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Koch brothers take on Trump over tariffs

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Powerful US billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch are funding a multi-million dollar campaign against President Donald Trump's trade tariffs. Three political groups backed by the brothers say they will use advertising, lobbying and grassroots campaigns to push the benefits of free trade. The groups Freedom Partners, Americans for Prosperity and The LIBRE Initiative will take out ads, hold events and engage in lobbying as part of the effort.

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  On 6/5/2018 at 2:12 PM, Ja’Nako Bezze said:

More like that they own the GOP and they have for decades now.


Koch Brothers are RINO's since Trump announce his candidacy.

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  On 6/5/2018 at 2:08 PM, Meanwhile said:

Powerful US billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch are funding a multi-million dollar campaign against President Donald Trump's trade tariffs. Three political groups backed by the brothers say they will use advertising, lobbying and grassroots campaigns to push the benefits of free trade. The groups Freedom Partners, Americans for Prosperity and The LIBRE Initiative will take out ads, hold events and engage in lobbying as part of the effort.


The Koch brothers own this mess. They can blame themselves

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This should be entertaining

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  On 6/5/2018 at 2:08 PM, Meanwhile said:

Powerful US billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch are funding a multi-million dollar campaign against President Donald Trump's trade tariffs. Three political groups backed by the brothers say they will use advertising, lobbying and grassroots campaigns to push the benefits of free trade. The groups Freedom Partners, Americans for Prosperity and The LIBRE Initiative will take out ads, hold events and engage in lobbying as part of the effort.


he piss#d off his sugar Daddies 

Edited by Nigerian Price

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I am not sure how does Trump plan avoiding a bloodbath in the midterms? These tariffs hurt all Americans

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  On 6/5/2018 at 2:08 PM, Meanwhile said:

Powerful US billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch are funding a multi-million dollar campaign against President Donald Trump's trade tariffs. Three political groups backed by the brothers say they will use advertising, lobbying and grassroots campaigns to push the benefits of free trade. The groups Freedom Partners, Americans for Prosperity and The LIBRE Initiative will take out ads, hold events and engage in lobbying as part of the effort.


Up until now, the Koch network was willing to air its disagreements with Trump through public statements alone. The new, more aggressive stance could be particularly dangerous for Republicans who are looking to use Trump's policies as a way fight off a potential Democratic blue wave in November.

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I bet they dont film Detroit...a great example of free trade

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Koch Brothers are definitely not liberals, and only a fool thinks Trump is a conservative. He ran as a populist. His history suggests his politics are self-serving, not ideological.  In a Hobson’s Choice Trump was best for their values.

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SO WHAT Trump has done more for America than the Bros have in a lifetime.AS far as conservatism is concerned who said you de4fined conservatism. Populism looks good to me & the markets

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Yes, old school. Conservative starts with less government and fiscal responsibility, neither of which is being delivered.  The test of a president’s effect on the markets comes no earlier than two years after election. The current stock mania has been an asset inflation of stocks for over 8 years, further juiced by tax cuts to extend, when history suggests a correction is in order. I fear the fundamentals in a land of derivative, automated program trading. I can’t make sense of it. For now I benefit, but I do worry. 

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The Koch Brothers are libertarians. They are actual liberals, and always have been. Libertarianism is economic and social liberalism. They differ from democrats in that they are economic liberals, dems are economic centrists. Republicans used to be economic liberals up until they let in Trumpism and started throwing tariffs around.

Edited by Jouhou
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  On 6/7/2018 at 3:36 AM, Jouhou said:

The Koch Brothers are libertarians. They are actual liberals, and always have been. Libertarianism is economic and social liberalism. They differ from democrats in that they are economic liberals, dems are economic centrists. Republicans used to be economic liberals up until they let in Trumpism and started throwing tariffs around.


Yes, the word liberal has been corrupted. I consider myself a fiscal conservative, and social liberal, which is close. Far closer than either party. Reagan actually grew government and fiscal folly, hardly Libertarian. But at least changed the conversation.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 3:36 AM, Jouhou said:

The Koch Brothers are libertarians. They are actual liberals, and always have been. Libertarianism is economic and social liberalism. They differ from democrats in that they are economic liberals, dems are economic centrists. Republicans used to be economic liberals up until they let in Trumpism and started throwing tariffs around.


Better explanation that political parties are trying be Koch-ists

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