bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 6 hours ago, notsonice said: You ever work for a producing company who failed to deliver on a contract??? obviously not. When you fail to deliver on time you pay the penalties. Fail to Deliver and you have to Pay. Go find a lawyer as you really do not understand contracts and he can explain it to you. Force Majeure clause Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 7 hours ago, surrept33 said: Nope, it started about 10 years ago when Obama listed some world powers, and then listed Russia as a "regional power". Whoops. Definitely got under Putin's skin. Poor Putin and his fragile ego. Putin's speech today looked unhinged, and not like the old school Putin. I think he's lost it. During his rambling he showed contempt and paranoia. It showed a man, who in his mind feels like he's getting old, and is trying to leave a legacy. His father's generation made great sacrifices to defeat the nazis, only to see the USSR decay and die. So in his mind he needs to recreate the glorious USSR (maybe w/o the same ideology) to leave a mark. The problem is that this is being stuck in a time warp of his own fantasy. The world has moved on. Yes, It started 10 years ago (or even longer) but Putin never acted until the U.S. elected an impotent cognitive challenged President Biden. A Joe Biden that started the bravado before he was even in office saying " Putin doesn't want me to be elected because he knows I will be tough on him unlike my predecessor . . . " Putin sees the Biden Afghanistan retreat debacle and knows if he wants Ukraine he needs to act before a new Administration comes in 2024 or even a new Congress in 2022. Then the idiot challenges Putin from the beginning of the recent conflict acting like he's talking to Corn Pop. He didn't leave any opportunity for Putin to negotiate a diplomatic solution. Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 5 hours ago, nsdp said: John Deere sells only their smallest line of tractors in China and you had better check where the parts of those tractors are made. Transmissions, differentials and hydraulic controls are made in the USA and are 1985 vintage designs. They are for small farms and people who are pretend farmers mowing yards. My neighbor has one. The combines have to import parts for the reel from the US. Here are articulated Ag tractors that are available no where else except from Deere and Steyger in the US. When you compare remember the North American tractors are rated in drawbar horse power not brake horsepower. ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE AND UNDERSTAND? You bought an oil field drill bit at Home depot? Here is the Hughes catalogue. Now which bit did you buy? Give us the part number. Home depot is not a licensed dealer of Hughes Tools. LOL You really made a fool of yourself your self not knowing the difference between a hand drill auger bit and an oil field ROLLER drill bit. By the way when is any one else going to surpass Joe Walker's 107.8km altitude record flight by a winged aircraft in 1963 or Mach 3.5 for an armed interceptor. Other than electronics the Su-57 would be a donkey racing a thoroughbred against Oxcart. We still have some of the Oxcarts in hangers. They were companions to currently flying B-52's and KC-135's. When is any one going to match the slower SR-71? Mach 3.4 Who is minding the store while NATO occupies St. Petersburg. No body home. Putin ‘gives orders to INVADE Ukraine’ as 75% of the Russian army & 500 warplanes ready to strike, claims US intel I'll give you a hint. Ukraine has more active duty troops at 220000 than PUT=PUT has ready to attack. 175000. US now has 90,000 in Europe. "John Deere sells only their smallest line of tractors in China and you had better check where the parts of those tractors are made. " WRONG Also your nickname for Putin , Put-Put. That's great ! Did you make that up yourself. Brilliant. LOL Put-Put out gamed Dumb-Dumb Biden. Obama once said ,"give Biden the chance and he will screw it up" So true. Biden was put in charge of Ukraine prior to the 2014 conflict with Russia. Biden sent Ukraine blankets. During Biden's first Ukraine debacle 14,000 Ukrainians died. How many die this time ? U.S. Senator Cotton said Ukraine is never going to be accepted in NATO. Just give give Putin that . But no , Joe is a tough dude. Putin doesn't know who he is dealing with. Yes, Putin knows exactly who he is dealing with. In the end Ukraine will never be part of NATO. Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Rob Plant said: In fairness Ron over the past week the UK has had 40% of electricity generation from renewables. Large battery storage facilities are being planned for the intermittancy issues. Clearly this infrastructure is operational and relatively cheap. The UK certainly isnt as beholden to Russia for gas unlike Germany and others. This shows that the UK imported 12,000 metric tons of gas from Russia in 2020 whereas 1,440,000 metric tons was imported from Norway. Not a fan or even a believer in the "green revolution" however regardless of what the people want it is coming like it or not. Political pressure will win the day on this in pretty much every Western nation. Yes, and China just ordered 100,000 Metric Tonnes of coal from Russia. If Merkel wasn't in such a hurry to shut down ALL of Germany's nuclear power plants Ukraine would not becoming Russian territory in the next month. So called Green energy will take a long time. Nuclear Fusion holds the promise. If they can commercialize it this will realistically take 30 to 40 years. Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 12 hours ago, notsonice said: The topic of Ukraine in NATO is closed.??? Then why is Putin making such a big fuss???? Reality now NATO bigger and stronger than ever. Enjoy US troops in Poland forever. Will not take much in the future to move them into the Ukraine when Ukraine joins NATO. Ukraine cannot afford such military expenses in the long run??? The US will now give to the Ukraine all the military supplies it needs, thanks to your pal Putin. and it is not known whether any sanctions will stop Putin if it decides that China's advantage over America is already large enough that the right moment has come. right moment for ???? Once again China will not come to Putins rescue as trade between China and the US (615 Billion US) 4 times bigger than Russian -China trade...good luck with your babble you are babbling as your shares in Gazprom are going down. Let me guess you are a Russian living in Poland notsonice Actual I agree it is closed. NATO is not stronger than ever. Don't believe every talking point from Kamala Harris or Jen Psaki . Question. I don't think Putin will go after those countries that joined NATO, but if he did threaten Poland do you think Germany would fight to defend them ? I don't. NATO is worthless. Russian (along with Ukraine) exports of oil, natural gas, wheat, barley, corn will allow Putin to grow the economy. How big ? Don't know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 February 22, 2022 (edited) You might not like NS II but according to Shell report it looks like this Edited February 22, 2022 by Tomasz 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP February 22, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, bobo88 said: Yes, and China just ordered 100,000 Metric Tonnes of coal from Russia. If Merkel wasn't in such a hurry to shut down ALL of Germany's nuclear power plants Ukraine would not becoming Russian territory in the next month. So called Green energy will take a long time. Nuclear Fusion holds the promise. If they can commercialize it this will realistically take 30 to 40 years. Yes fusion is the dream but they need to make it work first and that could take 30-40 years before they start on "commercialising it" which would take another 20 years at least after that. Wont be in your lifetime Bobo. You say "green energy will take a long time" Why? The tech is there now! Wind farms are everywhere as are solar farms. Renewables work now so lets start there.The UK has had 40% of electricity generation this last week from renewables thats no small percentage! A mix of gas, renewables , hydro and nuclear fission are whats needed. That mix depends on what natural resources you have geographically at your disposal. From 2023 the UK is mixing 20% of green hydrogen with NG into houshold gas supplies. Edited February 22, 2022 by Rob Plant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP February 22, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, bobo88 said: notsonice Actual I agree it is closed. NATO is not stronger than ever. Don't believe every talking point from Kamala Harris or Jen Psaki . Question. I don't think Putin will go after those countries that joined NATO, but if he did threaten Poland do you think Germany would fight to defend them ? I don't. NATO is worthless. Russian (along with Ukraine) exports of oil, natural gas, wheat, barley, corn will allow Putin to grow the economy. How big ? Don't know. After Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine after repeated Russian statements that Russia had no intention of doing so means severe sanctions from around the world will be imposed and that will hurt Russia's economy immeasureably. Edited February 22, 2022 by Rob Plant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 37 minutes ago, Rob Plant said: After Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine after repeated Russian statements that Russia had no intention of doing so means severe sanctions from around the world will be imposed and that will hurt Russia's economy immeasureably. Ask Putin if he cares. His buddy Xi Jin Ping will take care of him. Germany stopped the certification of NS ll. A joke. German companies are major investors and equity owners in the pipeline. This is about as helpful as Scholz donating 5,000 helmets as their contribution to Ukraine's defense. Pipeline will be certified before Germany needs it. If someday Putin goes after NATO Members in the Balkans or Poland will Germany fight to defend them . NO Germany will probably contribute more helmets and maybe some body bags. Somebody tell Biden this is 2022 not 1960 when he showed Corn Pop how tough he is. NATO is worthless. U.S. Nation Security is useless. Except they are very good at educating the military on Critical Race Theory. Not one independent thinker that can conceive a strategy for today's world. Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 February 22, 2022 (edited) 48 minutes ago, Rob Plant said: After Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine after repeated Russian statements that Russia had no intention of doing so means severe sanctions from around the world will be imposed and that will hurt Russia's economy immeasureably. This is clue Did your POTUS about month ago said publicly something about total war like Iraq 2003? But in the same sentence he informed Putin that something totally different is "small incursions" into Ukraine? Do you want YouTube video? And this is small incursion just like he said. Edited February 22, 2022 by Tomasz Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kshithij Sharma + 78 February 22, 2022 18 hours ago, notsonice said: The reality is that there is no alternative to Russian energy, especially oil. ???? Brain dead thinking......... Russia exports are 4.3 million b/d. Around 4 percent of the world supply, Yes there are alternatives West will collapse if it stops trading with Russia and that is Russian biggest trump card??? again another brain dead comment. The West will not collapse. Are all of Putin's paid trolls idiots such as yourself? Russia exports 7.5Mbpd, not 4.3Mbpd. You are ignoring the exports of Russian oil products which amount to over 3Mbpd. Russia exports lot of diesel, ship oil and other petroleum products which are refined in Russia to add value to its oil.7.5Mbpd is significant share of 15% out of about 45-50Mbpd net oil exports. You are talking in a brain dead manner out of your bias against Russia. 9 hours ago, nsdp said: If China wants to have food for every one, they will stay home. Molotov delayed Overlord from Sept. 1943 to 1944 so as to not interrupt food shipments to Russia in 1943. China's top suppliers are the EU, Taiwan, S.Korea, US and Australia. Chump screwed up our top spot with his stupid tariffs. How does Chinese food have any relation with west? China has full self sufficiency in grain production. Most of its imports are luxury food like meat, edible oil, imported food products etc which can be done away without causing any starvation. Most of the imports by China are due to changing lifestyle and the urbanisation leading to increased consumption of luxury food, fast food, party food etc rather than base requirement of food. So, there is no way Chinese food security can be harmed. 28 minutes ago, Rob Plant said: After Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine after repeated Russian statements that Russia had no intention of doing so means severe sanctions from around the world will be imposed and that will hurt Russia's economy immeasureably. Hurt Russian economy? In what manner? Russia has self sufficiency in all critical/essential goods. Russia is actually exporting oil, gas, coal, Uranium, fertilisers etc which are essential commodities for the world. If we include exports of Kazhakhstan, turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as they are client states of Russia, then the reliance on Russia for oil, gas, coal and Uranium will be too big to exclude. If any trade with Russia is blocked, west will suffer greatly rather than Russia suffering 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 February 22, 2022 Love it or hate it but as a leader of backward country in 2022 thanks to Green Madness Putin finally finds himself in a position he always dreamed to be -some kind of world energy price fixer. Currently we have oil at 98$ and NG in Europe at 25$ per mbbtu before midterm elections. So good luck with harsh sanctions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP February 22, 2022 26 minutes ago, kshithij Sharma said: Hurt Russian economy? In what manner? Russia has self sufficiency in all critical/essential goods. Russia is actually exporting oil, gas, coal, Uranium, fertilisers etc which are essential commodities for the world. If we include exports of Kazhakhstan, turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as they are client states of Russia, then the reliance on Russia for oil, gas, coal and Uranium will be too big to exclude. If any trade with Russia is blocked, west will suffer greatly rather than Russia suffering Because they wont be able to sell many of their products thats what sanctions are! I dont care if they are self sufficient thats not the point! You also cant include other countries in this, thats ridiculous. Where is the "reliance!" on Russian coal, uranium or oil and gas? This can come from MENA or the Americas, uranium we can get from Niger, Canada or Kazakhstan. Russia is up shit creek economically. Russia relies on German and US imports for machinery amongst other things Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP February 22, 2022 20 minutes ago, Tomasz said: Love it or hate it but as a leader of backward country in 2022 thanks to Green Madness Putin finally finds himself in a position he always dreamed to be -some kind of world energy price fixer. Currently we have oil at 98$ and NG in Europe at 25$ per mbbtu before midterm elections. So good luck with harsh sanctions. Putin "world energy price fixer" oh I've heard it all now. Do you use hard core drugs? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kshithij Sharma + 78 February 22, 2022 38 minutes ago, Rob Plant said: Because they wont be able to sell many of their products thats what sanctions are! I dont care if they are self sufficient thats not the point! You also cant include other countries in this, thats ridiculous. Where is the "reliance!" on Russian coal, uranium or oil and gas? This can come from MENA or the Americas, uranium we can get from Niger, Canada or Kazakhstan. Russia is up shit creek economically. Russia relies on German and US imports for machinery amongst other things Russia exports 7.5Mbpd oil and oil products which by itself is massive. In addition, Kazakhstan exports 1.3Mbpd oil. So, the net control of Russia over oil production is 8.8Mbpd. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about Russia as it dominates oil markets. Even if we exclude gas, coal and Uranium, the dominance of Russia in oil is absolute. Kazakhstan is a client state of Russia under Russian military umbrella. You can't simply exclude Kazhakstan just like one can't exclude USA's vassals like Germany, Japan, Korea or Taiwan when considering USA actions. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP February 22, 2022 20 minutes ago, kshithij Sharma said: Russia exports 7.5Mbpd oil and oil products which by itself is massive. In addition, Kazakhstan exports 1.3Mbpd oil. So, the net control of Russia over oil production is 8.8Mbpd. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about Russia as it dominates oil markets. Even if we exclude gas, coal and Uranium, the dominance of Russia in oil is absolute. Kazakhstan is a client state of Russia under Russian military umbrella. You can't simply exclude Kazhakstan just like one can't exclude USA's vassals like Germany, Japan, Korea or Taiwan when considering USA actions. I guess Germany, Poland and The Netherlands are in trouble as the main importers of oil from Russia but the rest of Europe would be fine. Im also pretty sure MENA and N.America would be happy to fill the hole left by Russia The Germans really have bet on the wrong horse this time. Currently, Russian fuel represents more than a third of Europe's total imports. More than seventy-percent of this oil comes through pipelines that cross through Ukrainian territory after leaving Russia. The destruction of war and the damage to the sector after US and EU sanctions are imposed, threaten the competitiveness of Russia in the energy sector. There are four main countries that purchase the majority of Russia's crude oil: The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and Belarus. In 2017, these four countries accounted for seventy percent of the total export volumes. Other countries who have some of the largest exports in 2020 included Italy, Finland, and Slovakia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 February 22, 2022 I have been saying that I am now for an "all of the above" policy on energy. Of course renewables are fine with me if they are really cost competitive and reliable with battery back up. Of course they are not ready to meet all the energy needs and may never be, especially on the worldwide scene which is what is most important. Green dreams are minimal, in the near future, for the Third World, China, and India included. That is where the greatest need for new energy will be. I said lets see what renewables can do, but they need to do it quickly. Time is of the essence. In the meantime they need to import LNG from all over the world or be blackmailed by Russia. Not just LNG but, oil, nuclear plants, biomass, synthetic fuel,and oil, plastics etc. Many European nations have large interests in American companies also. A big underlying problem is the Green affect on financial support of oil and gas and the Biden Administration stifling the production of oil and natural gas. Worldwide flaring is still a problem also. Hopefully the oilfield owners will see that they are burning money worldwide. My basic belief is that the world will depend on fossil fuels long after we are all dead. In the meantime we need to use them as needed. Coal is last on my list, but China and other countries need to use it for a long time. I will continue to promote natural gas and oil as the most important factor in energy worldwide. God bless renewables and their advocates too. Globalist global warmists have wanted the "wealthy" nations to support renewables financially and worldwide. That is mainly unrealistic, but hopefully it will be a possibility someday. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobo88 + 58 BL February 22, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Rob Plant said: Because they wont be able to sell many of their products thats what sanctions are! I dont care if they are self sufficient thats not the point! You also cant include other countries in this, thats ridiculous. Where is the "reliance!" on Russian coal, uranium or oil and gas? This can come from MENA or the Americas, uranium we can get from Niger, Canada or Kazakhstan. Russia is up shit creek economically. Russia relies on German and US imports for machinery amongst other things Putin will export just as much oil and gas as before sanctions. The banking sanctions are an inconvenience but bearable. Putin gains huge exports of Ukraine wheat, barley and corn. Plus what little oil and gas is presently produced, with future exploration potential. Putin now controls much of the Black Sea and all of the Azov Sea. Plus one of the largest Ukraine Industrial centers in Donbas Several deep water ports. Putin is a thug. But he is a lot smarter then the Biden/Harris team. U.S. foreign policy needs to be revamped to reflect the 2022 world. NATO needs to be fixed or dumped. Edited February 22, 2022 by bobo88 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM February 22, 2022 5 hours ago, bobo88 said: notsonice Actual I agree it is closed. NATO is not stronger than ever. Don't believe every talking point from Kamala Harris or Jen Psaki . Question. I don't think Putin will go after those countries that joined NATO, but if he did threaten Poland do you think Germany would fight to defend them ? I don't. NATO is worthless. Russian (along with Ukraine) exports of oil, natural gas, wheat, barley, corn will allow Putin to grow the economy. How big ? Don't know. Putin Troll NATO is worthless??? why all the fuss from Putin to undo NATO then??? NATO rocks Putins tiny world. USSR is done forever all at the hands of NATO Putins economy is crashing down right now Nordstream 2 is now dead forever. Enjoy 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM February 22, 2022 42 minutes ago, kshithij Sharma said: Russia exports 7.5Mbpd oil and oil products which by itself is massive. In addition, Kazakhstan exports 1.3Mbpd oil. So, the net control of Russia over oil production is 8.8Mbpd. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about Russia as it dominates oil markets. Even if we exclude gas, coal and Uranium, the dominance of Russia in oil is absolute. Kazakhstan is a client state of Russia under Russian military umbrella. You can't simply exclude Kazhakstan just like one can't exclude USA's vassals like Germany, Japan, Korea or Taiwan when considering USA actions. Russia as it dominates oil markets.??? nope slow one , it does not. Putin is overpaying you Nordstream 2 is dead. Did The world got along with no Iranian and Venezuelan oil? Sure did. When your great Russian economy has no one to buy your oil, you can use it for ? guess you can burn it 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 February 22, 2022 3 hours ago, Tomasz said: You might not like NS II but according to Shell report it looks like this You are forgetting about the growth of renewables that are so popular in Europe. They will be fighting with LNG, other piped natural gas, and renewable growth with batteries. It can all be done. Add biofuels and good insulation for homes and business. This is becoming a real wake up call for Europe about the Russian Bear. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM February 22, 2022 17 minutes ago, bobo88 said: Putin will export just as much oil and gas as before sanctions. The banking sanctions are an inconvenience but bearable. Putin is a thug. But he is a lot smarter then the Biden/Harris team. You think that the average Russian calling this bearable?????? Russian stock markets are trashed Market Summary > Gazprom PAO (EDR) 6.93 USD−1.10 (13.69%)today Feb 22, 11:36 AM EST • Disclaimer 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 February 22, 2022 Russian Markets Pare Losses Following Plunge on Recognition of Ukraine Separatists Updated: one hour ago Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
surrept33 + 612 st February 22, 2022 Biden to make a speech in 60 mins (1 pm EST), expected to talk about coordinated sanctions and signs that Russia is preparing for a full scale invasion of Ukraine: live stream here: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM February 22, 2022 (edited) 7 hours ago, bobo88 said: Force Majeure clause not valid unless you have a good reason....I do not want to deliver is not good cause..Please tell everyone here, where do you live in Russia??? Contracts mean nothing in your neck of the world? Edited February 22, 2022 by notsonice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites