Zhong Lu

You Guys Blew It

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This was all Trump had to do to win reelection easily:

[Make this speech in March]

"Ladies and gentleman, Democrats and Republicans, our country is facing an unprecedented threat from a virus originating from Wuhan, China.  This virus does not differentiate between race, gender, or political affiliation.  It does not care if you live in a red state or a blue state.  Based on what I've heard from my scientists, it's several times more deadly then the flu, and a hell lot more contagious.  It spreads through droplets in the air, and large public gatherings.  I understand that you elected me to Make America Great Again.  And that is what I intend to do.  But first we must beat this virus or the economy will never recover.  And so as the president of the United States of America, of all of America, and not just the states that voted for me, I recommend, again,  based on what I've heard from my scientists, that we wear facial coverings and masks and limit our public gatherings.  

I understand these recommendations will badly damage our great economy.  But I believe that once we have a vaccine and once we have this virus whipped, our economy will roar back as strongly as it has ever been.  I will use the power of the federal government to do whatever we can to make the next few months as bearable as possible.  I will be working with our Democratic colleagues to pass bills to make sure you can still pay the rent.  We will do what we can to get a vaccine out ASAP and to limit its impact on our transportation, manufacturing, and service industries."

Etc. etc.


[COVID-19 was get-out-jail-free card for Donald Trump's economic policies.  Whatever economic failings his policies had, he could have blamed it on COVID-19.  Had he made a speech like the one above and followed through on it, he would have been reelected easily. Instead, idiotically, he did the opposite, and you guys jumped off the cliff with him]

Edited by Zhong Lu
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  On 11/6/2020 at 8:55 PM, Zhong Lu said:

[COVID-19 was get-out-jail-free card for Donald Trump's economic policies.  Whatever economic failings his policies had, he could have blamed it on COVID-19.  Had he made a speech like the one above and followed through on it, he would have been reelected easily. Instead, idiotically, he did the opposite, and you guys jumped off the cliff with him]


No, you're wrong, in my opinion. Nobody jumped off the cliff with him. You're right in one regard: Donald Trump was his own worst enemy. But you truly don't understand politics. Especially American politics. 

Mr. Trump lost the election when he said that John McCain wasn't a war hero (even though he had spent five years in the Hanoi Hilton and had a frozen left arm). It was still retrievable. But then John died. And Mr. Trump not only failed to call Cindy McCain (who is a very, very rich woman with a great amount of power nationally and specifically in the state of Arizona) but he didn't want to fly the flag at half-mast for more than one-half day. It was still retrievable. But then Mr. Trump doubled down about veterans, and specifically Vietnam veterans. That roused the hatred of several generals and also of Cindy McCain. Joe Biden had served with her husband in the Senate for three decades. Biden's son Beau died of glioblastoma multiforme. Then John McCain got the same tumor. Joe Biden comforted Meghyn McCain as well as Cindy McCain. Mr. Trump apparently didn't call. 

Fast forward: two weeks prior to voting, Cindy McCain makes a five-minute campaign ad for Joe Biden. It was aired by every major network. Not just in the state of Arizona, but nationally. They're saying in Arizona that John McCain spoke from the grave. Whatever, it cost the election for Mr. Trump.  

It's fine with me for you to come on here with your weird name and make all sorts of declarations. For the sake of yawns, I would appreciate it if you would get at least 50% correct. My tabulation on you is pretty dismal, as I suspect yours is on me. 

Mr. Trump was a horribly flawed candidate and president. If he had never opened his mouth or tweeted a thing he would have won, hands down, because we have had a great economy, a booming stock market, a robust housing market, and Main Street was at last doing as well as Wall Street. Mr. Trump lifted up thousands of African-Americans and Spanish-Americans. He simply can't help denigrating people who don't pass his test. The other night in Kenosha, he had the audience. His microphone didn't work well. Some very nervous little guy starts working on it and Trump suggests to the (now silent) crowd that he shouldn't be paid, because the microphone didn't work right. This man made a tiny fraction of what Mr. Trump had as a wee baby, yet Mr. Trump felt compelled to put his down and make him small and the crowd hated him for it, no matter that he had saved Kenosha just a few weeks ago. 

Anyway, I grow feeble trying to straighten out your misconceptions. Please try harder! But look around at the people here. No one jumped off the cliff with anyone, Big Fellow. We're fine. How are you doing over in China? Gosh, since you're so worried about us, I find myself worrying about you almost full time.  

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  On 11/6/2020 at 10:28 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

No, you're wrong, in my opinion. Nobody jumped off the cliff with him. You're right in one regard: Donald Trump was his own worst enemy. But you truly don't understand politics. Especially American politics. 

Mr. Trump lost the election when he said that John McCain wasn't a war hero (even though he had spent five years in the Hanoi Hilton and had a frozen left arm). It was still retrievable. But then John died. And Mr. Trump not only failed to call Cindy McCain (who is a very, very rich woman with a great amount of power nationally and specifically in the state of Arizona) but he didn't want to fly the flag at half-mast for more than one-half day. It was still retrievable. But then Mr. Trump doubled down about veterans, and specifically Vietnam veterans. That roused the hatred of several generals and also of Cindy McCain. Joe Biden had served with her husband in the Senate for three decades. Biden's son Beau died of glioblastoma multiforme. Then John McCain got the same tumor. Joe Biden comforted Meghyn McCain as well as Cindy McCain. Mr. Trump apparently didn't call. 

Fast forward: two weeks prior to voting, Cindy McCain makes a five-minute campaign ad for Joe Biden. It was aired by every major network. Not just in the state of Arizona, but nationally. They're saying in Arizona that John McCain spoke from the grave. Whatever, it cost the election for Mr. Trump.  

It's fine with me for you to come on here with your weird name and make all sorts of declarations. For the sake of yawns, I would appreciate it if you would get at least 50% correct. My tabulation on you is pretty dismal, as I suspect yours is on me. 

Mr. Trump was a horribly flawed candidate and president. If he had never opened his mouth or tweeted a thing he would have won, hands down, because we have had a great economy, a booming stock market, a robust housing market, and Main Street was at last doing as well as Wall Street. Mr. Trump lifted up thousands of African-Americans and Spanish-Americans. He simply can't help denigrating people who don't pass his test. The other night in Kenosha, he had the audience. His microphone didn't work well. Some very nervous little guy starts working on it and Trump suggests to the (now silent) crowd that he shouldn't be paid, because the microphone didn't work right. This man made a tiny fraction of what Mr. Trump had as a wee baby, yet Mr. Trump felt compelled to put his down and make him small and the crowd hated him for it, no matter that he had saved Kenosha just a few weeks ago. 

Anyway, I grow feeble trying to straighten out your misconceptions. Please try harder! But look around at the people here. No one jumped off the cliff with anyone, Big Fellow. We're fine. How are you doing over in China? Gosh, since you're so worried about us, I find myself worrying about you almost full time.  



I agree with almost all of that. 

It should be unsurprising to most but being well-liked is more important than working hard or being smart in almost all cases.  Trump made too many enemies with power.  You can ignore political correctness and politeness in some circles -and it might even make you more popular among them- but those classless circles rarely hold any more power than a vote and many guns.

Eventually enough people of importance got disgusted with having an embarrassing POTUS.  Love him or hate him, you have to admit Obama had loads of charisma and that work well for him.


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The result of the election shows that Trump would have almost certainly won if the election had taken place in January. 

He was dangerously close to reelection, in a dire situation where most incumbents would lose. 

If you deny that, you deny the voice of the 69+m people who voted for him, the same way he is denying the voice of the 74+m who voted for Joe Biden

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  On 11/6/2020 at 11:44 PM, Krys Ottino said:

same way he is denying the voice of the 74+m who voted for Joe Biden


Many of them from the grave

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No cliff jumping that I know of.  We have other parts of our lives.  Politics is just that distant "thing" that we hope will get better so that government finds better ways to serve us, without burdening us with too many taxes and regulations.  Yes, we as a group will fight to have illegal actions found and prosecuted, as we always do about any wrongdoing.  But, if at the end of the day Trump loses, my life will go on and my expectations will be less.  We will still pay attention and still try to guide any dialogue towards common sense government that serves us, as opposed to self-serving government.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 8:55 PM, Zhong Lu said:

This was all Trump had to do to win reelection easily:

[Make this speech in March]

"Ladies and gentleman, Democrats and Republicans, our country is facing an unprecedented threat from a virus originating from Wuhan, China.  This virus does not differentiate between race, gender, or political affiliation.  It does not care if you live in a red state or a blue state.  Based on what I've heard from my scientists, it's several times more deadly then the flu, and a hell lot more contagious.  It spreads through droplets in the air, and large public gatherings.  I understand that you elected me to Make America Great Again.  And that is what I intend to do.  But first we must beat this virus or the economy will never recover.  And so as the president of the United States of America, of all of America, and not just the states that voted for me, I recommend, again,  based on what I've heard from my scientists, that we wear facial coverings and masks and limit our public gatherings.  

I understand these recommendations will badly damage our great economy.  But I believe that once we have a vaccine and once we have this virus whipped, our economy will roar back as strongly as it has ever been.  I will use the power of the federal government to do whatever we can to make the next few months as bearable as possible.  I will be working with our Democratic colleagues to pass bills to make sure you can still pay the rent.  We will do what we can to get a vaccine out ASAP and to limit its impact on our transportation, manufacturing, and service industries."

Etc. etc.


[COVID-19 was get-out-jail-free card for Donald Trump's economic policies.  Whatever economic failings his policies had, he could have blamed it on COVID-19.  Had he made a speech like the one above and followed through on it, he would have been reelected easily. Instead, idiotically, he did the opposite, and you guys jumped off the cliff with him]


The Fauci recommendations were all wrong all the time. The US could have done what Europe had done in France Italy and Spain and kept most of its population naive of the virus but its case numbers down, just to see them pop back up the moment it started getting cold.

Trump's main mistake is declaring the state of emergency and the shutdown instructions. They were not necessary. Yes we would have had more deaths without lockdowns early on, but would have managed to protect the elderly and let the rest of the country go on with their lives with minor restrictions and open policy to allow business to adapt with air filtration distancing and barriers. Instead we got dictatorships of governors backed up by scientifically challenged public health official's unsubstantiated "fears". Giving the governors an arbitrary  power of life and death and economic prosperity vs. destruction.

It is not at all clear to me that Trump did not win. All my numbers indicate he already won the Early vote. The clear indication is that there was a ballot harvesting operation in Dem jurisdictions that were setup to inflate the Biden vote in cities. Without specialized materials and coding, there is no way to verify the validity of envelopes and the ballots within after they are removed from the envelopes. Security of the mail in vote was deliberately flimsy to make ballot harvesting and stuffing easy and undetectable without massive surveillance.

CV 19 was no get out of jail card for Trump. His economic policy was successful, particularly for the minority populations held back by the policies of the "benefactor" arm chair socialists in power and the Dem administrations before.

Where he did indeed do badly was with his bully persona that turned off many white suburbanites who would have been ashamed of their children if they behaved that way.


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  On 11/6/2020 at 11:10 PM, Enthalpic said:


I agree with almost all of that. 

It should be unsurprising to most but being well-liked is more important than working hard or being smart in almost all cases.  Trump made too many enemies with power.  You can ignore political correctness and politeness in some circles -and it might even make you more popular among them- but those classless circles rarely hold any more power than a vote and many guns.

Eventually enough people of importance got disgusted with having an embarrassing POTUS.  Love him or hate him, you have to admit Obama had loads of charisma and that work well for him.



Obama had charisma to those who agreed with his motives and goals. Those who saw the evil plans he had saw nothing but a smooth operator and devil incarnate. He gained the trust and love of the establishment and that worked for him. The Deep State was loyal to him and he created an Evil Empire. If Biden wins, he can do no evil to the same supporters. Kamala also.

Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals:



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Trump trashed Latinos and the Dems flipped Arizona and had big gains in Texas. Trump trashed blacks and lost Georgia. His mouth lost him a couple of red states by energizing blue voter turnout. 

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  On 11/7/2020 at 4:29 AM, 0R0 said:

It is not at all clear to me that Trump did not win.


I think he probably did win, but the MSM and Big Tech censored everything negative about the Biden Family and pounded on Trump mercilessly. Additionally, the Democrats went into this with some stuff in place. Fox News was in on the fix, calling the Arizona race precipitously and with only a small fraction of the vote in. With that, at that very moment, all vote-counting paused in the swing votes and the Big Reset began. 

BUT Mr. Trump sealed his fate by his handling of the McCain issue. Without it he would have been a shoo-in.

As it is, what would you do if you were Mr. Trump, with Fox News and several of your own people turning on you? I'll tell you what I would do. I would hire Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Larry Kudlow and Maria Bartriroma and start one hell of a cable news network. There wouldn't be ten Fox News watchers left. Most of the advertisers would shift. From that perch I would control the dialogue on the news, both political and business. 

The Democrats have prevailed: they now have a mentally incompetent president in the Oval Office and a VP so unlikeable that she didn't survive the first debate of the Democrat primary. But I strongly suspect that Donald J. Trump will control the news. By 2024, the presidency will be his for the taking, once again. Damn, this might be fun! 

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  On 11/7/2020 at 6:35 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

The Democrats have prevailed: they now have a mentally incompetent president in the Oval Office and a VP so unlikeable that she didn't survive the first debate of the Democrat primary. But I strongly suspect that Donald J. Trump will control the news. By 2024, the presidency will be his for the taking, once again. Damn, this might be fun! 



Correct he will be noisy.

Hopefully the US will learn not to elect geriatrics by 2024.  I think there should be a maximum age.



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  On 11/7/2020 at 6:35 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

I think he probably did win, but the MSM and Big Tech censored everything negative about the Biden Family and pounded on Trump mercilessly. Additionally, the Democrats went into this with some stuff in place. Fox News was in on the fix, calling the Arizona race precipitously and with only a small fraction of the vote in. With that, at that very moment, all vote-counting paused in the swing votes and the Big Reset began. 

BUT Mr. Trump sealed his fate by his handling of the McCain issue. Without it he would have been a shoo-in.

As it is, what would you do if you were Mr. Trump, with Fox News and several of your own people turning on you? I'll tell you what I would do. I would hire Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Larry Kudlow and Maria Bartriroma and start one hell of a cable news network. There wouldn't be ten Fox News watchers left. Most of the advertisers would shift. From that perch I would control the dialogue on the news, both political and business. 

The Democrats have prevailed: they now have a mentally incompetent president in the Oval Office and a VP so unlikeable that she didn't survive the first debate of the Democrat primary. But I strongly suspect that Donald J. Trump will control the news. By 2024, the presidency will be his for the taking, once again. Damn, this might be fun! 


In 2024 he is likely going to be in a NY state penitentiary or hiding in some country with non extradition, not running for president. 

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  On 11/7/2020 at 7:17 PM, Jay McKinsey said:

In 2024 he is likely going to be in a NY state penitentiary or hiding in some country with non extradition, not running for president. 



Maybe I'll have to leave the country.

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Alright, I'll retract the cliff jumping part.  But the larger point stands. Had he handled the corona virus any differently, he would have won.  Even after his horrid mis judgement he still nearly won, which shows the depth of his support.  

Still, he blew it.  

With regards to Arizona and McCain, sure it bit him on the ass.  But it wouldn't have mattered anyway given what happened in the MidWest and Georgia.  Biden's message there was simple: "what manufacturing boom? Trump lied to you."  And it worked.  Flipped enough voters to carry him over the edge.

And finally, the same criticism could be said of Trump.  "He had charisma but he is EVIL." 

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  On 11/7/2020 at 6:21 PM, Boat said:

Trump trashed Latinos and the Dems flipped Arizona and had big gains in Texas. Trump trashed blacks and lost Georgia. His mouth lost him a couple of red states by energizing blue voter turnout. 


Latinos are not a single voting block.  He won with Cuban and Venezuelan Americans.  Lost with the Mexicans.  Makes sense if you think about his policies. It's a better explanation for the Arizona /Florida split.  

That, of course, and McCain.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 10:28 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

Mr. Trump lost the election when he said that John McCain wasn't a war hero (even though he had spent five years in the Hanoi Hilton and had a frozen left arm). It was still retrievable. But then John died. And Mr. Trump not only failed to call Cindy McCain (who is a very, very rich woman with a great amount of power nationally and specifically in the state of Arizona) but he didn't want to fly the flag at half-mast for more than one-half day. It was still retrievable. But then Mr. Trump doubled down about veterans, and specifically Vietnam veterans. That roused the hatred of several generals and also of Cindy McCain. Joe Biden had served with her husband in the Senate for three decades. Biden's son Beau died of glioblastoma multiforme. Then John McCain got the same tumor. Joe Biden comforted Meghyn McCain as well as Cindy McCain. Mr. Trump apparently didn't call. 


I'd add Trump also screwed himself by claiming mail in ballots were subject to fraud. Trump is the only political figure I can remember who instructed his own followers not to vote. Most of Trump's most ardent supporters were in rural areas. mailing a ballot made the most sense for people who live far from polling stations. Instead of "get your butt off the couch and go vote anyway legally possible" Trump basically said "It's fraud folks, all rigged, don't you dare vote by mail", just flat out dumb.

Edited by Strangelovesurfing

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  On 11/7/2020 at 8:59 PM, Strangelovesurfing said:

I'd add Trump also screwed himself by claiming mail in ballots were subject to fraud. Trump is the only political figure I can remember who instructed his own followers not to vote. Most of Trump's most ardent supporters were in rural areas. mailing a ballot made the most sense for people who live far from polling stations. Instead of "get your butt off the couch and go vote anyway legally possible" Trump basically said "It's fraud folks, all rigged, don't you dare vote by mail", just flat out dumb.


Mail in voting was Trumps demise and he knew it. You are assuming voter registration have controls or guidelines..dont assume. Democrats have very big issues with any type of E verify systems just for employment or a drivers lisc. E-verify for voting registration??? outrageous....Roll that over into mail in ballots??? Game over and absolutely no means to verify the ballots cast...none. It is what it is. It appears the old check in the mail has taken on a whole new dimension.

Case in point and from the OR state govt itself  https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/DMV/Pages/Real_ID.aspx#:~:text=Starting Oct.,ID Card for these purposes.

You may notice a real ID card is not needed to register or vote.

Edited by Eyes Wide Open
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  On 11/7/2020 at 8:44 PM, Zhong Lu said:

Latinos are not a single voting block.  He won with Cuban and Venezuelan Americans.  Lost with the Mexicans.  Makes sense if you think about his policies. It's a better explanation for the Arizona /Florida split.  

That, of course, and McCain.


He gained with Mexicans just as well as he did with blacks, even more. They are not fans of illegals coming in. It matters more to them.

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  On 11/7/2020 at 8:41 PM, Zhong Lu said:

With regards to Arizona and McCain, sure it bit him on the ass.  But it wouldn't have mattered anyway given what happened in the MidWest and Georgia.  Biden's message there was simple: "what manufacturing boom? Trump lied to you."  And it worked.  Flipped enough voters to carry him over the edge.


Manufacturing did expand in the midwest, and was ongoing expansion in a big way this year. It was stronger in the South and the Ohio valley Western PA through Ohio, WV KY etc.. Largely due to fracking and downstream industries including a new high end poly-silicone plant in Ohio in mid construction.

Nothing Biden said was true. He did not flip voters. He had his "best vote fixers in history" harvest ballots and fill them in for him.

You need to lay off the mainstream media. They are bought and paid for by corporations doing labor arbitrage and investment in China which he threatened with tariffs. Those eat into their profitability since you can't transfer price tariffs like you can profits. It is part of the reason that stocks went up sharply upon Biden taking the lead in the count. Trump was not a business Republican, he wanted the margin of revenues in the US to remain in the US in worker's hands.

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Cognitive dissonance overload!  Engage Alternative Facts!

Accept that there may be some errors in your equations...




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Seen many elections, but none like this.  All of the battleground states had Trump winning by huge margins...then everything in middle of the night saw Biden votes magically coming in from heavy dem run cities and counties...Folks the fix was in and this is not over.....Shutting down poll watching while the fix was in.  Trump will not go down easy on this fraud of stealing an election.  It's going to get messssssyy


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That's cuz the Dems believe in the threat of corona virus, so they mailed in the votes.  Republicans didn't- so they did it in person.

It was all over the news in the last two weeks, if you cared to watch or read it.  "Trump is gonna declare victory early before all the votes are counted, and then call fraud on the mail in votes" etc. etc.

Happened exactly as they predicted.  He was completely anticipated. LOL.  So as a result Trump looks like a complete crackpot sociopath who hates democracy.  

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  On 11/7/2020 at 10:02 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Mail in voting was Trumps demise and he knew it. You are assuming voter registration have controls or guidelines..dont assume. Democrats have very big issues with any type of E verify systems just for employment or a drivers lisc. E-verify for voting registration??? outrageous....Roll that over into mail in ballots??? Game over and absolutely no means to verify the ballots cast...none. It is what it is. It appears the old check in the mail has taken on a whole new dimension.

Case in point and from the OR state govt itself  https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/DMV/Pages/Real_ID.aspx#:~:text=Starting Oct.,ID Card for these purposes.

You may notice a real ID card is not needed to register or vote.


Thanks for link. Educational. Everything about the 'Real ID' legislation and card is identical to what is termed a 'Civil ID' in other countries: registration, data retention, use, tracking, etc. Countries include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, China, many others.

So shall we say Americans are now in good company?



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  On 11/8/2020 at 1:06 AM, frankfurter said:

Thanks for link. Educational. Everything about the 'Real ID' legislation and card is identical to what is termed a 'Civil ID' in other countries: registration, data retention, use, tracking, etc. Countries include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, China, many others.

So shall we say Americans are now in good company?




Yes i am quite well aware of its universal applications..conformity. Old Joe & company may have managed a election with the press and a consortium from god know's where....Soon enough they will come forward with there agenda, It will be interesting to see 4/5 million menopausal women loose their cool...Good old Joe will be the man for the job...i give him 6 months.



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  On 11/8/2020 at 1:28 AM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Yes i am quite well aware of its universal applications..conformity. Old Joe & company may have managed a election with the press and a consortium from god know's where....Soon enough they will come forward with there agenda, It will be interesting to see 4/5 million menopausal women loose their cool...Good old Joe will be the man for the job...i give him 6 months.




Every. Single. MSM. Poll. Was. Incredibly. Wrong! 

So we're suddenly supposed to believe this one

Fake news propagandists 

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