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What application are you thinking of when attempting to measure the CNG?

Standard volume size in ambient pressure state - presented in cubic feet/cubic meters - would allow the general scope of the example to have some practical context.


Starting with, say, an empty scuba tank - having about 1/4 cubic foot volume - one gets 80 cubic feet when the pressure is pumped (compressed) up to 3,000 psi.

Any diver using this hardly cares as he/she would be interested in allowable 'time on the bottom' if  the scuba tank were full, half full, etc.


Same general principal holds for CNG. 

While the 'virtual pipelines' of truck-transported methane are certainly concerned with the volume count (in cubic feet) of delivered methane to paper mills, industrial storage customers, pipeline injections, etc., any driver of CNG-fueled  cars/trucks simply cares about 'how far can I go?' when fueling up their vehicles.

As the total gaseous volume is dependent upon container volume and pressure (and, to an extent, temperature), conventional useage is expressed in liquid equivalent ... GGE (Gallon of Gasoline Equivalent) being the most common.

Passenger cars having 22 GGE capacity is considered a desireable threshold.


With the stunning, yet grossly under reported advances being made in the adsorption field ('d', not 'b'),  it should not be surprising to see reports out of Asia in the coming years of rapid adoption of CNG vehicles.

Cutting edge MOFs/COFs (Metallic/Covalent Organic Frameworks) can hold astonishing amounts of methane at low pressure.

Historically, active carbon has been this 'sponge.

Supposedly there are now COFs the size of a grape that have internal surface area equivalent to 2 football fields (10,000 square feet).

Every bit of that surface area can hold methane molecules.

Thatsalotta CNG.

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The information you just stated is very importand and yet is rarely spoken of. Similar to the fact that any small tank could get the average person around town and be refilled overnight with a low pressure tank that is conformable to the space available. The low pressure pump equipment at home could make this easy, compared to all of the older tanks even of the highest quality. You just need a natural gas line and pump. No retail prices or taxes. 

There are presently twice as many natural gas vehicles on the roads worldwide than electric and they fuel large trucks and small autos. 

My Natural Gas Vehicle Topic: 

Spongelike crystal could make it easier for natural gas–powered cars to store fuel


Worldwide NGV statistics



Country Natural Gas Vehicles (a) N/m³ monthly sales average Refuelling stations Refuelling stations under construction or projected
Afganistan 1.701   2  
Germany 98.172 23.000.000 921 1
Algeria 215   4  
Argentina 2.487.349 239.815.000 1.939  
Armenia 244.000 26.520.000 345  
Australia 3.110   52 10
Austria 8.332 13.500.000 180  
Bangladesh 220.000 91.550.000 585  
Belarus 4.600   42  
Belgium 1.053   20 21
Bolivia 300.000 26.278.135 178  
Bosnia & Herzegovina 35   3  
Brasil 1.781.102 144.535.636 1.805  
Bulgaria 61.320 15.000.000 110 7
Canada 14.205   89  
Chile 8.164 3.200.000 15 70
China 3.994.350   6.502 2.913
Colombia 500.000 45.000.000 800  
South Korea 40.532 93.000.000 201  
Croatia 329 80.000 3 1
Denmark 104   7 3
Egypt 207.617 46.850.000 181  
Ecuador 40   1  
United Arab Emirates 4.179   18 54
Slovakia 426 1.000.000 14 4
Slovenia 58 8.200 7 1
Spain 3.990 94.060.000 86 12
United States 150.000 77.520.000 1.615 239
Estonia 340 20.000 5 1
Philippines 20   1  
Finland 1.800 420.000 26 1
France 13.550 6.000.000 311 11
Georgia 80.600   100 25
Greece 1.000 1.330.000 7 7
Hungary 5.118 220.000 19 10
India 1.800.000 163.210.000 936  
Indonesia 5.690   11 4
Iran 4.068.632 630.000.000 2.268  
Ireland 3     9
Iceland 2.016 17.000 6  
Italy 885.300 75.000.000 1.060  
Japan 42.590   314  
Kazakhstan 20   1 90
Kyrgyzstann 6.000 600.000 6  
Latvia 29 3.000 2  
Liechtenstein 143 100.000 2 1
Lithuania 380 200.000 5 4
Luxembourg 270   7 2
Macedonia 54 20.000 1 3
Malaysia 55.999 14.800.000 184  
Mexico 2.620 1.375.000 8  
Moldova 2.200 400.000 24  
Montenegro     1  
Mozambique 1.380 240.000 5 2
Myanmar 27.137   45  
Nigeria 3.798   8 10
Norway 667 16.400.000 22 4
Netherlands 7.573   147 31
New Zealand 201   14  
Panama 15      
Pakistan 3.700.000 245.750.000 2.997  
Peru 183.786 18.562.500 237  
Poland 3.590 760.000 88 52
Portugal 586 1.160.000 5 1
Qatar 76   1  
United Kingdom 663 3.000.000 22 5
Czech Republic 8.817 2.000.000 101 30
Dominican Republic 10.909   15 100
Rumania 2   2  
Russia 90.050 33.750.000 253 15
Serbia 878 31.000 10 2
Singapore 4.638 1.030.000 3  
South Africa 937   3 5
Sweden 46.715 11.700.000 213  
Switzerland 11.640 1.610.000 167 3
Thailand 462.454 184.200.000 497  
Tajikistan 10.600 4.130.000 53  
Tanzania 55   1 2
Trinidad and Tobago 3.535 1.800.000 11 22
Tunisia 34   1  
Turkmenistan     1  
Turkey 3.850 4.200.000 14  
Ukraine 170.000 52.000.000 325  
Uzbekistan 450.000   213 50
Venezuela 90.000 8.152.054 166 300
Vietnam 462   7  
Total 22.404.405 2.182.877.525 26.677 4.138

India: Maruti Suzuki sells 300,000 units of the WagonR S-CNG


50 Reasons for Using NGV/CNG



1. Almost 85 countries from all five continents use NGV/CNG.

2. More than 20 million vehicles run on this noble fuel today.

3. Cars refuel at over 25 thousand filling stations spread throughout 2,900 cities worldwide.

4. There are 1,338 service stations under construction. By end 2020, 38,000 fuel dispensing points will supply methane for vehicles.

5. 180 OEM NGVs are offered by vehicle manufacturers. OEMs’ interest is growing: Ford, Scania, Opel, GM, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Hyundai, Tata, Fiat –among others- are clear examples.

6. The relation oil reserves-demand has reached the critical point or “peak oil” while a similar situation is not foreseen in the case of natural gas.

7. Natural gas exploration keeps expanding into both traditional wells and compact sand deposits. Coal bed methane constitutes a new alternative. Methane hydrate reserves on the sea bed are countless and several times larger than traditional reserves.

8. Conventional gas pipelines networks continue to proliferate. Underwater pipelines are built across oceans and others over mountain ranges.

9. The use of mobile natural gas pipelines –on trucks or trailers- makes NGV/CNG available where there are no physical pipelines either because of long distances or because of the scale of the demand.

10. In typical NGV/CNG refueling stations, owners do not have to rely on the arrival of trucks for the fuel supply since it is constantly provided by the pipeline.

11. It is possible for some users to refill their NGV/CNG cars at home because there are dispensers that take natural gas directly from the domestic distribution network.

12. Liquefaction and regasification terminals allow –through LNG technology- that natural gas arrives at any place of the planet. LNG carriers guarantee its global distribution and the possibility of providing support for larger supply. LNG transport does not entail the huge risks of ecological disaster that oil poses.

13. NGV/CNG industry involves an 800,000 people labour force worldwide, between technicians and workers.




14. Natural gas for vehicles may replace all liquid fuels in all their applications and more, whereas the opposite is not possible

15. Regarding land transport, there are cars, vans, scooters, motorbikes, tricycles, all types of buses and trucks that run on this fuel.

16. In addition, cranes, farm machinery, snow cats, planes, light aircraft, motorboats, ferries and trains –among others- are already NGV/CNG-propelled successfully.


Politics and saving


17. Oil price is extremely unstable and its trend �������especially after the last big international crisis- is definitely upwards again.

18. More and more governments promote natural gas as the core of their energy matrix to break the dependence generated by the permanent liquid fuels importation.

19. However, nations which are big oil producers, like Iran or Venezuela, encourage the use of natural gas in their domestic markets to increase their oil exports.

20. Natural gas is the only abundant, eco-friendly, economically viable fuel with the infrastructure required to supply the world’s automotive fleet for the next 40 years.

21. The world average indicates that driving an NGV is 66% cheaper than using a gasoline vehicle and 33% more economical than diesel.

22. Countries that import fuels have to pay 50% less for natural gas (LNG) than for liquid fuels like diesel (per equivalent unit of energy).


Ecology and health


23. NGV/CNG engines produce 25% less carbon dioxide than gasoline and 35% less than diesel. The CO2 contributes to global climate change due to greenhouse effect.

24. They reduce carbon monoxide emissions by 95% compared to gasoline, hydrocarbons emissions by 80% and nitrogen oxides’ by 30%.

25. NGV/CNG does not contain sulphur (there are diesel engines that release 18.4 g/h), particulate matter, lead or heavy metals traces.

26. NGV/CNG cylinders are hermetically sealed receptacles, while by using gasoline, part of it -contained in the tank- evaporates. This causes almost half of the contamination by hydrocarbons associated with the vehicular application.

27. Unlike gasoline, natural gas for vehicles does not have toxic additives of organic lead or benzene, the latter being highly carcinogenic.

28. Natural gas is not toxic or corrosive and does not contaminate groundwater at all. That is why there is no environmental risk in case of leakage, contrasting with the harmful environmental effects brought about by oil spills.

29. NGV/CNG engines decrease noise pollution by having a smoother and more silent performance than gasoline engines and especially diesel ones.

30. Biogas (methane from the breakdown of organic matter) turns natural gas into a renewable fuel that can be produced in the whole world. Biogas production from agricultural goods yields four more times per hectare than liquid biofuels.

31. Natural gas complies with the strictest environmental standards required by governments and regulating agencies. It is the large-scale use fuel with the lowest contamination levels.

32. It is the necessary bridge to hydrogen (immediate promise in terms of clean fuels, not yet available on a large scale), given its molecular structure and the logistics required for its implementation.




33. NGV/CNG is not a new technology. It has 70 years of history. It is widely proven and its technological advances are constant.

34. Being lighter than air, in case of eventual leakage, compressed natural gas rises and rapidly dissipates. Instead, gasoline spills and moves downwards, what increases fire and explosion risk considerably during an accident or leakage.

35. NGV/CNG requires a 600º C temperature for ignition while gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas ignite at 450º C. This is the reason why it is much more improbable that an NGV catches fire, under any circumstance.

36. The fuel circuit for natural gas is hermetic and has no air inside. Therefore there is no spontaneous ignition. On the contrary, in liquid fuels tanks, there is always flammable mixture, since they are open to the atmosphere.

37. Cylinders are manufactured under very strict safety norms and are subject to tests with pressures much higher than the ones existing during a regular refilling.  Design and testing pressure is 300 Bar, they do not explode at less than 460 Bar, and the working pressure is 200 Bar.

38. Due to their robustness, structure, shape and its location inside the vehicle, cylinders are much less dangerous than a gasoline tank in case of collision. For example, they undergo tests with fire and firearms.




39. Natural gas for vehicles has higher octane number than gasoline (125 vs. 90), what provides combustion without self-ignition, even in engines of higher compression and efficiency.

40.  Furthermore, combustion is total, because the mixture between NGV/CNG and air is perfect at any ambient temperature.

41. The oil that lubricates the engine is less contaminated if natural gas is employed, and intervals between oil changes are twice as long.

42. There are no sediments and the spark plugs are kept clean. The walls of the engine cylinders are not washed, what results in better and more effective lubrication.

43. Combustion gases are not corrosive. By not damaging metals, the life of the exhaust pipe and silencers is longer.

44. The gaseous nature of the fuel eliminates the scanning actions in the cylinders during fast acceleration periods, with the advantage of reducing the corrosion of metal surfaces.

45. The engine presents great performance flexibility during accelerations without irregularities or backfires, even at low direct speed.

46. Converted vehicles may switch from using NGV/CNG to gasoline by simply pushing a button or turning a knob while driving.

47.  NGV-gasoline bifuel system doubles the car’s driving range.

48.  Natural gas vehicles operate in all terrains, even across mountains. In this sense, a truck –with a 37-tonnes load- drove above 4,800 meters high in the Peruvian Andes in May 2008.

49. NGV/CNG works fine under any climate condition. Since the fuel does not freeze –not even at low temperatures- the vehicle will always be ready to be used. NGV/CNG components are tested at -40°C during its approval process. Natural gas only liquefies at 165 °C.

50. What is more, the speeds it may reach are similar to racing cars’ speeds. A biogas Audi A4 entered the Guinness Book of Records by achieving 364.6 km/h in April 2009, thus becoming the fastest NGV/CNG-driven car of the world. The milestone was reached on the Formula One Nürburgring race track in Germany.

Edited by ronwagn

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