Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 20, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 11:13 PM, Meredith Poor said: The more likely source of 'false flag' alerts would have come from intelligence intercepts made from Russian radio traffic and satellite observations. Russian agents have done such things before, particularly in relation to military activities in Chechnya. If anything, US intelligence would have alerted Ukrainian officials to observed evidence. Whether it's 'true' or not depends on whether anything happens. In certain cases traffic is put on secured channels 'to be seen' by foreign services. Russia wants certain pullbacks from the West. The Ukraine is a mushroom in this firefight, it is an innocent bystander. Expand A lot of Ukrainian officials are actually denying anything unusual is happening. Despite having several Russian invasion scares of their own several times a year. Most of the evidence is the typical dashcam videos that are there for the benefit of the gullible. When they are moving equipment without camouflage like that, they won't it to be seen. When they don't, nobody sees anything. For example what happened to all the Chinese armor moved as far West as Belarus. Ditto for any cleartext "intercepts" of Russian military radios. The real ones are encrypted, same as yours. Here is what they think of your satellite observations. (The word spelled with tanks means "dick" and is a very rude word not to be used in a mixed company) Note the convenient orientation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 20, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 10:36 PM, Tomasz said: Biden appears to be doing to Ukraine what US has long done to allies/potential allies (Saddam pre-Gulf War; Kurds/Shia post-Gulf war; Georgia in 2008): encourage conflict only to sell them out. The best strategy for Putin now is not to invade. Western media, politicians, and think tanks invested so much into the "imminent invasion" theory by now - they'll look like total idiots. Expand Seems only the State Department and media are running with the story in US. Does not look like US intelligence and military believes in any of this, either. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 20, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 11:04 PM, Meredith Poor said: Someone let the multinationals into Kazakhstan. That 'someone' was a Kazakhstan government official. It's unlikely that the western multinationals 'own' the mineral rights, they simply earn income from what they produce. Ownership usually remains with the state. There is obviously wealth spent by the Kazakh government on the Kazakh capital and Kazakh government workers. Western oil interests would use that money elsewhere if they controlled it. Expand There were no Kazakh government officials of any decision power who were not Mr. Nazarbaev's personal relatives. Kazachstan has a choice - to stick to Russia and stay in the 2nd world, or slide on the slippery slope of tribalism to a proper banana republic status. How much income they earn varies much. Do they pay any taxes? For example Gazprom allegedly paid 6x as much in fees for drilling licenses and export levies to the Russian government that it paid in dividends. This sort of thing is what makes Mr. Putin somewhat less than popular in the West, not for being insufficiently democratic, supportive of LGBT rights or corrupt. That sort of thing nobody ever cared about, as long as they shared. And that, Mr. Nazarbaev did. Hired himself former British PM Tony Blair for a lobbyist. Most important companies, even domestic ones, are incorporated in a special quarter in the capital (called something like Astana Financial Center) that is under English (i.e.British colonial) law. See the glowing review for this horrible idea This is how the Western multinationals are not afraid to spend on the Kazakh capital. They own it. Incidentally, the capital was moved to the northernmost part from Alma-Aty in southernmost part to be closer to Russia for additional security. Cause the main security threat be various Islamic militants down south. If not for Russia, the whole region would turn into "Greater Afghanistan" like Pakistan's "Tribal Area" already did. Because most Pushtuns (who form the core of the Taliban, and are the most numerous Afghans) live not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan (where they are only a small minority). Well, the same happens to be true for Tajiks and Uzbeks (who are like the 2nd and 3rd most numerous Afghan tribes. The Chinese really don't give a damn who they are doing business with, for as long as they keep it to business only. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN January 20, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 10:36 PM, Tomasz said: Biden appears to be doing to Ukraine what US has long done to allies/potential allies (Saddam pre-Gulf War; Kurds/Shia post-Gulf war; Georgia in 2008): encourage conflict only to sell them out. Expand So true! And there is a huge list of South American countries where the U.S. destroyed their democratically elected governments. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 20, 2022 (edited) On 1/19/2022 at 4:09 AM, Tomasz said: Find it curious that even though chances of Russia invading Ukraine are really higher for once, the level of noise around it from Russian Atlanticists & Ukrainian activist types is very low, seems like after 7 years of constant hysteria they're now in shock and disbelief. There were so many of these invasion claims over the past 7 years that people simply won't fall for it easily anymore unless invasion actually happens. There were at least 2 to 3 invasion scares in 2020 alone. When hard power really comes into play, turns out Twitter chatter doesn’t really matter. Or its made to lower the coverage on Russia's ultimatum when and if Russia strikes it will be presented as a pure, unprovoked aggression without any recourse or exit door If this hypothesis is correct then this admittedly weird radio silence would confirm the intervention is a given Expand This is the best explanation for what is in for Russia thus far, I suppose. However, what is in for the West? Their largest enemy in Ukraine are not the Russian interests (which they successfully removed long time ago), but the local oligarchic clans. It is due to their activities do Western puppets not completely control the place yet. It gets especially funny when one oligarch devours all others and gets to run the place. Known to have happened in Sweden, Georgia and Moldova. Removing just the Moldovan fellow took a concentrated effort from US, Russia and EU, because he owned all the political parties and all the media in the country. This guy Personally, my favorite Ukrainian character was Arsen Avakov, who simultaneously ran all the Nazi goons (sometime part of their National Guard these days) and the Ministry of the Internal (the police) entasked with fighting them. Thus, the only member of Poroshenko administration inherited by Ze. How they got him to step down recently, I've got no idea. Is probably running for the next President, though. Edited January 25, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN January 20, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 11:13 PM, Meredith Poor said: The more likely source of 'false flag' alerts would have come from intelligence intercepts made from Russian radio traffic and satellite observations. Russian agents have done such things before, particularly in relation to military activities in Chechnya. If anything, US intelligence would have alerted Ukrainian officials to observed evidence. Whether it's 'true' or not depends on whether anything happens. In certain cases traffic is put on secured channels 'to be seen' by foreign services. Russia wants certain pullbacks from the West. The Ukraine is a mushroom in this firefight, it is an innocent bystander. Expand You don't know the history behind Ukraine and the covert forces behind that. Geez! Meredith, you are uneducated on the covert activies which have shows up in your statements of ignorance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RichieRich216 + 454 RK January 20, 2022 WELL SHIT, The assclown Biden just hours ago gave Russia his permission for a “Small Incursion.” Ukraine's leadership and people must feel warm and fuzzy by yet another of the hundreds of BLUNDERS that assclown has said! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP January 20, 2022 On 1/20/2022 at 12:07 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said: The real ones are encrypted, same as yours. Expand We can read the encrypted traffic. This is what the NSA does. Even without it, however, a lot is obvious to the trained eye. On 1/20/2022 at 12:07 AM, Andrei Moutchkine said: Here is what they think of your satellite observations. Expand So who's the 'd***', and who's the 'p****'? How is the latter one spelled in Cyrillic? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 21, 2022 Not my comment but good one by Quote The speeches of the President of the USA have a wide impact in the world. He declared that there was no unity among NATO members regarding the reaction to Russia's "minor incursion" into Ukraine. He distinguished such an "intrusion" from a general offensive. These words prove that there is no geopolitical <<West>>. There are different Western powers and states with different interests and positions in relation to Russia, Ukraine and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. And that the US will not intervene militarily against Russia with the "coalition of the willing" that is now, ie with Poland, the Baltic states and possibly Romania. Jokes are over. We do not have a serious alliance to unconditionally support the Kiev agenda in its entirety. This is the last call for Poles to stop fanfare from entering the role of the champion of all Ukrainian interests on the international stage. Do we want "first to fight" again? By the way ... In this situation, all these Polish "experts", after years of crushing US hegemony, still babble about "Western unity" and the "transatlantic community" as the main guarantee of the existence of Poland, which must not be undermined even by speaking about a different perspective, they should finally be silent. Expand Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 21, 2022 And what about Russia's huge military spending? The general principle of the crude oil market is that in the environment of a market shortage, any public geopolitical unrest always contributes to a sharp increase in the price of the this commodity. ALWAYS. Effect in Russia's finanace Quote Russia is swimming in money right now. Exports are up 41% YoY ($350m) every day vs a year-ago and topping $1.2bn a day ($50m an hour). A reminder that when an oil exporter adds to geopolitical risk, it makes more money. Even better for Saudi which gains without the same risks Expand And Ukraine on the other side Quote Ukraine’s debt markets look more sensitive than Russia to a change in foreign sentiment if markets get scared by a potential conflict .. from our new report on the impact of potential US sanctions. Don’t know yet if we’ll be distributing this report to the media And that is playing out .. with Ukraine's Eurobonds (white) slumping far more in price as a result of this conflict scare than Russia's (blue) .. despite the sanctions risk on Russia. Expand Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 21, 2022 Apart from thats how its going Quote Non-commodity exports from Russia in 2021 broke a record The volume of non-commodity non-energy exports of Russia in 2021 exceeded $191 billion - this is a new historical maximum, according to the Russian Export Center, which is part of the VEB.RF state corporation group. In 2020, the export of such goods amounted to a record $161.3 billion at that time. “Growth was noted in almost all product segments, but it turned out to be the most ambitious in ferrous and non-ferrous metals, fertilizers, woodworking products, chemicals, plastics, power equipment,” said Veronika Nikishina, general director of the center ( TASS quote ). For 11 months of 2021, the export center records growth by industry: chemical industry - 54%, metallurgy - 52%, timber industry - 43%, engineering - 31%, food - 23%. Expand 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meredith Poor + 900 MP January 21, 2022 On 1/21/2022 at 7:40 AM, Tomasz said: And what about Russia's huge military spending? Expand Russian GDP 2021: $1709.58 (USD) billion US Defense Budget 2021: $700 billion US Military spending over last 5 years ($600 billion x 5) = $3 trillion. "IHS Inc. estimated the 2013 Russian military budget as being US$68.9 billion, US$78 billion in 2014, and predict a rise to US$98 billion in 2016. IHS described this as a rapid increase in spending which will result in the defence budget increasing from 15.7 percent of federal expenditure in 2013 to 20.6 percent by 2016." Wikipedia. $90 billion x 5 years = $450 billion. The point of looking at the last five years is that a lot of military spending is for equipment, so some fraction of this ends up as aircraft, ships, tanks, radars, etc. 'Force Readiness' is also a function of training, and many troops are only on duty for four to five years. US Labor Force 2021: 160 million Russia Labor Force 2020: 72 million US defense commitments are enormous in comparison to Russia's in pure scale, however US defense commitments in terms of homeland border security are miniscule. American and Russian defense postures are not really comparable in any meaningful sense. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 21, 2022 On 1/21/2022 at 9:25 AM, Tomasz said: Apart from thats how its going Expand Paltry compared to the big boys. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 21, 2022 (edited) Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Could Sink Nord Stream 2 By Julianne Geiger - Jan 18, 2022, 3:00 PM CST Germany said on Tuesday that it could nix the Nord Stream 2 pipeline should Russia invade Ukraine The move would be as much as Germany's expense at it would be Russia's Germany and Europe can afford to pay for LNG rather than Russian gas. Russia would be stupid to take the chance of losing that market. More LNG competitors will also reduce the price over time. Europe cannot afford to leave their future to Russia. Putin got too greedy too fast. RCW Edited January 21, 2022 by ronwagn reference Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 21, 2022 On 1/21/2022 at 10:00 PM, ronwagn said: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Could Sink Nord Stream 2 By Julianne Geiger - Jan 18, 2022, 3:00 PM CST Germany said on Tuesday that it could nix the Nord Stream 2 pipeline should Russia invade Ukraine The move would be as much as Germany's expense at it would be Russia's Germany and Europe can afford to pay for LNG rather than Russian gas. Russia would be stupid to take the chance of losing that market. More LNG competitors will also reduce the price over time. Europe cannot afford to leave their future to Russia. Putin got too greedy too fast. RCW Expand Because this is why Biden suggests these incentives to Putin that the US is abandoning Ukraine. This is exacly to encourage Putin to invade Ukraine. Russia will lose a lot, Ukraine will lose the most. Western Europe will not break off the leash of the United States and will humbly buy 100% more expensive LNG from the Yankees. But Putin is not so stupid because he knows that in Ukraine time works to his advantage. There, the hard reality is slowly defeating the nationalist Banderite vision of the world banging from the TV set. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 21, 2022 On 1/21/2022 at 10:15 PM, Tomasz said: Because this is why Biden suggests these incentives to Putin that the US is abandoning Ukraine. This is exacly to encourage Putin to invade Ukraine. Russia will lose a lot, Ukraine will lose the most. Western Europe will not break off the leash of the United States and will humbly buy 100% more expensive LNG from the Yankees. But Putin is not so stupid because he knows that in Ukraine time works to his advantage. There, the hard reality is slowly defeating the nationalist Banderite vision of the world banging from the TV set. Expand There is no Banderite vision except in the old memories of socialists and communists using them as an excuse to invade free Ukraine while forgetting about the Holodomor and all the other atrocities by Russians in that era. I do not want to denigrate the Russian or Ukrainian people who are living in the present and are peaceful and good people. Only those who make excuses for the horrors of today. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 21, 2022 I am simply asking without hypocrisy. You hate Russian NS I NS II for one simple reason - it will always be much cheaper than American LNG so noone in Europe needs your LNG The US problem is that all industrial production has moved from the US to China, and as the trade balance clearly shows, you do not have competing goods to balance your enormous foreign trade deficit. This is all you need some more money from trade. So you tried hundreds of attempts to sanction much cheaper Russian gas. As well as Iranian and Venezuelan oil or the Chinese company Huawei. The American hegemon simply does not like cheaper or better quality products from competitors. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 21, 2022 (edited) On 1/21/2022 at 10:35 PM, Tomasz said: I am simply asking without hypocrisy. You hate Russian NS I NS II for one simple reason - it will always be much cheaper than American LNG so noone in Europe needs your LNG The US problem is that all industrial production has moved from the US to China, and as the trade balance clearly shows, you do not have competing goods to balance your enormous foreign trade deficit. This is all you need some more money from trade. So you tried hundreds of attempts to sanction much cheaper Russian gas. As well as Iranian and Venezuelan oil or the Chinese company Huawei. The American hegemon simply does not like cheaper or better quality products from competitors. Expand No, that is not the reason. Our reason is to stop communist and socialist dictatorships wherever they are. That is great with me and most Americans. Especially those who are Christians and not atheists. We see what happens in China and you will see a change in our policy in less than a year. The Deep State will gradually be changed with new leadership demanding it. We want friendship with Russia but Putin and his billionaire cronies are like a Mafia Gang running a whole country. The same is true of the other Dictator for Life XI. Cubans, Venezuelans, Ukrainians, North Koreans, and others are all suffering due to a demonic belief in atheistic communism. We are also aware that our own country is in great danger of being taken over by similar atheistic, socialist, and communist leaders hiding right here, and some in plain sight and in powerful positions. Edited January 21, 2022 by ronwagn add Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 22, 2022 Ukraine Standoff Threatens to Derail Russia’s Domestic Battle Against Inflation Even without invasion, the crisis is accentuating rising price pressures at home. By Jake Cordell Updated: 18 hours ago Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 22, 2022 Navalny Accuses West of ‘Falling Into Putin’s Trap’ on Ukraine Updated: Jan. 19, 2022 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 22, 2022 Erdogan Warns Russia Against Invading Ukraine By AFP Jan. 18, 2022 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 22, 2022 On 1/21/2022 at 4:11 PM, Meredith Poor said: American and Russian defense postures are not really comparable in any meaningful sense. Expand Yes, US does not do defense. Only in a sense of Newspeak. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 22, 2022 Investors Continue to Ditch Russian Assets Amid War Fears Russia’s largest companies have lost more than $100 billion in value over the last week. Updated: Jan. 18, 2022 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RichieRich216 + 454 RK January 22, 2022 On 1/17/2022 at 6:11 PM, Tom Nolan said: The United States has participated in and/or planned many FALSE FLAG Events. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday [Jan 14th, 2022]: “As part of its plans, Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion,” “We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.” “Without getting into too much detail, we do have information that indicates that Russia is already working actively to create a pretext for a potential invasion, for a move on Ukraine,” “In fact, we have information that they’ve pre-positioned a group of operatives, to conduct what we call a false flag operation, an operation designed to look like an attack on them or their people, or Russian speaking people in Ukraine, as an excuse to go in.” 2022: The Year Ahead by James January 15, 2021 I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about this whole Great Reset thing. If you saw New World Next Year 2022, you'll know that I think a cyber 9/11 (and the ensuing passage of an iPatriot Act) is a distinct possibility for the coming year. But that is not the only ace card in the would-be world controllers' hands. A "pandemic of the injected" and/or a 5G-generated global health crisis? The passage of a global pandemic treaty to hardwire the biosecurity state into place? A bioterror false flag? Check. Check. Check. All of these cards, too, are in the deck and ready to be dealt. But there is another card in that deck that has been largely neglected for the past two years, and I have a feeling we're going to see it laid on the table this year. So what am I talking about? Luckily, I don't need to look further than the latest headlines to illustrate my point: Right on the heels of the Kazakhstan fiasco, we have this headline dominating the newswires: "White House: Russia prepping pretext for Ukraine invasion." As the loyal government stenographers over at the Associated Press helpfully explain: US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House. Wait, what? The White House is now openly warning about the potential for a false flag operation to be used as a pretext for war? What's happening here? The invocation of the concept of false flag terror in a mainstream media report (let alone such an assertion coming from the lips of "intelligence officials") might raise an eyebrow among us old hands of the 9/11 Truth movement. I'm sure we all remember the days when the very concept of false flag terror had to be painstakingly explained to the average normie . . . so it could then be summarily dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." But upon closer examination, this acknowledgment of the reality that false flag attacks can be used as a casus belli is not so surprising. In fact, the most vocal conspiracy deniers are only too happy to become conspiracy theorists themselves when discussing their political enemies (like Putin or Assad or Putin or Xi or "anti-vaxxers" or Putin). In this case, the theory posits that Putin and the Russkies have engaged in a social media campaign to plant a narrative that the Ukrainian government is preparing to target Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine. The plan would then unfold when Russian "operatives trained in urban warfare" (who, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki assures us, have already been deployed) "use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces." Putin could then use the attacks as a pretext to invade Ukraine. That's one hell of a conspiracy theory, isn't it? So what evidence is there to back it up? As you might have guessed, absolutely no evidence of any kind was presented during the briefing announcing this startling accusation. Don't take my word for it. Read Psaki's remarks for yourself and you'll see that the entire story rests on her bald assertion that "we have information" that Russia is preparing to do this. Or, translated from the Globalese: "Take our word for it." But wait, it gets worse! Just weeks ago The New York Times was reporting that the US and Britain are helping the Ukrainian government to secure their cyber infrastructure against dastardly Russian hackers, and just days ago the Ukrainian ambassador to the US told CBS News that Ukraine was expecting cyberattacks to precede a full invasion. And now—wouldn't you know it?—just as the EU is prepping large-scale exercises simulating Russian cyberattacks on Europe's supply lines, someone has gone ahead and launched a cyberattack on the Ukrainian government! So who is that "someone"? Oh, come on, there's no time to collect evidence! We all know who it is! After all, cyberattacks against their enemies are a "tried and true part of the Russian playbook" according to good ol' Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland (aka Mrs. Robert Kagan), and who wouldn't trust her? Is it possible that things are playing out exactly as Psaki and Nuland assert? Could this really be a carefully staged Russian operation to prepare the way for an invasion of Ukraine? Of course it is possible. Let's not be naïve here. Putin is an authoritarian who is putting Russia in lockstep with the Great Reset, and he is willing to stage terror attacks and assassinate his enemies in order to further his own political ambitions. The same can be said for Xi and Assad and all of the other authoritarians who are held up in certain parts of the "alternative" media as the "resistance" to the NATO agenda. As I've articulated many times, the BRICS are a phony opposition, the "alternative" financial infrastructure that the anti-NATO crowd is setting up is not alternative at all, the economic and military rise of the Chinese has been deliberately engineered by the same financial interests that built up the American empire, the technocrats openly lust after the authoritarian powers of communist China and the Belt and Road promise is just debt diplomacy by another name. But here's something that seems to confuse even those who are clued in to the 3D reality behind the 2D chess game: geopolitical and even military conflict can still take place, even in a scenario where both enemies are just puppets of the same string-puller. As I've laid out before, there is a very real sense in which we are already embroiled in World War III, and that is the War on You. The Powers That Shouldn't Be are, as we know by now, willing and capable of doing anything it takes to maintain their power and increase the centralization of that power in the technocratic hands of the oligarchy. If that means an economic crash, don't doubt for a moment that they'll do it. If that means bringing down the world wide web (in order to replace it with a more controlled system), they'll do that, too. And thermonuclear war? If it helps their agenda, it's on the table. This is the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation the past two years and is likely to come back with a vengeance this year: geopolitical strife. Remember in 2019 when dueling drills and a world on fire with protest were portents of some major changes that were due to take place on the global chessboard? Well, those tectonic forces didn't go away during the scamdemic; they were merely pushed under the surface for a while. But, like a beach ball pushed under water and then let go of, they're surfacing once again. Think of what we've seen just in the past month. There's the latest round of war talk over Ukraine. There's the unprecedented deployment of CSTO forces to Kazakhstan. There's the new hypersonic missile arms race, with China gloating about their latest version of the "wonder weapon" and North Korea testing their own batch and the US' own AGM-183A failing its third test . . . which is just an excuse for the Navy to increase its weapons development and procurement budget, of course. Australia and Japan are signing security pacts as tensions grow between US and China in East Asia. Meanwhile, geopolitical experts are warning US policy planners against waging a two-front cold war (just pick an enemy and stick with it, please!). Oh, and does anybody remember Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or Syria? It seems there's still stuff happening in those places, too. Yes, today's world is a tinderbox searching for a spark, and the scamdemic with its convenient narratives of "the Chinese virus" and "our forces are ravaged by COVID!" (or is that "our forces are ravaged by COVID mandates"?) is just more fuel for the fire. Both "teams" on the global chessboard are stage-managed by the same group of 3D chess players, of course, but that doesn't mean that real wars won't break out between "Team NATO" and "Team CSTO" (or whomever). The WWI Conspiracy led to WWI, after all, so what do you think the WWIII Conspiracy will lead to? I hope we don't find out this year, but I have a feeling we're going to be hearing more about geopolitics in 2022 than we have in a long time. FALSE FLAGS...–-top-us-officials-wanted-to-blow-up-and-kill-americans-in-false-flag-event-–-operation-northwoods-–-easy-read/ Expand On 1/17/2022 at 6:11 PM, Tom Nolan said: The United States has participated in and/or planned many FALSE FLAG Events. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday [Jan 14th, 2022]: “As part of its plans, Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion,” “We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.” “Without getting into too much detail, we do have information that indicates that Russia is already working actively to create a pretext for a potential invasion, for a move on Ukraine,” “In fact, we have information that they’ve pre-positioned a group of operatives, to conduct what we call a false flag operation, an operation designed to look like an attack on them or their people, or Russian speaking people in Ukraine, as an excuse to go in.” 2022: The Year Ahead by James January 15, 2021 I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about this whole Great Reset thing. If you saw New World Next Year 2022, you'll know that I think a cyber 9/11 (and the ensuing passage of an iPatriot Act) is a distinct possibility for the coming year. But that is not the only ace card in the would-be world controllers' hands. A "pandemic of the injected" and/or a 5G-generated global health crisis? The passage of a global pandemic treaty to hardwire the biosecurity state into place? A bioterror false flag? Check. Check. Check. All of these cards, too, are in the deck and ready to be dealt. But there is another card in that deck that has been largely neglected for the past two years, and I have a feeling we're going to see it laid on the table this year. So what am I talking about? Luckily, I don't need to look further than the latest headlines to illustrate my point: Right on the heels of the Kazakhstan fiasco, we have this headline dominating the newswires: "White House: Russia prepping pretext for Ukraine invasion." As the loyal government stenographers over at the Associated Press helpfully explain: US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House. Wait, what? The White House is now openly warning about the potential for a false flag operation to be used as a pretext for war? What's happening here? The invocation of the concept of false flag terror in a mainstream media report (let alone such an assertion coming from the lips of "intelligence officials") might raise an eyebrow among us old hands of the 9/11 Truth movement. I'm sure we all remember the days when the very concept of false flag terror had to be painstakingly explained to the average normie . . . so it could then be summarily dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." But upon closer examination, this acknowledgment of the reality that false flag attacks can be used as a casus belli is not so surprising. In fact, the most vocal conspiracy deniers are only too happy to become conspiracy theorists themselves when discussing their political enemies (like Putin or Assad or Putin or Xi or "anti-vaxxers" or Putin). In this case, the theory posits that Putin and the Russkies have engaged in a social media campaign to plant a narrative that the Ukrainian government is preparing to target Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine. The plan would then unfold when Russian "operatives trained in urban warfare" (who, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki assures us, have already been deployed) "use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces." Putin could then use the attacks as a pretext to invade Ukraine. That's one hell of a conspiracy theory, isn't it? So what evidence is there to back it up? As you might have guessed, absolutely no evidence of any kind was presented during the briefing announcing this startling accusation. Don't take my word for it. Read Psaki's remarks for yourself and you'll see that the entire story rests on her bald assertion that "we have information" that Russia is preparing to do this. Or, translated from the Globalese: "Take our word for it." But wait, it gets worse! Just weeks ago The New York Times was reporting that the US and Britain are helping the Ukrainian government to secure their cyber infrastructure against dastardly Russian hackers, and just days ago the Ukrainian ambassador to the US told CBS News that Ukraine was expecting cyberattacks to precede a full invasion. And now—wouldn't you know it?—just as the EU is prepping large-scale exercises simulating Russian cyberattacks on Europe's supply lines, someone has gone ahead and launched a cyberattack on the Ukrainian government! So who is that "someone"? Oh, come on, there's no time to collect evidence! We all know who it is! After all, cyberattacks against their enemies are a "tried and true part of the Russian playbook" according to good ol' Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland (aka Mrs. Robert Kagan), and who wouldn't trust her? Is it possible that things are playing out exactly as Psaki and Nuland assert? Could this really be a carefully staged Russian operation to prepare the way for an invasion of Ukraine? Of course it is possible. Let's not be naïve here. Putin is an authoritarian who is putting Russia in lockstep with the Great Reset, and he is willing to stage terror attacks and assassinate his enemies in order to further his own political ambitions. The same can be said for Xi and Assad and all of the other authoritarians who are held up in certain parts of the "alternative" media as the "resistance" to the NATO agenda. As I've articulated many times, the BRICS are a phony opposition, the "alternative" financial infrastructure that the anti-NATO crowd is setting up is not alternative at all, the economic and military rise of the Chinese has been deliberately engineered by the same financial interests that built up the American empire, the technocrats openly lust after the authoritarian powers of communist China and the Belt and Road promise is just debt diplomacy by another name. But here's something that seems to confuse even those who are clued in to the 3D reality behind the 2D chess game: geopolitical and even military conflict can still take place, even in a scenario where both enemies are just puppets of the same string-puller. As I've laid out before, there is a very real sense in which we are already embroiled in World War III, and that is the War on You. The Powers That Shouldn't Be are, as we know by now, willing and capable of doing anything it takes to maintain their power and increase the centralization of that power in the technocratic hands of the oligarchy. If that means an economic crash, don't doubt for a moment that they'll do it. If that means bringing down the world wide web (in order to replace it with a more controlled system), they'll do that, too. And thermonuclear war? If it helps their agenda, it's on the table. This is the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation the past two years and is likely to come back with a vengeance this year: geopolitical strife. Remember in 2019 when dueling drills and a world on fire with protest were portents of some major changes that were due to take place on the global chessboard? Well, those tectonic forces didn't go away during the scamdemic; they were merely pushed under the surface for a while. But, like a beach ball pushed under water and then let go of, they're surfacing once again. Think of what we've seen just in the past month. There's the latest round of war talk over Ukraine. There's the unprecedented deployment of CSTO forces to Kazakhstan. There's the new hypersonic missile arms race, with China gloating about their latest version of the "wonder weapon" and North Korea testing their own batch and the US' own AGM-183A failing its third test . . . which is just an excuse for the Navy to increase its weapons development and procurement budget, of course. Australia and Japan are signing security pacts as tensions grow between US and China in East Asia. Meanwhile, geopolitical experts are warning US policy planners against waging a two-front cold war (just pick an enemy and stick with it, please!). Oh, and does anybody remember Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or Syria? It seems there's still stuff happening in those places, too. Yes, today's world is a tinderbox searching for a spark, and the scamdemic with its convenient narratives of "the Chinese virus" and "our forces are ravaged by COVID!" (or is that "our forces are ravaged by COVID mandates"?) is just more fuel for the fire. Both "teams" on the global chessboard are stage-managed by the same group of 3D chess players, of course, but that doesn't mean that real wars won't break out between "Team NATO" and "Team CSTO" (or whomever). The WWI Conspiracy led to WWI, after all, so what do you think the WWIII Conspiracy will lead to? I hope we don't find out this year, but I have a feeling we're going to be hearing more about geopolitics in 2022 than we have in a long time. FALSE FLAGS...–-top-us-officials-wanted-to-blow-up-and-kill-americans-in-false-flag-event-–-operation-northwoods-–-easy-read/ Expand You NAILED IT! These worthless people who call themselves human are totally in it either for more incredible wealth or to impose their own sick view of what they think or know what is best for the world! I make no excuse that I have been very fortunate financially, but I am not hell-bent on making it on a yearly publication list! These fuckheads let all the praise go to their heads and are entirely blinded by the bullshitt Accolades they received And think they know no what is best for the masses! Kill them all and let God sort it out! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 22, 2022 Ukrainian Jewish Congress meticulously documenting the Nazi rampage currently ongoing in Ukraine your taxpayer's money at work. Time to live up to it and admit they are your spawn. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites