Ron Wagner

How Far Have We Really Gotten With Alternative Energy

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On 6/27/2024 at 12:20 PM, notsonice said:

No, no its not "amazing" they flew an aircraft.  People have been doing that since 1903.  Anyone can do it. ????


battery powered with electric motors....Since must be back on the pipe

try reading the article

the next level ....2027/28 .......8 tonne airplane 2000 to 3000 KM on battery power alone......using CATL's electric aircraft project uses Condensed Battery, which has an energy density of up to 500 Wh/kg in a single cell,


will it happen???? my bet is yes............

the bigger question what is the limit for maximum possible energy storage Wh/KG in a is obvious the limit is not known today as battery energy density has doubled in just the past 7 years

here is where tech is right now  latest battery max is 711 Wh /kg accomplished/announced  in April of  2023

Chinese Researchers Announce 711 Wh/kg Lithium Battery - CleanTechnica


Luddites really do hate new technology........


Enjoy the new battery tech.....coming to your $10000 EV in the future....1000 miles on a charge???????

I have been reading battery tech for 40 years now.  I'll believe it when I can buy it and it lasts more than 500 cycles. without using exotic materials(probably every single above average blop shown)  Until then it is fraud.  Though supposedly there is a ~350Wh/kg "solid state" Taiwan battery so... progress***hopefully***

We have high extremely high density batteries, it is called (55MJ/kg-->CH4 --> 1 J = 1W 3600s/h = ~15,000Wh/kg) and it can be created multiple ways(drilled etc) and only requires about a ~25% loss in range of existing aircraft and actually might be less as that 25% loss is for a fighter aircraft whereas a passenger liner can use a MUCH more efficient turbine and maybe even a 2 stage turbine if we go with electric propulsion using CH4 turbine generators and that is using CNG, not LNG using 1990's tech(though I have not read a better flat pack CNG storage solution developed by the DoD at the time as everyone was crying about Oil running out) 

So, we know who the actual luddite is, and yes CNG should be in all trucks at this point

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18 minutes ago, said:

I have been reading battery tech for 40 years now.  I'll believe it when I can buy it and it lasts more than 500 cycles. without using exotic materials(probably every single above average blop shown)  Until then it is fraud. 

Why can't it use exotic materials? 

Did you predict 40 years ago we would have smartphones with >GB RAM everywhere? 

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8 hours ago, said:

I have been reading battery tech for 40 years now.  I'll believe it when I can buy it and it lasts more than 500 cycles. without using exotic materials(probably every single above average blop shown)  Until then it is fraud.  Though supposedly there is a ~350Wh/kg "solid state" Taiwan battery so... progress***hopefully***

We have high extremely high density batteries, it is called (55MJ/kg-->CH4 --> 1 J = 1W 3600s/h = ~15,000Wh/kg) and it can be created multiple ways(drilled etc) and only requires about a ~25% loss in range of existing aircraft and actually might be less as that 25% loss is for a fighter aircraft whereas a passenger liner can use a MUCH more efficient turbine and maybe even a 2 stage turbine if we go with electric propulsion using CH4 turbine generators and that is using CNG, not LNG using 1990's tech(though I have not read a better flat pack CNG storage solution developed by the DoD at the time as everyone was crying about Oil running out) 

So, we know who the actual luddite is, and yes CNG should be in all trucks at this point

 I'll believe it when I can buy it and it lasts more than 500 cycles. without using exotic materials....??????

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Batteries are now being sold everywhere

Lithium-ion Battery: Maxtela 12V 12Ah ...

Luddite, Enjoy the transition


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8 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

California autos are 97% fossil fuel...too bad.

Rome was not built in a day...Enjoy the transition


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China produces 80 percent of the world's solar panels — compared with the United States' 2 percent — and makes about two-thirds of the world's electric vehicles, wind turbines and lithium-ion batteries. That may be good for the Earth, which desperately needs to move away from fossil fuels to slow global warming.Mar 29, 2024

China is all in on green tech. The U.S. and Europe fear unfair ...

The West needs to figure out the pros and cons of letting China continue its aggressive geopolitics and the way it treats groups of its own citizens. 

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46 minutes ago, Ron Wagner said:
China produces 80 percent of the world's solar panels — compared with the United States' 2 percent — and makes about two-thirds of the world's electric vehicles, wind turbines and lithium-ion batteries. That may be good for the Earth, which desperately needs to move away from fossil fuels to slow global warming.Mar 29, 2024

China is all in on green tech. The U.S. and Europe fear unfair ...

The West needs to figure out the pros and cons of letting China continue its aggressive geopolitics and the way it treats groups of its own citizens. 

China definitely is embracing new techs and as we all know no one wants to turn back the clock in live in the world of Old tech.......


I do not thing the rulers in China really can turn back the clock and make it into a North Korea type state and why would they


just look at the progress in the whole world

Cell phones......anyone want to go back to a phone on a wall ??? no more wasted time waiting for the call that well never happen...Information or the movement of real life event information  is no longer a state controllable  function

banking......the bank is now accessible 24/7 even in China...good luck nationalizing everyone wealth

led lights.....amazing

Cars of any build   efficient and so much more ...easy to live in a car today ...anyone want to live in the 60s with crappy exhaust???? EVs in China.....well help clean up the air in doubt

computers.....hey the web is unbelievable ....everyone has access to knowledge and learning ...even 70 year olds can learn more in a few minutes everyday than people use to learn in a life time just 40 years ago easy even in China

Chinese only have on thing that can slow them down...their own rulers....which seem overall (fore the most part)  to stay out of the everyday life of the average Chinese these days ...


who fears who the most the collective mass of the average people  in china or the rulers in china

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11 hours ago, Ron Wagner said:

The West needs to figure out the pros and cons of letting China continue its aggressive geopolitics and the way it treats groups of its own citizens. 

Ah the arrogance of the USA.

What should they "[let China do]" like it is their right to control them.  The USA can't even control itself and is on the verge of another civil war.  This very website has hosted traitors plotting coup attempts.

If you read the article China is doing better for it's people than the USA...

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and the Green Agenda is now the Winner
The result has promising implications for the UK green economy with Labour’s intention to make Britain a ‘green energy superpower’. This includes promises to double onshore wind, treble solar power and quadruple offshore wind by 2030. The party is hoping to rid the national grid of fossil fuel generation entirely by that time.
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7 hours ago, notsonice said:
and the Green Agenda is now the Winner
The result has promising implications for the UK green economy with Labour’s intention to make Britain a ‘green energy superpower’. This includes promises to double onshore wind, treble solar power and quadruple offshore wind by 2030. The party is hoping to rid the national grid of fossil fuel generation entirely by that time.

That is a really aggressive suggested outcome to arrive at fruition in only 6 years.

Leadtimes on the vast amount of equipment/materials required to not only generate/store the replacement for fossil power, but equipment required for transmitting it into "the grid", alone, will be a huge impediment.  Then, it must be erected and commissioned as well.

I am not saying it is impossible. just VERY highly unrealistic.

I know there is are large DC ties to the continent, which has significant value, and it currently imports a lot more electrons than it exports. 

You guys better hang on to them there ties.

At least you are going in the direction the horse you are riding already is. 


Edited by turbguy

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3 hours ago, turbguy said:

That is a really aggressive suggested outcome to arrive at fruition in only 6 years.

Leadtimes on the vast amount of equipment/materials required to not only generate/store the replacement for fossil power, but equipment required for transmitting it into "the grid", alone, will be a huge impediment.  Then, it must be erected and commissioned as well.

I am not saying it is impossible. just VERY highly unrealistic.

I know there is are large DC ties to the continent, which has significant value, and it currently imports a lot more electrons than it exports. 

You guys better hang on to them there ties.

At least you are going in the direction the horse you are riding already is. 


Game  on

That is a really aggressive suggested outcome to arrive at fruition in only 6 years.???

well you have to have a positive political environment for it to happen and with the landslide in Labour taking over today with 412 seats (due largely in part to the civil war on the conservative side-----Farage has actually squashed  the conservative parties ability to block anything ) and the pushing aside the slowdown in the UK green agenda that the conservative Sunak has embraced the road is wide open

a Real , Aggressive...push in the Green Agenda now can take place thanks to Farage IE solar onshore wind with no real obstacles  and fast tracking pumped storage, battery storage and subsea links


Love Lafarges comments 

 Farage also said the Labour majority was “simply an anti-Conservative vote” and that his Reform party would now set its sights on Labour voters to build a national movement large enough to challenge the mainstream parties in a general election in 2029. 


He gets to wait 5 years....on the ability to sway Labour votes.....for the next general election is in 2029......ha ha ha... ....What did Farage actually accomplish????? a 5 year wait just to get a chance.......Booby Prize

Now we wait to see if the Labour party can make it happen during the next 5 years

Labour has secured 412 seats and the largest majority government in 25 years after historic general election results.


While the overall vote share for Keir Starmer’s party is only around two points higher than in 2019, their seat tally has doubled because of huge drops in Conservative support.


a shout out to Rob Plant I right or wrong on my assessment???????

Edited by notsonice

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4 hours ago, notsonice said:

Game  on

That is a really aggressive suggested outcome to arrive at fruition in only 6 years.???

well you have to have a positive political environment for it to happen and with the landslide in Labour taking over today with 412 seats (due largely in part to the civil war on the conservative side-----Farage has actually squashed  the conservative parties ability to block anything ) and the pushing aside the slowdown in the UK green agenda that the conservative Sunak has embraced the road is wide open

a Real , Aggressive...push in the Green Agenda now can take place thanks to Farage IE solar onshore wind with no real obstacles  and fast tracking pumped storage, battery storage and subsea links


Love Lafarges comments 

 Farage also said the Labour majority was “simply an anti-Conservative vote” and that his Reform party would now set its sights on Labour voters to build a national movement large enough to challenge the mainstream parties in a general election in 2029. 


He gets to wait 5 years....on the ability to sway Labour votes.....for the next general election is in 2029......ha ha ha... ....What did Farage actually accomplish????? a 5 year wait just to get a chance.......Booby Prize

Now we wait to see if the Labour party can make it happen during the next 5 years

Labour has secured 412 seats and the largest majority government in 25 years after historic general election results.


While the overall vote share for Keir Starmer’s party is only around two points higher than in 2019, their seat tally has doubled because of huge drops in Conservative support.


a shout out to Rob Plant I right or wrong on my assessment???????

I am not attempting to throw water on GB's fire.

I don't care about any "political support", although that certainly makes the goal more easily achievable.

I just want to point out the realities of the situation that are very apparent to me.

I certainly would be surprised that it would actually occur in that short of a timeline.   It's a good goal.



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5 minutes ago, turbguy said:

I am not attempting to throw water on GB's fire.

I don't care about any "political support", although that certainly makes the goal more easily achievable.

I just want to point out the realities of the situation that are very apparent to me.

I certainly would be surprised that it would actually occur in that short of a timeline.   It's a good goal.



time will tell........

here is the past year electricity generation mix  ...daily average


Nat Gas is heading to 0 somewhere in 2032 to 2033 as it is dropping 1GW a year  for the past 10 years

  Coal 0.35gw 1.2%
  Gas 8.73gw 29.3%
  Solar 1.43gw 4.8%
  Wind 9.54gw 32.0%
  Hydroelectric 0.42gw 1.4%
  Nuclear 4.33gw 14.5%
  Biomass 1.87gw 6.3%

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14 hours ago, notsonice said:

time will tell........

here is the past year electricity generation mix  ...daily average


Nat Gas is heading to 0 somewhere in 2032 to 2033 as it is dropping 1GW a year  for the past 10 years

  Coal 0.35gw 1.2%
  Gas 8.73gw 29.3%
  Solar 1.43gw 4.8%
  Wind 9.54gw 32.0%
  Hydroelectric 0.42gw 1.4%
  Nuclear 4.33gw 14.5%
  Biomass 1.87gw 6.3%

I don't see import/export from DC ties on that fuel list.

That should be available, unless it's already "factored in" to the figures.

Is it? I see right now that 14% is imports, mostly from France..

I hope you get more storage built and operational very quickly. 

I also hope that Nat Gas continues the trend you mentioned.  I just don't believe it's gonna go to zero by 2030.

Time WILL tell.

Edited by turbguy

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4 hours ago, turbguy said:

I don't see import/export from DC ties on that fuel list.

That should be available, unless it's already "factored in" to the figures.

Is it? I see right now that 14% is imports, mostly from France..

I hope you get more storage built and operational very quickly. 

I also hope that Nat Gas continues the trend you mentioned.  I just don't believe it's gonna go to zero by 2030.

Time WILL tell.

Is it? I see right now that 14% is imports, mostly from France..?????


yep, from France 

all nuclear generated electricity


and from Norway all Hydro generated Electricity


as for the trend I do not think the use of Nat Gas in the UK for electricity generation will be ever be eliminated  as you can bet the UK keeps the existing Nat Gas generators as backup as the UK has fairly large Nat Gas Storage reservoirs and their own Nat Gas reserves.

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How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses.  Which means 10's of millions of homes/businesses have to be redone... UK literally does not have enough service tech to do even a FRACTION of that work, let alone all of it. 

When this source of heat is removed, the Grid will have to DOUBLE in size to replace the heating alone even if we assume we can use a heat pump solution for everyone in the UK. 

There is a reason Texas uses 2X the power of the UK with half the population.  It "heats" with electricity... in this case--> Cools with electricity.

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19 minutes ago, said:

How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses.  Which means 10's of millions of homes/businesses have to be redone... UK literally does not have enough service tech to do even a FRACTION of that work, let alone all of it. 

When this source of heat is removed, the Grid will have to DOUBLE in size to replace the heating alone even if we assume we can use a heat pump solution for everyone in the UK. 

There is a reason Texas uses 2X the power of the UK with half the population.  It "heats" with electricity... in this case--> Cools with electricity.

you obviously need some new reading glasses


here is what I said

 I do not think the use of Nat Gas in the UK for electricity generation will be ever be eliminated 


I never said anything about for heating.....yet you babble on (as usual)

How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses


so I have only one question for much drugs are you using everyday???????

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19 hours ago, notsonice said:

you obviously need some new reading glasses


here is what I said

 I do not think the use of Nat Gas in the UK for electricity generation will be ever be eliminated 


I never said anything about for heating.....yet you babble on (as usual)

How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses


so I have only one question for much drugs are you using everyday???????

Ah, low IQ.  NG is used majority for heating, not electricity.  It is YOUR religion demanding an end to NG, not reality.  Suggest admitting to YOUR OWN religious TENANTS first. 

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13 minutes ago, said:

Ah, low IQ.  NG is used majority for heating, not electricity.  It is YOUR religion demanding an end to NG, not reality.  Suggest admitting to YOUR OWN religious TENANTS first. 

you obviously need some new reading glasses


here is what I said

 I do not think the use of Nat Gas in the UK for electricity generation will be ever be eliminated 


I never said anything about for heating.....yet you babble on (as usual)

How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses


so I have only one question for much drugs are you using everyday???????

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18 minutes ago, said:

Ah, low IQ.  NG is used majority for heating, not electricity.  It is YOUR religion demanding an end to NG, not reality.  Suggest admitting to YOUR OWN religious TENANTS first. 

Enjoy the fall


UK: natural gas consumption 2022 | Statista

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On 7/5/2024 at 6:48 PM, notsonice said:

Game  on

That is a really aggressive suggested outcome to arrive at fruition in only 6 years.???

well you have to have a positive political environment for it to happen and with the landslide in Labour taking over today with 412 seats (due largely in part to the civil war on the conservative side-----Farage has actually squashed  the conservative parties ability to block anything ) and the pushing aside the slowdown in the UK green agenda that the conservative Sunak has embraced the road is wide open

a Real , Aggressive...push in the Green Agenda now can take place thanks to Farage IE solar onshore wind with no real obstacles  and fast tracking pumped storage, battery storage and subsea links


Love Lafarges comments 

 Farage also said the Labour majority was “simply an anti-Conservative vote” and that his Reform party would now set its sights on Labour voters to build a national movement large enough to challenge the mainstream parties in a general election in 2029. 


He gets to wait 5 years....on the ability to sway Labour votes.....for the next general election is in 2029......ha ha ha... ....What did Farage actually accomplish????? a 5 year wait just to get a chance.......Booby Prize

Now we wait to see if the Labour party can make it happen during the next 5 years

Labour has secured 412 seats and the largest majority government in 25 years after historic general election results.


While the overall vote share for Keir Starmer’s party is only around two points higher than in 2019, their seat tally has doubled because of huge drops in Conservative support.


a shout out to Rob Plant I right or wrong on my assessment???????

Yeah I reckon your right

Regarding a lot of the large increases in green power this will come mainly from wind and further developments at Hornsea. A lot of the infrastructure (grid connections etc) is already in place, to answer some of Turbguy's concerns on timescales.

Hornsea offshore wind farms - where are they? | Ørsted (

Last year 38.4% of all powergen in the UK came from renewables (nuclear and biomass arent included in that figure (20.8%))

FF accounted for 30.3% of which coal was 0.35%

We imported 10.5% mainly from France (nuclear) and Norway (Hydro)


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On 7/7/2024 at 1:06 AM, said:

How delusional do you have to be to believe NG is going to 0 in less than a decade?   Less than a decade...  It is used for heating of homes/business in VAST MAJORITY Of UK homes/businesses.  Which means 10's of millions of homes/businesses have to be redone... UK literally does not have enough service tech to do even a FRACTION of that work, let alone all of it. 

When this source of heat is removed, the Grid will have to DOUBLE in size to replace the heating alone even if we assume we can use a heat pump solution for everyone in the UK. 

There is a reason Texas uses 2X the power of the UK with half the population.  It "heats" with electricity... in this case--> Cools with electricity.

We were discussing electricity generation NOT heating but as usual you comment on something without understanding the topic at hand.

Regarding heating, pretty much all of the commercial and domestic pipelines have been replaced to enable a 20% mix of hydrogen into the NG pipes to reduce emissions still further.

Hydrogen blending in GB distribution networks: strategic decision - GOV.UK (

20% Blended Hydrogen Mark (

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21 hours ago, Rob Plant said:

We were discussing electricity generation NOT heating but as usual you comment on something without understanding the topic at hand.

Regarding heating, pretty much all of the commercial and domestic pipelines have been replaced to enable a 20% mix of hydrogen into the NG pipes to reduce emissions still further.

Hydrogen blending in GB distribution networks: strategic decision - GOV.UK (

20% Blended Hydrogen Mark (

Foot in the mouth has real problems staying on guess is he is working full time on his tunneling scheme



Edited by notsonice
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21 hours ago, Rob Plant said:

Yeah I reckon your right

Regarding a lot of the large increases in green power this will come mainly from wind and further developments at Hornsea. A lot of the infrastructure (grid connections etc) is already in place, to answer some of Turbguy's concerns on timescales.

Hornsea offshore wind farms - where are they? | Ørsted (

Last year 38.4% of all powergen in the UK came from renewables (nuclear and biomass arent included in that figure (20.8%))

FF accounted for 30.3% of which coal was 0.35%

We imported 10.5% mainly from France (nuclear) and Norway (Hydro)


this was a quick one....Game on

20 hours ago  New UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves has announced the lifting of an “absurd” de facto ban on new onshore wind developments in England.
16 hours ago  'Absurd' onshore wind ban axed by new UK government. Labour's new chancellor says wind on land could also be brought back under national ...
14 hours ago  Rachel Reeves has ditched the Conservatives' “absurd onshore windfarm ban in a bid to reboot the economy, claiming the new Labour ...



Edited by notsonice
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On 7/8/2024 at 2:28 AM, Rob Plant said:

We were discussing electricity generation NOT heating but as usual you comment on something without understanding the topic at hand.

Regarding heating, pretty much all of the commercial and domestic pipelines have been replaced to enable a 20% mix of hydrogen into the NG pipes to reduce emissions still further.

Hydrogen blending in GB distribution networks: strategic decision - GOV.UK (

20% Blended Hydrogen Mark (

Lies, lies lies and more lies.   And no, no one is "just" talking electricity generation unless you are a bald faced liar. 

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11 hours ago, said:

Lies, lies lies and more lies.   And no, no one is "just" talking electricity generation unless you are a bald faced liar. 

Try reading the thread again pal, oh wait I forgot that was challenging for you.

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