How smart is Trump?

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Folks need to separate Trump from policies and positions. I happen to agree with some of what is going on, disagree with quite a bit, and completely abhor the lack of basic civility, and think this behavior will set back many of the causes he is pushing as the blowback. The democrat party of Clinton/Obama is right of Eisenhower. Trump is also resurrecting the far left.

And for the most part Trump, I don’t think he has a belief structure except for “me” and he’s tapped into a core that turn a blind eye, an example is the Evangelicals, an end justifies the means notion.

and the guy is clearly a crowd genius of sorts.  And he is straining the checks and balances of the system. We have to ask ourselves, are we really a country of laws. Even his most ardent support must acknowledge he is a pathological liar. 

I don’t think the defense of “he’s not a Democrat” is valid, but it works for many.

Half who can vote don’t. If Trump motivates them too vote, Republicans are going to lose a lot. The redistricting of congressionseats should protect Republicans for a while, plus the 2 senate seats for every small population state, but just as Trump has tappped into something, someone will tap into the other, and heaven help us if they are unethical.

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  On 8/4/2018 at 3:33 PM, John Foote said:

and heaven help us if they are unethical.


Unfortunately, John, it may be safely assumed and concluded that all will be unethical.  There seems to be some bizarre sorting mechanism that strains out the decent and leaves the rogues. 

Personally, I blame the media and the "operatives."  Everyone has some embarrassing moments in their past that they would just as soon not go resurrecting.  The "Operatives" from the various Parties go out to ferret all that out.  Then the media jubilantly go plaster that all over the pages of the press, both print and electronic.  So:  who wants to undergo that treatment?  Would you?  Not me.  And the net result is, only the totally venal end up running, and that becomes your selected crop of national leaders. 

The people in today's press are ugly, and they have no sense of class.  The people who work as "operatives" to go spy on the lives of candidates in the other parties are beyond ugly, they have this sociopathic paint on,  and they derive this weird sexual pleasure in hurting others and ruining lives.  Because the press rewards that behavior, you never see the end of it. 

Edited by Jan van Eck

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The modern press is mostly profit. And hence the echo chamber. Fox and CNN are atrocious. Fact wise, Fox probably worse, but it’s the framing of a fact, and opinions of pundits phrasing is where those two are out-to-lunch.

Prior to the Reagan years networks could only own five stations, and news reporting was somewhat regulated negating the bold lies of today. Today’s system is built to feed frenzies. We get what is rewarded. Plus the internet challenges and bots have really wrapped things.

Trump is not evil, and I agree with the Kochs, the system, not the disease. People need to be evidence based in their decisions, and most aren’t. Nothing new there. It’s the lack of civility, a breakdown of what I call the social contract, that is troubling. 

I wish every American had to spend real time in The Far East, Middle East, Africa, maybe some Eastern Europe. Too many Americans have no idea. Still a wonderful country, but nothing devine or magic, and we are shitting in our own lunchbox too often.

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Trump is a genius. And even that is an understatement. He is the best president of modern history. World wide. Period.

ISIS defeated in less than 6 months (Obama couldn't get it done in 8 years).

Peace talks with North Korea.

Record GDP

Record low unemployment

Record Tax revenue

Shrinking deficit

Record unemployment for minorities

Record wage growth.

NASA is going back to the moon.

Etc, etc


Now there's some liberals who whine about Trump's 'lack of civility'. Yet they have no problem with Democrats, including its leadership, that openly calls for violence, shows support for Antifa, calls for voter fraud, racism against whites and minorities that don't side with them. It is disgusting to see and to those who whine about that perceived 'lack of civility': look in the mirror, hypocrites. 


Remember when Obama quipped 'How will he achieve this? With a magic wand?'. No. With something you POS never had: with brains and patriotism.


As a result, support for Trump’s policies among black voters has doubled to 29% from 15% a year ago and from 6% before the elections. Plus the SCOTUS will be in the firm hands of constitutionals. This means the Dems are done. For generations.


Now build the wall, introduce e-verify, voter ID, get rid of the illegals and lock Hillary and her muslim mole Abedin up and it's perfect.


A nice side effect is that the left is showing its true face and it is extremely ugly. The leftist hatred, racism and bigotry is hard to stomach. The socialists have always been the party of nazis as the Nazi party was called Socialist Worker's Party.


Time to #WalkAway from the Democrats and socialism.

Edited by Moss Jones
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  On 8/4/2018 at 3:33 PM, John Foote said:

And for the most part Trump, I don’t think he has a belief structure except for “me”\


Trump gave up his lavish life style as a billionaire for no salary and 24/7 hate from the left and people like you to fix a country Democrats like Obama and the Clintons have ruined. 

It always amazes me how the sanctimonious left dare have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history. Don’t come around here acting morally superior to Trump or his supporters.

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I created an account just to reply to this thread.  You mean Mr. "I have the best words"?  Trump is terribly, horrifyingly stupid.  He must be among the lowest IQ presidents in history (certainly lower than any modern one) and, frankly, I'd be surprised if he could tie his shoes.  

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  On 8/4/2018 at 9:57 PM, Moss Jones said:

Trump gave up his lavish life style as a billionaire for no salary and 24. 

It always amazes me how the sanctimonious left dare have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history


I am not a left leaning, more a Libertarian by nature. Left or right, if you want history Hitler or Stalin, both extremely prolific on the dead body count, but go back another century, European colonialism. The Khans are up there for body count. Probably nothing comes close to using/abusing religion for killing. Anyone who “knows” and forces opinions, beware. Only thing worse, claiming God on your side.

the percentage of Europe that did itself over Protestant/Catholic is mind boggling. 100 million probably died in the India subcontinent alone as Islam conquered.

Historically we live in peaceful, prosperous times. 

The notion Trump is not massively profiting by his position is obscenely stupid or naive. We knew that and still voted him in, so I am fine with that. But that he is doing this without personal benefit? Grow up.

He clearly is a very intelligent person, but he is not civil, and revels in incindiary speech. You can loath Obama, or Bush, but were civil and loathed hate speech. Anyone who cannot manage simple respect doesn’t deserve it. 

For the nothing it’s worth, the Dems really messed up nominating, practically corinating Hillary. I give the the GOP props for letting Trump win the nomination. The formal organization did not want that.

Is it to much to ask to not be blatantly  lied to constantly? And it’s the voters fault, we reward it. But I don’t. 

The most important amendment, the 1st. Anyone who wants to tamper with that, Left, right, or central, they are against the USA and I don’t want them. Yes, there is always some fake news, Remember The Maine. But there is truth. And Shakespear is usually right, he who protests too much is usually the worst offender. 

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Can anyone figure out what President Trump will do next?  Not likely, so maybe Crazies like North Korea have met their match, and have some fear of their own for a change. 

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  On 8/4/2018 at 9:37 PM, Moss Jones said:

Trump is a genius. And even that is an understatement. He is the best president of modern history. World wide. Period.

ISIS defeated in less than 6 months (Obama couldn't get it done in 8 years).

Peace talks with North Korea.

Record GDP

Record low unemployment

Record Tax revenue

Shrinking deficit

Record unemployment for minorities

Record wage growth.

NASA is going back to the moon.

Etc, etc


Now there's some liberals who whine about Trump's 'lack of civility'. Yet they have no problem with Democrats, including its leadership, that openly calls for violence, shows support for Antifa, calls for voter fraud, racism against whites and minorities that don't side with them. It is disgusting to see and to those who whine about that perceived 'lack of civility': look in the mirror, hypocrites. 


Remember when Obama quipped 'How will he achieve this? With a magic wand?'. No. With something you POS never had: with brains and patriotism.


As a result, support for Trump’s policies among black voters has doubled to 29% from 15% a year ago and from 6% before the elections. Plus the SCOTUS will be in the firm hands of constitutionals. This means the Dems are done. For generations.


Now build the wall, introduce e-verify, voter ID, get rid of the illegals and lock Hillary and her muslim mole Abedin up and it's perfect.


A nice side effect is that the left is showing its true face and it is extremely ugly. The leftist hatred, racism and bigotry is hard to stomach. The socialists have always been the party of nazis as the Nazi party was called Socialist Worker's Party.


Time to #WalkAway from the Democrats and socialism.


Yep, and Conservatives maintain control of the supreme court, that is what was most important to me. Also:

ISIS defeated, I am sure the people that were victimized under their control are better off with Trump than Hillary or Obama.

North Korea Released prisoners and returning Korean war remains

Energy independence, embassy moved to Jerusalem, support of law enforcement and military

Patriotic and proud of Americas can do spirit instead of cowering before eurotrash nations and China.

Exposed the mainstream media for the true frauds they are (fake news).

Less people on food stamps and welfare and out working and being productive

Tried to repeal Obammy care but traitor songbird McCain backstabbed his voters. However, he got the horrid individual mandate eliminated.

Support for first & second amendment rights  etc...etc..

There is a lot to applaud President Trump for. You just have to see beyond the noisy political theater actions speak louder that the circus noise.



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  On 8/3/2018 at 6:21 PM, TXPower said:

Certainly, President Trump is un-conventional.  The cult of personality.  He stirs it up daily.  Whether there is a method or strategy to his madness, some grand plan behind the scenes, I know not.  Perhaps he is just winging it, shooting from the hip and making every decision from gut instinct or impulse.  I know not.  In spite of everything, the constant bashing he gets from the media, the "Collusion" investigation, the vitriol from Democrats and Socialists, he's getting stuff done.  How you feel about the stuff he's getting done will guide how smart or not you think he is.  Time will tell.


Nice comment that covers some very good points for consideration.  I do not direct my following comments to you, TXPower, I am only using your paragraph above to as a launch point:

The bashing that Trump receives daily from both his opponents and the MSM is abhorrent and at the very least disrespectful of the office, however I have very little sympathy.  During the Obama administration, I said a number of times that I would hate to be the next Republican president, because payback is going to be hell.  Well, here we are.  Not only did the Republicans absolutely, brutally, disingenuously, mercilously and despicably, try to tear Obama a new one, but they showed zero respect for the office and even less than zero respect for the citizenry by not paying any attention AT ALL to getting any work done while Obama was in office.

I hear all the time that the Democrats need to accept the fact that Hillary did not win and to get over it.  Well, I believe that is only part of it; the other part of it is they still sting from the way Obama and the presidency were treated during Obama's time in office.  Both parties are simply immature and self-centered and they carry on not as if they are sitting in the highest offices in the land, but as if they were sitting in home-room period in high school drumming up ideas to make the class like them more, since they can't play organized sports or socialize (OMG!) effectively with others.

Please understand, this comment is not about the accomplishments of any party or president, it is simply a statement as to the "fairness" of how this president or that is treated.  Make no mistake, if Hillary had been elected, she would be getting the same or worse treatment right now from the other side.

I think both sides deserve each other, but the American people and indeed the world deserve much, much better.

Edited by Dan Warnick
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Moss Jones might actually be the only person in this country dumber than Trump.  Wow.  Simply breathtaking.  Almost everything he said is either a flat-out lie or an over-exaggeration.  

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  On 8/1/2018 at 3:12 PM, 李伟王芳 said:

I am sure we are going to see a movie about all of this. I wonder who would play trump. Is Charlie Chaplin still around?


I wonder what Charlie Chaplin would have to say about whats happening today?


It's funny how comedians have often been among the smartest people around, and still are to this day.

Edited by Jason Lavis
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Yes, trump is a moron and captains a ship of fools. Jan van Eck you are SPOT ON with your assessment, spot on!!! "Oh lord how long can it last? Is it really near the end? Stuck down here in Mobile with the Memphis blues again!"

 When I first entered the working class market in 1973 I started in truck parts at $4.25 and hour. Today that equates to over $26 an hour. Factories up here in the western Michigan area BRAG about starting you at $12 an hour...45 years later. Yes unemployment is down...if you want to work for low wages and shop specials at Wally Mart and drive a beater.

 Just get out and vote BLUE in November PUHLEEZE!







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For the last 10 years the oil co's have struggled to find oil. Mankind uses almost 36 Billion Barrels P.A. At least that much must be befound each year to replace what is used. Last year only 7 Billion Barrels were found. Almost 30 BB short. We can't do that for long. We are in the end game of affordable oil. Cheers Gray

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  On 7/31/2018 at 4:53 PM, BillKidd said:

There is some great insight on this forum and I am curious about something.

Trump keeps himself in the news just about every day. He's a publicity whore. I'd say this is unprecedented. Now, I am not a Trump fan, I can't stand the guy but... all of these policy actions... it seems to me that there is no way Trump is smart enough to dream this stuff up. The guy can hardly compose an intelligent sentence. So, what's going on here? I have assumed all along that his handlers are the ones calling the shots and he's a puppet. Yes, he has a general agenda on this and that but I can't imagine him creating these policy moves. Is this a grand scheme by some 'group?' Some unbelievable conspiracy by some very powerful people to cause a huge shakeup globally?

It would be great to hear some opinions. He's such a loose cannon, the future is really dicey, and that does concern me as I am heavily invested in U.S. oil. For a very long time, decades, I have thought that the USA will collapse; the ponzi scheme economy can't go on forever. And with him at the top, it could be nigh. I can envision something big happening that could trigger a catastrophic meltdown. I guess the bottom line is that I can't see this ending well. I hope I'm wrong.




The Roaring Twenties ended when the Great Depression started.  I'm not sure it did cause it.  Wasn't is some NYC Jewish bank that had overextended loans ans when in trouble the WASP banks refused to come to the rescue.  It is also when the Federal Reserve was created and prevent such occurrences.  Not sure of what I'm posting here, there are so many interpretations of what happened, speculative WS bubble built on minimal margins, &c.


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Listen to Obama turn into a stuttering fool, when his teleprompter (briefly) stops working.


The difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump cares more about Americans than foreigners.

Trump knows more about business than politics.  Trump is willing to do what he thinks is right, despite the political costs.

Most politicians are professional liars (lawyer + public speaker).  Trump, on the other hand, is a terrible liar.

Edited by Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Osas
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He is the king of bankruptcy so....

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Trump likes to tell people he went to Wharton. What he really got from Wharton was essentially a real estate certificate. He didn't go thru their famed MBA business program and he didn't even get a degree in business. He brags about not reading books and says that he has the best words. He's an intellectual midget by and large.

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'Get er done'   There's a very long list of remarkable things (listed above) that Trump has done for the American People, therefore, he's done his job well!      He's an egomaniac - no kidding - so is everyone else posting on here!   Myself included!  Trump just has EARNED a bigger stage than we have.  

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The globalist  Liberal Western government elites are finished. These 'unpopulists' sowed the seeds of their own destruction after the 2007 financial crash by doing more of what caused the problem in the first place - creating excessive debt. People sense there is a divergence between the real economy of goods and services and the financial economy of debt, derivatives and QE...that is becoming increasingly important as rising energy costs drag on the economy. 

Trump is a consequence of that as is Brexit in the Uk and other European countries electing 'populists'. Americans like Britons see that prosperity is stagnant however much the elite tell us that the economy is growing. IF $2 of borrowing produce $1 of growth then that isn't sustainable..

Trump is right in that an economy cannot create real wealth by individuals  'doing each others washing'...nail bars, selling coffee etc.  That's what the Uk economy has favoured recently and the gap has been filled by cheap credit to support a consumer spending and house price boom...Time is running out

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  On 8/4/2018 at 10:46 PM, Daniel Jones said:

I created an account just to reply to this thread.  You mean Mr. "I have the best words"?  Trump is terribly, horrifyingly stupid.  He must be among the lowest IQ presidents in history (certainly lower than any modern one) and, frankly, I'd be surprised if he could tie his shoes.  


To be fair George Dubya Bush invaded Iraq destabilising the whole Middle East  creating ISIS,   despite the 9/11 attack originating in Afghanistan. Then he disbanded the Iraqi army and Police force and had no plan to rebuild the country. For knuckle headed stupidity that takes some beating. 

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  On 8/2/2018 at 4:44 AM, Guillaume Albasini said:

I think Trump will do more harm to the country than all US ennemies put together. He is the ideal president for all those who want to put an end to the US leadership. So not surprising he is Putin top choice.

Reelecting Trump is like reelecting Maduro. Hard to belive from a rational point of view but still a posible outcome.


care to give real reasons for this "do more harm" assumption please?

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  On 8/7/2018 at 1:39 AM, mcambl61 said:

care to give real reasons for this "do more harm" assumption please?


- Weakening alliances

- Hurting US exports

- Giving away the leadership to China in some technologies (renewables, EVs...)

- Multiplication of crisis

- Loosing markets (LNG exports to China)

- Erratic foreign policy

- Weakening the fight against global challenges (climate change)


But this is just a tiny part of a longer list

Edited by Guillaume Albasini
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I have seldom read more mindless prattle unless I am perusing Secular Socialist sites like Huffpost or MSNBC. The attacks on Trump are expected from non-Americans as he is ending the foreign scamming of the US that has been popular for decades. He is also unpopular with the DC crime syndicate. I have no illusions about President Trump who built his real estate empire through many shady deals. What terrifies the DC criminals is he is like a mafia capo that is turning states evidence. He has paid them all off at least once and knows where the bodies are buried. I give full credit to Obama for the election of Trump and truly appreciate all he has done. He exposed the government for the criminal enterprise it is by appointing the most corrupt stupid people to positions of power that they obviously abused. He broke the democrat party which resulted in running the most evil corrupt human being on the planet as Trump's adversary. Ultimately, Obama spent 8 years insulting half of the American electorate on a daily basis such that it motivated them to show up in unprecedented numbers that they even overwhelmed the massive voter fraud in cities like Philadelphia and Detroit.  

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/ edit:  site admin cleaned up the comments in this thread.


Hey guys, please knock off the name calling and insults. 

As a moderator, I can (and will if necessary) delete or clean up comments by others, in order to preserve forum decorum here.

Doesn't matter if you like or dislike Trump, any argument made with personal insults generally renders that argument useless and invalid.

Better to use cerebral grey cells for a proper discussion, rather than resorting to verbal sticks and stones.

Any questions, please feel free to message me.

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