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6 minutes ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

 As we converse here the civilized world is experiencing financial complications that actually threaten long term survival.

You are so poor your survival is threatened without 460% more coal? I highly doubt it.  Try to maintain a train of thought.

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2 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

I know right!..It's complicated yet that is where the world is today. One might actually question was there ever a green revolution or just smoke and mirrors

"We are all in a Matrix"!

(you heard it here first)

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On 11/9/2023 at 7:49 PM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Perhaps the experts in Green Energy need to...reshuffle their decks. As we converse here the civilized world is experiencing financial complications that actually threaten long term survival.

is experiencing financial complications that actually threaten long term survival.??????

Maybe in your trailerpark....I hear China is really suffering in their real estate crisis


In my neck of the woods .....sunshine and solar panels...........the money machine powered by the Sun

Edited by notsonice

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2 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

You are so poor your survival is threatened without 460% more coal? I highly doubt it.  Try to maintain a train of thought.

Speaking to maintaining, old Chinese secret....It will do wonders for your disposition.



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1 hour ago, turbguy said:

"We are all in a Matrix"!

(you heard it here first)

Agreed...stop for a moment and conceptualize a 30 yr energy veteran advocating the world's most unstable power generation being implemented into grid that had been designed for stability for 50+ yrs.

All those billions of dollars, millions of manhours, extraordinary spoolup protocols..Just poof gone with the wind. Windmills foreva!...well at least for the next 18 hours...Just saying.


Edited by Eyes Wide Open

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14 minutes ago, notsonice said:

is experiencing financial complications that actually threaten long term survival.??????

Maybe in your trailerpark....I hear China is really suffering in their real estate crisis


In my neck of the woods .....sunshine and solar panels...........the money machine powered by the Sun

  • ?????

I'm so happy for you.

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56 minutes ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

Speaking to maintaining, old Chinese secret....It will do wonders for your disposition.


Did this response make you feel clever?

Get back to explaining how a massive coal increase is needed for survival. :)

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15 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

Growth is growth, and coal demand is growing in both China and India.

Agreed currently it is growing in both countries, my point was as a percentage its a diminishing energy source and with China doubling its solar in the next 2 years it will come to a point relatively quickly where that growth period ends.

You also need to read about China's development of their power "spot" market (see below) which will boost renewables and reduce coal fired power stations which will rapidly decrease China's dependence on coal.

I really dont think people get the scale of these renewable projects that China are building.

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6 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

Here have a read, take notes here. The commentary was not written by EWO but a professional journalist. Now I do grasp the concept of fake news, perhaps you might disprove the commentary..

Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

Plans by nations including Saudi Arabia, the US and UAE would blow climate targets and ‘throw humanity’s future into question’

The world’s fossil fuel producers are planning expansions that would blow the planet’s carbon budget twice over, a UN report has found. Experts called the plans “insanity” which “throw humanity’s future into question”.

The energy plans of the petrostates contradicted their climate policies and pledges, the report said. The plans would lead to 460% more coal production, 83% more gas, and 29% more oil in 2030 than it was possible to burn if global temperature rise was to be kept to the internationally agreed 1.5C. The plans would also produce 69% more fossil fuels than is compatible with the riskier 2C target.


So if its written by a Guardian jounalist then his predictions must come true???

He is after a headline, its his job!

Come on EWO even you cant be that gullible surely?

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6 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

You are so poor your survival is threatened without 460% more coal? I highly doubt it.  Try to maintain a train of thought.

highly unlikely!

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Here is the future of the wind industry, and there has been a of of wind expended in trying to work up some support for this sad sack loser.

This whole idea is a disaster whose time for exposure as a money waster has now come due.

"Siemens Energy, facing significant losses, is in talks for up to 15 billion euros in guarantees, with the German state covering 80% of the initial funding.

Siemens AG shares have plummeted over 70% since mid-June, with the company abandoning its 2023 profit outlook due to challenges in its wind turbine unit.

The UK government is set to offer higher subsidies for offshore wind projects, following a previous auction where developers backed out due to low pricing, indicating growing financial strains in the renewable energy sector."

Edited by Ecocharger
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15 hours ago, Rob Plant said:

Agreed currently it is growing in both countries, my point was as a percentage its a diminishing energy source and with China doubling its solar in the next 2 years it will come to a point relatively quickly where that growth period ends.

You also need to read about China's development of their power "spot" market (see below) which will boost renewables and reduce coal fired power stations which will rapidly decrease China's dependence on coal.

I really dont think people get the scale of these renewable projects that China are building.

Renewables have a limited time horizon, EVs are already stumbling and losing market share to fossil fuel cars in Britain and America, the limits of that market are already apparent. Wind and solar are limited in their ability to replace coal, and the costs are prohibitive for any widespread replacement of coal by wind. 

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5 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

Renewables have a limited time horizon, EVs are already stumbling and losing market share to fossil fuel cars in Britain and America, the limits of that market are already apparent. Wind and solar are limited in their ability to replace coal, and the costs are prohibitive for any widespread replacement of coal by wind. 

More of your lies presented with no evidence.

Here is reality:

Plug-In Vehicle Sales

A total of 132,029 plug-in vehicles (104,015 BEVs and 28,014 PHEVs) were sold during September 2023 in the United States, up 58.6% from the sales in September 2022. PEVs captured 9.91% of total LDV sales this month.

Battery Electric Vehicle sales double in UK's used car market in 2023 Q3

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On 11/9/2023 at 7:01 PM, TailingsPond said:

You are so poor your survival is threatened without 460% more coal? I highly doubt it.  Try to maintain a train of thought.


On 11/9/2023 at 8:54 PM, turbguy said:

"We are all in a Matrix"!

(you heard it here first)


On 11/9/2023 at 9:40 PM, notsonice said:

is experiencing financial complications that actually threaten long term survival.??????

Maybe in your trailerpark....I hear China is really suffering in their real estate crisis


In my neck of the woods .....sunshine and solar panels...........the money machine powered by the Sun

  • ?????


On 11/9/2023 at 10:43 PM, TailingsPond said:

Did this response make you feel clever?

Get back to explaining how a massive coal increase is needed for survival. :)


On 11/10/2023 at 1:04 AM, Rob Plant said:

So if its written by a Guardian jounalist then his predictions must come true???

He is after a headline, its his job!

Come on EWO even you cant be that gullible surely?

Have a read gentlemen, but then again may be not. Upsetting the Green Harmony think tank community might well be a harmful event..Triggering a Bigly response..Just nasty results...Bigly nasty.


Renewable energy stocks plunge as going green gets 'expensive'


To make matters worse, falling valuations are making it harder for companies to tap into public markets to fund their projects. Also, bonds offering higher yields are competing against dividend yields on utility stocks.

The Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) is down about 30% year to date. The solar and wind energy benchmarks Invesco Solar ETF (TAN) and First Trust Global Wind Energy ETF (FAN) are down 35% and 32% during the same period, respectively.

NextEra Energy Partners is down 69.27% year to date, on pace for its worst year on record, while its parent company NextEra Energy hit a 52-week low on Friday, down 42% year to date.


They continued that "the collapse in confidence in NextEra - the world's largest renewable developer - has precipitated a draconian view for the outlook of renewables as an asset class, and the associated returns."


The delay of offshore wind farms in the Northeast is seen as another setback for the renewable industry. Six Democratic governors recently sent a letter to the Biden Administration asking for more federal help with the planned projects after wind developers asked to renegotiate contracts amid rising costs, dwindling supply chain issues, and tighter credit.

“Absent intervention, these near-term projects are increasingly at risk of failing,” the governors wrote. “Without federal action, offshore wind deployment in the US is at serious risk of stalling because states’ ratepayers may be unable to absorb these significant new costs alone.”

Edited by Eyes Wide Open
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It just keeps getting worse by the day, truly the GREEN ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE has arrived.


Germany To Bail Out Siemens’ Struggling Wind Turbine Division


  • Siemens Energy, facing significant losses, is in talks for up to 15 billion euros in guarantees, with the German state covering 80% of the initial funding.
  • Siemens AG shares have plummeted over 70% since mid-June, with the company abandoning its 2023 profit outlook due to challenges in its wind turbine unit.
  • The UK government is set to offer higher subsidies for offshore wind projects, following a previous auction where developers backed out due to low pricing, indicating growing financial strains in the renewable energy sector.

And so, hot on the heels of Germany's bailout of Siemens, Bloomberg reports that the UK government is preparing to offer significantly higher subsidies for new offshore wind farms to get the country’s clean-power strategy back on track after developers shunned a previous auction, because the price was too low for offshore wind to be viable.

Denmark’s Orsted A/S, the world’s largest offshore wind builder, will decide by December whether to proceed with a UK development, while Sweden’s Vattenfall AB shelved a giant project off the English coast earlier this year in response to soaring costs.


Edited by Eyes Wide Open
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9 hours ago, Jay McKinsey said:

More of your lies presented with no evidence.

Here is reality:

Plug-In Vehicle Sales

A total of 132,029 plug-in vehicles (104,015 BEVs and 28,014 PHEVs) were sold during September 2023 in the United States, up 58.6% from the sales in September 2022. PEVs captured 9.91% of total LDV sales this month.

Battery Electric Vehicle sales double in UK's used car market in 2023 Q3

Another of your misrepresentations, Jay.

EV private sales are down in the UK with a loss of market share to fossil fuel cars, I already gave you the numbers. You seem to have a very short memory.

American EV unsold product are piling up on the sales lots which means a reduction in future EV production and a loss of market share to fossil fuel vehicles, and fossil fuel vehicles sales are holding up well.

Edited by Ecocharger
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6 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

It just keeps getting worse by the day, truly the GREEN ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE has arrived.

Germany To Bail Out Siemens’ Struggling Wind Turbine Division


You missed the point where they plan to bail out Siemens green program, not much of an apocalypse.  Just like the ICE auto industry, airlines, and banks have been bailed out in the past.   It is seen as too important to let fail, kind of the opposite of abandoning green energy. 


Edited by TailingsPond
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2 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

Another of your misrepresentations, Jay.

EV private sales are down in the UK with a loss of market share to fossil fuel cars, I already gave you the numbers. You seem to have a very short memory.

American EV unsold product are piling up on the sales lots which means a reduction in future EV production and a loss of market share to fossil fuel vehicles, and fossil fuel vehicles sales are holding up well.

My numbers are current and correct. Your numbers are old and irrelevant. Deal with it.


A total of 132,029 plug-in vehicles (104,015 BEVs and 28,014 PHEVs) were sold during September 2023 in the United States, up 58.6% from the sales in September 2022. PEVs captured 9.91% of total LDV sales this month.


The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) reports that 38,228 new plug-in cars were registered last month (33 percent more than a year ago), which is 24.9 percent of the total market (compared to 21.5 percent a year ago).

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14 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

You missed the point where they plan to bail out Siemens green program, not much of an apocalypse.  Just like the ICE auto industry, airlines, and banks have been bailed out in the past.   It is seen as too important to let fail, kind of the opposite of abandoning green energy. 


Ya Don't Say...I've often wondered just where was the power of Green Energy? Why the reliance on Fossil Fuels. It was as if the entire narrative was simply a myth.

Perhaps the real answer may well lie in the fact wind generation was a epic failure....literally. I did indeed miss the point, wind turbines failed at unprecedented rates.


Siemens Energy shares plunge more than 37% as wind turbine worries deepen

Which actually fell to 70%

  • Siemens AG shares have plummeted over 70% since mid-June, with the company abandoning its 2023 profit outlook due to challenges in its wind turbine unit.
  • The company announced late Thursday that a review of issues at subsidiary Siemens Gamesa had found a “substantial increase in failure rates of wind turbine components.”
  • The Siemens Gamesa board has initiated an “extended technical review” that will incur “significantly higher costs” than previously assumed, estimated to be in excess of 1 billion euros ($1.09 billion).
  •  shares plunged over 37% on Friday after the company scrapped its profit forecast and warned that costly problems at its wind turbine unit could last for years.

    The company, born from the spinoff of the former gas and power division of German conglomerate Siemens, announced late Thursday that a review of issues at subsidiary Siemens Gamesa had found a “substantial increase in failure rates of wind turbine components.”

    The Siemens Gamesa board has initiated an “extended technical review” aimed at improving product quality that the parent company said will incur “significantly higher costs” than previously assumed, now estimated to be in excess of 1 billion euros ($1.09 billion).

    “It is too early to have an exact estimate of the potential financial impact of the quality topics and to gauge the impact of the review of our assumptions on our business plans,” Siemens Energy said in a statement.

Edited by Eyes Wide Open
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CO2 is destroying the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is an undisputed fact.    Hold oil and coal executives and their families accountable.   It is time to claw back their past compensations.  Payback is a ...

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On 11/11/2023 at 1:54 PM, Jay McKinsey said:

My numbers are current and correct. Your numbers are old and irrelevant. Deal with it.


A total of 132,029 plug-in vehicles (104,015 BEVs and 28,014 PHEVs) were sold during September 2023 in the United States, up 58.6% from the sales in September 2022. PEVs captured 9.91% of total LDV sales this month.


The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) reports that 38,228 new plug-in cars were registered last month (33 percent more than a year ago), which is 24.9 percent of the total market (compared to 21.5 percent a year ago).

These are the same old numbers Jay, nothing new there.

The fact remains that EVs have lost market share in the UK to fossil fuel vehicles and private EV sales have declined in the UK.

EVs are still piling up on American sales lots. Fossil fuel vehicles have low inventories, sales of ICE vehicles are holding up well.

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1 hour ago, Ecocharger said:

These are the same old numbers Jay, nothing new there.

The fact remains that EVs have lost market share in the UK to fossil fuel vehicles and private EV sales have declined in the UK.

EVs are still piling up on American sales lots. Fossil fuel vehicles have low inventories, sales of ICE vehicles are holding up well.

They are the most recent numbers released and they show continued growth in EV sales. If you could do something other than lie you would note that Uk EV market share is up over 3% YOY. And you have presented no evidence to show that EVs are piling up in 'America. EV Sales in September were up over 50% YOY. All you have are your pack of lies and no current data to support them.

Edited by Jay McKinsey

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On 11/11/2023 at 12:51 AM, Ecocharger said:

Renewables have a limited time horizon

Eco so does any form of powergen so whats your point?

"How long do coal-fired power stations last? The average lifespan of a coal-powered plant is 29 years although some power stations are designed to last between 40 and 50 years, according to Energy Networks Australia."

They also need a lot of maintenance!

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23 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

Perhaps the real answer may well lie in the fact wind generation was a epic failure....literally.


Wind power made up 29.5% of powergen in the UK over the last 12 months supplying cheap electricity to industry and households!

Is that an epic failure?

Take a look.

FF made up 36.1% of all the powergen in the UK over the LTM.

I back my comments up with data, you? well not so much.

Eco you really need to cut down on the meds!

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