Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 54 minutes ago, Rob Plant said: The most telling statistic here is China sat on the fence and abstained, clever move! China's unwillingness to back Russia and Putin is a big deal, China will watch all of this play out and then befriend whoever comes out on top. UNSC dances, and especially the Chinese there, follow the principle of minimal sufficient authority. I am not sure whether they voted nay / used their veto power as much as once in the entire history of UN. The most humiliating condition which could happen is a failure due to the lack of quorum. Happens to Russia more often than to US, but a good example was when US under Trump motioned to restore UNSC sanctions against Iran, specifically restrictions on weapons sales. US and Dominican Republic voted yay, everybody else abstained, overall fail. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 9 hours ago, Jay McKinsey said: Another of your pathetic claims. Provide a citation to where freezing central bank assets is prohibited in international law. First, I have to understand what exactly they seized. Because, was only a very small fraction of Russia's Central Bank assets held in dollars or euros, but in IMF SDF the way I understand that. Did they seize SDF? That would be the first time ever. Because, de jure, is IMF a supranational entity and the status of SDF is TBD. Did they seize those? As far as "freezing" of any cash accounts in general, that violates the fundamentals of what counts as cash. Let's say that cash is a kind of security, a special IOU issued on behalf of a government. There isn't really a unified international law view on securities, but two recognized frameworks, specifically the ones dealing with securities. One is US common law, where securities are entities of contract law. Another is European framework on securities, which goes back to Napoleonic Codex and a specific convention signed in Bern, which they are trying to bury very hard now. (because it "violates" the more modern "money laundering" provisions) Broadly, do both of those view cash money is negotiable, not ordered security if I get the verbiage right. This suggests that any kind of cash that is retroactively revocable is not really cash at all, but something awfully broken. This is a fundamental difference to a gold coin. Can US Congress make a law that will turn gold coins issued by boogies into pumpkins on midnight? With dollars, they do it all the time. The cryptocurrency guys wrote tomes about it. Do they have a solution for it yet? Maybe, maybe not. What happens when you cut their Internet? In any event, 'freezing' cash accounts amounts to ordering gold turned into pumpkins. The minute you did it the first time around, did dollar started to die. It is a toxic asset which will be replaced by some digital currency outside of US political control. It is only a question of time. Some people in Switzerland used to understand this, which is likely what allowed CHF to lose value slower than gold. Alas, no more. Switzerland is one of US puppets now, and so is Sweden. So, was all of WWII for nothing? All we had to do is to bomb Sweden? Which provided some 80% of Nazi iron ore and all of their ball bearings? No steel, no Panzers? Good to know. Going to do that next time. And so it goes, down the slippery slope of being unable to separate business from politics. Are you sure that Ukronazi regime is really all that special to you, or is some other mechanism at play? Because Russia effectively became more of a pariah state than the Nazi Reich ever was, even before there were any civilian casualties in the conflict. What is up with that? The FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline) stroke Russian-bred cats from its pedigree books. I don't think even the Nazis thought of that. The Jewish cats! That's who they missed! I knew it all along! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 11 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said: Putin Declares a Nuclear Alert, and Biden Seeks De-escalation When the Russian leader ordered his nuclear forces into “special combat readiness,” the U.S. could have gone on high alert. Instead, the administration tried not to inflame him. What has been done and cannot be undone. "Neither US nor Russian military believes in MAD. It is rational to hold weapons capable of destroying the other guy and getting away with it." We are In agreement, it would seem Putin is not paying attention. Are you? It will be most interesting to see how Putin is dealt with..... Another upstart that made a mess of things....internationally. Jeffrey Epstein Dead in Suicide at Jail, Spurring Inquiries A new Europe' united against Russia — even neutral Switzerland Germany, Switzerland and Sweden set aside historic nonaggression policies to join a united European front against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Putin declared the state of alert corresponding to US DEFCON 3-4 (Russia's got 4 levels instead of US' 5) This is why it is important to check the primary sources as much as you can. Did you know that the pimp who delivered most of the little girls to Jeffrey also killed himself? So unfortunate. Now I am really convinced Jeffrey was a suicide. You were not going to suggest otherwise, you no good conspirologist, you? Switzerland and Sweden are thus no longer neutral, but tainted US puppet regimes. Did you know that Swedes supplied 80% of the iron ore and all the ball bearings to the Nazi throughout the war? So, all we had to do is to bomb Sweden, and there'd be no need for all the sacrifices of WWII? Good to know. Switzerland is a major disappointment. I used to consider them last humans in the West worth anything. Alas, no. More zombie remotes controlled by the media. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP March 3, 2022 1 hour ago, Andrei Moutchkine said: Switzerland is a major disappointment. I used to consider them last humans in the West worth anything. Alas, no. More zombie remotes controlled by the media What about Austrians seeing as you live there? They might be facinated as to what you really think of them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 10 hours ago, Strangelovesurfing said: Yes, plastic uses 8-10% of oil production, which equals about ~10-12% of daily production. Many single use plastics will end up being made with mushrooms soon anyway. It won't be cheaper but it will degrade. Plastic won't save Russia. The only real money maker for Russia is oil and gas, which happens to be the exact thing people want to move away from. This will accelerate the adoption of electric transportation. Whenever people go to a dealership many will now pay more due to the images of Ukrainians being blown apart searing their memory. Russia can carpet bomb the cities and turn them into Stalingrad 1943 but what do you end up winning? Zeihan compiles facts/statistics/opinion and puts it in an easily to understand construct. You don't like it because he lays out the reality of Russia. Russia's rivers are useless for commerce and it's geography is disadvantageous, and that's being kind. I am all for mushrooms. What about fertilizers for them? The nitro ones use natural gas as a feedstock Russia is making great strides in weening itself of oil and gas. Developing all kinds of tech challenging the West of late. Share of old and gas constantly falling both in export mix and share of overall GDP. There is an obvious intent to punish all of those, but keep the oil and gas. Know your place, Russky untermensch? Russia had no intention of carpet bombing anyone. This was supposed to be a limited campaign closer to Crimea. They tried, but obviously failed to communicate that they are not annexing anything, but really just need the Ukronazi puppet government removed. Come fair nationwide referendum, and most Ukrainians would choose federalization. That is, regions retain a lot of power. Russia retains an ability to meddle into Russian-speaking East Ukraine to an extent, sufficient to prevent cuddling up with NATO. Now, of course, carpet bombing is the order of the day. (Except the cheap Russian equivalent of it is massive use of MLRS rocket artillery) Why is that? Well, the Ukranians got plenty of that stuff too. They are out of fuel and have limited defenses against airstrikes out in the open. Therefore, are they holed up in the cities. So far, so good. Using a kindergarten for an artillery position is OK, as long as you remove the children that were there before. Are they doing it? Don't think so. See what happens to civilians who tried to leave Mariupol occupied by Azov goons using corridors provided by the Russians See, the Russians don't mind if some Ukrainians go and visit Europe using the visa-free regime we heard so much about for a short period. The dear EU has an opposite interest. One million refugees is enough for now! So, they are covering for Ukronazi regime trying to create an ocean of blood as a cause against the Russians. This is what they did to a mayor of a small town of Kremenniy, who surrendered his town to the Russians without resistance Ministry of the Internal in Kiev enthusiastically approved. So, it is time for extrajudicial executions and torture. Also, war crimes? The Ministry of Defense issued an order not to take Russian artillerists captive, but shoot them on sight. The plan is that all the civilians arm themselves with Molotov cocktails and attack Russian armor, according to their educational videos. Are they nuts? The only reason this worked so well on Maidan is that the riot police had the orders to stand down for a long ass time, with Yanukovich being a spineless twerp who tried to seat on all the chairs at once. So, they are basically calling for a total war like Stalingrad. Why?!? The Nazis wanted to kill all Slavs and take their stuff. Do you think Putin wants that? Yet, there are many idiots who actually do try to attack Russian armor with self-made Molotov cocktails. At least one girl set her own car on fire in a dashing motorized raid. Most of the bridges in Eastern Ukraine are gone, which is beyond belief, stupid. All Soviet/Russian armored vehicles short of full MBT are fully amphibious, in case you didn't know. Providing Ukrainians with personal anti-tank weapons is as hostile of an act as they come short of moving in the troops. I am vocally advocating sending the confiscated ones back home and giving them to Black Lifes Matter or somebody else interested in shooting some cops. Turnaround is fair play. The intention is to create aggravation and/or make it a less than a perfect score. You cannot stop an attacking armored formation with infantry weapons. Neither can you go on counterattack. You can take out one or two tanks, than the others will obliterate the whole are you in. I said, I did not watch Zeihan, because he's a moron. I will now. Did not know the idiot had an opinion on Russia, too. Russian rivers useless for commerce!? A thorough connection from Scandinavia / North Sea to the Black Sea / the Med is useless? Ever heard of the Silk Road? The river route 'from Varangians into Greeks' was part of it. Before the Crusaders popularized sailing over the Med, this was the extent of North European trade with Asia. Back when, the route lost, because the ships had to be dragged over the land. USSR connected those places with canals (Belomorkanal connecting the Baltic to North Sea, Volga-Don connecting the Caspian to the Black Sea) Just add the Iranrud, and there will be a thorough connection to the Indian Ocean, avoiding the NATO-infested Med altogether. The correct wording is that it hasn't been used much for international commerce, due to ongoing obstruction of Russia / USSR that is centuries old. Are you familiar with the funny Polish Imperial ploy called It is obviously back on, pending the takeover of Belarus. There is a proposal on EU's table that involves 200 EUR billions worth of earth moving on a relatively small river Pripyat', best known for its beautiful vistas of Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. What do you think are the chances? 200 bln is Iranrud level of money. See A total geopolitical disaster for NATO. Glory to Mackinder's Heartland! Note the potential for all the Russian fleets being a unified force in possession of a shortcut route to all the oceans. Kinda like what Panama Canal does for US. Maybe you can spare me the tedium of watching Zeihan and tell me what makes US rivers any different? Don't think you've got through ship navigation East to West cost either, do you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Rob Plant said: What about Austrians seeing as you live there? They might be facinated as to what you really think of them. They did enthusiastically join the lynching mob against the Russians. What did you expect from yokels? The only German-language venue where I participate (same name) is this For historical reasons. It is a despicable liberal rag whose real world claim to fame is being printed on pink paper like FT. It is supposedly the 2nd oldest online German-language forum, after the German Heise (which got enough Putinversteher without me already) The only German-language publication to ever issue retractions for printing blatant anti-Russian lies is the Swiss NZZ. Otherwise, they are too weird for me. News from Russia are found under "Asia and Oceania" there. My startup business partner in US was a Swiss kid. He is awesome. I don't want to go to Switzerland, because he says that most Swiss are not like him, but yokels not dissimilar to Austrians. They look much better from over here than close up. If you know German, you can see for yourself what I think about the locals. I do not have any physical interface to any of them, beyond my daily grocery shopping. Edited March 3, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 12 hours ago, Strangelovesurfing said: My CIA buddies caused Russia to invade Ukraine? Seems awfully easy to manipulate Russia's current leadership into making catastrophic self-inflicted wounds. Are you sure you don't want to loose such easily duped individuals? Isn't Russia a surpassingly powerful country? Putin has no agency, so he's America's puppet? For the record I don't know anyone in the CIA or any government entity other than run-of-the-mill bureaucrats for building permitting etc. Ultimately, yes. Figuratively speaking, same as your KGB. I have no way of knowing which US government agencies specifically were involved, but some sure were. We do not have a general disagreement that the split between Russia and Ukraine was a Western and mostly American-engineered project? It remains to be seen if there is a catastrophic wound. Which is being inflicted by you, supposedly in relation to Ukraine. Or not. You probably are confusing the cause and effect there. Yes, Grandpa Pu may lose his job over this. One thing he is not is an American puppet. This is why you like him so much. I think the gloves are off. It is pretty obvious that the target is not really Russian leadership but something between all Russians and Russians loyal to their country. This one is easy to verify. Say, Russia and Ukraine make peace, Russia keeps no Ukrainian territories beyond Crimea and LDNR+ and repairs what it broke. That would remove any conceivable legal basis for your "sanctions" and other forms of harassment of Russians. Do you think this is going to happen? I really don't think so. The opposite school of thought says that all the Western sanctions that conceivably exist, are ultimately inevitable for Russia anyway, regardless what it does. I am leaning towards this school of thought, with caveat that some sanctions are avoidable for as long as they also hurt Western business interests. Preferably American. Because Uncle Sam would much prefer using the Eurofags for target practice Meaning, the EU is not a rational player. They can easily be goaded into putting American interests ahead of their own. The novelty in the current events is the unexpected amplification of cancel culture. We are witnessing a whole country falling prey to it. Think Kevin Spacey of countries. We see where it goes. For people like Kevin Spacey, have the results been irrevocable thus far, amounting to extrajudicial execution. I mean, ban from all sporting leagues and events? Ban on Russian culture as potential "toxic propaganda asset" Don't you dare like Tchaikovsky and ballet! Otherwise, you might think that Russians are all right! Ban on PornHub. Ban on Eurovision. FIFe striking Russian-bread pedigree cats from its books So, what are you going to do about this? I am pretty sure that neither the US State Department, nor is any of the lettered agencies, are behind this. They don't know how to inflict that much reputation damage, and sure don't know how to undo it. Nothing but me-too brownnosers of creative intelligentsia positioning themselves in the front of the lynching mob. All of this happened before there were any casualties, mind you. The essence of your toxic democracy - no matter what, be with the popular crowd. Hence, my proposition on nuking you all while we can. Because Russia sucks at soft power. No matter how we try, we always lose the information wars. "Kremlin propaganda" is a fucking joke. We do tend to win real wars. (Not necessarily against Ukrainians, mind you, who are us) We do have much, much better nukes at the moment. Why don't we settle it once and for all? I am ready. My parents are old and frail and my sister with her family regular people, and thus expendable for everybody involved. I am the only one with any kinda assets that somebody important might be interested in. The heck you are getting any now, for as long as this abominable Western civilization build on lies is in the driver seat. Makes perfect sense - there is no additional reputation loss you can inflict - Russians are officially worse than Nazis. For now. If we nuke you while surviving ourselves, there is nothing but upside in that. Winners tend to be popular, regardless how evil they are. Tell me it ain't so? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 (edited) 13 hours ago, Boat said: Musk blasts off almost weekly while the impotent Russians are lucky to get it up once a year. Lol And he does it much cheaper. I said the javelin has a tank range of 3/4 of a mile. You tell me a anti tank hand can’t kill from 75 miles. Obviously the infrastructure in your brain is loose. Don’t you have a set screw to tighten? Check yourself out. Borrow some tools. Musk is not cheaper. They all cost about the same. Space launches are driven by military interests. There is no commercial need for that many launches. StarLink is obviously a military project. The Russians were launching OneWeb, a similar British-funded project which is almost as large. It is probably off now. The Javelin has a range of a few miles. Your text said 75 miles, not .75.It is either your typo or my poor vision. Aren't you overzealous with your medical prognoses? Edited March 3, 2022 by Andrei Moutchkine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 13 hours ago, notsonice said: Javelins in the field are good for 2 miles ......just the manufactures states they are good to 2500 meters which is 1.5 miles. The guys in the tank??? will never see where it came from. The guys in the other tanks will. They are hardly ever alone. You cannot stop an armored formation with Javelins, and you cannot go on counterattack. This is merely a means to let some Russian blood and cause aggravation. I suggest those that end up in Russian hands, be sent to you and given to Black Life Matters and Mexican narco cartels. NLAWs (of which they've got a ton already) to North Ireland, to give to the Real IRA. So that you get a dose of your own medicine, otherwise you'll never learn. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 13 hours ago, notsonice said: no one is buying Russian oil one ....Traders have stopped trading it. Tanker companies will not transport it... and longshoremen around the world will not unload it . Putin screwed himself and all Russians. Care to provide any evidence for this claim? Did you actually read the post you are responding to? There are some tankers, but mostly a pipeline. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
surrept33 + 612 st March 3, 2022 (edited) 19 minutes ago, Andrei Moutchkine said: Care to provide any evidence for this claim? Did you actually read the post you are responding to? There are some tankers, but mostly a pipeline. I thought the maximum capacity of the pipeline was only about 1.5 M/barrels per day. Would an oil embargo make a difference? Oil and gas receipts are vital to Russia, which is the world’s largest energy exporter. It ships about 5mn barrels a day of crude oil — about half of which goes to Europe — and a further 2.7mn barrels of petroleum products, according to traders. In total, energy export receipts were more than $235bn in 2021, according to the Institute of International Finance, generating close to half of Russia’s export revenue. Some of the biggest buyers of Russian crude have cancelled shipments and orders as companies from banks to insurers and shippers retreat from Russian business. Roughly 70 per cent of Russian crude was “struggling to find buyers”, according to consultancy Energy Aspects. As proof, Russia’s flagship Urals crude, a staple for refiners in north-west Europe and the Mediterranean, was quoted at a record discount of more than $18 a barrel on Wednesday. However, some analysts argued that given that about two-thirds of crude buyers appear to be boycotting Russia, a formal embargo would have a limited immediate impact while still creating market concern that would drive up oil prices — already at an eight-year high — for consumers around the world. Christyan Malek, head of energy strategy at JPMorgan, said that even without sanctions, the lack of buyers could force Russia to cut oil production once its storage sites were full. Such a move would have potentially devastating consequences for Russian production capacity: shuttered oil wells can be difficult to turn back on. “One possibility is that the west doesn’t sanction but it is death by a thousand cuts,” he said. Banning oil imports into the US was unlikely to have much impact on the price of fuel in America, analysts said. US imports of Russian crude have fallen to just 13,500 b/d since the start of the year, according to S&P Global Platts, and while the US is much more reliant on partly refined products, most industry experts believe these stocks would be easily replaced by imports from Canada or Mexico. A bigger problem for the US, say industry executives, is the desire not to isolate European allies. Russia supplies 10 per cent of Europe’s refined products and more than 20 per cent of its crude oil, according to traders. One option would be for western countries to ratchet down oil imports rather than ban them immediately, said Richard Nephew, who helped draw up the sanctions policy on Iran under the Obama administration. “With Iran, we imposed 20 per cent cuts every six months,” he said. “Doing something similar here would send a clear message while reducing the risk of an oil price spike.” A blanket ban on gas purchases would have a more immediate impact but is less likely. Russia sends gas to Europe worth roughly $450mn a day at current prices, according to analysts at Rystad Energy, via three major pipelines that supply about a third of European demand. Edited March 3, 2022 by surrept33 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 31 minutes ago, surrept33 said: I thought the maximum capacity of the pipeline was only about 1.5 M/barrels per day. Would an oil embargo make a difference? Oil and gas receipts are vital to Russia, which is the world’s largest energy exporter. It ships about 5mn barrels a day of crude oil — about half of which goes to Europe — and a further 2.7mn barrels of petroleum products, according to traders. In total, energy export receipts were more than $235bn in 2021, according to the Institute of International Finance, generating close to half of Russia’s export revenue. Some of the biggest buyers of Russian crude have cancelled shipments and orders as companies from banks to insurers and shippers retreat from Russian business. Roughly 70 per cent of Russian crude was “struggling to find buyers”, according to consultancy Energy Aspects. As proof, Russia’s flagship Urals crude, a staple for refiners in north-west Europe and the Mediterranean, was quoted at a record discount of more than $18 a barrel on Wednesday. However, some analysts argued that given that about two-thirds of crude buyers appear to be boycotting Russia, a formal embargo would have a limited immediate impact while still creating market concern that would drive up oil prices — already at an eight-year high — for consumers around the world. Christyan Malek, head of energy strategy at JPMorgan, said that even without sanctions, the lack of buyers could force Russia to cut oil production once its storage sites were full. Such a move would have potentially devastating consequences for Russian production capacity: shuttered oil wells can be difficult to turn back on. “One possibility is that the west doesn’t sanction but it is death by a thousand cuts,” he said. Banning oil imports into the US was unlikely to have much impact on the price of fuel in America, analysts said. US imports of Russian crude have fallen to just 13,500 b/d since the start of the year, according to S&P Global Platts, and while the US is much more reliant on partly refined products, most industry experts believe these stocks would be easily replaced by imports from Canada or Mexico. A bigger problem for the US, say industry executives, is the desire not to isolate European allies. Russia supplies 10 per cent of Europe’s refined products and more than 20 per cent of its crude oil, according to traders. One option would be for western countries to ratchet down oil imports rather than ban them immediately, said Richard Nephew, who helped draw up the sanctions policy on Iran under the Obama administration. “With Iran, we imposed 20 per cent cuts every six months,” he said. “Doing something similar here would send a clear message while reducing the risk of an oil price spike.” A blanket ban on gas purchases would have a more immediate impact but is less likely. Russia sends gas to Europe worth roughly $450mn a day at current prices, according to analysts at Rystad Energy, via three major pipelines that supply about a third of European demand. There are also a bunch of Russian-owned tankers, owned by Sovcomflot. The insurance and SWIFT thing is a disruption of course. A temporary one. Buyers outside the West are afraid of the secondary sanctions at doing evasive maneuvering. There is absolutely no stigma for them to avoid virtue signaling. In far away countries largely free of Western zombie media, the media impact of the war is about as much as a war between Albania and Somalia. Where's that? Wars are very common. Receipts are critical, why? There is nothing to import left you need foreign currency for. All the global brands quit, even if they are Chinese like Lenovo. So much for "you are OK, it is your government we don't like" some 22% (mostly Millennials) who were starting to raise up against Pu are getting disowned by their parents. So, the worst of the hardliners were right? You are actually trying to destroy the essence of Russian civilization and write us out of history? This is what they've been testing in Ukraine. 8 years of constant barrage of how everything, absolutely everything Russian is evil and false. How the fuck is Tchaikovsky a toxic Russian propaganda asset? Except that a few might like his ballet and think the Russians are all right. Remember all the excitement among the British propaganda twerps about Mash and the Bear, a Russian animated cartoon series, being the most popular one? It is a soft power asset. Can't let the Russians have any of that. This is why I am saying. Push that button, grandpa Pu. Do it. Turn London and Washington into a field of molten glass. The rest of the world will be eternally grateful. We are already worse than Nazis and worse than USSR, apparently? Do you remember anybody rejecting Wagner for being Hitlers all-time favorite composer? All that for what is an essentially civil war. Or, from a Russian standpoint, light police action removing some Nazi goons claiming to be the government at a neighborly. Can't do it because they are your clients? We'll see about that. It is a high price to pay for freedom from your vile embrace, dear 1st world, but I suppose it has to be paid. This is obviously not about Ukraine, but about a challenge to US-led West do decide about good and evil. You are welcome to provide an alternate explanation for the sheer scale of hate. Wars are very common by themselves. Much larger ones. In other news. There are people meeting Russian soldiers as liberators, too, In parts of Lugansk and Donetsk republics that were previously under Kiev's control. Some Western online companies, while leaving Russia, pocketed the balances from their Russian customers and send them to Ukraine. Or so they said. Maybe simply pocketed. Whatever ultimately happened to the millions donated to Canadian Freedom Convoy, anybody knows? As Uncle Sam himself, so is his little spawn. A bunch of thieves. This sort of activity attacks specifically the customer who was supposed to overthrow Putin for you. What's up with that. You don't want to overthrow Putin anymore, but destroy all Russians? How come? Are you ready to admit this is not about Putin? Who is guilty of being a somewhat competent ruler looking after Russia's sovereign interests ahead of yours? At least up to this point. We'll see after the smoke clears if he gets to keep his job. The artificially media-induced hate wave never lasts very long. Some people are going to feel very stupid about joining the lynching mob soon enough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specinho + 495 March 3, 2022 On 2/23/2022 at 2:22 AM, Tom Nolan said: It is my contention (the short version)… In order to install a new “governance”, the old system must be quietly and deceptively destroyed, where the new rulers can “save” society. EUROPE and its coming destruction. People should realize that The European Parliament is impotent. Nation Members of EU Parliament have no real powers…look it up and understand their structure. It was by design. And also grasp that tied to the EURO currency there have been negative interest rates but also mandates that Pension Funds must own these type of bonds. (the imminent destruction of pension funds) The insane Energy Policies of Europe have not been ordained by rational thinking, but by deceptive influence from powerful interests. Anyone can put 2 + 2 together to forecast the coming decade. What will happen to European currency and the economy when The Federal Reserve raises interest rates? What will happen to prices when the European energy sector is in shambles? The famous quote of the 4th Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum for predictions of the year 2030 is “You will own nothing and be happy”. The global policies from the Covid-19 Pandemic were not about trying to help people’s health, but they were about deceptively installing control factors upon the populace. The first step of The World Economic Forum is to destroy Europe. That WILL OCCUR…Europe will be in shambles during the coming years. The U.N. is a dynamic tool of the World Economic Forum. This Ukraine-Russia crisis emphasized by the United States is designed to facilitate the destruction of Europe. In the beginning, the U.S. will appear to benefit especially as its currency remains dominant with no threat as a result of trading partners such as Germany and Russia who might exchange mutual currencies. The Ukraine-Russia crisis needs to occur now, prior to the destruction of European currencies when The Federal Reserve raises rates. There is much more to this agenda. If you read the documents at the World Economic Forum, they tell you the plans. It is… 3-D Chess not the 2-D Chess of Ukraine-Russia - What is actually coming during this decade… EU is probably trying to lead the member states with an ideology but the execution falls short due to disparity in culture, language and strength of human capital across continent. Euro is rising strong over a short time.... Many leading countries are still doing very well statistically... Shall there is any side effect out of long term dominancy, it would most likely be self inflicted e.g. social issues, leadership gap, knowledge and skill gap, deterioration of generation by natural factors etc... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hotone + 412 March 3, 2022 (edited) 4 hours ago, Andrei Moutchkine said: Ultimately, yes. Figuratively speaking, same as your KGB. I have no way of knowing which US government agencies specifically were involved, but some sure were. We do not have a general disagreement that the split between Russia and Ukraine was a Western and mostly American-engineered project? It remains to be seen if there is a catastrophic wound. Which is being inflicted by you, supposedly in relation to Ukraine. Or not. You probably are confusing the cause and effect there. Yes, Grandpa Pu may lose his job over this. One thing he is not is an American puppet. This is why you like him so much. I think the gloves are off. It is pretty obvious that the target is not really Russian leadership but something between all Russians and Russians loyal to their country. This one is easy to verify. Say, Russia and Ukraine make peace, Russia keeps no Ukrainian territories beyond Crimea and LDNR+ and repairs what it broke. That would remove any conceivable legal basis for your "sanctions" and other forms of harassment of Russians. Do you think this is going to happen? I really don't think so. The opposite school of thought says that all the Western sanctions that conceivably exist, are ultimately inevitable for Russia anyway, regardless what it does. I am leaning towards this school of thought, with caveat that some sanctions are avoidable for as long as they also hurt Western business interests. Preferably American. Because Uncle Sam would much prefer using the Eurofags for target practice Meaning, the EU is not a rational player. They can easily be goaded into putting American interests ahead of their own. The novelty in the current events is the unexpected amplification of cancel culture. We are witnessing a whole country falling prey to it. Think Kevin Spacey of countries. We see where it goes. For people like Kevin Spacey, have the results been irrevocable thus far, amounting to extrajudicial execution. I mean, ban from all sporting leagues and events? Ban on Russian culture as potential "toxic propaganda asset" Don't you dare like Tchaikovsky and ballet! Otherwise, you might think that Russians are all right! Ban on PornHub. Ban on Eurovision. FIFe striking Russian-bread pedigree cats from its books So, what are you going to do about this? I am pretty sure that neither the US State Department, nor is any of the lettered agencies, are behind this. They don't know how to inflict that much reputation damage, and sure don't know how to undo it. Nothing but me-too brownnosers of creative intelligentsia positioning themselves in the front of the lynching mob. All of this happened before there were any casualties, mind you. The essence of your toxic democracy - no matter what, be with the popular crowd. Hence, my proposition on nuking you all while we can. Because Russia sucks at soft power. No matter how we try, we always lose the information wars. "Kremlin propaganda" is a fucking joke. We do tend to win real wars. (Not necessarily against Ukrainians, mind you, who are us) We do have much, much better nukes at the moment. Why don't we settle it once and for all? I am ready. My parents are old and frail and my sister with her family regular people, and thus expendable for everybody involved. I am the only one with any kinda assets that somebody important might be interested in. The heck you are getting any now, for as long as this abominable Western civilization build on lies is in the driver seat. Makes perfect sense - there is no additional reputation loss you can inflict - Russians are officially worse than Nazis. For now. If we nuke you while surviving ourselves, there is nothing but upside in that. Winners tend to be popular, regardless how evil they are. Tell me it ain't so? Malaysians are not falling prey to the Western propaganda that it's Russia's fault. America is the country that commits the most atrocities. One of most respected Nobel peace laureates said so Edited March 3, 2022 by Hotone Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 30 minutes ago, Hotone said: Malaysians are not falling prey to the Western propaganda that it's Russia's fault. America is the country that commits the most atrocities. One of most respected Nobel peace laureates said so They failed to notice that this war has really been going on for 8 years, A typical day in Donetsk Russia and Russian-speaking Ukraine has an effectively shared infospace, making it a lot more difficult to ignore than for you. Also explains why the Ukrainian government forces Ukrainian so hard in all the media. (Russian has always been the more popular language there) All that Ukraine had to do is to honor the terms of the peace agreements they signed back in 2015, Minsk accords. Or at least formally renounce it. Instead, they kept arming up and obviously plotting a takeover by force. (The Ukrainian officials made no secret out of not having the slightest intention to implement Minsk in communications intended for domestic customer) Meanwhile, Russia gets sanctioned for Minsk not being implemented. Even though it is not even a party to the treaty, which is between Ukraine and separatists (The EU had no other formal reason to sanction Russia, but it was obviously for MH17) Speaking of which. The best thing that could happen to Russia is if they find any of the internal Ukrainian documentation on who really did it. The SBU (Ukrainian KGB spinoff) has been burning documents on Kiev city square the last few days) Thing is, they really don't seem to have an idea. Here is a clip by a Ukrainian SBU colonel who ran over to the Russian side, which features the satellite images which the Yankees refused to release even to the official MH17 trial They show nothing much. Except almost certainly acquit my prime suspects (A battalion of 156AA regiment which has always been based there) The images are from a commercial satellite, not KH-1, but they do show these guys hanging out in their barracks on 16th doing nothing much. This was one day before MH17. It is also documented pretty well that they've been attacked by something, expended all of their missiles and lost two of their loader cranes. (The other vehicles were evacuated to Izyum airbase on the 20th) So there. Those guys appear to be simply useful idiots. There is a video of them petitioning Poroshenko for discharge. They simply forgot about them. The entire unit was manned by 18-year-old conscripts ranked private. Perfect incident in the making. Yet it was not them. The Yankees know who did, but seems to be disapproving. Do the minimal possible amount of covering for them. So, I've got myself two new suspects, one of whom is somebody (or something) British. One suspect is old and is perversely the Buk the original Bellingcat discovered. Except that is turned out to be a Ukrainian one, also. Very interesting history does this vehicle also have, I must say. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 18 hours ago, Boat said: Those javelins are $175,000. The below Carl Gustov are like $20,000/$3000 per round. But you have to get much closer. Every adult could be on a 2 person team at that price. Crank up the factories. This is what we do. This is what we’re good at. If you have a fighter, equip them with much better weapons. You are no good at that. Maybe the Swedes are. Who are supposed to be neutral. This is a stupid and unnecessary act of war. Javelins cannot stop an attacking armored formation and cannot be used to go on (counter)offensive. You can take out the lead tank or two, the rest obliterate the entire area. Somebody is obviously interested in creating additional aggravation and bloodshed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 On 3/2/2022 at 9:05 PM, notsonice said: More drones for Ukraine...Less Russians in Ukraine Ukraine’s Secret Weapon Against Russia: Turkish Drones A Bayraktar TB2 drone before a test flight at the Hmelnitski military base in Ukraine on March 20, 2019. Press Office of the President of Ukraine / Mykola Lararenko / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images By Billy Perrigo March 1, 2022 3:40 PM EST In a video that went viral on Twitter Sunday night, a massive explosion rips through what appears to be a Russian convoy, scoring a direct hit on a surface-to-air missile system. The black-and-white footage, posted to the account of the Ukrainian armed forces, is one of several that have emerged on social media in recent days showing the devastating impact of Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian hardware. As the drone’s payload explodes in the video—which appears to be a cellphone recording of a screen in a Ukrainian drone facility—people at the facility can be heard gasping in awe before breaking out in cheers and applause. The video racked up more than 3 million views on Twitter in two days. “Have fear, enemies! There will be no peace for you on our earth!” the Ukrainian armed forces wrote in the video’s caption. The star of this video and others circulating on Twitter is the Bayraktar TB2 – a type of Turkish drone that the Ukrainian military has increasingly deployed against Russian forces in recent days. On Tuesday, the Ukrainian military said that Bayraktar drones had destroyed one tank and two surface-to-air missile systems overnight. In other videos shared on Twitter, Bayraktar drones, in use by the military since at least 2021, are shown blowing up what appears to be a Russian fuel convoy and a group of supply trucks. The drones are small and lightweight, (around seven times lighter than the U.S. military’s Reaper drone,) with a 12-meter wingspan that allows them to remain in the sky for up to 30 hours at a time. Each drone can each carry four laser-guided missiles, according to promotional material from Baykar Technologies, the company that produces them. The impact of Bayraktar drones in Ukraine Ukraine’s drone campaign has contributed to its early successes in slowing the Russian advance, and is revealing unexpected weaknesses on the part of the Russian army, U.S. and European military analysts say. Perhaps more significantly, analysts add, the videos are also becoming an increasingly prominent part of Ukraine’s information war – giving Russian invaders a reason to fear their enemy, and providing a vital boost for Ukrainian morale amid fears of a coming military onslaught. Even so, the drones are unlikely to change the long-term course of the war, analysts point out. “The footage released by the Ukraine military shows serious defects in Russian air defense cover, which is a surprise for many observers,” says Arda Mevlütoğlu, a Turkish military and aerospace analyst. “The footage is also very useful for PR and psychological warfare.” Reliable and accurate military drones were once the exclusive purview of the U.S. military. But the technology has become more commonplace in recent years, and is now a fixture of many 21st century battlefields. And Turkey is now the preeminent supplier. In the last two years, Turkish Bayraktar drones have appeared not only in Ukraine, but also Ethiopia, Azerbaijan, Libya and Syria. Last year in Ethiopia, a rebel force was bearing down on the capital Addis Ababa before the government repelled them with the drones. In the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2020, Turkish drones proved decisive in the Azeri victory against Armenia – a Russian ally. In Karabakh, the Bayraktars were flying non-stop. Armenians had no AA to defend. Ukraine has something like two? left. The hit on the fuel train was spectacular, but otherwise the Wunderwaffel is not really. By far the most damage to Russian armor has been done by hit-and-run attacks using civilian cars. Very well targeted, obviously aided by American satellite intel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 3, 2022 On 3/2/2022 at 7:27 PM, Boat said: I think the west along with India should fight through the Fuel shortage and shut out Russian trade permanently. Any country that trades with Russia does not trade with the rest of the world. This is how you fight modern wars. This is how you fight religion ideology and nationalism. So, you disallow the concept of neutrality? This has been tried before. Incidentally, retroactively justifies the Soviet invasion of Finland, the only incident I am aware of where Russia/USSR was an aggressor for real. Watch it. What goes around comes around. You will find yourself on the receiving end of your own bullshit one day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM March 3, 2022 (edited) just in time.....Can we say time to wipe out a Convoy?????? Ukraine receives new batch of Bayraktar TB-2 drones from Turkey Valius Venckunas Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov announced that a shipment of new Bayraktar TB-2 combat drones has already been put into service. The announcement was part of a lengthy recap of the past day, posted on Reznikov’s Facebook page. “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and have been put into service. More Stingers and Javelins are to come,” Reznikov said, referring to FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems and FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles. In recent days many European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden, announced that they would be sending military equipment to Ukraine as a response to the Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022. Numerous Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M flights between Ankara (ANK) and Rzesow (RZE) in Southern Poland were conducted between February 25 and 27, 2022. It is possible that this is how the drones were delivered to Europe, before being shipped over the Ukrainian border. Reznikov did not provide any details on the number or the exact variant of the drones that were delivered. Ukraine started ordering Bayraktars from Turkey in 2019. Around 20 drones have been delivered and put into use by both the Ukrainian Air Force and Navy. In October 2021, Ukraine announced the first combat use of the type. Shortly after launching the invasion on February 24, 2022, Russia announced that Ukrainian air assets haved been destroyed with “high precision weaponry”. Hours later, Russia claimed to have shot down several Bayraktar drones. Since then, Ukrainian military published multiple videos, claiming the footage portrays Bayraktar drones destroying various Russian military targets, including anti-aircraft systems and resupply convoys. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov announced that a shipment of new Bayraktar TB-2 combat drones has already been put into service. The announcement was part of a lengthy recap of the past day, posted on Reznikov’s Facebook page. “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and have been put into service. More Stingers and Javelins are to come,” Reznikov said, referring to FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems and FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles. In recent days many European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden, announced that they would be sending military equipment to Ukraine as a response to the Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022. Numerous Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M flights between Ankara (ANK) and Rzesow (RZE) in Southern Poland were conducted between February 25 and 27, 2022. It is possible that this is how the drones were delivered to Europe, before being shipped over the Ukrainian border. Reznikov did not provide any details on the number or the exact variant of the drones that were delivered. Ukraine started ordering Bayraktars from Turkey in 2019. Around 20 drones have been delivered and put into use by both the Ukrainian Air Force and Navy. In October 2021, Ukraine announced the first combat use of the type. Shortly after launching the invasion on February 24, 2022, Russia announced that Ukrainian air assets haved been destroyed with “high precision weaponry”. Hours later, Russia claimed to have shot down several Bayraktar drones. Since then, Ukrainian military published multiple videos, claiming the footage portrays Bayraktar drones destroying various Russian military targets, including anti-aircraft systems and resupply convoys. Edited March 3, 2022 by notsonice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM March 3, 2022 Ukraine Receives Fresh Supplies Of Bayraktar Drones And Eye-Popping Numbers Of Anti-Tank Weapons (Updated) David Hambling Contributor Aerospace & Defense I'm a South London-based technology journalist, consultant and author The Ukrainian people’s will to resist is fundamental, but it is not enough on its own; partisans armed only with Molotov cocktails are no match for tanks. But Europe has provided a wave of support in the wake of the Russian invasion, and even Germany, previously reluctant to export arms, is rushing to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine. These will prove crucial in the next phase as combat shifts to urban centers. Perhaps the most surprising new addition to the Ukrainian arsenal is a consignment of Bayraktar TB2 drones from Turkey. These Predator-like drones, armed with small laser-guided missiles, have proved surprisingly effective against Russian forces, defying expectations that they would be easily shot down, and destroying numerous Russian vehicles. Ukrainian servicemen push a Bayraktar TB2 UCAV at the Kulbakyne aerodrome during the Exercise Sea ... [+] Future Publishing via Getty Images Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M transports made a number of flights between Ankara and Rzesow in Southern Poland in the final days of February. These were believed to be carrying military supplies for Ukraine. Rumors that this might include additional Bayraktar drones were not substantiated until a Facebook post by the Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov yesterday morning stating: PROMOTED “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and are on combat duty.” The Ukrainian military have not released any further strike videos from Bayraktars in recent days, likely for security reasons. Some have suggested the drones could hit the giant convoy of military vehicles currently stationary on the road to Kyiv, but this is likely to be well-defended. Previous strikes have been on fuel tankers and other softer targets in a longer-term approach. If the Russians run out of fuel their offensive will stall completely and the convoy will become a target for ground forces. A recent video shot from the ground is claimed to show a Bayraktar strike on a Russian self-propelled howitzer while it was firing, but this cannot be confirmed. If correct, this would suggest a shift to using the drones for tactical support and to counter Russian artillery. It may also be significant that Russian troops have started camouflaging fuel tankers to look like ordinary trucks, possibly due to losses from Bayraktar strikes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nsdp + 449 eh March 4, 2022 3 hours ago, Andrei Moutchkine said: You are no good at that. Maybe the Swedes are. Who are supposed to be neutral. This is a stupid and unnecessary act of war. Javelins cannot stop an attacking armored formation and cannot be used to go on (counter)offensive. You can take out the lead tank or two, the rest obliterate the entire area. Somebody is obviously interested in creating additional aggravation and bloodshed. One major operational advantage of the Karl Gustav is you can fire from within and enclosed room and not worry about the back blast from the launch. Just like a sniper no one will see you and or any tattletale back blast. Tactics are to ignore heavy armor and destroy the armored infantry carriers. Worked very well against the US in Vietnam. Then your infantry can climb on the tank and drop Molitovs in the engine compartment since the tankers are virtually blind when hatches are closed and can't do anything without opening a hatch. You can straddle the turret machine gun If they do that your job just got easier . You don't have to lift the armored engine covers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 4, 2022 1 hour ago, notsonice said: just in time.....Can we say time to wipe out a Convoy?????? Ukraine receives new batch of Bayraktar TB-2 drones from Turkey Valius Venckunas Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov announced that a shipment of new Bayraktar TB-2 combat drones has already been put into service. The announcement was part of a lengthy recap of the past day, posted on Reznikov’s Facebook page. “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and have been put into service. More Stingers and Javelins are to come,” Reznikov said, referring to FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems and FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles. In recent days many European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden, announced that they would be sending military equipment to Ukraine as a response to the Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022. Numerous Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M flights between Ankara (ANK) and Rzesow (RZE) in Southern Poland were conducted between February 25 and 27, 2022. It is possible that this is how the drones were delivered to Europe, before being shipped over the Ukrainian border. Reznikov did not provide any details on the number or the exact variant of the drones that were delivered. Ukraine started ordering Bayraktars from Turkey in 2019. Around 20 drones have been delivered and put into use by both the Ukrainian Air Force and Navy. In October 2021, Ukraine announced the first combat use of the type. Shortly after launching the invasion on February 24, 2022, Russia announced that Ukrainian air assets haved been destroyed with “high precision weaponry”. Hours later, Russia claimed to have shot down several Bayraktar drones. Since then, Ukrainian military published multiple videos, claiming the footage portrays Bayraktar drones destroying various Russian military targets, including anti-aircraft systems and resupply convoys. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov announced that a shipment of new Bayraktar TB-2 combat drones has already been put into service. The announcement was part of a lengthy recap of the past day, posted on Reznikov’s Facebook page. “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and have been put into service. More Stingers and Javelins are to come,” Reznikov said, referring to FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems and FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles. In recent days many European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden, announced that they would be sending military equipment to Ukraine as a response to the Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022. Numerous Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M flights between Ankara (ANK) and Rzesow (RZE) in Southern Poland were conducted between February 25 and 27, 2022. It is possible that this is how the drones were delivered to Europe, before being shipped over the Ukrainian border. Reznikov did not provide any details on the number or the exact variant of the drones that were delivered. Ukraine started ordering Bayraktars from Turkey in 2019. Around 20 drones have been delivered and put into use by both the Ukrainian Air Force and Navy. In October 2021, Ukraine announced the first combat use of the type. Shortly after launching the invasion on February 24, 2022, Russia announced that Ukrainian air assets haved been destroyed with “high precision weaponry”. Hours later, Russia claimed to have shot down several Bayraktar drones. Since then, Ukrainian military published multiple videos, claiming the footage portrays Bayraktar drones destroying various Russian military targets, including anti-aircraft systems and resupply convoys. Plausible. In order to sneak it near warzone, it will have to fit to a panel van. Does it? The thing is 12 x 6,5 m large. I think the wings fold, but it is still way too long. An open platform or large truck are likely to be lost. Another problem is how Turkey was able to make them so quickly? They haven't got engines. The normal option, by Rotax Bombardier (Austria Canada) was sanctioned before this started. The alternate was to use Ukrainian Motor Sich engine. So, they got Bayraktar spares which need to be assembled with Ukrainian engines? If they have any ready. The Motor Sich plant is in Zaporozhie, if I remember correctly. Ukraine had 20+ of those before. At most 2 or 3 mission videos have been released. This is how many drones they've got left, at most. Can they start from an unprepared airstrip? No real ones are supposed to be intact. Personally, I think Ukrainians a getting a lot more out of a smaller drone that does spotting for artillery. That thing is devastating. Large drones do not appear to be very viable against a large conventional air force flying jets. They are ultimately as power as crop duster aircraft. A little known part of Azeri Bayraktar success story in Karabakh is that they wired some 200+ actual An-2 crop dusters for RC and used them as decoys for expensive Bayraktars. They have very similar radar signatures. Well, you know what? Improve the RC part a bit, and any crop duster becomes Bayraktar. That would be something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 4, 2022 1 hour ago, notsonice said: Ukraine Receives Fresh Supplies Of Bayraktar Drones And Eye-Popping Numbers Of Anti-Tank Weapons (Updated) David Hambling Contributor Aerospace & Defense I'm a South London-based technology journalist, consultant and author The Ukrainian people’s will to resist is fundamental, but it is not enough on its own; partisans armed only with Molotov cocktails are no match for tanks. But Europe has provided a wave of support in the wake of the Russian invasion, and even Germany, previously reluctant to export arms, is rushing to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine. These will prove crucial in the next phase as combat shifts to urban centers. Perhaps the most surprising new addition to the Ukrainian arsenal is a consignment of Bayraktar TB2 drones from Turkey. These Predator-like drones, armed with small laser-guided missiles, have proved surprisingly effective against Russian forces, defying expectations that they would be easily shot down, and destroying numerous Russian vehicles. Ukrainian servicemen push a Bayraktar TB2 UCAV at the Kulbakyne aerodrome during the Exercise Sea ... [+] Future Publishing via Getty Images Turkish Air Force Airbus A400M transports made a number of flights between Ankara and Rzesow in Southern Poland in the final days of February. These were believed to be carrying military supplies for Ukraine. Rumors that this might include additional Bayraktar drones were not substantiated until a Facebook post by the Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov yesterday morning stating: PROMOTED “New Bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and are on combat duty.” The Ukrainian military have not released any further strike videos from Bayraktars in recent days, likely for security reasons. Some have suggested the drones could hit the giant convoy of military vehicles currently stationary on the road to Kyiv, but this is likely to be well-defended. Previous strikes have been on fuel tankers and other softer targets in a longer-term approach. If the Russians run out of fuel their offensive will stall completely and the convoy will become a target for ground forces. A recent video shot from the ground is claimed to show a Bayraktar strike on a Russian self-propelled howitzer while it was firing, but this cannot be confirmed. If correct, this would suggest a shift to using the drones for tactical support and to counter Russian artillery. It may also be significant that Russian troops have started camouflaging fuel tankers to look like ordinary trucks, possibly due to losses from Bayraktar strikes. "Ukrainian partisans armed with Molotov cocktails" are set up to make a bloody splat for the benefit of leaving a useful video clip behind. Ukrainian Insurgent Army happens to have thrown every single fight with with regular forces they bothered to appear to. The will of Ukrainian people to go and die for a Western policy goal are strongly overestimated by you Ukrainian people are not stupid. The post-Maidan regime has been nothing but horrible to them.The confusion between it and the country of Ukraine will be dispelled soon enough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 March 4, 2022 1 hour ago, nsdp said: One major operational advantage of the Karl Gustav is you can fire from within and enclosed room and not worry about the back blast from the launch. Just like a sniper no one will see you and or any tattletale back blast. Tactics are to ignore heavy armor and destroy the armored infantry carriers. Worked very well against the US in Vietnam. Then your infantry can climb on the tank and drop Molitovs in the engine compartment since the tankers are virtually blind when hatches are closed and can't do anything without opening a hatch. You can straddle the turret machine gun If they do that your job just got easier . You don't have to lift the armored engine covers. I know. It is a nifty device. The British NLAW also has special provisions for firing indoors. So, you are basically encouraging urban warfare, then your media will be howling about Russians indiscriminately firing at civilian buildings? Not a very sophisticated plot. There is a "forward blast" if you will, so they will see where it came from. The tanks are no longer blind. Look up how the panoramic tank sights work. Climb onto the tank? The Ukrainian Volkstrum units made out of random civilians are no Vietcong. Take a few months to years for such talents to step forward. The modification that works is covering the entire tank with a very large canvas, sometimes soaked in gasoline and on fire. Then, they are blind. Has been used in various color revolutions starting with Prague Spring by "peaceful student protesters" Later gen tanks are unlikely disabled even by that due to NBC system that is overpressurized and does not need require external air intake for a while How do you plan to drop Molotov cocktails into an engine compartment when it is closed? A tank that is not blind is deadly to pedestrians who try to close in to it. All it has to do is a spin. You do know that proper tracked vehicles turn on the spot. One of the tracks goes forward, another in reverse. My favorite feature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM March 4, 2022 Putin must be pissed.....1000 troops a day lost..........30 tanks a day destroyed .. at these rates ....he should cut his losses and surrender Losses of the Russian military in equipment and men during the war in Ukraine between February 24 and March 3, 2022 Troops* 9,000 Combat Armored Machines/APV 900 Automotive equipment 374 Tanks 217 Artillery systems 90 PMM tanks/fuel tanks 60 Grad systems 42 Helicopters 31 Aircraft 30 Anti-aircraft missle system BUK 11 Drones 3 Light speedboats 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites