Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 (edited) On 1/17/2022 at 1:51 PM, Rob Plant said: I believe smallpox was eradicated in 1980 due to global immunisation! Expand Polio, too. And a whole bunch of other diseases. Those were not viruses capable of "horizontal gene transfer" like coronas and not naturally fast mutating viruses like flu (eludes vaccine since the great Spanish flu epidemic of the 1919-1920) though. Stuff like measles should be eradicated, but keeps recurring. I got hit by measles in US, despite being hypothetically vaccinated with everybody else in USSR. They almost closed the whole UC Berkeley campus on quarantine because of me. Since than I know that CDC stats are doctored in direction of overly optimistic. For example, they claim that there is no botulism poisonings in US outside of Alaska. Yes, there are. Quite commonly, too. Edited January 17, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP January 17, 2022 (edited) On 1/17/2022 at 3:22 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said: Since than I know that CDC stats are doctored in direction of overly optimistic. Expand Yeah it seems the CDC struggle with accurate data doesnt it! Edited January 17, 2022 by Rob Plant 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 3:16 PM, Wombat One said: QCV, both sides of your media have lied to you. They have politicized covid, admittedly the loonie left MSM started it, but it simply ain't true that doctors do not use pills or steroids as part of the treatment. Yes, the idiotic media of the left have blood on their hands, but so does Fox. Truth is, the virus is meant to be a nasty one coz that was the Chinks intent. I am waiting to here more about the US Army vaccine. Expand What Chinks intent? The "function gain" research was funded by the West, especially the US NSF, with grants administrated by none less as the weasel Fauci. Is he supposed to uncover his own trace now? US Army involvement is TBD, as there were some kind of Army Games held in Wuhan right before the Covid outbreak. US delegation was there. Russian military's vaccine is already here. This one It is based on advanced mechanism called peptide and does not generate detectable anti-bodies, so nobody knows what to make of it. There was one Western startup working the same route, but they never got beyond preliminary clinical trials. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 3:07 PM, Hotone said: You have no idea, do you. The ex-prime minister of my country, Mahathir Muhammad, said it's alright to kill millions of Westerners (French), for historically killing Muslims dating back to the crusades. The Muslim religion's justice system calls for paying back an eye for an eye. When 911 happened, our Muslims celebrated in the streets. Our mamaks, a sub group of Muslims (to which Mahathir belongs) celebrated by distributing free bread. And we are a moderate Muslim country. Some of the Arab countries may have made peace with Israel, under pressure from the US. However, many Muslims are seething with anger over this sellout. Believe me, one day they will come after you, your children and your grandchildren, when you are weak and they are strong. You will get your payback. Expand The Chinese Commies are secular though? In Russian history, there is a history of secular holywar, the so called Great Patriotic War. Happened about twice, 1812 when Napoleon invaded and 1941 against Nazis. Not sure any of this translates to Chinese culture. Apparently, Azeris did the same thing for their reconquista of Karabach. Even the basic read flag has been here before, meaning revenge. The Iranians raised it in response to assassination of Gen. Soleimani, a clear act of state terrorism. According to Western heraldic rules, both USSR and Chinese state flags are its "ensigns" (have more detail and are thus junior) In light of this, check out the post-1996 It has less detail, and hence is somehow senior to both Soviet and Chinese state flags Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 (edited) On 12/7/2021 at 9:28 AM, JoanofArc said: Look at the Israeli studies and the Gibraltar studies. The Israeli's are doctoring the "vaccine injury" reporting to reflect much lower numbers. Both societies are almost 100% vaccinated and yet they have increasing rates of the disease? Doesn't make sense. Also, heard this from a coworker at work . Mother in Arizona stood in line for free covid test. Hundreds of people in front of her so after registering and waiting forever, she left without being tested. She ended up getting a letter in the mail saying she was "positive." Go figure. People at the hospitals are now averaging 35 to 40% vaccinated who are coming down with covid and 65% non vaccinated who come down with covid. All nurses have been infected by covid. Trying to avoid it while working in a hospital would be like running in the rain and trying not to get wet. Expand There is also San Marino, which is nearly 100% vaccinated with Russian Sputnik and did have near 0% incidence as advertised. So, it could be that the underperformance is specific to mRNA vaccines preferred in the West? Omikron is likely to obfuscate those findings now. You can see that up until the very recent Omikron surge, the protection afforded by Sputnik was near perfect Edited January 17, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Tom Nolan said: We have seen a rapid change of idealogies in recent years. This was an intentional design by the powerful globalist elite. Have You Ever Noticed that Facts, Reason, Logic, and well-sourced Documents do NOT MATTER to some people? Here is why... Facts don’t matter…“Exposure to true information does not matter.” — ex-KGB Defector, Yuri Bezmenov circa 1984 In 1984, Yuri Bezmenov explained this to G. Edward Griffin. Two very short video segments cover this aspect. One segments starts at the 24 minute mark and by the 26 mark, the “facts don’t matter” is discussed. The other segment starts at the 41:20 mark, and gets right to it. On Thursday December 30th, 2021 at “The Highwire”, Del Bigtree interviews G. Edward Griffin in-house there in Austin, Texas. At 90 years old, G. Edward Griffin looks great! Episode 248: THE WARNING WE IGNORED almost 40 year-old interview with an ex-KGB Defector, Yuri Bezmenov, has re-emerged and is going viral. Why is it going viral now? Del sits down with the journalist who conducted that interview, G. Edward Griffin, for a deep dive into the Russian spy’s extraordinary warning to the American people in 1984, and why this warning must be heeded today. Expand Russian spy defectors need to earn their upkeep in the West. Hence a whole lot of sensationalist writing they produce. This guy is full of it, the real KGB was never this slick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hotone + 412 January 17, 2022 (edited) On 1/17/2022 at 3:08 PM, Andrei Moutchkine said: The Democrats are set to lose House and Senate majority anyway. Because this happens every time US administration fails to deliver. Which is pretty much always. Similarly inevitable alternation rule in Russia–hairy You are welcome to speculate if the Deep State allergy to Trump has anything to do with him actually trying to deliver on electoral promises, no matter how stupid. That's very unusual in US politics. Because the Republicans actually did have a system candidate running on positions equally Luddite as Trump's, namely Carly Fiorina. The bitch who previously destroyed a great American company, Hewlett-Packard. Expand I used to work for a sub-unit of HP. Yes, Carly messed things up. The company had many things going for it, e.g. they had Alta vista before Google became dominant, I used the Palm PDA, and Compaq smart phone before the iPad and iPhone came out, they had great networking, PC, printer, server technology, etc, etc. But it was Mark Hurd who eviscerated all the innovations and turned the company into a box pusher. The HP Invent slogan became a joke, but of course Wall Street loved the profits from cost cutting. Edited January 17, 2022 by Hotone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 4:39 PM, Wombat One said: In Australia, the elderly were vaccinated with Astra Zeneca (traditional vaccine) and anyone under 50 got Pfizer. That is why we don't have many deaths despite the rapid rise in cases, covid mainly affects the elderly and they got a proper vaccine. mRNA vaccines are easy and cheap to manufacture, hence extremely profitable. Pfizer made $27bn profit in a single quarter! Agree with Tom Nolan that their vaccine has many side-effects and kills a lot of young people, but possibly not nearly as many as would have died from covid? I would be cautious about claims from San Marino. A lot of countries simply deny the existence of covid, like Nigeria for example. A country with 100m people but only 500 cases and zero deaths, as if. The reason Australia is accepting the Sputnik is partly due to international pressure, partly due to the side-effects of pfizer and perceived side-effects of Astra Zeneca. Due to fatal blood clots in a few young women, nobody under 50 could get astra zeneca. Even though the pfizer was giving young men much more problems (heart attacks and Myoencephalitis), that what they were forced to take. Females more important in Australia, cannot discriminate against but ok to discriminate against men. Rational thing would have been to let ppl choose and recommend Astra for young men, Pfizer for young women. My brother was hit in the head with a golf ball as a teenager which severely fractured his skull and left him with epilepsy. So he does not want anything that affects the blood and is holding out for Novavax, which is apparently ok. A female friend of his got pfizer and the next morning went blind in one eye due to ruptured blood vessel. She was told it just coincidence of course. Anyway, you will probably find similar problems with Sputnik simply because the spike protein affects the blood as much as the lungs. Just that no govt tells the truth these days, neither Russian nor Australian. Expand AstraZeneca and Sputnik are adenovirus vector vaccines. Nothing traditional about them, either. (none have been approved for use on people before, short of Gamaleya's losing bid for ebola vaccine) Sputnik is an Adv5+Adv26 hybrid, so you can think of it as combination of AstraZeneca and Johnson&Jonson. The big advantage is supposed to be in that they've got a construction kit and could whip out a version for new variant within days, if they didn't have to follow international standards for clinical trials. Which I think, they shouldn't, since they did not draw any obvious benefit from doing so. (FDA / EMA approvals of Sputnik are still at large) International pressure is a good way to put it. Significant portions of the 3rd world have been using Sputnik and requisition antibodies are there. The way I see it that the immune response to mRNA vaccines is very weak, so they lace it with mineral salts designed to produce a strong allergic response Also, enables them to use a much lower dose of the actual vaccine. IMHO, these be the same as fairly corrosive chemicals known as that are used in variety of industrial processes to prevent colloidal parts from sticking together (flocculation aids) Also see Pfizer is more suspect one than Moderna, on the account of having lower working doses of actual vaccine and not being stable above -70C. It's obviously been optimized for fastest possible production. It would be interesting to know if there is much higher, adjuvant-free dose which does not have the undesirable side effects reported. I would expect it to be so. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 4:43 PM, Hotone said: I used to work for a sub-unit of HP. Yes, Carly messed things up. The company had many things going for it, e.g. they had Alta vista before Google became dominant, I used the Palm PDA, and Compaq smart phone before the iPad and iPhone came out, they had great networking, PC, printer, server technology, etc, etc. But it was Mark Hurd who eviscerated all the innovations and turned the company into a box pusher. The HP Invent slogan became a joke, but of course Wall Street loved the profits from cost cutting. Expand I was referring to spinning off the parts which made the scopes and misc. other scientific instrumentation pieces. I can see how they were not all that profitable in any direct sense, but always terrifying. Maybe that should've been the focus of the actual reform? Making serious HP products less scary to mere mortals? I am collecting pieces of the Thunderdome myself, hoping to boot it up one day. All the computer one would ever need. Without the deep understanding of what is really goes on down to analog electrical level, there is no HP. Or possibly only at the Israeli kibbutz of theirs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN January 17, 2022 The Pandemic Of The Injected Excellent Video which shows documents and video clips of experts. The Vaccinated people now have lower immune systems, because of the vaccines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 5:28 PM, Wombat One said: Yes, the Novavax uses a natural adjuvant from the bark of a tree, and a synthetic spike protein that cannot replicate. Dunno why they think that bit is important as my understanding was that the Astra Zeneca uses dead spike proteins that cannot repliclate. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine - Wikipedia Expand Astra-Zeneca (and Sputnik) used a real adenovirus (which causes common cold) modified to produce Covid spike protein. This Novavax stuff is a "subunit" vaccine, which includes the "antigenic" viral parts on a completely synthetic carrier, that was never a virus to start with. In what way is it "recombinant" (combining features of different micro-organisms) at the same time, I do not exactly follow yet. Adenovirus vector vaccines are trivially recombinant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 5:28 PM, Wombat One said: Yes, the Novavax uses a natural adjuvant from the bark of a tree, and a synthetic spike protein that cannot replicate. Dunno why they think that bit is important as my understanding was that the Astra Zeneca uses dead spike proteins that cannot repliclate. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine - Wikipedia Expand "Natural adjuvant from the bark of a tree" is more dishonest verbiage. Mineral alums are natural. They are mined as minerals occurring in nature, not made. This is how they are so cheap. You mean this? They are obviously looking for something that is less corrosive and more selectively toxic to humans. (This be in the spirit of allergic reaction being a lesser poisoning of sorts) The big pharma resorts to "natural sources" whenever they need a molecule that is complicated and difficult to synth yet Not because they are looking for something wholesome. So far, I see an unusually weak vaccine with unusually powerful adjuvant to kick the immune system into noticing it. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 4:39 PM, Wombat One said: In Australia, the elderly were vaccinated with Astra Zeneca (traditional vaccine) and anyone under 50 got Pfizer. That is why we don't have many deaths despite the rapid rise in cases, covid mainly affects the elderly and they got a proper vaccine. mRNA vaccines are easy and cheap to manufacture, hence extremely profitable. Pfizer made $27bn profit in a single quarter! Agree with Tom Nolan that their vaccine has many side-effects and kills a lot of young people, but possibly not nearly as many as would have died from covid? I would be cautious about claims from San Marino. A lot of countries simply deny the existence of covid, like Nigeria for example. A country with 100m people but only 500 cases and zero deaths, as if. The reason Australia is accepting the Sputnik is partly due to international pressure, partly due to the side-effects of pfizer and perceived side-effects of Astra Zeneca. Due to fatal blood clots in a few young women, nobody under 50 could get astra zeneca. Even though the pfizer was giving young men much more problems (heart attacks and Myoencephalitis), that what they were forced to take. Females more important in Australia, cannot discriminate against but ok to discriminate against men. Rational thing would have been to let ppl choose and recommend Astra for young men, Pfizer for young women. My brother was hit in the head with a golf ball as a teenager which severely fractured his skull and left him with epilepsy. So he does not want anything that affects the blood and is holding out for Novavax, which is apparently ok. A female friend of his got pfizer and the next morning went blind in one eye due to ruptured blood vessel. She was told it just coincidence of course. Anyway, you will probably find similar problems with Sputnik simply because the spike protein affects the blood as much as the lungs. Just that no govt tells the truth these days, neither Russian nor Australian. Expand Africa is general had a much easier time with Covid then other continents. The factors behind it could be a) Crap statistics keeping, like you suggest b) Cross-immunity with some of the diseases endemic to tropics, notably malaria c) Darwinian argument. Those who were weak enough to die of a simple respiratory disease are already dead in Africa. Actually, I happen to know an actual doc in Nigeria who is half-Russian. Let me talk to him again. Last time, he was in denial anything is different in Africa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,043 GE January 17, 2022 (edited) On 1/17/2022 at 10:02 PM, Wombat One said: Really got me thinking and made me do some research. What I discovered is that virtually all of the modern "lifestyle diseases" are actually linked to the various adjuvants in vaccines. Expand You are an endless source of humour. The fat, lazy, and dumb want to blame vaccines for their gluttony and sloth. Turn off the computer, go for a walk, eat a salad... Blaming vaccines for your out-of-shape body is scapegoating. P.S. you Googled, you did not do any "research." Real research is not done on your phone while taking a crap. Edited January 17, 2022 by TailingsPond 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QuarterCenturyVet + 314 JL January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 3:16 PM, Wombat One said: QCV, both sides of your media have lied to you. They have politicized covid, admittedly the loonie left MSM started it, but it simply ain't true that doctors do not use pills or steroids as part of the treatment. Yes, the idiotic media of the left have blood on their hands, but so does Fox. Truth is, the virus is meant to be a nasty one coz that was the Chinks intent. I am waiting to here more about the US Army vaccine. Expand I'm talking specifically of the Canadian Healthcare system on this one, W1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,043 GE January 17, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 3:16 PM, Wombat One said: Truth is, the virus is meant to be a nasty one coz that was the Chinks intent. Expand Classy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,043 GE January 18, 2022 On 1/18/2022 at 2:55 AM, Wombat One said: Son, I didn't get to be fat and lazy by being dumb. Am taking full advantage of my white privilege. I know you are all jealous, but stuff it... Expand I'm white, lazy and privileged.... just not fat. You are correct a "literature review" can be called research. However, generally you do not announce you made a "[discovery]" considering you are just reading the work of others. In the future just say you were playing catch up on the current state of knowledge but with a massive dose of selection bias. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 6:59 PM, Wombat One said: As I was saying, an article about covid rates called "denouncing white supremacist narratives" kinda proves my point. The WHO and other organisations are always pointing out that the global estimate of deaths is most likely far less than the actual number. And on Western TV, we are constantly bombarded with crap about how sophisticated Africa has become all of a sudden. My BS detector is going into overdrive right now. At least the Russian figures seem to be telling the truth for a change. Looks like you are vying with Greece for highest number of deaths/capita? So much for your superior vaccine. COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer ( Only Australia and China have had any real success. And a cpl small Island states. Expand Only half of Russian population is vaccinated. San Marino, the only territory to be fully vaccinated with Sputnik, had a zero incidence before the Omikron wave. According to this latest summary (Jan 17) There are a bunch of countries doing worse than Russia, notably UK and US (though UK is real close, only a Tunisia away) The real champions are Burundi and China, you are not in the same league. The Kiwis are closer to achieving African-grade health. Mysterious is Cuban negative death rate for last week. They dusted off some zombies and found that they really are OK? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 (edited) On 1/18/2022 at 2:05 AM, Wombat One said: There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim country these days. Lebanon used to be "the Paris of the East", look at it now? Turkey took over and was a democracy, look at it now? The Persians invented Maths, look at them now? Two things they all have in common, extremism and failure. Malaysia is heading the same way. Indonesian women did not wear the veil 40 years ago, but Indonesia is still far more moderate than Malaysia. As for Pakistan, no better than Lebanon or Afhanistan? Your religious hatred has not got you very far? Do you still think that Bin Laden did you any favours? Or your Saudi Puppet masters? Maybe the Emirates are fairly moderate, they have chosen wisely. But for someone who claims to be from a moderate country, you sure as heck don't sound too moderate. Yes, am part Jewish, an athiest and I might just get my revenge on you if you threaten me again. Indonesia is the worlds most populous and powerful Muslim country, and I have much respect for the people of Indonesia. If you think I am "dirty white trash", then maybe I should make Mahathir pay some kind of price for his mistake? Perhaps let the CCP run Malaysia. It looks as though the West should not have saved your country during WW2? Expand Iran is quite democratic-like, by regional standard. About the same as Israel when you remove the media spin. Edited January 19, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 6:18 PM, Wombat One said: Interesting. I was thinking it must be the adjuvant that causes the serious complications. Do you know if they are used in MMR vaccines? In the West, these get the blame for causing Autism. Due to the mercury in the vaccine. Is the mercury an adjuvant? Expand Must be that Seems like regular toxic waste they occasionally get into vaccines that are not single-dose packaged, no obvious connection to autism. I recon most who claim to be autistic are fishing for free speed prescription of some kind, where such cures are available 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 3:07 PM, Hotone said: You have no idea, do you. The ex-prime minister of my country, Mahathir Muhammad, said it's alright to kill millions of Westerners (French), for historically killing Muslims dating back to the crusades. The Muslim religion's justice system calls for paying back an eye for an eye. When 911 happened, our Muslims celebrated in the streets. Our mamaks, a sub group of Muslims (to which Mahathir belongs) celebrated by distributing free bread. And we are a moderate Muslim country. Some of the Arab countries may have made peace with Israel, under pressure from the US. However, many Muslims are seething with anger over this sellout. Believe me, one day they will come after you, your children and your grandchildren, when you are weak and they are strong. You will get your payback. Expand I didn't realize he's an ex now. I am sure they'll dust him of and make PM again at a later date? Seems as good as new . IMHO, the Pentagon would be a guilt-free celebration cause, but whatever hit it, hit an empty wing. The WTC was just an office building. Allegedly though, the "twin tower" pattern (beating some record twice in a row in identical fashion) is a well known architectucutral ill omen, going back to,_Bologna You are welcome to enlighten me, as to whether there is any possible connection between the two Malaysian Air planes lost in a row and Petronas towers? I suppose the actual towers are off the hook on the account of having a sky bridge and thus immune to WTC's failure mode. The connection may be symbolic in nature. There was a strangely large number of people running around with visions of aircraft crashing into the WTC BEFORE it actually happened. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 1/18/2022 at 2:39 AM, Wombat One said: Yes, I could have called them "dirty yellow trash" but it is beneath me. Expand You need to trademark a bespoke skin tone for cancerous growth enabled by genuine Australian ozone hole. Could be an intellectual property nobody else wants? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 12/11/2021 at 4:37 AM, ronwagn said: Why is the ruble so low in value if they hold so much gold? Expand Because the value of gold is not inherently related to rubles? Gold is its own cash currency now. (after Basel III to be exact) Lower currency value is not strictly bad. It benefits Russian exports, but hurts imports. Given that Russia runs a trade surplus with most countries it trades with, more likely good. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 12/28/2021 at 10:26 AM, QuarterCenturyVet said: You want socialized medicine? You want managed Healthcare where administrators decide whether it's worth it or not whether you can receive the best treatment available? You're an idiot. You do realize ivermectin has been administered billions of times to PEOPLE, and the inventor was awarded a Nobel Prize, right? No. You listen to CNN and think treating the symptoms of this cold/flu is for fools. Expand Ivermectin has been administered to people against worms and other macroscopic parasites. The connection to Covid eludes me thus far. Socialized medicine is not perfect, but better than anything US' got. Where absolutely everything somehow ends up having a few extra zeroes slapped to the sticker price, compared to anywhere else in the world. Not that "medical insurance" is a misnomer. No actual insurance can hedge away a risk the probability of which is 1.0 (guaranteed to happen), as in we all do get sick and sicker, till we are completely dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP January 18, 2022 On 1/18/2022 at 6:06 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said: There are a bunch of countries doing worse than Russia, notably UK and US (though UK is real close, only a Tunisia away) Expand Or is it that the UK tests nearly 4 times as many people than Russia?? Hmmm let me think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites