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Democrat elites warn AOC against running for Schumer's Senate seat. Too late. She has her eye on the prize.

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 New York Democrat Party Chairman  Jay Jacobs says Schumer is Progressive. Yea right.  Schumer is owned by the WallStreet Investment Banks and Hedge Funds.   That's as far away from being a  Progressive as you can get.  Schumer bashed Mitt Romney during the 2012 Presidential run for using "Carried Interest" tax loophole to accumulate $400 Million in wealth paying little personal income taxes .  THEN SCHUMER WAS THE #1 RECIPIENT OF HEDGE FUND DONATIONS DURING HIS 2016 RE-ELECTION .  Hypocrite ? 

"President Trump has even chimed in on a potential Ocasio-Cortez-Schumer battle, snarking AOC would “kick his ass,” in a primary "

Populists AOC and Trump have more in common with each other than they each have with their Party's Establishment Elite. AOC backed Biden then was ignored. Democrats used her. Payback's a bitch.  Senator Ocasio-Cortez 2022.

Ocasio-Cortez will finish what Trump started, EXPOSE THE SWAMP CORRUPTION.

Today the divide in America is not left versus right, but rather insiders against the outsider, President Donald Trump and AOC are outside the incestuous DC money ecosystem.  

AOC plans to go after Schumer's cozy relationship with WallStreet's Hedge Funds/Investment Bankers and Big Tech for :

1. Going easy on China for WallStreet riches at the e sense of the folks and U.S. jobs.  

2.  Schumer being one of the largest recipients of Hedge Fund and Investment Bankers campaign donations in exchange for Schumer killing repeal of "Carried Interest" huge tax loophole where they pay little or no Personal Income Taxes.

3. Schumer Support for staying out of Investment Banks Saudi Arabia and UAE Investment Banking business providing them windfall profits.

4. Schumer blocking attempts to rein in out of control Big Tech Oligarchs.

Democrat leadership said WallStreet and Big Tech will spend whatever needed to keep Schumer in Senate.  AOC believes if they do it will become a weapon turned on Schumer as the reason he needs to go.  

Democrat Party leaders say Schumer is progressive.  Please spare us.  Progressives shouldn't be in the pocket of WallStreet.

AOC believes the Folks don't understand the relationship between Big Tech, WallStreet and Schumer. She plans to explain it to them. 

Looking forward to this AOC vs Schumer primary battle. 

New York Post: AOC v Schumer 12/26/2020


Edited by Roch

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Trump and AOC Common Issues

1. U.S. workers and jobs ahead of China and WallStreet.

2. Repeal of "Carried Interest" WallStreet tax loophole.

3. Rein in Big Tech monopolistic abuses and excessive influence

4. Expose the Deep State

5. Prioritise the Folks over the Corporations. 

6. Assert the U.S. is supposed to be the People's Country.  Not that of WallStreet and Big Tech to manipulate 

7. Both agree increase relief check increase from $600 to $2000


Don't get me wrong there are many differences. They go about it in very different ways. AOC as a Socialist.  Trump as a Free Market supporter.  AOC bigger government while Trump believes in decentralized smaller government. 


Edited by Roch

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  On 12/27/2020 at 7:17 PM, Roch said:

Trump and AOC Common Issues

1. U.S. workers and jobs ahead of China and WallStreet.

2. Repeal of "Carried Interest" WallStreet tax loophole.

3. Rein in Big Tech monopolistic abuses and excessive influence

4. Expose the Deep State

5. Prioritise the Folks over the Corporations. 

6. Assert the U.S. is supposed to be the People's Country.  Not that of WallStreet and Big Tech to manipulate 


Don't get me wrong there are many differences. They go about it in very different ways. AOC as a Socialist.  Trump as a Free Market supporter.  AOC bigger government while Trump believes in decentralized smaller government. 



Trump is all about cut taxes and spend in a damaged economy. The result is massive federal deficits which will be pegged to him and Republicans in history.

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AOC and Schumer have one thing in common. They support legal and illegal immigration. They claim Climate Change response but can’t connect the dots of overpopulation, resource depletion and pollution. The left can be as square bus slow as Republicans at times.

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Trump fans:

"Socialism is bad, but free money from trump is good."

Remember when the USA was all about economic Darwinism?  Smart, hard workers get ahead; the stupid and lazy fall behind. 

Now that the left control most of the smarts and money (silicon valley, wall street, Hollywood) they don't like that idea anymore. "Do a massive wealth transfer to the poor flyover states ASAP!!!"

Yes, giving everyone an equal amount of money despite unequal contributions is a socialistic wealth transfer.

Do you think $2000 bucks buys you the same amount of goods in every state?  Absolutely not, it is a double wealth transfer.  The money has more buying power in poor states and is mostly taken from the rich in blue states.


Edited by Enthalpic

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  On 12/27/2020 at 11:02 PM, Enthalpic said:


Do you think $2000 bucks buys you the same amount of goods in every state?  Absolutely not, it is a double wealth transfer.  The money has more buying power in poor states and is mostly taken from the rich in blue states.



What does this have to do with 2022 New York Democrat Senate Primary.

Enthalpy, you're a broken record.  Why don't you find a blog in your Canada where you can whine. 

You're another " One Horse Pony" 

Don't forget our President elect says, " That Corn Pop was a bad dude "


Watch how Colbert mocks and makes fun of Primary Candidate Joe Biden as "old man" re his Corn Pop story. 

Then compare that to his recent softball interview with Doctor Jill Biden (They let Joe attend )

Colbert makes fun of Biden

Post Election interview 

Edited by Roch

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