Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN March 12, 2022 Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as "the way of the future"? Well, you're right! But why is this being pushed so hard right now. Don't miss this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James lays out the digital ID agenda and how it serves as the linchpin of the entire global enslavement grid. Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4 For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode. For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download). SHOW NOTES:WEF 20 | Accenture: Digital Identity Digital ID Wallet - Thales Canadian Bankers Association Promotes Digital IDs And Refers To WEF #TheRayzorsEdge EUROPEAN DIGITAL IDENTITY – message by President Von Der Leyen Digital iD™ – a simpler way to verify Digital identity - weighing the risks of misuse and missed use | Dakota Gruener | TEDxMarrakesh Who Is Bill Gates? Bill Gates at the Financial Inclusion Forum, December 1, 2015 March 2020: Known Traveller Digital Identity Specifications Guidance Nov 2020: A billion people have no legal identity - but a new app plans to change that Jan 2021: How digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 2022: Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid UN SDGs - The 17 Goals Episode 357 - Language is a Weapon Episode 261 - International Law? World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab on the Fourth Industrial Revolution The Corbett Report has also produced these EXCELLENT Visual Documentaries... How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World with transcripts 310 – How Big Oil Conquered The World – 12/28/2015 321 – Why Big Oil Conquered the World – 10/06/2017 Who Is Bill Gates? Watch on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download video / Download audio TRANSCRIPT Skip to Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health Part Two: Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World Part Three: Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid TRANSCRIPT - EXCERPT - Bill Gates says: "So, Melinda and I wondered whether providing new medicines and keeping children alive, would that create more of a population problem?" Part Four: Meet Bill Gates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corbett Report Documentaries The Best of The Corbett Report 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN March 13, 2022 Don't miss this! The visuals, on-screen labels and video clips in this 15 minute Video are profound. "Man is God" Transhumanism supported by World Leaders - or if censored 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN March 15, 2022 Interview 1709 - James Corbett Redpills the Italians Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed RECORDED ON MARCH 7, 2022: In this edition of the Redpill series James talks to Giulio Bona of ComeDonChisciotte to inform the wider Italian public about the work that The Corbett Report does. We talk about war, crisis and propaganda, from the Ukraine crisis to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset to the coming New World Order and what we can do to avoid it. Articolo e trascrizione: VIDEO COURTESY COMEDONCHISCIOTTE ODYSEE CHANNEL / RUMBLE CHANNELLinks in Italiano: La Maglietta: Links in English: T-Shirt: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN April 26, 2022 Remember...Authoritarians demand to control the narrative and your lives and your financial wealth. Here is one example of the coming future where you cannot control your money... Ukraine Bans Bitcoin Purchases With National Currency Amid Martial Law by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022 - 02:30 AM Authored by 'NAMCIOS' via, Ukraine’s central bank is prohibiting bitcoin buys with the hryvnia in an attempt to prevent what it calls “unproductive” capital outflows. The Ukrainian central bank has banned bitcoin purchases with the national fiat currency. The bank said the move seeks to prevent “unproductive” capital outflows in a bid to preserve the health of the country’s FX market. In addition to cryptocurrency buys, the new rules also target electronic wallet deposits, FX transactions and travel payments....[ARTICLE ontinues] 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nsdp + 449 eh May 1, 2022 No problem to cut off tracking. First get rid of Microsoft and Apple OS, Amazon and google products. Then block javascript. Pay by check, use VPN hardware rounter and Hush mail email. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 1, 2022 (edited) Digital Services Act The Enslavement Collar for the Public brought to us by Authoritarians Read the proposed regulation here... Governments Worldwide are Working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to Expand Online Censorship with ‘Digital Services Act’ EXCERPTS Under pressure applied by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the European Union is working to expand online censorship to an extreme Orwellian level, as well as strictly regulate speech during what authorities deem to be times of crisis (we always seem to be in the middle of a “crisis”), and remove online anonymity by forcing the public to have a digital identity... ...Governments worldwide are working in lockstep to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both lobbied for the EU to back the censorship bill known as the ‘Digital Services Act‘ on Thursday, April 21st, 2022: [VIDEOs] ... ...The law calls for plans to restrict free speech on the internet during times of “crisis.”... The DSA also pushes for a “public electronic identity (eID),” which Politico previously described as a “National ID card” on your phone that has its origins in vaccine passports and “Digital COVID Certificates.” Though the eID is sold under the guise of protecting people’s privacy, “digital rights activists … worry the proposal could allow the private sector to better access people’s government-certified information, thereby actually strengthening the likes of Facebook and Google and the targeted advertising industry,” Politico reported. Working in Lockstep The UK government is also pushing ahead with its nationwide digital ID plans, despite half of the responses to its public consultation on digital identity opposing the idea. On April 6, 2022, new digital identity document verification technology (IDVT) that enables data sharing between public bodies and businesses for the purpose of identity verification was introduced. It has been made available to UK employers, landlords, and letting agents who can use it to digitally carry out pre-employment criminal record checks, right to work checks, and right to rent checks.... [ARTICLE CONTINUES] Edited May 1, 2022 by Tom Nolan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 9, 2022 May 6th - From the well-known researcher Kit Knightly REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “ Kit Knightly 'Digital Dystopia' Looms: 90% Of Nations Are Planning CBDCs by Tyler Durden Monday, May 09, 2022 - 02:30 AM Authored by Kit Knightly via, A new report from the Bank of International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC): Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments. In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages This echoes a March report from the IMF, which claimed over one hundred nations are at least in the planning stages of releasing their own CBDC. You can read the entire IMF report here, or a summary published by Bloomberg here. It seems programs of government-issued digital money have been gaining momentum all around the world since at least 2020, and apparently, now they exist in over half the countries on the planet. The newest of these – Brazil and Namibia – announced their plans only last month. As with all globalist agendas, the push for CBDCs is always part of “the current thing”. First, it was a response to Covid. Then they could help us halt climate change. Then they’re a response to the war in Ukraine. Using that method they have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea to regular mainstream coverage and 90% of the world trying them out, all within the space of a couple of years (as we predicted they would in our New Years post) Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability. Regular readers will be more than familiar with this concept – we discussed it in detail in our previous articles on CBDCS (here and here). For those new readers: programmability is a hypothetical feature of digital currency which would allow the issuer to set limits and controls over its use. Essentially, any CBDC would give either the state, the central bank or the corporation issuing the money as wages the power to control how and where the money is spent. Any CBDC amounts to potential third-party control of your money. It’s that simple. This has massive implications for the very idea of individual liberty. Given how the last two years have gone, it’s not at all hard to imagine how such a system could be abused. Halting payments to “protect the NHS”, garnishing wages to “fight climate change” or individual financial sanctions because you aren’t vaccinated. One need look no further back than the Canadian truckers’ protest to see a state financially unpersoning those who express dissent. A CBDC would make that process both easier for the state to enforce and harder for an individual to avoid. It is, quite obviously, the biggest ethical and societal issue in any potential system of digital currency. And yet, neither the BIS report nor the IMF report nor Bloomberg’s summary discusses the idea of “programmability” in any detail at all. The word is used precisely once across all three documents, and they never explain what it actually means OffG has covered CBDCs in detail before, and the press has never been shy in talking up the “benefits” of such strictly controlled money in the past. On the contrary, it has always been treated as a major selling point. Agustin Carstens, the head of the Bank of International Settlements discussed the idea in detail in a video in the summer of 2021: The key difference [with a CBDC] is that the central bank would have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and then have the technology to enforce that.” WATCH SHORT VIDEO A Telegraph article from June 2021 again raved about the possible benefits of programmable currency: Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible […] There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. They were never reluctant to talk up programmability before, so it’s noteworthy they should suddenly shut down that avenue of discussion. Perhaps a sign they over-estimated what people would accept, and are already experiencing more pushback on the idea than they expected. That’s a comforting thought. But don’t be fooled: Just because they stop mentioning it, doesn’t mean they’re letting it go. They just want you to forget about it. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the list of countries trialling digital currencies includes Ukraine and Russia, the United States and China, Britain and the EU. Every team in the league. Picking a side won’t save you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 By: Mastercard Press Release Pay With Face: Mastercard Rolls Out Global Biometric Payment System The promise of convenience and security are overshadowed by the massive hoovering up of personal biometric data along with all financial transactions. In short, Mastercard has entered the age of Surveillance Capitalism where it will sell its surplus data to the highest bidders. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 (edited) ...and going global in this MultiPolar New World Order... Thursday May 26, 2022 – Edward Slavsquat aka Riley Waggaman Russia fast-tracks CBDC: Digital ruble to be used in "real operations" in 2023 The introduction of a trackable digital currency has been prioritized due to sanctions “The digital ruble will also ensure the transparency of the terms of payment services, since it will allow tracking the targeted spending of funds by citizens, representatives of Promsvyazbank, Sberbank and Russian Standard Bank note.” Citing the imposition of western sanctions, the Bank of Russia announced on Wednesday that it was accelerating the rollout of its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The first stage of testing for the digital ruble began in January and was originally supposed to finish in 2024. Under the newly released roadmap, phase two—in which the programmable, trackable digital token will be integrated, small-scale, into “real money” operations—is now slated to start in April 2023. Vedomosti (Russia’s Wall Street Journal) has the details: “Seeing the pace at which we are now going, we assume that from April next year we will be able to start a pilot on real clients and real operations,” said First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova at a meeting of the regulator with bankers. […] At the end of this year, the regulator will send documents on regulating the digital ruble to the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market in order to be able to launch the second stage of piloting in April 2023, Skorobogatova said. The creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform was completed in December 2021. 12 banks are participating in the first pilot: Ak Bars, Alfa-bank , Dom.RF , VTB , Gazprombank , Tinkoff Bank , Promsvyazbank (PSB), Rosbank , Sberbank , SKB-bank , Soyuz and TKB. Testing of the digital ruble platform began in January 2022, and at the first stage, the issuance of a digital ruble, the opening of digital wallets by banks and citizens, as well as C2C transfers (between individuals) and C2B transfers (from individuals to business - payment by individuals for goods and services). Already on February 15, PSB and VTB were the first to successfully transfer digital rubles between their clients. On February 18, the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, reported that five credit institutions are now testing the system, and the rest will connect as they fine-tune their IT structures. […] For Q2 2023, the regulator also plans to develop protocols for the interoperability of the digital ruble with the national digital currencies of other countries, in particular the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS. The development of such protocols will make it possible to make cross-border payments and open a second communication channel between banks, in addition to the Central Bank's Financial Message Transmission System, and will also make it possible to bypass SWIFT in such operations. A new financial infrastructure that will be free of western meddling: very cool. But is it cool, really? Again, Vedomosti: The digital ruble will also ensure the transparency of the terms of payment services, since it will allow tracking the targeted spending of funds by citizens, representatives of Promsvyazbank, Sberbank and Russian Standard Bank note. […] Blockchain consultant and cryptocurrency researcher Denis Smirnov is critical of the idea of the Central Bank: “For people, the introduction of the digital ruble is the realization of the most terrible scenarios described by science fiction writers in dystopias.” According to the expert, with the advent of the digital ruble, absolute transparency will reign in the field of personal finance, which means that the human right to privacy will be under attack. Oh. Okay. Like the gold-pegged ruble that never existed, only better. In December, your humble Moscow correspondent warned that the Bank of Russia was up to all kinds of trickery. Then, on February 18, we typed up a blog post about how Russia was using the threat of western sanctions as a pretext to accelerate the adoption of the digital ruble. By the way: undoubtedly, CBDCs will make cross-border transactions more convenient and less of a hassle for Russia (at least when doing business with friendly states). But does that justify the zero-privacy, total-centralized-control financial system that is being created? An interesting question. The central bank takeover of Russia Central banks. They’re a touchy subject for a lot of people and with fairly good reason. Like all other central banks, the Bank of Russia enjoys a special legal status making it independent from the Russian government while simultaneously giving it access to the full machinery of state power in order to carry out and enforce its wish… Read more 5 months ago · 41 likes · 37 comments · Edward Slavsquat Russia will adopt CBDCs, citing the need to shield itself from western sanctions. Whatever. The West will adopt CBDCs, citing the need to crack down on domestic terrorism financing, or Patreon payments to people with unapproved ideas, or whatever. It doesn’t matter. It won’t matter what the justifications will be. The pretexts will be different, but the system will be exactly the same. And the system is going to suck for everyone. It’s sort of like Post-Sanctions Russian McDonald’s: it’s literally McDonald’s, but with a different name. McDisappointed. It is what it is. IMF-obedient Bank of Russia rejects gold-backed ruble The long-awaited golden ruble has returned to the front page of Zerohedge and everyone is very excited. Except for the Bank of Russia, which announced yesterday that pegging the ruble to gold is not even being considered as a possibility. Let’s rewind to April 26. In… Edited May 28, 2022 by Tom Nolan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 France introduces digital ID days after Macron’s re-election Just days after winning the federal election, President Emmanuel Macron authorized the creation of a digital ID for France. The “Digital ID Guarantee Service” (SGIN) was signed into decree following his victory over Marine Le Pen, which will allow France to be ‘compliant’ with the European Union’s digital ID. The backlash from the ‘Les Patriots’ group, which seeks independence from the EU, was immediate. Macron was re-elected 3 days ago. 2 days later the govt goes ahead with the Digital ID and today the Media are announcing the 4th jab for *everyone.* It’s full steam ahead for the Great Reset! But it’s all ok because France defeated the ‘far-right.’ “Just after the election, the government announces the launch of ‘a digital identity application’!” said leader Florian Philippot. “The goal: to put social credit in the Chinese way. Control and surveillance company!” [translated from French] “Let’s totally reject this app and fight by any means!” Macron’s election victory has set off massive protests, wherein Macron has been pelted with tomatoes. [VIDEO] France’s move towards a centralized digital ID, and the corresponding resistance from people concerned with a Chinese-style social credit system, is a conflict that’s intensifying in many countries throughout the world. Recently, for example, Nigeria blocked 73 million residents from making phone calls for not linking their cell phones to their national digital ID. In Italy, a municipal government just announced it’s rolling out a soft social credit score in the Fall, the first of its kind in Europe. Domestically, Canada hasn’t issued coercive tactics to this level, and provinces are torn on implementing a digital ID. While Alberta and Ontario have already rolled theirs out, Saskatchewan recently scrapped its plan to launch one after polling citizens who wanted nothing to do with it. Instead, the provincial government now says they’ll monitor uptake and feedback from colleagues in other jurisdictions. “We will be watching very closely to observe how their digital ID programs progress,” a Ministry of SaskBuilds official stated. Moreover, certain opposition parties and candidates are beginning to voice their concerns against centralized digital ID and currency. The Ontario Party, led by Derek Sloan, has presented a petition to the Ontario Legislature that proposes a ban on digital IDs. CPC candidate Pierre Poilievre also recently proposed that he would ban centralized digital currency that the Liberal government snuck in their budget if elected. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 The EU has introduced a new ‘digital’ ID. Here’s what it means for you. The European Commission wants to develop an app that would contain the digital version of your identity card. The European Commission on Thursday unveiled plans to introduce a bloc-wide digital ID. If approved, the plan would allow people to use an app to prove their identity online, whether that's to verify their age or to check their driver's license. The EU plans to start testing the app, which it calls a "wallet," in October 2022, when it hopes it will have the basis of an agreement across member countries. But how will this wallet actually impact people? And is this the end of your anonymity online? Why is this a thing? The Commission says it needs a new identification system because it wants EU residents to retain control of their data, rather than share it with tech giants like Google and Facebook. "Every time an app or website asks us to create a new digital identity or to easily log on via a big platform, we have no idea what happens to our data in reality," said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in a speech last September. Instead of using your Facebook profile to log in to other apps, say, the Commission is proposing "a secure European e-identity ... A technology where we can control ourselves what data and how data is used." The Commission also hopes digital IDs will help to fight online fraud, encourage people to feel safer when using online services and boost the economy. One study from the McKinsey Global Institute claims countries with a digital ID scheme will be able to boost their gross domestic product by 3 to 13 percent by 2030. Some EU countries have already rolled out their own national digital identities, but they have a mixed record. According to the Commission, 19 eID schemes are used by 14 EU countries, but "take-up is low, their use is cumbersome and business cases are limited." “All of the EU solutions so far have been in a smaller or bigger way fragmented and therefore, they do not have a major scale,” said MEP Andrus Ansip — a former digital commissioner — who has been pushing for an EU digital ID since his Commission days. Does this mean I'm going to be a 'citizen of Europe'? This is not a federalist ploy. You're not about to be provided with a European Digital Identity number, and you will remain a citizen of your own country — and only your country. The aim is that your phone would essentially host your national ID card, which you would link up to the app. If you're from one of the 14 EU countries that already has a digital identity system in place, there's no need to re-register or apply for a new digital ID — the proposed app is meant to "build on" those existing systems and allow you to use that digital identity in a wider range of situations. Not sure I'm into that... If you're not interested, that's ok. It's not compulsory to get the app. But EU countries will be required to offer a digital ID system to its residents. Likewise, public and private services will be required to accept the new ID, but they can't make it compulsory for users either. Thomas Lohninger, vice president at digital rights group EDRi, worries that the Commission hasn't taken into account people who don't want a digital ID, leaving them at a disadvantage if companies or governments start providing incentives for people to use it. When can I get one, what will it look like and what can I use it for? If you do want one, you'll have to wait a little while. The EU only plans to start testing the scheme in October next year and has yet to set a firm date for when this would be available for all EU residents. It's unclear what the apps could look like, and it will be up to each country to decide how to deliver it to its residents. You'll probably be able to get it from standard app stores or government websites, a Commission official told journalists. You can expect to be able to use the "wallet" to verify your identity with public and private online services within the bloc, including accessing your bank account, submitting tax declarations and renting a car. Users will also have the right to choose which data they want to share. So if you're going into a nightclub and want to use the app to prove you're of age, you can choose to only share that bit of information on your ID. The regulation also includes the right to pseudonymous transactions — in other words, no one can connect that embarrassing thing you bought online with your digital identity, even if you used the app in carrying out the transaction. What's the catch? Digital rights activists like Lohninger worry the proposal could allow the private sector to better access people's government-certified information, thereby actually strengthening the likes of Facebook and Google and the targeted advertising industry. He said he has little faith in the EU's data protection rules to make the system secure and doesn't like that countries are responsible for enforcing the proposal: Ireland's data protection authority is responsible for holding the likes of Facebook to account, and has been criticized for not being tough enough on tech giants. Lohninger does not have faith if it's up to Dublin to take on Big Tech over potential misuse of the new system. Cyberattacks are on the up. How secure would my data be? The Commission said it will come up with the rules and standards, with input from EU countries, that will ensure "the highest security levels." So, more is still to come on how exactly the Commission will ensure these "highest security levels." Is this vaccine passports 2.0? If this whole idea sounds vaguely familiar, it's because the Commission's digital vaccine passports — dubbed Digital COVID Certificates — are likely to have paved the way for the EU’s proposal. “This is the impressive side of this pandemic,” one Commission official said, stressing how digital projects got priority in responding to the health crisis. “It’s a path of no return,” the official added. Want more analysis from POLITICO? POLITICO Pro is our premium intelligence service for professionals. From financial services to trade, technology, cybersecurity and more, Pro delivers real time intelligence, deep insight and breaking scoops you need to keep one step ahead. Email to request a complimentary trial. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 (edited) Ugandans to Have DNA, Biometric Data Captured in New Electronic National ID Cards General David Muhoozi said the government would phase out the old identification cards once they expire He said the new electronic ID cards would improve the accuracy and credibility of the register for planning and improved service delivery Muhoozi revealed that the registration process would be a source of revenue for the government as Ugandans will have to pay for the new cards Ugandans are expected to have their DNA properties harvested by the government to be used in the development of new National Identity (ID) cards. General David Muhoozi, the Minister for Internal Affairs, told the parliamentary plenary late that discussions were underway for the government to issue “smart digital” IDs once the current versions expire. Muhoozi said the automation of an individual’s information on an ID was to adopt technology and increase speed in verifying people's data whenever needed. “The government seeks to take advantage of the strides in technology that will increase portability and verification to support global transactions. The exercise will improve accuracy and credibility of the register for planning and improved service delivery,” he said. Through the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), Uganda began issuing National IDs in 2014, and the first batch expires in 2024. They are valid for only 10 years. Generate revenue for government He added that the government would also use the process to generate revenue as citizens will have to pay for IDs. "The exercise should potentially generate revenue for the government; details of which are also being computed,” he said. This immediately attracted condemnation, with Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa stating that Ugandans should not be made to pay for the National ID. Rose Obiga, Terego District Woman MP, argued this would be a tall order since obtaining the current free versions was difficult for thousands of Ugandans. Edited May 28, 2022 by Tom Nolan 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN May 28, 2022 Deepfakes can fool biometric checks used by banks, research finds Fraudsters can easily use artificial intelligence to open up fake accounts online. A team of researchers has found that biometric tests used by banks and cryptocurrency exchanges to verify users’ identities can be fooled by deepfake technology. In a report published on Wednesday, researchers with Sensity, a security firm focused on deepfake detection, demonstrated how it was able to bypass an automated “liveness test” by using AI-generated faces. Commonly known as “know your customer” or KYC tests, such verification processes often ask users to provide photographs of their identification as well as their face. A “liveness test” is then used to capture the users’ face in real-time in order to match it to their selfie and identification photo with facial recognition. KYC verification is utilized in a wide array of industries including banking, fintech, insurance, crypto, and gambling. Sensity tweeted out footage of its demonstration a week before it released its report, detailing how 9 of the top 10 KYC vendors were highly vulnerable to deepfake attacks. “Despite its widespread adoption, active liveness checks are weak against attacks by Deepfakes,” the report states. “The reason is that real-time Deepfakes can reproduce faithfully facial landmark movements of the attackers.” Even with such a glaring vulnerability, KYC vendors do not appear concerned about the potential for misuse. In a statement to the Verge, which first covered the report on Wednesday, Francesco Cavalli, Sensity’s chief operating officer, claimed that vulnerable companies did not appear to care. “We told them ‘look you’re vulnerable to this kind of attack,’ and they said ‘we do not care,’” he said. “We decided to publish it because we think, at a corporate level and in general, the public should be aware of these threats.” With massive crypto heists becoming common, it seems likely such vulnerabilities will be exploited more and more by cybercriminals as deepfake technology becomes more realistic and easier to use. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron Wagner + 734 June 6, 2022 On 4/30/2022 at 10:31 PM, nsdp said: No problem to cut off tracking. First get rid of Microsoft and Apple OS, Amazon and google products. Then block javascript. Pay by check, use VPN hardware rounter and Hush mail email. I am now using Chrome on a Chromebook. My new computer is just as good for a third of the price. I does what I need, is more dependable, and "sandboxed" , so little chance of becoming a "brick". No security software needed. It is smaller, lighter, and runs all day on the battery alone. I could use my solar charger and my phone to run it. I have one small panel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron Wagner + 734 June 6, 2022 On our recent trip to Hawaii we were informed that we needed to sign up on a certain website. We did so, even though it required facial recognition input. Hawaii was strict on covid regulations. When we got to the airport they said they didn't use that site, for some unknown reason! Possibly a CIA or other plot that snared us. We have both been fingerprinted for various licensures several times anyway. We had to go through extra paperwork at the airport. I think that most Americans will be facially recorded through DMV and other methods unawares by our government. I do not trust any of our governmental organizations anymore. It is now legal for them to use ANY source to gain our private information. This was signed off by congress in a close vote. Thanks RINOS. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron Wagner + 734 June 6, 2022 On 5/9/2022 at 6:16 AM, Tom Nolan said: May 6th - From the well-known researcher Kit Knightly REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “ Kit Knightly 'Digital Dystopia' Looms: 90% Of Nations Are Planning CBDCs by Tyler Durden Monday, May 09, 2022 - 02:30 AM Authored by Kit Knightly via, A new report from the Bank of International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC): Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments. In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages This echoes a March report from the IMF, which claimed over one hundred nations are at least in the planning stages of releasing their own CBDC. You can read the entire IMF report here, or a summary published by Bloomberg here. It seems programs of government-issued digital money have been gaining momentum all around the world since at least 2020, and apparently, now they exist in over half the countries on the planet. The newest of these – Brazil and Namibia – announced their plans only last month. As with all globalist agendas, the push for CBDCs is always part of “the current thing”. First, it was a response to Covid. Then they could help us halt climate change. Then they’re a response to the war in Ukraine. Using that method they have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea to regular mainstream coverage and 90% of the world trying them out, all within the space of a couple of years (as we predicted they would in our New Years post) Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability. Regular readers will be more than familiar with this concept – we discussed it in detail in our previous articles on CBDCS (here and here). For those new readers: programmability is a hypothetical feature of digital currency which would allow the issuer to set limits and controls over its use. Essentially, any CBDC would give either the state, the central bank or the corporation issuing the money as wages the power to control how and where the money is spent. Any CBDC amounts to potential third-party control of your money. It’s that simple. This has massive implications for the very idea of individual liberty. Given how the last two years have gone, it’s not at all hard to imagine how such a system could be abused. Halting payments to “protect the NHS”, garnishing wages to “fight climate change” or individual financial sanctions because you aren’t vaccinated. One need look no further back than the Canadian truckers’ protest to see a state financially unpersoning those who express dissent. A CBDC would make that process both easier for the state to enforce and harder for an individual to avoid. It is, quite obviously, the biggest ethical and societal issue in any potential system of digital currency. And yet, neither the BIS report nor the IMF report nor Bloomberg’s summary discusses the idea of “programmability” in any detail at all. The word is used precisely once across all three documents, and they never explain what it actually means OffG has covered CBDCs in detail before, and the press has never been shy in talking up the “benefits” of such strictly controlled money in the past. On the contrary, it has always been treated as a major selling point. Agustin Carstens, the head of the Bank of International Settlements discussed the idea in detail in a video in the summer of 2021: The key difference [with a CBDC] is that the central bank would have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and then have the technology to enforce that.” WATCH SHORT VIDEO A Telegraph article from June 2021 again raved about the possible benefits of programmable currency: Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible […] There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. They were never reluctant to talk up programmability before, so it’s noteworthy they should suddenly shut down that avenue of discussion. Perhaps a sign they over-estimated what people would accept, and are already experiencing more pushback on the idea than they expected. That’s a comforting thought. But don’t be fooled: Just because they stop mentioning it, doesn’t mean they’re letting it go. They just want you to forget about it. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the list of countries trialling digital currencies includes Ukraine and Russia, the United States and China, Britain and the EU. Every team in the league. Picking a side won’t save you. That is fascism at work. Call it what you may. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN June 9, 2022 In Davos, the CEO of Nokia explained that by 2030 smartphones will be obsolete. Around then, the technology will be “built directly” into the physical body. 22 second video Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN June 9, 2022 2 minutes ago, Tom Nolan said: In Davos, the CEO of Nokia explained that by 2030 smartphones will be obsolete. Around then, the technology will be “built directly” into the physical body. 22 second video The Ones That Want You To Take The mRNA Shots also want To Connect You To The (IoB) The Internet of Bodies This is Part of the 4th Industrial Revolution... 2 1/2 minute video of experts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN July 6, 2022 Payments Company Mastercard Wants to be a Digital ID Provider By Ken Macon EXCERPTS Financial services provider Mastercard has earned one of three accreditations under Australia’s Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF). The accreditation is a major step by the company which aims to be a TDIF accredited identity provider, exchange, and credential provider. The move is part of a big push to implement digital IDs… …“Last year, Mastercard announced that it had applied for accreditation under the [TDIF] in Australia for its digital identity service, ID,” Bourne wrote.“We are thrilled to share that we have now successfully secured the first of three roles we applied for, with our accreditation as an identity exchange being confirmed earlier this month.”… …To earn the identity exchange accreditation, the company’s digital ID system was assessed for usability, security, privacy, and risk management. Bourne went on to explain that Mastercard’s digital ID system is interoperable. “Mastercard’s digital identity solution can connect existing identity providers with other organizations in Mastercard’s global ID network, with verification facilitated by our highly secure network,” Bourne explained.“This is a huge milestone on our digital identity journey in Australia.” It is not the first partnership between Mastercard and Australia. Last December, the financial services provider partnered with the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) to perform trials of digital identity age for online purchases of alcohol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN July 30, 2022 (edited) "Paving The Road To Hell": Digital ID Systems Could Lead To Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations by Tyler Durden Friday, Jul 29, 2022 - 09:20 PM Authored by Suzanne Burdick, The authors of a new report on digital identity systems warned “the actual and potential” human rights violations arising from the digital ID model can be “severe and potentially irreversible.” The 100-page report — “Paving the Road to Hell? A Primer on the Role of the World Bank and Global Networks in Promoting Digital ID” — published by New York University’s (NYU) Center for Human Rights and Global Justice urged human rights organizations to heed the threats posed by a global push for digital IDs. The NYU researchers said many proponents — including the World Bank — portray digital IDs as a means to achieving greater inclusivity and environmental sustainability when, in fact, the systems are likely to do just the opposite. According to the report, the digital ID has been dressed up as an “unstoppable juggernaut and inevitable hallmark of modernity and development in the 21st century,” causing dissenting voices to be “written off as Luddites and barriers to progress.” The authors argued for open debate “with full transparency and involving all relevant stakeholders,” including the most marginalized and most vulnerable. The authors, who include Christiaan van Veen, L.L.M., special advisor on new technologies and human rights to the United Nations, urged the human rights community and related civic society organizations to ensure that global decisions about the adoption of digital ID systems are not hastily made but are based on “serious evidence and analysis.” Where digital ID systems threaten human rights, the NYU researchers said, such endeavors should be “stopped altogether.” Who’s really profiting? “Governments around the world have been investing heavily in digital identification systems, often with biometric components,” the authors said in a statement. Digital ID systems that frequently collect biometric data — such as fingerprints, iris or other facial feature recognition — are being adopted to replace or complement non-digital government identification systems. According to an Access Now special report, in India in October 2021, digital ID systems — or “Big ID programs” as Access Now called them — are being pushed by a market of actors who sell and profit from digital ID systems and infrastructure, often while endangering the human rights of the people they’re supposed to benefit. The NYU researchers reached the same conclusion: “The rapid proliferation of such systems is driven by a new development consensus, packaged and promoted by key global actors like the World Bank, but also by governments, foundations, vendors and consulting firms.” Digital ID proponents argue the systems can contribute to inclusivity and sustainable development, with some going so far as to consider the adoption of digital ID systems a prerequisite for the realization of human rights. But the NYU researchers said they believe the “ultimate objective” of digital ID systems is to “facilitate economic transactions and private sector service delivery while also bringing new, poorer, individuals into formal economies and ‘unlocking’ their behavioral data.” “The promises of inclusion and flourishing digital economies might appear attractive on paper,” the researchers said, “but digital ID systems have consistently failed to deliver on these promises in real world situations, especially for the most marginalized.” The authors added: “In fact, evidence is emerging from many countries, most notably the mega digital ID project Aadhaar in India, of the severe and large-scale human rights violations linked to this model. These systems may in fact exacerbate pre-existing forms of exclusion and discrimination in public and private services. The use of new technologies may furthermore lead to novel forms of harm, including biometric exclusion, discrimination, and the many harms associated with ‘surveillance capitalism.’” The benefits of using digital ID are “ill-defined” and “poorly documented,” the NYU authors said. “From what evidence does exist, it seems that those who stand to benefit most may not be those ‘left behind,’ but instead a small group of companies and governments,” they wrote. They added: “After all, where digital ID systems have tended to excel is in generating lucrative contracts for biometrics companies and enhancing the surveillance and migration-control capabilities of governments.” More harm than good, especially for world’s most marginalized The authors did four things in their report. First, they examined the human rights impact of national digital ID systems and argued that a cost-benefit analysis of digital ID systems suggests they do more harm than good — especially for the world’s most marginalized individuals. “Through the embrace of digital technologies, the World Bank and a broader global network of actors has been promoting a new paradigm for ID systems that prioritizes what we refer to as ‘economic identity,’” the authors wrote. They added: “These systems focus on fueling digital transactions and transforming individuals into traceable data. They often ignore the ability of identification systems to recognize not only that an individual is unique, but that they have a legal status with associated rights. “Still, proponents have cloaked this new paradigm in the language of human rights and inclusion, arguing that such systems will help to achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals.” The authors added: “Like physical roads, national digital identification systems with biometric components (digital ID systems) are presented as the public infrastructure of the digital future. “Yet these particular infrastructures have proven to be dangerous, having been linked to severe and large-scale human rights violations in a range of countries around the world, affecting social, civil, and political rights.” Prioritizing ‘economic identity’ Next, the researchers looked at how an “identification for development” agenda driven by multiple global actors came into being. They discussed the digital ID system called Aadhaar that is currently being tried out by the government of India and the digital ID system promoted by the World Bank — Identification for Development, commonly called the ID4D Initiative. The ID4D Initiative draws inspiration from the highly criticized Aadhaar digital ID system in India. In the Aadhaar system, individuals are voluntarily assigned a 12-digit random number by the Unique Identification Authority of India — a statutory authority backed by the government of India — that establishes the “uniqueness” of individuals with the help of demographic and biometric technologies. This digital ID model, NYU report authors said, is dangerous because it prioritizes an “economic identity” for an individual. The model is not about an individual’s identity alone, confirmed Joseph Atick, Ph.D., executive chairman of the influential ID4Africa, a platform where African governments and major companies in the digital ID market meet. It’s about their economic interactions, Atick said. The ID4D model “enables and interacts with authentication platforms, payments systems, digital signatures, data sharing, KYC systems, consent management and sectoral delivery platforms,” Atick announced at the start of ID4Africa’s 2022 annual meeting in mid-June, at the Palais de Congrès in Marrakesh, Morocco. The authors of the NYU report criticized this model: “The goal then, is not so much identity as it is identification. The three interlinked processes of identification, registration, and authorization are an exercise of power. “Through this process, one actor acknowledges or denies another actor’s identity attributes. Individuals may be empowered through the process of identification, but such systems have long been used for the opposite purpose: to deny rights to certain groups and exclude them.” Third, the authors assessed the nitty-gritty details of how the World Bank and its network of proponents of digital ID systems worked to implement an “identification for development” agenda around the globe. They explained how the funding and governance of the ID4D Initiative operate, and claimed the World Bank and its corporate and governmental partners are “manufacturing consensus” by presuming that the shift to a digital ID model is inevitable, desirable and required for human progress. But this “manufactured consensus” lacks a basis, they said. “Concrete and robust evidence of the purported benefits associated with digital ID systems is rarely provided, it is merely asserted that digital ID will lead to inclusion and development,” the authors wrote. 3 steps privacy advocates can take Finally, the authors outlined what human rights organizations and other civil society actors can do by highlighting three modes of action: “Not so fast!” Organizations can demand that governmental adoption of digital ID systems not be rushed. The authors wrote: “Before any new or augmented digital ID systems are rolled out nationwide, it is vital to establish an evidence base and take all necessary steps to anticipate and mitigate possible harms in advance. Baseline studies, research into the specific context, cost-benefit analyses, value for money analyses, and impact assessments are necessary and should be demanded every step of the way.” “Make it public.” The design and possible implementation of a digital ID system need to be thoroughly discussed in democratic forums, including public media and Congress or parliaments. “Civil society organizations should demand openness with regard to plans, tenders, and the involvement of foreign governments and international organizations,” they said. “We are all stakeholders.” While the World Bank presents itself as a respected advisor to governments who should be allowed to shape and create governments’ digital ID policies, it is only one actor. “It is important to realize,” the authors wrote, “that, ultimately, everyone has a stake in systems of identification, digital or otherwise, which are essential to recognize individuals and effectuate their human rights.” They added: “More and more organizations and experts are beginning to grapple with the rapid spread of digital ID around the world, from digital rights organizations to groups representing people with disabilities, and from experts working on social and economic rights to development economists. “As this range of organizations grows, it will be crucial to share experiences, learn from one another, and coordinate advocacy.” Human rights alliances can ‘reimagine’ the ‘digital future’ According to the report, multidisciplinary and geographically diverse alliances can not only help to ensure digital ID systems are not deployed “in the harmful ways described in this primer,” but can “also help reimagine what the digital future without the particular model of ID systems promoted by the World Bank and others could look like.” They said: “As digital ID systems are determining the shape of governments and societies as we hurtle into the digital era, questions as to their form and design — and their very existence in the first place — are critical. “What alternative visions can we offer that will better safeguard human rights and preserve the gains of countless years of struggle to improve the recognition and institutionalization of rights? “When we bring together actors who want a society where the human rights of every individual and group are protected, what kinds of digital ID systems might we imagine? How might digital ID systems be designed to truly promote human well-being? “How would this alternative, rights-fulfilling vision differ from the economic, transactional identity described here, as promoted by the World Bank and others? Indeed, would we have digitalized identification systems at all?” The authors did not provide answers to these questions. Rather, they aimed to “bring together the excellent work that our partners, colleagues, and others have tirelessly undertaken around the world” and facilitate collaboration “to ensure that the future of digital ID enhances, rather than jeopardizes, the enjoyment of human rights.” Edited July 30, 2022 by Tom Nolan 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN July 31, 2022 The Comedian JP Sears of Austin, Texas often puts out some good content. The following is worth a watch. The visuals, on-screen labels and video clips in this 15 minute Video are profound. "Man is God" Transhumanism supported by World Leaders - or if censored Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN July 31, 2022 Edward Slavsquat is a moniker sometimes used by Riley Waggaman, an American writer and journalist based in Moscow. He contributes to Anti-Empire and Russian Faith, and previously worked for Press TV, RT and Russia Insider. Moscow to expand "safe & convenient" biometric payment system It's what technocrats crave! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN July 31, 2022 Israel's War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jul 31, 2022 - 06:35 AM Starting Monday, it will be a criminal offense in Israel to pay more than the equivalent of $1,700 in cash to a business or $4,360 in cash to individual, as the government intensifies its ongoing war on tangible money. It's a war that began in earnest with the 2018 passage of the Law for the Reduction in the Use of Cash. Israeli businesses and individuals began facing limits on cash transactions in January 2019. However, on Aug 1, those limits are being slashed nearly in half. “We want the public to reduce the use of cash money,” Tamar Bracha, who's responsible for carrying out the law for Israel’s Tax Authority, told The Media Line. “The goal is to reduce cash fluidity in the market, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash. By limiting the use of it, criminal activity is much harder to carry out.” Israel also limits the extent to which cash is used in transactions involving multiple payment methods. If the total transaction value is more than the above thresholds, cash may only be used for 10% of the purchase. Car purchases are given a higher, 50,000 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) limit -- about $14,700. Violators are subject to penalties that can reach 25% of the transaction for individuals and 30% for businesses. According to Israel National News, the government has amassed the equivalent of $5 billion in fines since restrictions began in 2019. Not all transactions are affected, as The Media Line explains: There are some exemptions to the new law: charitable institutions, which are most common in ultra-Orthodox society; and trade with Palestinians from the West Bank, who are not citizens of Israel. In the case of the latter, deals including large amounts of cash will be allowed, yet they will require a detailed report to Israel’s Tax Authority. However, in Israel's phased approach to eliminating cash from society, those exceptions are destined to expire. Next, Israel's finance ministry plans to deliver a proposal to parliament to criminalize the mere possession of cash exceeding a certain sum. One version of the proposal set the possession cap at the shekel equivalent of just $14,700. Limits like Israel's are just one way to work toward "de-cashing" a population. A 2017 International Monetary Fund paper outlined other tactics, including abolishing large-denomination bills, imposing reporting requirements on cash transactions over a certain threshold, requiring the declaration of cash when entering or leaving a country, or applying an additional tax when cash is used. Various countries and economic blocs have already started implementing measures from this menu. A war on cash isn't the only way Israel is leading the way to an authoritarian future; it has also: Started technical trials for a central bank digital currency, which could help eradicate cash and maximize control Implemented digital vaccination passports that helped bar the unvaxxed -- including those who were unboosted -- from participating in various aspects of life. Maintained a controversial database storing the biometric data of millions of citizens. Joined a group of eight countries working toward development of "digital identities." Aggressively implemented facial recognition programs. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,331 RG August 3, 2022 Spending a lot of cash on as much stuff as you can is more inconvenient but certainly harder to track. Move money in and out of accounts for no apparent reason will mess with an algorithm. It will make you look like a crazy criminal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites