
The Climate Scare Stories Began With Far Left Ideology Per GreenPeace Co-Founder

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  On 7/30/2021 at 10:49 AM, NickW said:

I wouldn't be surprised if China produces some fake history that Siberia was actually Chinese and then tries to claim all or part of it. A rinse and repeat option like the South China Sea and nine dot BS. The only thing stopping them is Russias 8000 nukes. 


They would have to fire from the Barents Sea. The Chinese are BELOW the minimal range for anything situated in the actual Far East. Note that it is official - under IMF Treaty that Trump quit just recently, everything ground-based with under 5,000 km is verboten. Not anymore, of course. The Chinese are not considered a very credible military treat to Russian landforces even without the nukes. Actually, nobody is. Not on land, on Russia's home continent. It would steamroll all of European NATO and the Chinese simultaneously in a few days if it needs be, even it were down to conventional land forces only.

The largest BS is US enforcing some kind of "freedom of navigation" which nobody but US itself is even trying to impede. Except for armed warships. Whose rights of

are ever contestable (see article) Not that it should concern the US, which never actually ratified the UNCLOS which it is somehow trying to enforce! With most potential infractions also due to US itself, it is bloody unlikely that it ever will.

So, the US is there harassing other people's shipping, under the bogus claim of ensuring free passage for its own warships, which never existed under the convention that US is also not itself even a part of?!? The US is not even likely to have anything but armed warships participating in "navigational activities"

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  On 7/28/2021 at 4:39 AM, QuarterCenturyVet said:

He also published a paper that refutes the idiotic "ocean acidification" narrative bandied about by the unscientific left.


It is not a new theory. As I mentioned, invented by Mr. Arrenius, together with global warming, around 1905. Just a couple years after he awarded himself the first Nobel price in chemistry for modelling acid-base interactions.

It is simple than this. The CO2 is by far the densest/heaviest common componet of our atmosphere. This causes most of atmospheric CO2 to be close to the sea level. Which likely explains the Earth resonating in the IR at the frequency of CO2. Because it is largely IR radiation that gets down to ground level in the first place? The rest is Releigh-scattered, producing blue sky. Naturally, does the emission spectrum of Earth in visible light most likely peak in blue. Like Duh!

Than, we turn to carbonating the oceans (which really is making them bubblier more that sourer :) Just the first 10 meters got at least as much as the entire atmosphere (1 atm / bar ~= 10 meters of water head) After that, does the amount maximally dissolvable grow very close to constant factor of decimal orders of magnitude of metric depth. A fairly peculiar property - the amount of CO2 dissolvable depends on pressure and very little on temperature or anything else. Alas, is most of the ocean starting at some depth at constant +4 degrees or whereabouts. So, the amount of CO2 dissolved grows thusly to some 4-5 km depth, after which it stops. At which point there is barely any gasses dissolved in it. Also no oxygen for anything air-breathing to breath. (With obvious exception of the deepest depth of the Marina Trench, where James Cameron riding a custom submersible is always greeted by a peculiar procession of wildly deformed fishes. Those must be the kindred spirits - local entertainment celebrities coming out to greet a colleague?) Ergo - the deepest ocean hasn't even been mixed well enough to absorb any CO2 whatsover yet, even though the lower layers may accommodate a lot more.

Will add charts to the effect when I find them again.

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  On 7/29/2021 at 1:01 AM, Jay McKinsey said:

By unscientific left you mean research organizations like NOAA, Smithsonian, Union of Concerned Scientists, Scripps, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc... . But of course the guy who works for oil companies and who repeatedly claims to have been a green peace founder even though thoroughly debunked is the guy who gets it right. Your obvious charlatanism and paid propaganda are easily seen through. That is why you have lost the argument.


It is principally dishonest to talk of carbolic acid as an actual acid. It is a combination of carbolic acid and its "conjugate base". (carbolic base) The two are in equilibrium and neutral. It is not like a change in acidity that you can detect with a Ph meter.

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  On 8/2/2021 at 11:51 PM, ronwagn said:

I need to study up on Siberia since it is where Native Americans from Alaska to Argentina came from. I am part Apache so am especially interested. I see some strong similarities from photos of Native Siberians. I am referring to old photos in both cases.



The actual existence of Apaches, as distinct entities from Navajos and/or a special recon squad of US Cavalry is disputed. Except for Geronimo. He was a real medicine man, of course :) How is your tactical tomahawk skill?

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  On 7/29/2021 at 3:22 AM, RichieRich216 said:

They are not going to get off coal, It’s completely bullshit they are pushing, They will continue to use the cheapest fuel available to expand and help fake the value of their currency. The United States is so stupid, when Obama came to office we had 100 thousand Chinese students at major colleges, by the end it was 300 thousand and they stole any and all technology they could and took it with them. Now there are 2 large scale projects recently discovered where they are installing nuke silos adding hundreds of ICBM’s! We will be in a war with them coming very soon and Russia will back them! 


Don't start a war, and there won't be any. The Chinese are only installing new ICBMs because you threatened them with war. They would certainly prefer a situation where they would continue to knock off everybody else's tech. You catch them, you take them to WTO court. Instead of trying to preemptively killing them? Note that neither Russia nor China has a nuclear first strike as part of its doctrine. Only US/NATO does.

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  On 7/29/2021 at 3:12 AM, RichieRich216 said:

Absolutely correct, Net Zero is not attainable! 


Or yes. Even net negative is attainable. There are plenty of high powered industrial processes which digest CO2 and churn out CO (toxic monoxide who nobody is counting) For example variations of

where pure oxygen is blasted into the furnace. As well as any process that involves pyrolizing (heating in oxygen-poor environment) of any carbonaceous fuel, than reacting it with hydrogen before burning it for good to get crispy soot.

Too many to mention, but the CO + H2 combination is called the  (synthesis gas) a starting step for any GTL process

Or, if you are not into that sort of thing, you may just use

that turns your firewood into combustible gas before burning it proper (actually, any regular fire does that too, only in situ) The Nazis converted all of their vehicles to either wood gas or synthetic gasoline using this trick.

It still is dishonest to count CO2 emissions, but not the CO


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  On 7/29/2021 at 1:40 PM, QuarterCenturyVet said:

US has no real left wing politics. Identity politics isn't it. It is a placebo. As any old school Commie would note, you don't really have interracial tensions as much as tensions between the rich and poor. As usual.

Wikipedia is severely censored to aid US Imperialist agenda, which neither the right nor "leftist" variety of neocons have any disagreements about. The stories of alleged Communist atrocious had to be bought into elementary agreement with Soviet census data once it became available. Because the claims of 100 million murdered amount to every third Russian, regardless of age, murdering and imprisoning two more (with USSR entering the WWII as a 150 mln country) At least the laws of arithmetics needs to be preserved, now that the USSR is no more. AFAIK, is the worst mass murdering regime after WWII USA itself. Does it surprise you any?

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  On 7/29/2021 at 2:50 AM, ronwagn said:

I do not trust Wikipedia for anything regarding politics relating to science. They are now far left. I only use them for other subjects or pull out unbiased information. I have been following Global Warming AKA Climate Change and Just Plain Weather since it became a topic of interest. Here are my story links 1,368 of them


Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom Hardcover – May 24, 2021

by Patrick Moore (Author)


Environmentalism, real or make-belief is not right or left.

The European Greens have largely been used to co-opt the actual left and promote the interests of the "Atlantic bridge" and US military industrial complex. Very strange left that is, don't you think? There is not as much as a left pinkie to be found anywhere on the US Democratic Party. It is simply more prone to cheap populism and thus less prone to actually delivering on any of its promises to electorate that the other one. (Though both are pretty bad at that)

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  On 8/1/2021 at 7:41 AM, 0R0 said:

The WMD did exist, McCain and the Bushies sold them to Sadam/Iraq. Israel tracked the convoy of WMD from the inspected buildings to Syria, the US tracked them as well. CIA decided to declare that they disappeared, and eventually McCain and the CIA managed to gain control of what was left in Syria during the Obama admin via their ISIS operations. 

Obama belongs to the same system that Bushies and Clintons belong to, CIA ops, this time with Bin Tallal money to back him up and split loyalty with the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran contra was a Bushie project. Besides, Obama is a pet Bushie in the first place. 


What kind of WMDs and since when is Israel is a reliable source of information on Syria?

OPCW confiscated and carted away all the chems which could conceivable be used to make chemical weapons back in 2013 and both the US and Russia agreed that it is all of them. For this, did OPCW get the 2013 Nobel Peace price. Whatever happened to this? The late McCain had most of his brains removed. The last stimulus he reacted to was "Russia"

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  On 7/29/2021 at 1:01 AM, Jay McKinsey said:

By unscientific left you mean research organizations like NOAA, Smithsonian, Union of Concerned Scientists, Scripps, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc... .



Not sure if you are interested to know.........



heatwaves and drought in Europe (DW documentary)

This documentary says that massive change of land use is causing drought, desertification in southern Europe, longer lasting forest fire, weaker wind etc. Climate change is another culprit.


While the majority and authority are still focusing on if subsidy given to greener agri-activities and technologies would work, issues were highlighted:

a) could there be a possibility that the massive change in land use IS causing climate change, and not the other way round?

b) longer lasting forest fire might be caused by the close proximity of tree planted during attempts of reforestation. The distance of less than 30cm between two trees makes burning material available more easily. (it used to be more than 1 m or 100cm)


2. Presentation titled:

Development, Livability and neglected signs of climate change.

Location of presentation: South East Asia-German Urban Experts

"(Alumni) Forum for urban future in SEA - National Urban Development strategies in South East Asia"

The following is part of the presentation. It might explain what the documentary left out or what is happening.


Hope these help to widen your perspective

i) why carbon or carbon dioxide is not really the major culprit

ii) why wind powered solution might not work well in weaker or no wind condition (due to massive change of land use).

iii) Black paneled solar might increase localized temperature which in turn, produces similar result as barren land.

iv) why electric vehicles, although good to have, should not be a mandate absolutism, especially without proper planning or in hast.





  On 7/29/2021 at 12:10 AM, markslawson said:

The net zero goal would have to be the most absurd nonsense that has ever surfaced in a modern public debate. There is simply no way it will ever be achieved. At best emissions world wide might be held steady - that is, prevented from increasing - and even that would require political will and commitment to the green cause simply not evident at all in developing countries. It is difficult to believe that people seriously repeat this nonsense.. 


there might be a possibility to achieve net zero if it means


CO2 produced = CO2 absorbed.


The world needs to cut back on deforestation and massive rate of development.

Rapid urbanization might aimed at reducing the rate of poverty in countries. But it produces unwanted side effects including those mentioned above.

If it means zero production of carbon and carbon dioxide, which is the direction of thinking and action at the moment, then, you could be right. It might bring more detrimental consequences than being useful?

  On 7/30/2021 at 10:49 AM, NickW said:

I wouldn't be surprised if China produces some fake history that Siberia was actually Chinese and then tries to claim all or part of it. A rinse and repeat option like the South China Sea and nine dot BS. The only thing stopping them is Russias 8000 nukes. 


Those two good friends can coexist.


Edited by specinho

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  On 10/23/2021 at 8:55 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Don't start a war, and there won't be any. The Chinese are only installing new ICBMs because you threatened them with war. They would certainly prefer a situation where they would continue to knock off everybody else's tech. You catch them, you take them to WTO court. Instead of trying to preemptively killing them? Note that neither Russia nor China has a nuclear first strike as part of its doctrine. Only US/NATO does.


First and foremost, the WTO is nothing; China wants to be NUMBER ONE no matter the cost of lives, They don't care about Chinese lives or any foreign countries' population. Just like Iran, they want to be a top Nation and don't want care how many have to die getting that.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 9:13 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Or yes. Even net negative is attainable. There are plenty of high powered industrial processes which digest CO2 and churn out CO (toxic monoxide who nobody is counting) For example variations of

where pure oxygen is blasted into the furnace. As well as any process that involves pyrolizing (heating in oxygen-poor environment) of any carbonaceous fuel, than reacting it with hydrogen before burning it for good to get crispy soot.

Too many to mention, but the CO + H2 combination is called the  (synthesis gas) a starting step for any GTL process

Or, if you are not into that sort of thing, you may just use

that turns your firewood into combustible gas before burning it proper (actually, any regular fire does that too, only in situ) The Nazis converted all of their vehicles to either wood gas or synthetic gasoline using this trick.

It still is dishonest to count CO2 emissions, but not the CO



I have no idea how old you are, but you will not see NET ZERO in your lifetime, and if you have children, NOT IN THEIRS.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 2:08 PM, RichieRich216 said:

I have no idea how old you are, but you will not see NET ZERO in your lifetime, and if you have children, NOT IN THEIRS.


You are talking policies and am I talking chemistry. Oxidization of carbon into CO2 is not the only exothermic reaction around. Some actually consume CO2 and produce something else. Do you dispute that, or something?

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  On 10/23/2021 at 2:05 PM, RichieRich216 said:

First and foremost, the WTO is nothing; China wants to be NUMBER ONE no matter the cost of lives, They don't care about Chinese lives or any foreign countries' population. Just like Iran, they want to be a top Nation and don't want care how many have to die getting that.


There are already number one in great many areas. So what? The only ones obsessing about this seems to be the Yanks. Good riddance, I say. May the upcoming Chinese hegemony be more benevolent compared to thoroughly rotten and evil American one that is coming to its logical end. Amen.

PS US kills orders of magnitude more of innocent folks that the Chinese, last I checked.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 3:19 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

There are already number one in great many areas. So what? The only ones obsessing about this seems to be the Yanks. Good riddance, I say. May the upcoming Chinese hegemony be more benevolent compared to thoroughly rotten and evil American one that is coming to its logical end. Amen.

PS US kills orders of magnitude more of innocent folks that the Chinese, last I checked.


It's because of “ THE YANK “ you can post on this forum. You don't need to thank us. However, You are cordially invited to GO FUCK YOURSELF....

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  On 10/23/2021 at 8:48 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

The actual existence of Apaches, as distinct entities from Navajos and/or a special recon squad of US Cavalry is disputed. Except for Geronimo. He was a real medicine man, of course :) How is your tactical tomahawk skill?


The Apaches lived in areas all the way through much of Texas all the way through Baja California. They were far more concerned with battling Mexicans than Americans at first.  Later they focused on the spread of American settlers invading their areas. They also lived as far North as Colorado.

They allowed Americans to pass through their territory to fight against Mexicans. 

They are from the same group as Navajos and Pueblos which is Athabascan. They were more nomadic however and lived much as the Mongols did. Some of them followed their cattle herds and drank the blood of the cattle. The Mescaleros (my lineage) focused on foraging and eating game and the Mescal cactus. They live in a beautiful Mountainous area of southwestern New Mexico near Ruidoso. My family originated near there in White Oaks. Billy the Kid used to visit throughout the area and is the most famous cowboy from there.

Geronimo was from a nearby Apache tribe that was an ally.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 3:19 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

There are already number one in great many areas. So what? The only ones obsessing about this seems to be the Yanks. Good riddance, I say. May the upcoming Chinese hegemony be more benevolent compared to thoroughly rotten and evil American one that is coming to its logical end. Amen.

PS US kills orders of magnitude more of innocent folks that the Chinese, last I checked.


China stories:


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  On 10/23/2021 at 8:55 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Don't start a war, and there won't be any. The Chinese are only installing new ICBMs because you threatened them with war. They would certainly prefer a situation where they would continue to knock off everybody else's tech. You catch them, you take them to WTO court. Instead of trying to preemptively killing them? Note that neither Russia nor China has a nuclear first strike as part of its doctrine. Only US/NATO does.


We could have easily bombed China early int their development of nuclear weapons if we had a real desire to do so. That would have been a terrible act but they tempted us greatly during their support and invasion of South Korea.

Korea Stories

Communism versus Capitalism in Korea


Edited by ronwagn
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  On 10/23/2021 at 10:18 AM, specinho said:

CO2 produced = CO2 absorbed.


The world needs to cut back on deforestation and massive rate of development.

Rapid urbanization might aimed at reducing the rate of poverty in countries. But it produces unwanted side effects including those mentioned above.

If it means zero production of carbon and carbon dioxide, which is the direction of thinking and action at the moment, then, you could be right. It might bring more detrimental consequences than being useful?


Actually the world is already greening. Here is a quote from a NASA release of last year..

A new study published in the journal Science Advances titled “Biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance” reports that the entire land surface would have been much warmer without the cooling effect of increased green cover during the recent decades. The study used high-quality satellite data from NASA’s MODIS sensors and NCAR’s state-of-the-art numerical earth system model.

As for the cut back on deforestation this is already happening, at least in developed countries. The deforestation scare stories you read about, say, the Amazon basin, are largely baseless.. farmers cut jungle down in those areas and it grows back. the stories then quote the stats on jungle cut down but does not mention the jungle growing back.. 

And we agree on carbon production.. yes, it wil be both useless and counter-productive.. 


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  On 10/23/2021 at 6:03 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Anybody importing cheap electricity around there?


Andrei - I personally found the story interesting, although I'm not sure what relevance it had to my post. Lots and lots of green power proposals out there, some of them for a lot of power, although that proposal has to take a prize as the most remote I've ever seen. It is also my understanding that tidal power is the least cost effective of all the forms of renewable energy .. let us know if they actually start building anything.  

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  On 10/24/2021 at 12:20 AM, markslawson said:

Andrei - I personally found the story interesting, although I'm not sure what relevance it had to my post. Lots and lots of green power proposals out there, some of them for a lot of power, although that proposal has to take a prize as the most remote I've ever seen. It is also my understanding that tidal power is the least cost effective of all the forms of renewable energy .. let us know if they actually start building anything.  


It is not that remote. The tech has been prototyped on a smaller site. They can make it out of prefab blocks which they float to location and sink there. The blocks feature orthogonal turbines, which don't need to be rotated. This gives the lowest installed cost per watt ever. The main problem is that nobody needs that much energy :)

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  On 10/23/2021 at 11:01 PM, ronwagn said:

We could have easily bombed China early int their development of nuclear weapons if we had a real desire to do so. That would have been a terrible act but they tempted us greatly during their support and invasion of South Korea.

Korea Stories

Communism versus Capitalism in Korea



You couldn't have. The earliest nukes had a shelf life as little as 48 hours

But you so wanted...

Failed to amass the requisite lead in number of nukes to whack all the Commies at once. Takes the cake as the evilest plot ever, BTW. USSR planned nothing of the sort ever. Truman did bluff the USSR into getting out of Iran in 24 hours, threatening to nuke them, though.

And, you are talking about a peer nuclear power now

That's what got Trump so excited about DPRK. This is a lithium deuteride fusion nuke. No limit to number or size you can build, no need to refine fiddly fissionable materials. Heavy water ice sinks in regular water. Heck, if Kim really got hypersonic glide vehicles, he's ahead of you.

By the time the general MacArthur dispatched to rule Korea on behalf of surrendered Japanese landed in Icheon, there was already a democratically elected government there. The general refused to recognize it, because it was full of Commies. Which it was. But claiming to be anything due to powers vested by the previous administration (which was the Japanese), was rubbing the locals the wrong way. This precipitated the Korean War.

Your image is not that of Communism, but of an economic embargo. Berlin


Warm white streetlights are old GDR make.

Edited by Andrei Moutchkine
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  On 10/24/2021 at 2:12 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

You couldn't have. The earliest nukes had a shelf life as little as 48 hours

But you so wanted...

Failed to amass the requisite lead in number of nukes to whack all the Commies at once. Takes the cake as the evilest plot ever, BTW. USSR planned nothing of the sort ever. Truman did bluff the USSR into getting out of Iran in 24 hours, threatening to nuke them, though.

And, you are talking about a peer nuclear power now

That's what got Trump so excited about DPRK. This is a lithium deuteride fusion nuke. No limit to number or size you can build, no need to refine fiddly fissionable materials. Heavy water ice sinks in regular water. Heck, if Kim really got hypersonic glide vehicles, he's ahead of you.

By the time the general MacArthur dispatched to rule Korea on behalf of surrendered Japanese landed in Icheon, there was already a democratically elected government there. The general refused to recognize it, because it was full of Commies. Which it was. But claiming to be anything due to powers vested by the previous administration (which was the Japanese), was rubbing the locals the wrong way. This precipitated the Korean War.

Your image is not that of Communism, but of an economic embargo. Berlin


Warm white streetlights are old GDR make.


Communist failures always talk about Western embargoes. There would be no embargoes if there were no military threats by the communists. Stalin and Mao set the example and every other communist nation has followed it to the extent possible. So, yes we reacted and always should prepare for threats. The favorite technique is to infiltrate bordering countries and undermine them in any way possible. Yuri Besmenov will explain for you. You need a refresher course.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 10:39 PM, ronwagn said:

The Apaches lived in areas all the way through much of Texas all the way through Baja California. They were far more concerned with battling Mexicans than Americans at first.  Later they focused on the spread of American settlers invading their areas. They also lived as far North as Colorado.

They allowed Americans to pass through their territory to fight against Mexicans. 

They are from the same group as Navajos and Pueblos which is Athabascan. They were more nomadic however and lived much as the Mongols did. Some of them followed their cattle herds and drank the blood of the cattle. The Mescaleros (my lineage) focused on foraging and eating game and the Mescal cactus. They live in a beautiful Mountainous area of southwestern New Mexico near Ruidoso. My family originated near there in White Oaks. Billy the Kid used to visit throughout the area and is the most famous cowboy from there.

Geronimo was from a nearby Apache tribe that was an ally.


Are you familiar with the great Apache hero of the German peoples? Even the Nazis made special exception from racial purity laws for him.

The problem with the story of anybody's traditional lifestyle in North America being similar to Mongols is the horse. The palefaces brought it. (Together with the proper Tomahawk, arguably the Royal Navy's boarding axe)

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  On 10/24/2021 at 2:21 AM, ronwagn said:

Communist failures always talk about Western embargoes. There would be no embargoes if there were no military threats by the communists. Stalin and Mao set the example and every other communist nation has followed it to the extent possible. So, yes we reacted and always should prepare for threats. The favorite technique is to infiltrate bordering countries and undermine them in any way possible. Yuri Besmenov will explain for you. You need a refresher course.


Whatever "active measures" this bozo invents, is nothing compared to amount of meddling US does. Still is so to this day

This stuff is real, most of it already happened. What did Russia do to you, got Trump elected?

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