Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 11, 2021 1 hour ago, NickW said: If these schemes regulate the flow and are sympathetic to downstream agricultural needs then the Chinese are potentially doing the other nations a favour. If they weaponise the flow then its a recipe for WW3. "IF" being the key word. Over the last 8 continuous years I have lived in Thailand, the Mekong has been both over-restricted and over-flowed based solely on China's needs and a couple of times due to the politics of the CCP, once Cambodia going against the CCP's wishes and once the region as a whole not showing support for the CCP's greater plans. They made their point. Governments of this region have acquiesced quite literally and completely and go along with the CCP or remain absolutely silent when they may disagree. Some might call that type of water management war-like. The previous King here made water management a top country-wide priority; now, not so much. That means that water infrastructure has suffered and deteriorated without annual management. That is not the CCP's problem per sei, but when you combine the two factors it is disastrous for the country's agriculture. It is so bad at this point that we can have flooding followed only 6 weeks later by drought, and vice versa. The Mekong feeds Thailand's rice bowl, and when it is out of kilter the entire nation suffers. At this point, we are not sure what the reason is each time it happens, but the vicious cycle is now a regular occurrence. 1 1 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 11, 2021 (edited) Comment proved irrelevant Edited January 12, 2021 by Dan Warnick Comment proved irrelevant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV January 12, 2021 On 1/5/2021 at 10:17 PM, Guy Daley said: Not a single commenter on this entire thread questioned the premise that 500,000 cars were delivered to CUSTOMERS that were going to drive the car. If the car gets delivered to a auto sales lot and it sits there waiting for a buyer, then absolutely NO oil is being displaced. Neither was the number of 500,000 questioned either. In this day and age where the MSM lies through their teeth about a variety of things to push certain agendas then why would the 500,000 number be taken as the honest truth? Covid stats are pumped through the roof with false positive testing to justify lockdowns. Deaths are attributed to covid regardl On 1/6/2021 at 6:06 PM, Hiten Shah said: There is difference between below the Earth and on the Earth and Above the Earth. Below the Earth means much under the ground. Farmers do most of the stuff on the ground. ess of how they died. The swing state election results were fraudulently acquired and then aggressively pushed as the truth from the MSM but the media isn't going to lie about all things "climate change" related? Pull the other one. The notion that EVs are still selling llike hot cakes during this time where the demonrats are destoying the economy via the covid scam is ludicrous. The idea that people SHOULD accept as truth anything that is printed is also LUDICROUS. I've seen the photos of people lined up for MILES for free food handouts. I do believe that info IS true because what else are people lining up for in these times besides Trump rallies? Sporting events? Concerts? Movie lines? Cruise ship departures? Airline departures? Agree with 99% of what you say. Basically everything except your view on climate change. If anything, they are lying that we have another 30 years to fix it. If we can't cut greenhouse emissions 80% within 10-12 years, things will get extremely ugly. Did you know that 2020 set a record for the number of billion-dollar plus insurance events in USA? Won't be long before insurance companies simply pull out of many areas if there is not serious action on climate change soon. At the moment, most large countries have regions that are being heavily subsidized by less affected regions, but this model cannot last much longer. 1 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV January 12, 2021 On 1/9/2021 at 8:36 PM, footeab@yahoo.com said: Bull SHit. Plan = Europe had/has near ZERO uranium, coal, Oil, NG resources and were pissing $$$ down the drain importing them. Wind/Solar are the only viable options to keep their way of life or partially keep their way of life afloat in a world dominated by those energy sources without an empire to feed said resources to them at rock bottom prices as they were accustomed. They had no choice but to develop them if given half a chance. At end of cold war, they were given that chance. They took it. Has nothing to do with CO2, has everything to do with lack of resources. Yes, Germany lacks coal(real coal, not that brown crap they are currently burning) as Germany could see where their coal reserves were going and going quickly. It is called planning. One thing Germans always get right and is bred into their culture: PLANNING for the future. Guess what? China also can do simple division and see that their gargantuan appetite for coal will swallow their VERY large coal resources in a matter of about 30-->50 years assuming they find more of the good stuff, leaving them with piss poor brown coal. So, they have decided to import lots of Coal from Australia, etc to extend the coal they do have. The number of countries not wholly dependent on their very existence(modern life AKA access to gobs and gobs of hydrocarbon energy) on outside powers is VERY small. It is not arrogance to continue to use what you have and develop it. It is the height of hubris, arrogance etc to blame the reason you are pouring a VERY large % of your GDP into developing these resources on something else(CO2) when anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that to get global warming requires excess heat to build up over the tropics pushing said excess heat north/south. The fact said excess heat is not building over the tropics as demonstrated in the mid 90's, and daily high temps around the globe have not risen, but rather daily lows due to city island heat effect, demonstrates conclusively that fear mongering regarding CO2 is driven entirely by politics at the highest level. There is no kickback at the highest level because everyone with a brain in said resource poor countries understands WHY, uh hem WHY, using CO2 as a scaremongering tactic is happening. Everyone also can figure out why those countries which are hydrocarbon rich have politicians who also have brain cells and can see the utter joke of the "science". Now if one gets a side benefit of a cleaner environment due to no belching mercury, sulphur, uranium, etc raining down on the countryside from burning coal, more fish in rivers due to them being cooler, all and good. But, never forget the overriding real reason for Wind Turbines/Solar; Independence. No one likes being dependent on another nation even if said nation is fairly benign, far away, and supposedly your ally. Said nation can always go insane as they are imbibing on ultimate power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Everyone knows this. Every politician knows this. Every nation knows this. Has everything to do with independence. Will there be a financial reset? Hell Yes. NO currency has been top dog for more than ~150 years at most in the last 1000 years(before this there was never enough interaction to quantify my statement). The USD has reigned supreme going on ~100 years now. Law of averages says it will fall along with the order supported by said nation. There is no cold war keeping the allies together anymore. Said nation which supposedly is upholding the order has shipped nearly 100% of its industry to nations which by its moral stance during the cold war they should technically be at war with, cutting off ALL financial ties and should NEVER have gotten a single manufacturing job yet today all of it has been shipped out or nearly so. This is a guaranteed failure in the making. The only thing left of the USA is its hydrocarbon industry, agriculture dominance, and space dominance. Ag dominance is nearly gone as well as by value, US will start to import by value more food than they export. So, by all means, go wind/solar/battery, but just know the real justifiable reason for doing so. Independence pure and simple; independence a true cry of every nation throughout time. footeab, I highly recommend you follow Lyn Alden on twitter and read her newsletter on the death of the petro-dollar, and how the petro-dollar caused the de-industrialisation of the USA. It makes a lot of sense and I think you would enjoy the read Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV January 12, 2021 On 1/10/2021 at 8:29 PM, NickW said: I can recall similar arguments 15 years ago that wind and solar would never even provide 1% of global electricity supply.... As with renewables EV's are rapidly gaining the benefit of volume to drive costs down. Battery costs, the main cost obstacle are falling too. In the short to medium term I agree that Hybrids will be the predominant shift in vehicle fleets . Long term it will be EV's . Personally I think hydrogen is a dead duck (other than blended into NG supply). Heavy vehicle fleets may switch over to NG which will keep RonW happy Nick, the H2 industry is only just getting started. With cheaper renewables, the more sense it makes. Give it 20 years, and hybrid H2/Electric vehicles will be on everyone's lips. Yellow H2 may even start to outpace Green H2 after the grid is 100% zero emission in 20 years in most countries. Think India, Russia, China. No qualms with nuclear in those countries. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 12, 2021 1 hour ago, Wombat said: footeab, I highly recommend you follow Lyn Alden on twitter and read her newsletter on the death of the petro-dollar, and how the petro-dollar caused the de-industrialisation of the USA. It makes a lot of sense and I think you would enjoy the read I do not use Twitter or any other censorous scum platforms, and it is frankly mostly a gargantuan waste of time, especially since Google has taken over the entire worlds search functions and it is nearly impossible to find anything useful anymore as it is buried by advertising and skewed algorithms towards certain buddies of the search engine company. Yes, Petrodollar will collapse, and already know why. Real reason is how basic humanity works. Even if a single nation had no faults and were made of angels, its currency would still never last all that long as top dog due to how humanity individually and societally functions. People work hard to "overcome" real or perceived deficiencies, once 1st place is achieved, complacency, arrogance, pride, narcissim, lust for power sets in and they fall to people who work hard to "overcome" real or perceived deficiencies in themselves. Type in Hydrofoil into google.... Good Luck finding the International Hydrofoil society organization website that tabulates all data regarding hydrofoils and has events etc which would make you money. It used to be the first or 2nd thing that showed up in the search engine. Now? I have yet to find it scrolling past page 6... Lots of ads for Facebook, Boeing, home depot, amazon.... etc 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guy Daley + 49 January 12, 2021 (edited) On 1/11/2021 at 7:22 PM, Wombat said: Agree with 99% of what you say. Basically everything except your view on climate change. If anything, they are lying that we have another 30 years to fix it. If we can't cut greenhouse emissions 80% within 10-12 years, things will get extremely ugly. Did you know that 2020 set a record for the number of billion-dollar plus insurance events in USA? Won't be long before insurance companies simply pull out of many areas if there is not serious action on climate change soon. At the moment, most large countries have regions that are being heavily subsidized by less affected regions, but this model cannot last much longer. I do know that you've been conned. And now you think you're an earth justice warrior campaigning for the radical left. Who first started pushing this theme on a grand style, then look at his lifestyle. If you agree with 99% of what I say, then where did you lose your way? The climate change hoax is designed to enable another wealth transfer to the elite. You need only look at who is promoting it. The clues are NOT that difficult to connect. Did you know that the US has more people than ever before which means more buildings to collapse when planted in a hurricanes path or along an earthquakes fault line? My point is, you point out an absolutely IRRELEVANT fact about billion dollar losses. The earth had weather before our use of fossil fuel and it will have weather after we exit the use of fossil fuel. To say otherwise is simply, insane. Also inflation has a lot to do with those billion dollar losses. Ten years from now after the demonrats have destroyed our currency, those same billion dollar losses will be tens of billions or more. Edited January 13, 2021 by Guy Daley 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,331 RG January 12, 2021 Musk said he was willing to sell car chassis along with their battery packs to competitors. He is not your typical billionaire. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wombat + 1,028 AV January 12, 2021 1 hour ago, Guy Daley said: I do know that you've been conned. And now you think you're an earth justice warrior campaigning for the radical left. Who first started pushing this theme on a grand style, then look at his lifestyle. If you agree with 99% of what I say, then where did you lose your way? The climate change hoax is designed to enable another wealth transfer to the elite. You need only look at who is promoting it. The clues are NOT that difficult to connect. Did you know that the US has more people than ever before which means more buildings to collapse when planted in a hurricanes path or along an earthquakes fault line? My point is, you point out an absolutely IRRELEVANT fact about billion dollar losses. The earth had weather before our use of fossil fuel and it will have weather after we exit the use of fossil fuel. To say otherwise is simply, insane. Also inflation has a lot to do with those billion dollar losses. Then years from now after the demonrats have destroyed our currency, those same billion dollar losses will be tens of billions or more. And I suppose you think that God will stop the seas from rising? That is insane buddy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 19 hours ago, Dan Warnick said: On the contrary, India would have everything to lose. And I have the distinct impression that Indians, by and large, are more than willing to fight. They already seem to love to blame just about anything on China. In fact I'd hate to see these two start lobbing nuclear missiles back and forth. Smaller ones at first to test the other's resolve, and if that doesn't work...... But you are right, if China cuts off or vastly restricts India's water supply, there will be war, and quick. When I say nothing to lose its in the context of after China has syphoned off Indias water supply. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 4 hours ago, Guy Daley said: I do know that you've been conned. And now you think you're an earth justice warrior campaigning for the radical left. Who first started pushing this theme on a grand style, then look at his lifestyle. If you agree with 99% of what I say, then where did you lose your way? The climate change hoax is designed to enable another wealth transfer to the elite. You need only look at who is promoting it. The clues are NOT that difficult to connect. Did you know that the US has more people than ever before which means more buildings to collapse when planted in a hurricanes path or along an earthquakes fault line? My point is, you point out an absolutely IRRELEVANT fact about billion dollar losses. The earth had weather before our use of fossil fuel and it will have weather after we exit the use of fossil fuel. To say otherwise is simply, insane. Also inflation has a lot to do with those billion dollar losses. Then years from now after the demonrats have destroyed our currency, those same billion dollar losses will be tens of billions or more. This always cracks me up particularly when its fired off at individuals who take action to reduce their own personal carbon footprint. Investing in home energy efficiency / micro renewables typically gives a rate of return far higher than interest in banks and returns on shares. The return is tax free and pretty much guaranteed. Furthermore it make your house less vulnerable to weather extremes How does that transfer wealth to the elite? Encouraging people to buy local foods to reduce supply chain demands takes business away from the conglomerates and tends to utilise smaller more local businesses How does that transfer wealth to the elite? Encouraging people to conserve water through efficiency / rainwater harvesting reduces water bills. How does that transfer wealth to the elite? Using public transport can often free up personal time. Using the train I find some time to read. I also get more exercise walking at either end of my journey. It actually works out cheaper than the full cost of driving How does that transfer wealth to the elite? 2 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 12, 2021 26 minutes ago, NickW said: When I say nothing to lose its in the context of after China has syphoned off Indias water supply. Yeah, to be honest I struggled with whether I should say everything to lose or whether you were right. Everything to lose; nothing to gain Nothing to lose; everything to gain or simply: Everything to lose Nothing to lose - Yeah, I think you're right. Once the water's gone they would have nothing to lose. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 20 hours ago, Dan Warnick said: "IF" being the key word. Over the last 8 continuous years I have lived in Thailand, the Mekong has been both over-restricted and over-flowed based solely on China's needs and a couple of times due to the politics of the CCP, once Cambodia going against the CCP's wishes and once the region as a whole not showing support for the CCP's greater plans. They made their point. Governments of this region have acquiesced quite literally and completely and go along with the CCP or remain absolutely silent when they may disagree. Some might call that type of water management war-like. The previous King here made water management a top country-wide priority; now, not so much. That means that water infrastructure has suffered and deteriorated without annual management. That is not the CCP's problem per sei, but when you combine the two factors it is disastrous for the country's agriculture. It is so bad at this point that we can have flooding followed only 6 weeks later by drought, and vice versa. The Mekong feeds Thailand's rice bowl, and when it is out of kilter the entire nation suffers. At this point, we are not sure what the reason is each time it happens, but the vicious cycle is now a regular occurrence. The problem is the CCP have been indoctrinating the Chinese people that they are the master race for the last 30-40 years. They act with no consideration for other countries or previously agreed international agreements . Their distant water fishing fleet scours the worlds oceans, often escorted by armed vessels which they use to bully small nations. 9 dash line SCS grab speaks for itself. Africa will be one mined out hole by 2100. Russia is lucky its Siberian rivers watersheds are not within China. Personally I try to avoid buying chinese products wherever possible or buying second hand so no new money for the CCP. 3 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 12, 2021 (edited) 5 hours ago, NickW said: When I say nothing to lose its in the context of after China has syphoned off Indias water supply. China does not control India's water supply at all. Open a hydrology map. Ganges: 0%. NE India has too much water already and the super majority of said Brahm river water comes from in India/Bhutan/Bangladesh. While China has ~50% of the basin area, it only accounts for ~25% of its water. https://www.preventionweb.net/news/view/73123#:~:text=The Brahmaputra sub-basin consists of a highly complex,(50.5%)%2C India (33.6%)%2C Bhutan (7.8%) and Bangladesh (8.1%). Here is an even better link: SHows that the upper 50% of the basin area only produces around ~10% of the discharge https://aquapedia.waterdiplomacy.org/wiki/index.php?title=Yarlung_Zangbo_/_Brahmaputra_River:_Competing_Priorities_of_Hydropower_and_Agriculture Edited January 12, 2021 by footeab@yahoo.com 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hiten Shah + 22 January 12, 2021 https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/tesla-registers-in-india-with-the-registrar-of-companies-6337241.html 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 12, 2021 9 minutes ago, Hiten Shah said: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/tesla-registers-in-india-with-the-registrar-of-companies-6337241.html Hi Hiten. It is usually good etiquette to add a few words describing what one may find at the link. Good topic, by the way. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 (edited) 20 minutes ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: China does not control India's water supply at all. Open a hydrology map. Ganges: 0%. NE India has too much water already and the super majority of said Brahm river water comes from in India/Bhutan/Bangladesh. While China has ~50% of the basin area, it only accounts for ~25% of its water. https://www.preventionweb.net/news/view/73123#:~:text=The Brahmaputra sub-basin consists of a highly complex,(50.5%)%2C India (33.6%)%2C Bhutan (7.8%) and Bangladesh (8.1%). Here is an even better link: SHows that the upper 50% of the basin area only produces around ~10% of the discharge https://aquapedia.waterdiplomacy.org/wiki/index.php?title=Yarlung_Zangbo_/_Brahmaputra_River:_Competing_Priorities_of_Hydropower_and_Agriculture I see now its more of an issue for SE Asia as Dan pointed out. However if syphoning off large amounts of water from the Brahm significantly affects Bangladesh this has a direct impact on India. An Indian I know said India's biggest fear from Global warming is Bangaldesh under 5 feet of water. Edited January 12, 2021 by NickW 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 12, 2021 12 minutes ago, Hiten Shah said: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/tesla-registers-in-india-with-the-registrar-of-companies-6337241.html You can also just click on the button at the top of the comment box, enter the link and then enter a description or article headline. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 12, 2021 1 hour ago, NickW said: I see now its more of an issue for SE Asia as Dan pointed out. However if syphoning off large amounts of water from the Brahm significantly affects Bangladesh this has a direct impact on India. An Indian I know said India's biggest fear from Global warming is Bangaldesh under 5 feet of water. In which case, less massive flooding from the Brahm, would be a good thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 37 minutes ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: In which case, less massive flooding from the Brahm, would be a good thing. You cant 'flood' land thats permanently under 5 feet of water of course if those river diversions end up in Endorheic basins then they can offset some of the sea level rise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 12, 2021 1 hour ago, NickW said: You cant 'flood' land thats permanently under 5 feet of water of course if those river diversions end up in Endorheic basins then they can offset some of the sea level rise. Bangladesh is sinking, it is not sea levels rising that is their problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 12, 2021 26 minutes ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: Bangladesh is sinking, it is not sea levels rising that is their problem. The two issues combine to double the problem. Sinking land mass and sea levels rising by >3mm year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 13, 2021 On 1/6/2021 at 3:56 AM, NickW said: Despite a growing economy Europes consumption of gas has fallen moderately in the last 10 years. Far less coal is used and there has been virtually no nuclear new build. The gain has come from energy efficiency and renewables. No reason why gas usage can't fall in other economies although I appreciate its utility as a fuel to balance renewables and replace coal. I trust you mean gasoline but natural gas is a cleaner option and a great option pricewise. It can work well for trucks, ships and any other ICE vehicle. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 13, 2021 12 hours ago, Hiten Shah said: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/tesla-registers-in-india-with-the-registrar-of-companies-6337241.html Very glad to hear it. I am very upset about the persecution of Christians in India though. It will work against trade plans for India. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 13, 2021 22 minutes ago, ronwagn said: Very glad to hear it. I am very upset about the persecution of Christians in India though. It will work against trade plans for India. Well, when you have one religion which says everything is god and another which says nothing is, you are going to have tensions. Pretty much why there are problems in the US right now. Have half the country which says there is no truth, right or wrong and if it feels good do it while at the same time saying their truth matters🙄 and anyone who says otherwise is intolerant of "their truth", even though they just finished saying they are god and there is no truth... 🙄 and the other half saying there is ultimate truth, norms, standards, law, and what you do in your personal life is between you and God but does not give you the right to demand society accept your personal life as right and societal standard. Yea, ya think there are tensions? Who knew, religion matters. A house divided cannot stand. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites