Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 4, 2021 I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Starschy + 211 PM December 5, 2021 I Think 2022 will be around the same as 2021. The Omikron virus is not that harsh. Relative easy to handle by Doctors. If most countries handled those issues conservative we will be in lower figures starting April 2022. Mai 2022 till Nov. all is US Mid term election and I think Mr Biden will loose both houses. Question is what happened then. Mr Trump is not a house member and the GOP should re-think their candidates. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoanofArc + 3 JA December 7, 2021 Look at the Israeli studies and the Gibraltar studies. The Israeli's are doctoring the "vaccine injury" reporting to reflect much lower numbers. Both societies are almost 100% vaccinated and yet they have increasing rates of the disease? Doesn't make sense. Also, heard this from a coworker at work . Mother in Arizona stood in line for free covid test. Hundreds of people in front of her so after registering and waiting forever, she left without being tested. She ended up getting a letter in the mail saying she was "positive." Go figure. People at the hospitals are now averaging 35 to 40% vaccinated who are coming down with covid and 65% non vaccinated who come down with covid. All nurses have been infected by covid. Trying to avoid it while working in a hospital would be like running in the rain and trying not to get wet. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 December 7, 2021 On 12/4/2021 at 3:03 AM, Tom Nolan said: I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. Come on, you don't actually know any of this. Nobody does. For starters, are healed induhviduals more or less immune now? I heard opposite opinions on that. People have gotten Covid twice and maybe even trice in a row, so the argument about "naturally immune not spreading anything" does not automagically fly, as there is obviously no such thing as "naturally immune" to start with. The vaccine response to a new variant is not completely cut off. It is more natural to expect it to gradually diminish. Note that newer virus variants usually tend to mutate in the direction of more infectious, but less dangerous to the host over time. With Omikron being the 15th letter in the Greek alphabet, with 2 skipped, they are obviously not telling the full story to us yet. 1 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Sanches + 191 December 7, 2021 On 12/3/2021 at 8:03 PM, Tom Nolan said: I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. A couple of points: Variants are good. By definition they are defective variants of the original that only thrives in specific situations. Variants are valuable as they allow the government to control the people. Look at Flu. We have multiple variants every year. The flu vaccine is only a vaccine for the current years top 5 predominate flu strains. Hopefully, we will have yearly covid vaccines we can get in winter , like a flue vaccine. It is time to move on. I got my shots and boosters and am living life. I wear a mask in most indoor settings. I was a digital nomad in Asia for a few years and am used to wearing a mask for pollution reasons. I didn't get flu last year and that is actually why I wear a mask - it does double - flu and covid. Park - no mask. Board game night at local gaming store - yes mask. In Asia people where/Don't wear masks and no one cares. I know a lot of people will think I am crazy, but I think Americans should be free as people who live in Monarchies (Thailand) and under Communism (Nepal.) I just don't care about covid that much. I am intelligent enough to live my life day-to-day with dictats from the state. As a biologist, I know more about disease spread than the fools in government 1 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 December 7, 2021 2 hours ago, Michael Sanches said: A couple of points: Variants are good. By definition they are defective variants of the original that only thrives in specific situations. Variants are valuable as they allow the government to control the people. Look at Flu. We have multiple variants every year. The flu vaccine is only a vaccine for the current years top 5 predominate flu strains. Hopefully, we will have yearly covid vaccines we can get in winter , like a flue vaccine. It is time to move on. I got my shots and boosters and am living life. I wear a mask in most indoor settings. I was a digital nomad in Asia for a few years and am used to wearing a mask for pollution reasons. I didn't get flu last year and that is actually why I wear a mask - it does double - flu and covid. Park - no mask. Board game night at local gaming store - yes mask. In Asia people where/Don't wear masks and no one cares. I know a lot of people will think I am crazy, but I think Americans should be free as people who live in Monarchies (Thailand) and under Communism (Nepal.) I just don't care about covid that much. I am intelligent enough to live my life day-to-day with dictats from the state. As a biologist, I know more about disease spread than the fools in government CCTV surveillance - yes mask 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 December 8, 2021 On 12/3/2021 at 8:03 PM, Tom Nolan said: I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. We will probably see two things if we maintain our dictatorial regimen of medicine. Reduced economic productivity. More deaths among the severely ill or weakened elderly and others from reactions to the "immunizations" that are really not. A great rebellion in masks and government controls among the majority. Which will result in the Demoncrats losing control of the House and Senate Next year. Also similar rebellions around the world, unless they are too far brainwashed already. I have faith. Masks are not very common in rural and semirural areas around America or in the stores in most areas outside of larger cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 December 8, 2021 On 12/3/2021 at 8:03 PM, Tom Nolan said: I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. I watch the death rate averages since the beginning of the pandemic to now. They have not changed much. The elderly and those with comorbidities will suffer as will those who have bad reactions to all the jabs. Please consider all helpful vitamin and mineral supplements, plus Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatment. Wash your hands as needed and do not touch your eyes or mouth. My advice is to take the jabs if you are old and or infirm. 1 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 8, 2021 Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): 'We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely' 'If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested "booster" will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent?' A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine months. It showed that protection against symptomatic COVID-19 declined with time, such that by six months, some of the more vulnerable vaccinated groups were at greater risk than their unvaccinated peers. Doctors are calling this phenomena in the repeatedly vaccinated “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency”, accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness. COVID vaccines are not traditional vaccines. Rather, they cause cells to reproduce one portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the spike protein. The vaccines thus induce the body to create spike proteins. A person only creates antibodies against this one limited portion (the spike protein) of the virus. This has several downstream deleterious effects. First, these vaccines “mis-train” the immune system to recognize only a small part of the virus (the spike protein). Variants that differ, even slightly, in this protein are able to escape the narrow spectrum of antibodies created by the vaccines. Second, the vaccines create “vaccine addicts,” meaning persons become dependent upon regular booster shots, because they have been “vaccinated” only against a tiny portion of a mutating virus. Australian Health Minister Dr. Kerry Chant has stated that COVID will be with us forever and people will “have to get used to” taking endless vaccines. “This will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination.” Third, the vaccines do not prevent infection in the nose and upper airways, and vaccinated individuals have been shown to have much higher viral loads in these regions. This leads to the vaccinated becoming “super-spreaders” as they carry extremely high viral loads. In addition, the vaccinated become more clinically ill than the unvaccinated. Scotland reported that the infection fatality rate in the vaccinated is 3.3 times the unvaccinated, and the risk of death if hospitalized is 2.15 times the unvaccinated. A June report on Israel's Channel 12 News revealed that in the months since the vaccines were rolled out, 6,765 people who received both shots had contracted coronavirus, while epidemiological tracing revealed an additional 3,133 people contracted COVID-19 from those vaccinated individuals. Meanwhile, New England Journal of Medicine researchers have found that autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein may last indefinitely: “Ab2 antibodies binding to the original receptor on normal cells therefore have the potential to mediate profound effects on the cell that could result in pathologic changes, particularly in the long term — long after the original antigen itself has disappeared.” These antibodies produced against the coronavirus spike protein could be responsible for the current unprecedented wave of myocarditis and neurological illnesses, and even more problems in the future. [Short Video] Indefinite uncontrolled autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein may produce a wave of antibodies called anti-idiotype antibodies or Ab2s that continue to damage human bodies long after clearing either Sars-Cov-2 itself or those spike proteins that the shots cause the body's cells to produce, explained former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. Spike protein antibodies may themselves produce a second wave of antibodies, called anti-idiotype antibodies or Ab2s. Those Ab2s may modulate the immune system’s initial response by binding with and destroying the first wave of antibodies. “Our immune systems produce these antibodies in response to both vaccination and natural infection with COVID,” wrote Berenson. “However - though the researchers do not say so explicitly, possibly because doing so would be politically untenable - spike protein antibody levels are MUCH higher following vaccination than infection. Thus the downstream response to vaccination may be more severe.” America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Chief Science Officer former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon responded to the research: "This is unprecedented. What is happening is not understood. "Commentators on Israeli TV have reported that contacts in the Health Ministry have termed this ‘immune erosion’: [VIDEO] “While some are concerned that blood IgG antibodies fall with time, I am not convinced that this is a relevant measure,” Yeadon continued. "Respiratory virus infection begins in the lungs and nasopharynx. Neither are protected by blood antibodies, which are molecules too large to diffuse into airways tissue. What protects against infection and initial viral replication is secretory IgA antibodies and T-cells in airways, neither of which have been studied in any efficacy trial. "The empirical data are very worrying. In most countries now, high fractions of the population have been vaccinated. If the Swedish study is a guide, we should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely. The most concerning aspect of that study is that those most in need of protection are those in whom immune erosion is most marked: the elderly, males, and those with comorbidities. "Some have used the results of this study to support the widespread use of so-called ‘booster’ shots. It has to be said: No one has any safety data about such a plan. If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested ‘booster’ will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent? And what then would be the response? A fourth injection. Madness. "It’s long past time when known safe and effective drug treatments be used as the leading response to symptomatic infection (antivirals, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories). “In this way, we don’t expose entire populations to experimental medical interventions when only a very small fraction of the population are at notable risk from this virus, which, all hype aside, is by no means exceptional in its lethality compared with numerous others such as seasonal influenza.” Yeadon concluded: "Europe is all but gone. The lights are going out. Austria and Germany now subject their unvaccinated to house arrest. In Greece, the unvaccinated are subject to escalating fines, non-payment of which is converted into prison time. In Lithuania, the unvaccinated are excluded from society. The booster campaigns are running full-pelt everywhere. “Someone, somewhere knows what’s going to happen. Will immunity-erosion worsen more speedily and to a greater extent after this untested ‘booster’? The U.K. government has already said that the fourth injection is to take place a mere three months after the third. It’s utter madness. Yet such is the hermetic control of media that nothing much emerges into the public consciousness.” [Video] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 8, 2021 QUOTE: Gold is not going to move higher or lower on its own. It’s going to need a catalyst. Right now the catalysts are bearish. They include rising yields, a stronger U.S. Dollar, and increased risk sentiment. Fundamentally, the catalyst is likely to be the omicron. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 10, 2021 Dec 9thHarvard Study Explodes Myths About ‘Vaccines’ Stopping the Spread – But It’s Even Worse Than That STUDY TITLE:Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States …there is a positive correlation between a nation’s vaccination levels and the “case” rates being reported. The scientific findings are a crushing blow to the argument that the vaccines have a “public health” purpose and that vaccine mandates are justified… …As the Covid pandemic continues to defy predictions about when it will finally be ‘over,’ there is a curious phenomenon taking place across the United States and around the globe: Covid-19 case rates increasing alongside vaccination rates… …The study also makes an interesting point about counties with extremely high vaccination rates: “Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentageof population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as ‘High’ Transmission counties.”… 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 December 11, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 5:08 PM, Tom Nolan said: QUOTE: Gold is not going to move higher or lower on its own. It’s going to need a catalyst. Right now the catalysts are bearish. They include rising yields, a stronger U.S. Dollar, and increased risk sentiment. Fundamentally, the catalyst is likely to be the omicron. Why is the ruble so low in value if they hold so much gold? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hotone + 412 December 11, 2021 (edited) On 12/4/2021 at 10:03 AM, Tom Nolan said: I posit that for years we will see a continuous ongoing plague of variants and ill-health which will impact the economics of the world. The mechanics of how Covid vaccines work are well known. Each vaccine actually lowers the innate immune system, because it forces the body's immune system along a synthetic altered path while inhibiting the innate system. The vaccine hijacks the body's cells to manufacture a foreign substance. That foreign substance which the vaccinated body makes millions of is the toxic spike protein modeled on the Alpha variant. Those hijacked cells and also the toxic spike protein become "an enemy" of the body, With over 10,000 identified Covid variants, vaccinated people will actively spread variants because they now have a hijacked system, and also now have a lowered innate immune function, which does not respond to other variants. It is well known that vaccinated people can get and can spread Covid. Naturally immune people will not spread Covid nor variants. We also know that vaccinated people have compromised immune systems prone to auto-immune symptoms. This fact means that we will see more and more illness. Thus, a future plague of variants and ill-health that will impact the economics of the world. It is well known that terrorists have been trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America. In 1998, then al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden declared that acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction (WMD) was his Islamic duty — an integral part of his jihad. Systemically, over the course of decades, he dispatched his top lieutenants to attempt to purchase or develop nuclear and biochemical WMD. In a 2007 video, he repeated his promise to use massive weapons to upend the global status quo, destroy the capitalist hegemony, and help create an Islamic caliphate. He was killed by America before he managed to achieve his goals. al Qaeda's next chief Ayman al-Zawahiri personally shepherded the group’s ultimately unsuccessful efforts to set off an anthrax attack in the United States. Now, al Qaeda is back and very much embedded with the Taliban in Afghanistan. ISIS is also present in areas outside of Taliban control. America has left these groups unmolested in their sanctuaries to prepare their next attacks. It would now be starkly obvious to anyone with half a brain, that the most effective WMD in terms of ease to deploy and damage to lives and economy would be a bioweapon pandemic. Believe me, the jihadists are certainly able to recruit the scientists to produce bioweapons. In Asia, the ISIS top bomb maker, eg, was a university science lecturer. I think the Biden administration has done the world a great disservice by pulling out of Afghanistan. I believe that in future, the world will be rocked by wave upon wave of plagues unleashed against America by terror groups. Please America, go back and take control of Afghanistan before it's too late. Edited December 11, 2021 by Hotone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 12, 2021 On 12/11/2021 at 3:34 AM, Hotone said: It is well known that terrorists have been trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America. In 1998, then al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden declared that acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction (WMD) was his Islamic duty — an integral part of his jihad. Systemically, over the course of decades, he dispatched his top lieutenants to attempt to purchase or develop nuclear and biochemical WMD. In a 2007 video, he repeated his promise to use massive weapons to upend the global status quo, destroy the capitalist hegemony, and help create an Islamic caliphate. He was killed by America before he managed to achieve his goals. al Qaeda's next chief Ayman al-Zawahiri personally shepherded the group’s ultimately unsuccessful efforts to set off an anthrax attack in the United States. Now, al Qaeda is back and very much embedded with the Taliban in Afghanistan. ISIS is also present in areas outside of Taliban control. America has left these groups unmolested in their sanctuaries to prepare their next attacks. It would now be starkly obvious to anyone with half a brain, that the most effective WMD in terms of ease to deploy and damage to lives and economy would be a bioweapon pandemic. Believe me, the jihadists are certainly able to recruit the scientists to produce bioweapons. In Asia, the ISIS top bomb maker, eg, was a university science lecturer. I think the Biden administration has done the world a great disservice by pulling out of Afghanistan. I believe that in future, the world will be rocked by wave upon wave of plagues unleashed against America by terror groups. Please America, go back and take control of Afghanistan before it's too late. Hotone, You got the Osama bin Laden narrative completely wrong. I'm sorry, but getting your narratives from the mainstream news is asking for desceptions. -- September 11th, 2001 – Two short videos bring up serious questions about the Official Narrative. Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 - w/ Ed Asner – (15 minutes) The Official Story of 9/11 – (5 minutes)(Transcript and Sources in shownotes) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 13, 2021 Oil Price Fundamental Weekly Forecast – Buyers Cautious as Markets Near Pre-Omicron Price Levels New concerns about Omicron and doubts around the effectiveness of vaccines against it are expected to keep an early lid on prices. U.S. West Texas Intermediate and international-benchmark Brent crude oil futures closed higher last week, posting its largest weekly gain since last August. Driving prices higher was optimism the Omicron coronavirus variant would not lead to significant demand destruction. The market was also supported by residual gains from the previous week’s decision by OPEC+ to increase production in January. This news actually served as a vote of confidence in the group’s demand outlook. Traders showed little reaction to last week’s inventories reports from the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Last week, March WTI crude oil futures settled at $71.22, up $5.29 or +8.02% and March Brent crude oil ended at $74.91, up $5.40 or +7.21%. The United States Oil Fund ETF (USO) closed at $52.03, up $4.03 or +8.40%. Omicron Remains the Wildcard Although the lack of strong evidence Omicron is causing any significant demand destruction is underpinning prices, concerns around the effectiveness of vaccines is helping to cap those gains. Prices have retraced between 50% – 61.8% of their sell-off, which is a normal correction. This suggests the buying and selling has become balanced. But we know that won’t last long. Since Omicron news has driven the market both down and up, we see no reason for this to change over the near-term. The longer the market stays balanced, the closer we move toward heightened volatility. Inventories Data a Non-Event Last week’s inventories reports from the API and EIA failed to move the needle much with Omicron grabbing most of the headlines and seemingly keeping the major players on the sidelines during this period of uncertainty. On Tuesday, the API estimated the inventory draw for crude oil during the week-ending December 3 at 3.089-million barrels. Analysts were looking for a build of 2.093-million barrels for the week. Gasoline inventories of 3.705 million barrels were reported and distillate stocks were up 1.228 million barrels for the week. Meanwhile, U.S. crude stocks fell less than expected in the latest week while production rose and fuel inventories increased, the EIA reported on Wednesday. Crude inventories fell by 240,000 barrels in the week to December 3 to 432.9 million barrels, the EIA said. That was less than analysts’ expectations for a 1.7 million-barrel drop. Gasoline stocks rose by 3.9 million barrels in the week, compared with expectations for a 1.8 million-barrel rise. Weekly Outlook The new week begins with new concerns about the Omicron coronavirus variant and doubts around the effectiveness of vaccines against it expected to keep an early lid on prices. Furthermore, even though both futures contracts posted more than 7% gains, they are still trading below pre-Omicron levels. Traders are being cautious with the following statement seemingly setting the tone for traders. The Omicron coronavirus variant, reported in more than 60 countries, poses a “very high” global risk, with some evidence that it evades vaccine production, according to the World Health Organization. Additionally, Oxford University also said vaccines showed to induce lower levels of protection against Omicron. Although speculative buyers could drive prices higher at times this week, I don’t see the markets rising too much above their pre-Omicron levels until there is more information about the effectiveness of the variant against the new variant. Traders are also bracing for more supply this week after the U.S. Department of Energy said on Friday it will sell 18 million barrels of crude oil from its strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) on December 17. The reaction could be limited, however, since the announcement is part of a previously announced plan designed to reduce gasoline prices. For a look at all of today’s economic events, check out our economic calendar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 13, 2021 UK Reports First Death With Omicron Variant As BoJo Sees "Tidal Wave" Of Infections By Christmas by Tyler Durden Monday, Dec 13, 2021 - 08:10 AM Speaking to reporters Monday while touring a vaccination center in West London, Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed that at least one patient infected with the omicron strain has died, marking the first known death WITH the variant in a developed nation.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP December 14, 2021 18 hours ago, Tom Nolan said: Speaking to reporters Monday while touring a vaccination center in West London, Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed that at least one patient infected with the omicron strain has died, marking the first known death WITH the variant in a developed nation.... No surprise that the first "known" death was in the UK as we test more than twice that of every other nation per 1M population. It is highly likely that many dozens have died of this in South Africa but it isnt recorded as they arent tested. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 14, 2021 IEA: Omicron To Temporarily Slow Global Oil Demand Recovery By Tsvetana Paraskova - Dec 14, 2021, 8:58 AM CST The IEA believes that the Omicron variant will slow the recovery of global oil demand While it will have a noticeable effect on oil demand, the new variant will not entirely upend demand recovery Jet fuel, in particular, will see demand drop off, although other fuels will continue to see demand grow The surge in COVID cases is set to temporarily slow the recovery in global oil demand, but the impact of the Omicron variant will likely be more muted than previous waves and will not upend the current demand recovery, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday. The recent spike in COVID cases is set to slow demand recovery in the coming weeks, with jet fuel demand most affected, the IEA said in its latest Oil Market Report for December. Due to new restrictions on international travel, the IEA revised down slightly—by 100,000 barrels per day (bpd)—its demand growth forecast for both this year and next. In 2021, the IEA expects oil demand to rise by 5.4 million bpd compared to 2020, and another 3.3 million bpd in 2022, reaching the pre-COVID levels of 99.5 million bpd. This month’s demand growth projections are slightly down from the forecasts in the November report, in which the IEA expected oil demand growth at 5.5 million bpd this year and 3.4 million bpd next year. Despite the downward revision, the IEA doesn’t expect a massive drop in demand of the magnitude the oil market seems to have priced in at the end of November when first reports of the new variant emerged. “The surge in new Covid-19 cases is expected to temporarily slow, but not upend, the recovery in oil demand that is underway,” the IEA said in its report today. “New containment measures put in place to halt the spread of the virus are likely to have a more muted impact on the economy versus previous Covid waves, not least because of widespread vaccination campaigns. As a result, we expect demand for road transport fuels and petrochemical feedstocks to continue to post healthy growth,” the agency added. Related: Oil Prices Rise As Omicron Fears Fade On Monday, OPEC said in its monthly report that the impact of the Omicron COVID variant on global oil demand would be mild and short-lived, and left its 2021 and 2022 demand growth forecasts unchanged. The IEA today said that global oil production is set to outpace demand from as soon as this month, led by growth in the U.S. and OPEC+ countries. “Much needed relief for tight markets is on the way, with world oil supply set to overtake demand starting this month,” the IEA noted. If OPEC+ continues to unwind its cuts, the first quarter of 2022 will see a surplus of 1.7 million bpd, and the oversupply could grow to 2 million bpd in the second quarter of 2022, according to the agency. “If that were to happen, 2022 could indeed shape up to be more comfortable,” the IEA said. 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Michael Sanches + 191 December 15, 2021 On 12/7/2021 at 11:21 PM, ronwagn said: do not touch your eyes or mouth. Doing this decreases flu by 90%. It should also work vis-a-vis Covid. It takes conscious training. But, it can be done. I have boxes of tissues around for whenever I feel a need for a good eye rub. I seldom get the flue, despite being around young nephew and niece germ warfare. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 15, 2021 8 hours ago, Michael Sanches said: Doing this decreases flu by 90%. It should also work vis-a-vis Covid. It takes conscious training. But, it can be done. I have boxes of tissues around for whenever I feel a need for a good eye rub. I seldom get the flue, despite being around young nephew and niece germ warfare. This applies to Flu and to Covid. It is well known in my circles where millions of people apply these protocols. (Sources at link) EXCERPTS Early Treatment Options In closing, should you get COVID-19, know there are several very effective early treatment options, and early treatment is key, both for preventing severe infection and preventing “long-haul COVID.” Here are a few suggestions: •Oral-nasal decontamination — The virus, especially the Delta variant, replicates rapidly in the nasal cavity and mouth for three to five days before spreading to the rest of the body, so you want to strike where it’s most likely to be found right from the start. Research30 has demonstrated that irrigating your nasal passages with 2.5 milliliters of 10% povidone-iodine (an antimicrobial) and standard saline, twice a day, is an effective remedy. Another option that was slightly less effective was using a mixture of saline with half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (an alkalizer). You can also gargle with these to kill viruses in your mouth and throat. When done routinely, it can be a very effective preventive strategy. You can find printable treatment guides on •Nebulized peroxide — A similar strategy is to use nebulized hydrogen peroxide, diluted with saline to a 0.1% solution. Both hydrogen peroxide and saline31,32 have antiviral effects. In a May 10, 2021, Orthomolecular Medicine press release,33 Dr. Thomas E. Levy — board-certified in internal medicine and cardiology — discussed the use of this treatment for COVID-19 specifically. Levy has in fact written an entire book on peroxide nebulization called “Rapid Virus Recovery,” which you can download for free from MedFox Publishing. •Vitamin D optimization — Research has shown having a vitamin D level above 50 ng/mL brings the risk of COVID mortality down to near-zero.34 •Other key nutraceuticals — Vitamin C, zinc, quercetin and NAC all have scientific backing. •Key drugs — For acute infection, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or monoclonal antibodies can be used. While monoclonal antibodies and hydroxychloroquine must be used early on in the disease process, ivermectin has been shown to be effective in all stages of the infection. Doxycycline or azithromycin are typically added as well, to address any secondary bacterial infection, as well as inhaled budesonide (a steroid). Oral steroids are used on and after the fifth day for pulmonary weakness and aspirin or NAC can be added to reduce the risk of clotting. In the interview, McCullough discusses the use of each of these, and other, drugs. One drug I disagree with is full-strength aspirin. I believe a potentially better, at least safer, alternative would be to use the enzymes lumbrokinase and serrapeptase, as they help break down and prevent blood clots naturally. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 15, 2021 Omicron is spreading 'every place at once,' experts say. What it could mean for holiday plans. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The omicron variant of COVID-19 is moving faster than surveillance systems can track it and has so unnerved some medical experts they're starting to put the brakes on preparations for their holiday gatherings. "Personally, I'm reevaluating plans for the holidays," Bronwyn MacInnis, director of pathogen genomic surveillance at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University, said on a call with reporters Tuesday. "It's the responsible thing to do and what feels right given the risk." She and a handful of other Massachusetts-based researchers on the call said they've been stunned by the pace by which omicron has been crowding out other variants and taking over the pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 3% of current COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are omicron. But MacInnis said she thinks that number was probably an underestimate on Dec. 11 – just three days ago – when the CDC first said it, and now it’s likely to be much higher. "At the rate that it seems to be spreading, there isn't a surveillance system on the planet truly that could keep up with it," MacInnis said. In some parts of the country there are hints omicron already accounts for about 15% of cases, said Jeremy Luban, a virus expert at the UMass Chan Medical School . Omicron has been moving “faster even than the most pessimistic among us thought that it was going to move," said Dr. Jacob Lemieux, an infectious disease expert at Massachusetts General Hospital. “There’s a high likelihood that it will come to your holiday gathering.” While previous variants popped up in one country and then another, "you could watch it unfold from place to place to place," Lemieux said, omicron "seems to be happening every place at once." Lemieux said he is particularly worried because the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 has already killed more than 5.3 million people around the world, including 800,000 in the United States. Although the variant was only identified the day before Thanksgiving, as more data emerges, it is confirming omicron's ability to spread incredibly fast – probably twice as fast as delta, which has dominated the global pandemic since this summer. Even if omicron is less dangerous, it will still cause a huge number of infections and, therefore, a large number of hospitalizations and deaths, Lemieux said. Plus, the U.S. was already seeing a growing number of infections, largely with the delta variant. There were an average of 118,000 new infections a day over the last week – a 37% increase over the previous week. "Our hospitals are already filling up. Staff are fatigued," Lemieux said. "We're almost two years into the pandemic, and there may be limits on capacity to handle the kinds of the caseloads that we see from an omicron wave superimposed on top of the delta surge." Cases of omicron have been skyrocketing in South Africa since the variant was first identified last month. Omicron already accounts for as many cases as when delta reached its peak there, about two months after arriving. Early data from South Africa's largest private health insurer, Discovery Health, suggests vaccines and prior infections are less protective against omicron than they have been with prior variants, though they may still prevent severe disease. Hospitalization rates are still lower with omicron than with earlier waves and patients are less likely to require ventilation, though it’s not clear whether that’s because of the newness of the variant, because it is less dangerous, or because prior infections and vaccinations provide protection. MacInnis and the others said. About 16% of South Africans hospitalized with COVID-19 have been vaccinated. For these reasons, the scientists on the Tuesday call said they were reconsidering gathering for Christmas. "It's time to step back and reevaluate," said Dr. Amy Barczak, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "My family has changed our plans so that we are no longer going to be getting together with particularly vulnerable members of the family over the holidays the way we had been planning to do," she said. People who have been the most vulnerable throughout the pandemic – senior citizens, those who are immune compromised and/or people who have other health conditions like diabetes – will remain most vulnerable to omicron, she said. Asked if doing rapid home tests before gatherings could mitigate some of the risk, MacInnis said it was "tricky" because it's not yet known how sensitive the tests are for the omicron variant. Lemieux said if a group is definitely getting together, at-home rapid tests could be useful as a risk-mitigation strategy, but he urged caution. "I think it's time to reevaluate whether a gathering is necessary and big gatherings are necessary," he said. If people do go ahead with a gathering, they should "do everything you can to conduct it as safely as possible," Lemieux said, which means staying outdoors as much as possible, ventilating indoor spaces by opening windows and masking when indoors. Flying, Luban and others said, remains relatively safe, because of masking, vaccination requirements and good air filtration. Travel restrictions don't work, the experts on the call said, because the virus has already spread across the entire globe. They also all supported the idea of booster shots, which seemingly can restore protection that may have faded with time. The fact that fewer people are dying in South Africa from omicron than previous variants suggests that vaccines, though they aren't preventing all infections, may be stopping the most severe cases. The rise of omicron, MacInnis said, "does not mean our vaccines are failing us." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 15, 2021 Nurse Testifies Before Government Authorities - Hospitals Full of Patients With Adverse Reactions From The Covid Jab 3 1/2 Minute Video - A Must Watch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 15, 2021 Heavily-Vaccinated Northeastern States Struggle With Surging Hospitalizations by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021 - 07:20 PM Fortunately, Pfizer is just about ready to roll out its new COVID pill, because case numbers are rising rapidly in the northeastern US, a part of the country that was previously overlooked because of high vaccination rates and relatively low COVID numbers. But now, emergency rooms across the region, which includes much of the Empire State, as well as the six states that comprise New England, are overflowing, while infection rates soar. CDC data clearly shows the spike in hospitalizations. Source: CDC, Bloomberg Admissions involving patients with COVID climbed 14.4% across the US in the week ended Dec. 9, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. In New England, the rate was more than double - 33.5%. This latest surge is happening in what is perhaps the most vaccinated area of the US. In Massachusetts, where 88% of the population has had at least one dose of the vaccine, the state is planning to send out more than 2MM rapid antigen tests to the poorest communities, according to Gov. Charlie Munger. Just a few days ago, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered masks to be worn inside all businesses in the state, largely because cases and hospitalizations have been climbing upstate and in Western New York. Since Thanksgiving, New York State’s seven-day average case rate has increased 43% and hospitalizations have increased 29%. The percentage of vaccinated Americans has increased about 2 percentage points in the same period - clearly not fast enough to curb the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, NYC is going a step further than most cities and municipalities by imposing a vaccine mandate on private-sector workers starting Dec. 27. As far as hospitalizations go, Maine, New Hampshire and New York have all activated the National Guard to help hospitals treat COVID patients. New Hampshire, which has the highest 7-day case rate of any state in the US, also is sending residents free at-home rapid COVID tests. Within a day of the Nov. 29 offer to send tests to any resident, all 800K tests were taken. Another round was pledged, but none have been delivered. Moving south toward the mid-Atlantic region, we have the Garden State, which is seeing a similar trend of rising hospitalizations. In New Jersey, where hospitalizations are at the highest since the end of April, most of the new cases are among the unvaccinated, but the state is seeing more infections among those who have had two doses of the vaccine and are experiencing waning immunity, according to Gov. Phil Murphy, who urged residents to get their boosters. In New Jersey and the other states, hospitals are cutting back on elective procedures and other less-urgent health-care procedures to allocate more resources to fighting COVID. And this is all before the omicron variant - which is supposedly better at evading the protections afforded by vaccines - has even arrived. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN December 15, 2021 Omicron On Track To 'Massively Disrupt' Pro Sports by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021 - 06:40 PM With the emerging spread of the hyper-transmissible yet mildly symptomatic Omicron strain of Covid-19, policymakers have gone back to their 'plague' playbook of masks, vaccination campaigns, lockdowns and other measures despite an absolute dropoff in case fatality rates in regions hit early by the latest variant. And as Axios notes, Omicron now threatens to 'massively disrupt' the sports world. On Tuesday, 37 players in just the NFL tested positive for Covid-19, the league's worst day since the pandemic began. As a result, Rams cornerback Jalen Ramsey, Giants wide receiver Kedarius Toney and Chiefs wide receiver Josh Gordon were among those who landed on Covid reserve as a result. More via Axios: NBA: The Bulls on Monday became the first NBA team to have games postponed this season (today against the Pistons, Thursday against the Raptors) as they deal with an outbreak that's already landed 10 players in COVID protocols (of note, the NBA changed its definition of "fully vaccinated" to include a booster as of Dec. 17). NHL: The league on Monday postponed Calgary's next three games after six players and a staffer landed in protocols. The Flames join the Senators and Islanders as the third team this season with a postponement. NFL: A record 37 players tested positive on Monday after a weekend that saw at least a dozen other players miss games due to COVID protocols. In mid-November, the NFL announced in a statement that more than 94 percent of players and nearly 100 percent of personnel are double jabbed. European soccer: At least five Premier League teams are dealing with outbreaks a week after Tottenham's outbreak led the league to reinstate emergency COVID measures. Germany's Bundesliga, meanwhile, is limiting crowd capacity amid rising cases. College sports: Tulane's men's basketball team is temporarily shutting down amid an outbreak, with all three games this week postponed. Tennis: Emma Raducanu, the reigning U.S. Open champ who last week was named WTA's Newcomer of the Year, tested positive and is out of this week's event in Abu Dhabi. Again, this is what we're dealing with in terms of the new threat to the general public by all early indications: Axios notes that while the Delta variant hit over the summer, when "most vaccinated arms had been freshly jabbed," Omicron is set to hit in the spring, as vaccine effectiveness wanes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites