thing and people will believe the "expert" even if he has hidden intention. All you can do is wait and remove that one later. It is much harder when media constantly undermined the credit then with dictatorship though. Politicians greed for power and money, and US is the most powerful country so the tempting for them are much much larger and attract lots of "political talents". When I lived in NZ, I didn't care about the election or voting but in the US it is like the whole year event and I got affected. As if US people go crazy every election year. Wife vs husband, son vs dad, friends etc. so normal US people learn to tolerate the differences. Expand "First world problem"? 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankfurter + 562 ff September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 12:17 AM, ronwagn said: Covid is about done here also. The rural areas have not had enough cases to build herd immunity yet though. Many, like me, will hold out until vaccines are available. I take a host of other immunity building products though. HCQ needs to be over the counter for those with positive tests. All testing should be rapid or it is worthless. The latest news and info. on COVID 19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXY8T0j7k0oUBsHW4BfjJM__DRIyzqrDf_FSlV4hHpw/edit Expand seems small minds cannot reason, or simply wish to ignore a simple fact... if ALL testing were to stop tomorrow, your new covid cases would drop to zero. the deaths would be from heart, lungs, liver, diabetes, whatever you choose. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV September 1, 2020 On 8/29/2020 at 7:43 PM, Strangelovesurfing said: I’m guessing your A,B,C routine is the new party directive rebuttal on the virus. It looks suspiciously similar to 2+2=5. https://www.mountsinai.org/about/newsroom/2020/mount-sinai-study-finds-first-cases-of-covid-19-in-new-york-city-are-primarily-from-european-and-us-sources-pr Weak tea Franky, real weak. It doesn’t really matter if it was allowed to spread by bungling or evil intent, it still happened, and your current imperial governing apparatus known as the CCP made it happen by its actions/inactions. Expand I don't think Frankie understands what it means to "speak to the hand"? He actually believes that Westerners have no limit to their gullibility and patience? Indeed, I think the entire CCP is in denial, have no clue what we have in store for them. They have made a serious "cultural misapprehension"? 3 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 September 1, 2020 (edited) On 9/1/2020 at 9:17 AM, Wombat said: I don't think Frankie understands what it means to "speak to the hand"? He actually believes that Westerners have no limit to their gullibility and patience? Indeed, I think the entire CCP is in denial, have no clue what we have in store for them. They have made a serious "cultural misapprehension"? Expand Good point, and why wouldn't they? We've led them to believe nothing else, until Donald Trump. I was in China starting in 1989 (Left Beijing after my first trip on May 31st, 1989, and then "tank boy" became famous right before they shut down all outside media), and even then companies were just sooo eager to start selling their widgets to over a billion people. As if. I often remarked back in those days: Isn't it odd that when the West went to do business with Japan, everyone had to study Japanese language, culture and business practices before starting any business relationships? Why don't companies do that with regards to China? The answer was pretty clear: the West thought of China as backward, uneducated and desperate for our help. Why would we need to waste the time, money and energy to study them? The Chinese used this misconception to their advantage and asked for more and more "Because this is China. We can't do it without these concessions. The "Party" doesn't trust the West and won't approve things if we don't get these concessions. We don't have any money, so you need to provide all the cash and designs so we can sell things together." And myriad other seemingly innocent and ignorant reasons. And the fact is, the Western companies (read business people) turned a blind eye, never believing for a minute that the Chinese were even capable of taking advantage. That, together with the West's obsession by that time of making annual 15% or more profit increases. The West needed China, contracts be damned. As Donald Trump so clearly said, it was our own fault in our mad rush for unlimited profits. Many was the huge multi-national that more or less forbade any negative talk about China plans and forecasts. You could easily be removed back Stateside and summarily let go upon arrival if you didn't get with the program and tow the line. Remarkable? Incredible! Edited September 1, 2020 by Dan Warnick 1 2 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebastian White + 3 September 1, 2020 On 8/25/2020 at 2:46 PM, BLA said: FACT : U.S has one of the Best Covid 19 Stats in the world. Would have been much better had not Governor Cuomo (NY) , Governor Baker (MA) , and Governor Murphy (NJ) funneled elderly into unprotected nursing homes to enrich their donors instead of putting them in Federally built and provided facilities. FACT : U.S has one of the Best Covid 19 Stats in the world. Would have been much better had not Governor Cuomo (NY) , Governor Baker (MA) , and Governor Murphy (NJ) funneled elderly into unprotected nursing homes to enrich their donors instead of putting them in Federally built and provided facilities. Response to BLA, the US has 'the' worst or at least one of the worst responses to the pandemic in the world! Trump said it was a hoax right at the start and would disappear. Oh, and here is in video actually saying that in 'numerous' clips, because I'm aware the Republican supporters seem to go into denial when anyone counters their arguments: CoronaVirus Trump’s speeches in his own words: This the “proof” with ‘links’ of the “numerous” times @RealDonaldTrump has lied, on many occasions… with such as dealing with the #Coronavirus - placing people’s lives at risk! https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ #Trump @GOP #TrumpElection2020 Video footage ‘proof’ of @RealDonaldTrump lying & even calling the #CoronaVirus a “hoax” on at least one occasion:https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1286266560257101827@RealDonaldTrump on “actual video” stating the #CoronaVirus would likely disappear in April when the weather got hotter, and various other untruths and mismanagements, which cost #America lives: https://www.france24.com/en/20200320-from-hoax-to-pandemic-trump-s-shifting-rhetoric-on-coronavirus @RealDonaldTrump https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocrats/videos/2842780935815571/?notif_id=1584130768335133¬if_t=live_videoFormer Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism: “@realDonaldTrump has ‘increased’ the threat of terrorism. #Trump's actions and his language are ‘racist!’ #Trump was also warned on #CoronaVirus, but he chose ‘repeatedly’ to actively ignore the threat:” https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/1298673811425034242The #news you’re reading, how do you know this can be trusted & that it isn’t #FakeNews? Find out using these ‘objective’ sites, which direct us to sources which can be trusted:https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ https://www.politifact.com/ https://www.factcheck.org/ Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ Expand Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebastian White + 3 September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 1:18 PM, Dan Warnick said: Good point, and why wouldn't they? We've led them to believe nothing else, until Donald Trump. I was in China starting in 1989 (Left Beijing after my first trip on May 31st, 1989, and then "tank boy" became famous right before they shut down all outside media), and even then companies were just sooo eager to start selling their widgets to over a billion people. As if. You make some good points here. However, Trump does much of this because he is racially motivated, and as Hitler did and many other dictators... you create an enemy, and this takes the focus of your attempts to remove the American People's rights in this case! And Trump doesn't hold Russia to account, and this regime is as bad, if not worse in its attempts to undermine America's and much of the world's democracies. Former @RT_com presenter & anchor speaks out against the #Kremlin propaganda station, which seeks to attack or undermine all our democracies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOdd22FIg50 The size of #Putin’s #FakeNews #troll factory in St Petersburg is truly staggering!!! Spreading #disinformation targeting “everything” from the #America elections to #British #Brexit… supporting @RealDonaldTrump & ‘far right’ groups pushing #Brexit!https://euvsdisinfo.eu/the-st-petersburg-troll-factory-targets-elections-from-germany-to-the-united-states/ . @RT_com & #Sputnik News are the mouthpieces of ‘mass murderer’ #Putin… they are not alternative #news, but “Propaganda!” Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me? http://littleatoms.com/russia-today-piers-robinson #RT #Putin and @RT_com sink to new lows… blame #Syria White Helmets for chemical attacks: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/18/syria-white-helmets-conspiracy-theories "Syrian White Helmets, extraordinary group of volunteers pull people out of the rubble after bombs go off!" #Putin and #Assad are actively trying to paint those such as the very brave White Helmets as criminals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ie72DKpGdY Expand Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ward Smith + 6,615 September 1, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 6:36 PM, Sebastian White said: The #news you’re reading, how do you know this can be trusted & that it isn’t #FakeNews? Find out using these ‘objective’ sites, which direct us to sources which can be trusted:https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ https://www.politifact.com/ https://www.factcheck.org/ Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ Expand You seem to have trouble with the quote box. The intent of it is to quote someone else then have your response underneath, not inside the same box. Notice where my response to you is. Below the box. And now, my response is this. Your "objective" sources are completely and utterly corrupted and biased as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows. Let me guess, when I post links to just how biased they are, you'll claim my links are biased, because they don't agree with your carnival mirror view of reality. Too bad. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ward Smith + 6,615 September 1, 2020 Lots of uninformed and persistently prevaricating folks posting here don't seem to understand the boiled into the stats relationship between Covid coding and medical reimbursement from the government. It's spelled out here, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Bottom line, call it Covid, cash your check. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 September 2, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 1:47 AM, Enthalpic said: Read Freakonomics. There is a very interesting chapter on that topic. 1973 Roe v. Wade 1985+ Crime drop with the "broken window law." Ask what is the average age that children become criminals in disadvantaged neighbourhoods? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect It is sort of disgusting but sometimes you have to accept ugly facts. Planned parenthood abortion clinics targeted low-income, minority areas. The mothers killed the statistically likely future criminals in the womb... Expand I don't buy the idea that because people are poor that they are likely criminals. It needs to be broken down by culture and individual upbringing. Also having a two parent family. The biggest problem IMHO was actually when mothers found that they could do without husbands and get paid for raising their children by the government. That started with LBJ and the Great Society. If they had husbands, they weren't eligible for the aid money. The husbands became baby daddys. The foul hip hop and rap music encouraged lose morals and all sorts of bad thinking and bad behavior. White kids were exposed to the same music and suffered the same consequences if they did not have good parents or at least one good parent. Dr. Benjamin Carson had a great mom. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankfurter + 562 ff September 2, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 1:18 PM, Dan Warnick said: Good point, and why wouldn't they? We've led them to believe nothing else, until Donald Trump. I was in China starting in 1989 (Left Beijing after my first trip on May 31st, 1989, and then "tank boy" became famous right before they shut down all outside media), and even then companies were just sooo eager to start selling their widgets to over a billion people. As if. I often remarked back in those days: Isn't it odd that when the West went to do business with Japan, everyone had to study Japanese language, culture and business practices before starting any business relationships? Why don't companies do that with regards to China? The answer was pretty clear: the West thought of China as backward, uneducated and desperate for our help. Why would we need to waste the time, money and energy to study them? The Chinese used this misconception to their advantage and asked for more and more "Because this is China. We can't do it without these concessions. The "Party" doesn't trust the West and won't approve things if we don't get these concessions. We don't have any money, so you need to provide all the cash and designs so we can sell things together." And myriad other seemingly innocent and ignorant reasons. And the fact is, the Western companies (read business people) turned a blind eye, never believing for a minute that the Chinese were even capable of taking advantage. That, together with the West's obsession by that time of making annual 15% or more profit increases. The West needed China, contracts be damned. As Donald Trump so clearly said, it was our own fault in our mad rush for unlimited profits. Many was the huge multi-national that more or less forbade any negative talk about China plans and forecasts. You could easily be removed back Stateside and summarily let go upon arrival if you didn't get with the program and tow the line. Remarkable? Incredible! Expand uh,,, 1/ What exactly, in your mind, did China ask for? 2/ Concessions? What concessions? Should you reply, please provide proof. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enthalpic + 1,496 September 2, 2020 On 9/2/2020 at 12:52 AM, ronwagn said: I don't buy the idea that because people are poor that they are likely criminals. It needs to be broken down by culture and individual upbringing. Also having a two parent family. The biggest problem IMHO was actually when mothers found that they could do without husbands and get paid for raising their children by the government. That started with LBJ and the Great Society. If they had husbands, they weren't eligible for the aid money. The husbands became baby daddys. The foul hip hop and rap music encouraged lose morals and all sorts of bad thinking and bad behavior. White kids were exposed to the same music and suffered the same consequences if they did not have good parents or at least one good parent. Dr. Benjamin Carson had a great mom. Expand I certainly didn't come up with this idea. Having two loving parents certainly helps, but remaining with an abusive partner just for money is not ideal. I grew up with a single mom and poor. Never been arrested and earned a degree through work and student loans. So yeah, I agree being poor does not make you a criminal. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV September 2, 2020 On 9/1/2020 at 7:26 PM, Ward Smith said: You seem to have trouble with the quote box. The intent of it is to quote someone else then have your response underneath, not inside the same box. Notice where my response to you is. Below the box. And now, my response is this. Your "objective" sources are completely and utterly corrupted and biased as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows. Let me guess, when I post links to just how biased they are, you'll claim my links are biased, because they don't agree with your carnival mirror view of reality. Too bad. Expand Agree, although I would have added that means room temp in degrees Celsius, not Farenheit! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV September 2, 2020 On 9/2/2020 at 12:52 AM, ronwagn said: I don't buy the idea that because people are poor that they are likely criminals. It needs to be broken down by culture and individual upbringing. Also having a two parent family. The biggest problem IMHO was actually when mothers found that they could do without husbands and get paid for raising their children by the government. That started with LBJ and the Great Society. If they had husbands, they weren't eligible for the aid money. The husbands became baby daddys. The foul hip hop and rap music encouraged lose morals and all sorts of bad thinking and bad behavior. White kids were exposed to the same music and suffered the same consequences if they did not have good parents or at least one good parent. Dr. Benjamin Carson had a great mom. Expand Too right Ron, and I don't mean to nit-pick, but the word is "loose". Everybody seems to get confused these days between "loose" and "lose", even the most highly educated of folk. I hope that was just a typo and that u have not been "re-educated" by the loonie illiterate left that can no longer use the Queen's English 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites