
China's aggression is changing the nature of sovereignty.

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  On 12/9/2021 at 12:12 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Did you know that most of the plate armor the Romans issued had an exaggerated pattern imitating ripped abdomen, like a Batman suit. Hi, King Leonidas, is it you. Obviously something for somebody feeling insecure in the presence of all the artwork depicting Olympic Gods? Or seeing through the Empire being cheap cheap cheap for its GI kit? Evidence favoring the second includes them never stopping to produce most of their helmets and gladiuses (basic recruit swords) from bronze. Much easier to mass produce than steel. The regulation gladius was sufficiently dull and unwieldy as to be useless in the hands of anybody with no formal military training. This is where the word gladiator comes from. Most were actually cast in a free-for-all competition where they all got the same kit as legionaire recruits. If you survived, you could retired and be awarded with a wooden sword. Or you could stay an indentured slave of the circus you worked for, till you paid of the better kit their works catalogue offered. Also, glam.

So, you are being obviously envious of Grandpa Pu's situational awareness. I don't see this in any of your leadership. As a rule of thumb, does the representatives of the Hegemony always speak with a twisted tongue. Best interpretation is the opposite of what it seems. US military does that a lot. Whatever they are dissing most, is what they actually envy.

You are also still taking damage from the early formative years when you were trying to imitate the Brits. For example, this


This be battleship Iowa firing a broadside. Who is this supposed to impress? Certainly not a near pear competitor like Bismark or Yamato. They could probably do it for a few hours, till, by a freak accident a shell bounces around and hits one of the participants ammo stores. I call this genre of naval warfare "Monte Carlo corrugation of iron board"

What I personally see a bunch of cretins, who devolved to the level of the Ottomans in the age of sail. Back when was the going rules of symmetric great power competition, also British such that everybody would built the largest ships they could out of wood and than they would all stand behind each other and fire "broadsides" as it was before the rifled artillery capable of indirect fire. With "attack surface" being same on both RX and TX side, was the winner invariable one with the most wooden ships and dispensable recruits. Which were near always the Brits. What if they were not? Than, the Brits suddenly forget this gentlemanly art of broadside and do what they they did at Trafalgar. Which, IMHO, is still subpar. There was an obvious way to kill everybody else while taking no damage, but the British knew of it. It wasn't ready yet.

Back to the Turks. This is an artistic interpretation of Russian brig Mercury taking out two Ottoman ships of the line / largest battleships while taking very little damage to itself by getting itself surrounded by the Turks. The Turkish captains obviously had a problem. Nobody told them how to fire anything less than a full broadside. Which was mostly hitting the other Turk. A brig is a type of warship than is even lower in rank than corvette. They still had some residual oars and could move a little bit with no wind.


Can we expand this approach to Iowa? But of course. The safest place to be fighting it would be right underneath its feet and below. It obviously has a blind spot right next to it / minimum engagement distance. So, my bet would be on something like the classic USS Monitor, a contraption that stays largely submerged under water and only features one or two ginormous guns. There is actually no way to hit it at all without using indirect fire and you've only got to armor the upper deck against it. Two ginormous guns pointed in opposite directions and you can fight and win against Yamato and Iowa at the same time. Alas, that was before the submarines. Today, you can get away with a very little sub featuring the large can opener you can find and surfacing right next to the battleship. Also works against a carrier without visible escorts. Anyhow, this strange paradigm is called the "post-Dreadnaught" battleship, which amounts to only featuring the largest guns you can fit and nothing else. Another set up by the Brits. Do you know what the original Dreadnought was? One of the only two remaining English galleons of the "English Armada" which was dispatched to catch what was left of the "Spanish Armada" which was dispatched to undo the Reformation.  So they did, except this time was the meeting out in the open ocean, mission the Spaniards actually built their ships for. Results. Two beaten up Spanish galleons, aided by Portuguese galleys (ships featuring oars) mop the floor with some 40 English sorta-warships. The only two to get away was the Dreadnaught and Sr. Francis Drake's Revenge. See, those were also no match for the Spanish ships, but faster. Sr. Francis Drake is notable for having convinced the British queen on the virtues of free enterprise and democratic governance that conventional military lacked. Him being a privateer (a well connected pirate) Come to think of this it still hasn't been fixed. How come that the US military is such an undemocratic institution? Shame on you. I think you, being such strong defenders of democracy and freedom, ought to elect all your generals and admirals and hold referendums on who to invade next among the enlisted men. Except for the generals and admirals of novelty gender type. The affirmative action quota stays! What your military obviously needs is more progressive trans-gendered queer leadership. Because diversity is always virtual! Make every bullet a different caliber!

For all his potential failing, does grandpa Pu understand asymmetric challenges. We don't have to play by your stupid rules and fast forward to what you fear most. Unless you don't even know that you really should, if nobody's home. The Chinese, who are new to this whole great power competition activity are doing less well. They are obviously getting themselves lured into engaging the US on arbitrary terms you invented to up-sell what your liabilities are as if they were something good. Like "power projection" (not sure how it works. You pretend that you are going to attack even when you really can't), unsupportable crewing and maintenance requirments of an aircraft carrier fleets (a genre meaningful against WWII Japan doing the same thing) and compromising all kinds of useful properties of your aircraft for just one - stealth. The real usefulness of which is still TBD. IMHO, is any aircraft which does not use a powered radar sufficiently stealth. No AWACS carrying the radar, no stealth. You did pay it back to the Brits, who are now imitating your BS and than some. They got themselves a couple of snazzy supercarriers, banking on EMAILS, the electromagnetic launcher thingy that still doesn't work on the   Ford. However, a fallback to a steam catapult was not in the cards on the account of the barges featuring a fashionable all-electrical propulsion. So, they could not use the carrier version of the F-35 anymore, and had to resort to the porkies, most compromised STOL version thereof, the only useful property of which is not requiring a full carrier in the first place.  Judging from the funny way they lost one, adding the ski ramp like the Soviet-derived carriers actually make  matters worse. It is not possible for a US carrier based jet to roll to a stop and drop into the water at the very end of the runway, because US carriers always launch planes going full tilt into the wind and landing them in the opposite direction. Produces an extra bit  of lift or drag. Britannia obviously rules no seas anymore. The way I see it, as another Turkey. A proud bird looking superficially similar to a condor (glorified vulture) but does not fly. Therefore, does only the real vulture qualify as a "bald eagle"  I mean, lets suppose I've never seen a bald eagle before and you have to explain in your own words, like I was a five year old? Is there much difference to the

the local bird I already know? Say, I am from Africa. (The Russian one got two heads, which looks like a severe birth defect. It is tends to be appealing to any aging Empire in decline, ruled by a bunch of inbreeds) Do you know of any other bearded fowl? We could use a domestically Eurasian variety for a makeover. his could position the Russian bird as perceptual alternate source of leadership to your bald bird. See–hairy

Which are the two alternating factions governing Russia since medieval times, giving an illusion of there being any difference. between the two. Works the same as your Republicans and Democrats, which is what enables the US to pretend its got two parties (good) as opposed to one (China or Japan) Ha! Did you know that DPRK had whole four. Is it good or bad? The way I see it, bad. China, insufficiently democratic. DPRK too democratic. USA just perfect. Than how come your Reichadler only got one head? Which means it is healthier than most. Signifying rule of united neocons of every stripe, both left and right of sane. Guns and abortions are the only token issues they categorically disagree upon. Everything else is negotiable, for the right price. I can totally see an unification framework for being simultaneously for abortion and for guns. For everything bestest best! That is, a later-stage American fetus is always OK to abort, but only by the means of a firearm! Preferably, Made in USA! No touching of the expecting MILFs with your mitts, one liability less! More metalworking jobs, less for lawyers. Now, the big remaining issue whether one extracts a fetus while they are still attached to their hosts before you shoot them or do you shoot them while they are still inside their mums? What do you think? Either way works for me.



Interesting,quite a peculiar ring there. Ohh well such is life!

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  On 12/4/2021 at 3:28 AM, frankfurter said:

@ ronwagn.   run,run, the sky is falling !  

But where you should run is the big question.  For 4 years you had a demented president. Now you have a dementia president. This year alone, the number of murders in just one city, Chicago, is over 4100. You have 2 mass murders per day on average. Your country is polluted with poisoned waters, poisoned soils, poisoned air. Your people no longer know the difference between male and female, man and woman. Your fear and attention should be directed to your fellow citizen and how you could possibly help to make your country internally safe and livable. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

You have posted many times prior, you are in favour of the war mongering perpetrated by the USA. Americans cannot describe anything other than by terms of war. The fact the USA has murdered untold millions of people, means nothing to you. The fact the USA supports the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians, by ensuring they have insufficient food and water, by ensuring their waters are poisoned, means nothing to you. But the fact China and Russia give aid to such people, does mean something to you.

The destruction of your county is occurring within. Good men and women, who know the perdition, are silent, entirely too apathetic to speak and act. The US has unilaterally supported and commenced all wars since 1945: nobody else, the list is very long.  At some point, warmongers like you will make a grave mistake to commence another war, and cause the greatest war and destruction of all time. When that day arrives, which may be sooner than later, I hope you and others like you are on the front lines.



Tell us how you really feel.  

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  On 12/12/2021 at 7:25 PM, Piotr Berman said:

Strangelovesurfin points

1. Putin "reinvigorated NATO".  You mean, rhetoric?  Did it really change?  But now, Europeans are ready to send their tanks and lighter forces to Ukraine by the thousands, would a need arise.  Really?  Poles are the nearest, the government is the loudest, the popular will to "help Ukraine in the time of need" is perhaps weakest (although it is a hard call, Ukrainians, especially "patriotic" once, are less popular in Poland than Russian).  Romanians?  OK, let us go through "serious" countries, hm, perhaps Brits have some appetite to avenge the fate of the Light Brigade during Crimean War, but I would think not.

2. Putin lost Ukraine.  Ukraine is a very polarized country, those that like the idea of taking Donbas back by force (and this is what it is about) do not like Putin, the other support Putin's idea of scaring Ukraine away from this hopeless idea.  Unlike "Westerners", Ukrainians know what the brouhaha is about -- Poles also tend to know.  If anything, Putin may win hearts in Ukraine, but this refers to movements that are not known in the "West" -- changes in the economic situation in Donbas.

3. Alliance with "CCP".  One should observe that inheritors from CCCP may have affinity to CCP.  More seriously, the fit between Russia and China is better than ever.  Both want trade partners, just in case, that are not separated by trade routes where USA can interfere.  Both have conflict with USA as "designated serious enemies", and both concluded that this tag will not change by mere politeness or realistic concessions.  Recent shifts of economic policy in China made the economies more complementary.  On grand strategy, their needs click -- and both need Iran to maintain a robust, invulnerable position.

Bear in mind that there is no clamor among Chinese population to move to the frigid north -- however warmer it became lately.  If they want minerals, wood, grain etc. from Siberia (and the rest of Russia), they can let the Russians make the bulk of investment and sell.  Hard to think why alliance (a coordination among equals, no "command" like in NATO) would be wrong, or unpopular.



Putin reinvigorated NATO by giving it a reason to exist. The entire conversation and by extension defense budgets have changed since 2014. Before 2014 NATO defense outlays (not including US) were decreasing year after year.  


NATO had almost become a social club prior to 2014 with almost zero real military capabilities in Baltic countries and not much better through most of Eastern Europe. Now there's "rotational deployments" of NATO troops in baltic countries and talk of real hardware and US troops being stationed there. IMHO this would be a very negative development.

Eastern European countries don't seem to want any deal with Russia regarding Ukraine.

The Treaty of Aigun is considered an "Unequal Treaty" by the CCP. Just like Taiwan, sooner or later they will act on this grievance as Xi considers it his historic mandate to reconquer supposed lost territory.


Of course Xi's historic mandate to regain lost territories is a bit odd seeing how it was the Manchu's who conquered China and proceeded to conquer/incorporate outlying territories including Taiwan that the CCP now claim. Using that logic I'm waiting for the CCP to claim all lands of the former Mongol empire, after all the Mongols concurred China so China has claim over all the lands of their Mongol conquerors.

They're already sending out trial balloons about Kazakhstan being part of China. Don't know about you but I think I'm seeing a pattern here 🤔, it's only a matter of time Piotr.

Edited by Strangelovesurfing
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Polands Weapon Equipment consists today 60% of old Russian Hardware. That would not help Ukraine a lot.

I recommend for all. US Citizens to read the contract between US and China from Jan. 1979. One and only China including Taiwan. A deal thought against UDSSR Russia today. It backfired.


Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China (Normalization Communique)


January 1, 1979

(The communique was released on December 15, 1978, in Washington and Beijing.)

  1. The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China have agreed to recognize each other and to establish diplomatic relations as of January 1, 1979.
  2. The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.
  3. The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China reaffirm the principles agreed on by the two sides in the Shanghai Communique and emphasize once again that:
  4. Both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict.
  5. Neither should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any other region of the world and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.
  6. Neither is prepared to negotiate on behalf of any third party or to enter into agreements or understandings with the other directed at other states.
  7. The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.
  8. Both believe that normalization of Sino-American relations is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the cause of peace in Asia and the world.

The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China will exchange Ambassadors and establish Embassies on March 1, 1979.

Edited by Starschy
added info
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and here is the JC twixt PRC and Japan...

Joint Communique

of the Government of Japan


of the Government of the People's Republic of China

September 29, 1972


Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan visited the People's Republic of China at the invitation of Premier of the State Council Chou En-lai of the People's Republic of China from September 25 to September 30, 1972. Accompanying Prime Minister Tanaka were Minister for Foreign Affairs Masayoshi Ohira, Chief Cabinet Secretary Susumu Nikaido and other government officials.

Chairman Mao Tse-tung met Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka on September 27. They had an earnest and friendly conversation. Prime Minister Tanaka and Minister for Foreign Affairs Ohira had an earnest and frank exchange of views with Premier Chou En-lai and Minister for Foreign Affairs Chi Peng-fei in a friendly atmosphere throughout on the question of the normalization of relations between Japan and China and other problems between the two countries as well as on other matters of interest to both sides, and agreed to issue the following Joint Communique of the two Governments:

Japan and China are neighbouring countries, separated only by a strip of water with a long history of traditional friendship. The peoples of the two countries earnestly desire to put an end to the abnormal state of affairs that has hitherto existed between the two countries. The realization of the aspiration of the two peoples for the termination of the state of war and the normalization of relations between Japan and China will add a new page to the annals of relations between the two countries.

The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms its position that it intends to realize the normalization of relations between the two countries from the stand of fully understanding "the three principles for the restoration of relations" put forward by the Government of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese side expresses its welcome for this.

In spite of the differences in their social systems existing between the two countries, the two countries should, and can, establish relations of peace and friendship. The normalization of relations and development of good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries are in the interests of the two peoples and will contribute to the relaxation of tension in Asia and peace in the world.
1. The abnormal state of affairs that has hitherto existed between Japan and the People's Republic ofChina is terminated on the date on which this Joint Communique is issued.
2. The Government of Japan recognizes that Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China.
3. The Government of the People's Republic of China reiterates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China. The Government of Japan fully understands and respects this stand of the Government of the People's Republic of China, and it firmly maintains its stand under Article 8 of the Postsdam Proclamation.
4. The Government of Japan and the Government of People's Republic of China have decided to establish diplomatic relations as from September 29, 1972. The two Governments have decided to take all necessary measures for the establishment and the performance of the functions of each other's embassy in their respective capitals in accordance with international law and practice, and to exchange ambassadors as speedily as possible.
5. The Government of the People's Republic of China declares that in the interest of the friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples, it renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan.
6. The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China agree to establish relations of perpetual peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence. The two Governments confirm that, in conformity with the foregoing principles and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Japan and China shall in their mutual relations settle all disputes by peaceful means and shall refrain from the use or threat of force.
7. The normalization of relations between Japan and China is not directed against any third country. Neither of the two countries should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.
8. The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China have agreed that, with a view to solidifying and developing the relations of peace and friendship between the two countries, the two Governments will enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding a treaty of peace and friendship.
9. The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China have agreed that, with a view to further promoting relations between the two countries and to expanding interchanges of people, the two Governments will, as necessary and taking account of the existing non-governmental arrangements, enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding agreements concerning such matters as trade, shipping, aviation, and fisheries.

Done at Peking, September 29, 1972
Prime Minister of Japan
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan
Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China


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Clearly neither Japan nor USA have the honour to abide by their respective agreements.

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  On 12/14/2021 at 10:04 PM, Strangelovesurfing said:

Putin reinvigorated NATO by giving it a reason to exist. The entire conversation and by extension defense budgets have changed since 2014. Before 2014 NATO defense outlays (not including US) were decreasing year after year.  


NATO had almost become a social club prior to 2014 with almost zero real military capabilities in Baltic countries and not much better through most of Eastern Europe. Now there's "rotational deployments" of NATO troops in baltic countries and talk of real hardware and US troops being stationed there. IMHO this would be a very negative development.

Eastern European countries don't seem to want any deal with Russia regarding Ukraine.

The Treaty of Aigun is considered an "Unequal Treaty" by the CCP. Just like Taiwan, sooner or later they will act on this grievance as Xi considers it his historic mandate to reconquer supposed lost territory.


Of course Xi's historic mandate to regain lost territories is a bit odd seeing how it was the Manchu's who conquered China and proceeded to conquer/incorporate outlying territories including Taiwan that the CCP now claim. Using that logic I'm waiting for the CCP to claim all lands of the former Mongol empire, after all the Mongols concurred China so China has claim over all the lands of their Mongol conquerors.

They're already sending out trial balloons about Kazakhstan being part of China. Don't know about you but I think I'm seeing a pattern here 🤔, it's only a matter of time Piotr.


Freedom of speech and of the Press are to be respected and, if necessary, to be fought over. Unfortunately, we have no freedom today, ergo Julian Assange. This site is perhaps an exception. Unfortunately, freedom of speech implies we must tolerate the ignorant, the deceitful, the bigoted, the racist, the proagandist, the low-IQ people who persist in espousing their hatreds, such as the person who posted the above. Only the most biased and indoctrinated person would post the above, without delving into the history; after all, any story has more than 2 sides.

I shall deal with but one issue, for this is yet continuing, and all others have been finalised long ago. Taiwan was taken from Imperial China by force by Imperial Japan, and is maintained separated by force by the USA. At no time has PR China relinquished its claim to sovereignty and at no time has China signed any Treaty with any party to separate Taiwan from the mainland sovereignty. Thus Taiwan continues to be the result of a truce, only.  PR China has maintained since 1945 it desires a peaceful return of Taiwan to the mainland.

The USA has reneged on all its agreements with PR China. Specifically: Taiwan is part of PR China; the USA will not exert hegemony.  Per the above, the USA dishonour is black and white clear.


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  On 12/16/2021 at 3:11 AM, frankfurter said:

Freedom of speech and of the Press are to be respected and, if necessary, to be fought over. Unfortunately, we have no freedom today, ergo Julian Assange. This site is perhaps an exception. Unfortunately, freedom of speech implies we must tolerate the ignorant, the deceitful, the bigoted, the racist, the proagandist, the low-IQ people who persist in espousing their hatreds, such as the person who posted the above. Only the most biased and indoctrinated person would post the above, without delving into the history; after all, any story has more than 2 sides.

I shall deal with but one issue, for this is yet continuing, and all others have been finalised long ago. Taiwan was taken from Imperial China by force by Imperial Japan, and is maintained separated by force by the USA. At no time has PR China relinquished its claim to sovereignty and at no time has China signed any Treaty with any party to separate Taiwan from the mainland sovereignty. Thus Taiwan continues to be the result of a truce, only.  PR China has maintained since 1945 it desires a peaceful return of Taiwan to the mainland.

The USA has reneged on all its agreements with PR China. Specifically: Taiwan is part of PR China; the USA will not exert hegemony.  Per the above, the USA dishonour is black and white clear.



I agree, China should not exist, rather it should be the sovereign territory of Mongolia.  Or Japan, or Korea, or any of a dozen nations who have conquered that geography. 

You are an utter hypocrite. 

Oh yes, and Italy should own all the territory of the Mediterranean and so should the Greeks, Turks, Carthaginians...

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  On 12/15/2021 at 6:01 PM, Starschy said:

Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China (Normalization Communique)


Not a treaty.  I do not care.  The above is called geopolitical expediency just like the Iran "deal"

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  On 12/16/2021 at 4:58 AM, said:

Not a treaty.  I do not care.  The above is called geopolitical expediency just like the Iran "deal"


I recommend you read the Us Taiwan relations act. In my opinion law as both Chambers signed the document.


Taiwan Relations Act
Public Law 96-8 96th Congress

An Act

To help maintain peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Taiwan Relations Act".


Edited by Starschy

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  On 12/16/2021 at 3:49 PM, Starschy said:

I recommend you read the Us Taiwan relations act. In my opinion law as both Chambers signed the document.


Taiwan Relations Act
Public Law 96-8 96th Congress

An Act

To help maintain peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Taiwan Relations Act".



Can you read....Of course I have always thought you were a Chinese agent... this just proves it.  

Let me post the relevant parts:

"States that the United States shall provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character and shall maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or social or economic system, of the people of Taiwan. 

Reaffirms as a commitment of the United States the preservation of human rights of the people of Taiwan.

Declares that in furtherance of the principle of maintaining peace and stability in the Western Pacific area, the United States shall make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capacity"

In case you still pretend you cannot read....

TAIWAN is NOT part of the Communist, authoritarian, no human rights, oligarchy ruled shithole known as China. 


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Oh and no, the Taiwan relations act is not a treaty. 

Treaties are passed solely by the US Senate by a 2/3 majority.

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  On 12/17/2021 at 3:47 AM, said:

Can you read....Of course I have always thought you were a Chinese agent... this just proves it.  

Let me post the relevant parts:

"States that the United States shall provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character and shall maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or social or economic system, of the people of Taiwan. 

Reaffirms as a commitment of the United States the preservation of human rights of the people of Taiwan.

Declares that in furtherance of the principle of maintaining peace and stability in the Western Pacific area, the United States shall make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capacity"

In case you still pretend you cannot read....

TAIWAN is NOT part of the Communist, authoritarian, no human rights, oligarchy ruled shithole known as China. 



The question is.. can YOU read ?  

Shithole?  LA has 50,000 homeless street people, high on drugs, shitting on streets daily.  Shanghai is 10x larger, no homeless, no feces on streets.  

No human rights?   hmmm,  The USA permits pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs that harm and kill people, yet holds such companies free from prosecution. You call this human rights?  Many local govts, cities, companies, your military, are now forcing people to have the killer injections. You call this human rights?   FACT: China holds ALL pharmaceutical companies liable for any deaths, and metes out very quick punishment of death penalty.  FACT: nobody in China has been forced to accept an injection. 

You stole the lands from the indigenous people, and slaughtered them from 250mm to 0.2mm: a total genocide. You caused beautiful part of Earth to be raped, pillaged, plundered, burned,  polluted, into mile after mile of strip and shopping malls. Well done!


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  On 12/17/2021 at 9:36 AM, frankfurter said:

The question is.. can YOU read ?  



Ah, poor guy, you got proven wrong by your own hyperlink and you tried "what aboutism" for FAIL #2. 

PS: Yes, LA is a Shithole.  Glad we agree.


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  On 12/9/2021 at 12:12 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said:

Did you know that most of the plate armor the Romans issued had an exaggerated pattern imitating ripped abdomen, like a Batman suit. Hi, King Leonidas, is it you. Obviously something for somebody feeling insecure in the presence of all the artwork depicting Olympic Gods? Or seeing through the Empire being cheap cheap cheap for its GI kit? Evidence favoring the second includes them never stopping to produce most of their helmets and gladiuses (basic recruit swords) from bronze. Much easier to mass produce than steel. The regulation gladius was sufficiently dull and unwieldy as to be useless in the hands of anybody with no formal military training. This is where the word gladiator comes from. Most were actually cast in a free-for-all competition where they all got the same kit as legionaire recruits. If you survived, you could retired and be awarded with a wooden sword. Or you could stay an indentured slave of the circus you worked for, till you paid of the better kit their works catalogue offered. Also, glam.

So, you are being obviously envious of Grandpa Pu's situational awareness. I don't see this in any of your leadership. As a rule of thumb, does the representatives of the Hegemony always speak with a twisted tongue. Best interpretation is the opposite of what it seems. US military does that a lot. Whatever they are dissing most, is what they actually envy.

You are also still taking damage from the early formative years when you were trying to imitate the Brits. For example, this


This be battleship Iowa firing a broadside. Who is this supposed to impress? Certainly not a near pear competitor like Bismark or Yamato. They could probably do it for a few hours, till, by a freak accident a shell bounces around and hits one of the participants ammo stores. I call this genre of naval warfare "Monte Carlo corrugation of iron board"

What I personally see a bunch of cretins, who devolved to the level of the Ottomans in the age of sail. Back when was the going rules of symmetric great power competition, also British such that everybody would built the largest ships they could out of wood and than they would all stand behind each other and fire "broadsides" as it was before the rifled artillery capable of indirect fire. With "attack surface" being same on both RX and TX side, was the winner invariable one with the most wooden ships and dispensable recruits. Which were near always the Brits. What if they were not? Than, the Brits suddenly forget this gentlemanly art of broadside and do what they they did at Trafalgar. Which, IMHO, is still subpar. There was an obvious way to kill everybody else while taking no damage, but the British knew of it. It wasn't ready yet.

Back to the Turks. This is an artistic interpretation of Russian brig Mercury taking out two Ottoman ships of the line / largest battleships while taking very little damage to itself by getting itself surrounded by the Turks. The Turkish captains obviously had a problem. Nobody told them how to fire anything less than a full broadside. Which was mostly hitting the other Turk. A brig is a type of warship than is even lower in rank than corvette. They still had some residual oars and could move a little bit with no wind.


Can we expand this approach to Iowa? But of course. The safest place to be fighting it would be right underneath its feet and below. It obviously has a blind spot right next to it / minimum engagement distance. So, my bet would be on something like the classic USS Monitor, a contraption that stays largely submerged under water and only features one or two ginormous guns. There is actually no way to hit it at all without using indirect fire and you've only got to armor the upper deck against it. Two ginormous guns pointed in opposite directions and you can fight and win against Yamato and Iowa at the same time. Alas, that was before the submarines. Today, you can get away with a very little sub featuring the large can opener you can find and surfacing right next to the battleship. Also works against a carrier without visible escorts. Anyhow, this strange paradigm is called the "post-Dreadnaught" battleship, which amounts to only featuring the largest guns you can fit and nothing else. Another set up by the Brits. Do you know what the original Dreadnought was? One of the only two remaining English galleons of the "English Armada" which was dispatched to catch what was left of the "Spanish Armada" which was dispatched to undo the Reformation.  So they did, except this time was the meeting out in the open ocean, mission the Spaniards actually built their ships for. Results. Two beaten up Spanish galleons, aided by Portuguese galleys (ships featuring oars) mop the floor with some 40 English sorta-warships. The only two to get away was the Dreadnaught and Sr. Francis Drake's Revenge. See, those were also no match for the Spanish ships, but faster. Sr. Francis Drake is notable for having convinced the British queen on the virtues of free enterprise and democratic governance that conventional military lacked. Him being a privateer (a well connected pirate) Come to think of this it still hasn't been fixed. How come that the US military is such an undemocratic institution? Shame on you. I think you, being such strong defenders of democracy and freedom, ought to elect all your generals and admirals and hold referendums on who to invade next among the enlisted men. Except for the generals and admirals of novelty gender type. The affirmative action quota stays! What your military obviously needs is more progressive trans-gendered queer leadership. Because diversity is always virtual! Make every bullet a different caliber!

For all his potential failing, does grandpa Pu understand asymmetric challenges. We don't have to play by your stupid rules and fast forward to what you fear most. Unless you don't even know that you really should, if nobody's home. The Chinese, who are new to this whole great power competition activity are doing less well. They are obviously getting themselves lured into engaging the US on arbitrary terms you invented to up-sell what your liabilities are as if they were something good. Like "power projection" (not sure how it works. You pretend that you are going to attack even when you really can't), unsupportable crewing and maintenance requirments of an aircraft carrier fleets (a genre meaningful against WWII Japan doing the same thing) and compromising all kinds of useful properties of your aircraft for just one - stealth. The real usefulness of which is still TBD. IMHO, is any aircraft which does not use a powered radar sufficiently stealth. No AWACS carrying the radar, no stealth. You did pay it back to the Brits, who are now imitating your BS and than some. They got themselves a couple of snazzy supercarriers, banking on EMAILS, the electromagnetic launcher thingy that still doesn't work on the   Ford. However, a fallback to a steam catapult was not in the cards on the account of the barges featuring a fashionable all-electrical propulsion. So, they could not use the carrier version of the F-35 anymore, and had to resort to the porkies, most compromised STOL version thereof, the only useful property of which is not requiring a full carrier in the first place.  Judging from the funny way they lost one, adding the ski ramp like the Soviet-derived carriers actually make  matters worse. It is not possible for a US carrier based jet to roll to a stop and drop into the water at the very end of the runway, because US carriers always launch planes going full tilt into the wind and landing them in the opposite direction. Produces an extra bit  of lift or drag. Britannia obviously rules no seas anymore. The way I see it, as another Turkey. A proud bird looking superficially similar to a condor (glorified vulture) but does not fly. Therefore, does only the real vulture qualify as a "bald eagle"  I mean, lets suppose I've never seen a bald eagle before and you have to explain in your own words, like I was a five year old? Is there much difference to the

the local bird I already know? Say, I am from Africa. (The Russian one got two heads, which looks like a severe birth defect. It is tends to be appealing to any aging Empire in decline, ruled by a bunch of inbreeds) Do you know of any other bearded fowl? We could use a domestically Eurasian variety for a makeover. his could position the Russian bird as perceptual alternate source of leadership to your bald bird. See–hairy

Which are the two alternating factions governing Russia since medieval times, giving an illusion of there being any difference. between the two. Works the same as your Republicans and Democrats, which is what enables the US to pretend its got two parties (good) as opposed to one (China or Japan) Ha! Did you know that DPRK had whole four. Is it good or bad? The way I see it, bad. China, insufficiently democratic. DPRK too democratic. USA just perfect. Than how come your Reichadler only got one head? Which means it is healthier than most. Signifying rule of united neocons of every stripe, both left and right of sane. Guns and abortions are the only token issues they categorically disagree upon. Everything else is negotiable, for the right price. I can totally see an unification framework for being simultaneously for abortion and for guns. For everything bestest best! That is, a later-stage American fetus is always OK to abort, but only by the means of a firearm! Preferably, Made in USA! No touching of the expecting MILFs with your mitts, one liability less! More metalworking jobs, less for lawyers. Now, the big remaining issue whether one extracts a fetus while they are still attached to their hosts before you shoot them or do you shoot them while they are still inside their mums? What do you think? Either way works for me.



I gotta know, how much Vodka were you into when you came up with this propaganda column? It reads like Herr Gobbels and Tokyo Rose went on a bender one night together.

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  On 12/17/2021 at 9:36 AM, frankfurter said:

You stole the lands from the indigenous people, and slaughtered them from 250mm to 0.2mm: a total genocide. You caused beautiful part of Earth to be raped, pillaged, plundered, burned,  polluted, into mile after mile of strip and shopping malls. Well done!


The depopulation you speak of was mainly caused by disease. 90+ percent of deaths during the colonial period world wide were caused by disease not mass slaughter.

If you want to claim it's the same difference then you better look in the mirror, your part of the planet has spawned more diseases than just about any other place.

China was responsible for the Black Death, but I forgive you frankfurter! Maybe you can try forgiving others.

Edited by Strangelovesurfing
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My question is why the West expects Russia's cooperation on a range of international dossiers (energy, climate, JCPOA) while going out of its way devising how to 'hit where it hurts most' with sanctions?  One doesn't do a handshake while trying to trip someone up at the same time.

Some EU Member States have realised one cannot do a handshake while trying to trip someone up at the same time.

"Germany, France, Italy & Spain want to focus now on talking to Moscow before laying out details of painful economic measures they'd trigger."

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  On 12/17/2021 at 9:36 AM, frankfurter said:

The question is.. can YOU read ?  

Shithole?  LA has 50,000 homeless street people, high on drugs, shitting on streets daily.  Shanghai is 10x larger, no homeless, no feces on streets.  

No human rights?   hmmm,  The USA permits pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs that harm and kill people, yet holds such companies free from prosecution. You call this human rights?  Many local govts, cities, companies, your military, are now forcing people to have the killer injections. You call this human rights?   FACT: China holds ALL pharmaceutical companies liable for any deaths, and metes out very quick punishment of death penalty.  FACT: nobody in China has been forced to accept an injection. 

You stole the lands from the indigenous people, and slaughtered them from 250mm to 0.2mm: a total genocide. You caused beautiful part of Earth to be raped, pillaged, plundered, burned,  polluted, into mile after mile of strip and shopping malls. Well done!

The USA permits pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs that harm and kill people, yet holds such companies free from prosecution. You call this human rights?  Many local govts, cities, companies, your military, are now forcing people to have the killer injections. You call this human rights?   FACT: China holds ALL pharmaceutical companies liable for any deaths, and metes out very quick punishment of death penalty. 


Shithole?  LA has 50,000 homeless street people, high on drugs, shitting on streets daily.   -Agree, you forgot San Fran, , Oakland, San Jose and Portland also.

The USA permits pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs that harm and kill people, yet holds such companies free from prosecution. You call this human rights?  Many local govts, cities, companies, your military, are now forcing people to have the killer injections. You call this human rights?   FACT: China holds ALL pharmaceutical companies liable for any deaths, and metes out very quick punishment of death penalty.  - Agree with the first Fact, Severely Disagree with the second

 First one-The Execs at Pfizer, Moderna and  j&J Should be lined up and Shot, along with their government collaborators, For the crimes they are perpetrating on the American population

Second one-In addition to the above Characters, the Chinese government officials who were in the know, the Chinese in Charge at the Wuhan Institute, Should follow the Chinese protocol you pointed out, and also be shot in Tienanmen square for unleashing this hellish modified virus on the Planet.

You stole the lands from the indigenous people, and slaughtered them from 250mm to 0.2mm: a total genocide. You caused beautiful part of Earth to be raped, pillaged, plundered, burned,  polluted, into mile after mile of strip and shopping malls. Well done!

Big No on that. That is the story of human history. The stronger groups conquer the weak. The Chinese have done it, the Europeans have done it, the Africans have done it. Look in the mirror before you throw stones in glass houses


Edited by El Gato
look better

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But if we talk about dollar sanctions or SWIFT expulsion this is really interesting


 Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leader


The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions. Putin & Xi also agreed on more de-dollarisation during their talks today.


Russia has rich energy, which China lacks.

China has strong manufacturing industry, which Russia lacks

. Russia leads in military tech, which China lacks.

China leads in infrastructure tech, which Russia lacks

 The two countries can cooperate extensively.

The US is sowing the seeds for its own demise by forcing this alliance through its flawed foreign policy.

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  On 12/18/2021 at 2:56 AM, Tomasz said:

But if we talk about dollar sanctions or SWIFT expulsion this is really interesting

The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions. Putin & Xi also agreed on more de-dollarisation during their talks today.


Russia has rich energy, which China lacks.

China has strong manufacturing industry, which Russia lacks

. Russia leads in military tech, which China lacks.

China leads in infrastructure tech, which Russia lacks

 The two countries can cooperate extensively.

The US is sowing the seeds for its own demise by forcing this alliance through its flawed foreign policy.


We saw this same show in the 60s. In the end, History will more than likely repeat itself, and one will screw the other over in the end. My bet is Russia being the screwee on this one.

The Russian Mindset would just got over being the paranoid bully, things would be so much smoother in the world. Russians have inferiority complex that is beyond belief!🙃☺️(I think Dr Suess modeled the Grinch off of the Russian mindset)😁

Edited by El Gato

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  On 12/18/2021 at 2:40 AM, Tomasz said:

My question is why the West expects Russia's cooperation on a range of international dossiers (energy, climate, JCPOA)


They do not expect cooperation... Have you been paying attention?  Obviously not. 

These are narcissistic assholes who are all naval gazing who are all pretending they are KING.  They do not care about reality.  Reality, according to them, is what THEY say it is irregardless of basic science, history, or how humanities perversions operate.  After all if they admitted to the last one about perversions, then THEY would be incriminating themselves. 

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  On 12/18/2021 at 2:56 AM, Tomasz said:

But if we talk about dollar sanctions or SWIFT expulsion this is really interesting

The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions. Putin & Xi also agreed on more de-dollarisation during their talks today.


Russia has rich energy, which China lacks.

China has strong manufacturing industry, which Russia lacks

. Russia leads in military tech, which China lacks.

China leads in infrastructure tech, which Russia lacks

 The two countries can cooperate extensively.

The US is sowing the seeds for its own demise by forcing this alliance through its flawed foreign policy.


They are not the only countries going through de-dollarization.   Here in the ASEAN region, we have been dropping the US dollar for intra region and international trade.  North America accounts for only 9% of our external trade, but the US dollar was used for more than 90% of trade settlements.  Now, we will only use the US dollar for trade with America, and other currencies will be used for bilateral trade.

Here is the Indonesian version about this 'happy news', which you can read using Google translate

Edited by Hotone
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  On 12/17/2021 at 10:41 AM, said:

Ah, poor guy, you got proven wrong by your own hyperlink and you tried "what aboutism" for FAIL #2. 

PS: Yes, LA is a Shithole.  Glad we agree.



CNN One-on-One...Bill de Blasio: Take away money & freedoms then people get vaccinated

“If you say, ‘Your paycheck depends on it, or your ability to enjoy life, and go do the things you want to do,’ people will make the practical decision,”

You call this human rights?

Repeat: Shanghai has 28mm people average per day, with zero homeless, zero tents, zero feces on streets. Given you admit LA is a shithole, why do you persist to claim China is a shithole when the facts prove otherwise? 

The English language has a word for your mental state: demented.



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