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Used Solar Panels 12 cents per watt

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I've blanked out the name of the vendor, however it wouldn't take much keyword searching to find the vendor.

They're located in Arizona, in the US. These were either pulled from a commercial solar farm or from some rooftop installation that had warranty problems. Note the disclaimer 'Offgrid only'.


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I wonder if these can be repaired in the same way car wind shields are repaired using an injectable glue to fix cracks? 

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Well, I made the mistake of buying some 2nd hand panels.  Tested one and it made 80%, but did not test the rest.  Half of them made 50%... So, unless the seller and guarantees said test never buy.  Bought others 2nd hand that were tested and they are fine, albeit low output compared to rating and expect them to fail soon.  2nd hand you get what you pay for and those saying they last 25 years... What complete Horse Shit.  All of the panels I have bought were well under 10 years old and all Well below 80%. 

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