Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN October 31, 2022 [Radiactive Dirty Bomb scenario also on THREAD. ] Irina's EXCERPT - "According to available information, representatives of this unit of the British Navy took part in the planning, provision and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on September 26 this year - blowing up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines," the Russian defense ministry said. Russia Accuses The British Navy Of Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipelines By Irina Slav - Oct 31, 2022, 2:06 AM CDT Moscow has pointed the finger at London for the explosions that put the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines out of commission. London has denied any involvement, Reuters reported this weekend. "According to available information, representatives of this unit of the British Navy took part in the planning, provision and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on September 26 this year - blowing up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines," the Russian defense ministry said. "To detract from their disastrous handling of the illegal invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defence is resorting to peddling false claims of an epic scale," the Foreign Office said in response. Four leaks, two in each of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, were discovered in early October after gas started leaking earlier this week from the infrastructure just outside Swedish and Danish territorial waters in the Baltic Sea. An investigation launched by the Swedish authorities concluded that the leaks were the result of detonations, likely the result of “serious sabotage”. The Swedish side refused to share the conclusions of its investigations with Russia but it said this week it will continue the investigation. The preliminary one did not end with naming a party responsible for the blasts. Stockholm also declined a joint investigation of the blasts with Denmark and Germany, citing national security concerns. The lead prosecutor on the case said Sweden was already cooperating with its two neighbors on the matter. Russia, meanwhile, started its own investigation of the blasts, with the company that operates the infrastructure saying at the end of last week that “After carrying out calibration works, the specialists will be ready within 24 hours to start the survey of the damaged area that would take three to five days according to current estimates,” Upstream reported. By Irina Slav for More Top Reads From Biden’s Plan To Refill The SPR Is Unlikely To Boost U.S. Oil Output Colombia Is On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis Biden Just Put A Floor Under Oil. Will It Work? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN October 31, 2022 Schrödinger's Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine The Corbett Report Oct 29 Remember way back in January of this year when I predicted that geopolitical strife—"the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation" during the scamdemic—would "come back with a vengeance" in 2022? Well, if the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February and the ramping up of tensions with China over Taiwan this past summer didn't convince you that the struggle for control of the grand (3D) chessboard has indeed "come back with a vengeance" this year, the events of this past week should be more than enough to dispel your doubts. First we had the news that Russia is ringing the alarm over a false flag dirty bomb attack that (they assert) the Ukrainians are planning to stage in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Then we had the US counter-warning that it's actually Russia who's planning to release nukes in Ukraine and the Kremlin's false flag warning is a trick to make everyone believe that the Ukrainians are going to do it. Is your head spinning yet? Mine, too. In fact, I think that's the point. Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics? Let's find out. THE BLAME GAME GOES NUCLEAR It passed through the newswires so quickly that you may have missed it at the time, but back in January the US intelligence community revealed itself to be populated by a bunch of tinfoil hat-wearing conspiraloons. Specifically, as the AP reported on January 15: US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House. The theory, in a nutshell, was that Russia—in seeking an excuse to kick off its invasion of Ukraine—had "dispatched operatives trained in urban warfare" who could "use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces" in the country. These attacks would then be blamed on the Ukrainian government, thus giving Putin an apparent casus belli to justify the decision to send Russian forces into Ukraine. Now, you'd think it would be pretty big news that the US government was openly promoting the very type of false flag conspiracy theory that it has so long denigrated as bark-raving lunacy, wouldn't you? Well, if you did think that, you'd be wrong. As I say, you may have never even heard that startling accusation when it was first made, and you'd be forgiven for having forgotten about it even if you did hear it at the time. After all, the theory proved groundless; no spectacular terror attack occurred to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But that wasn't the end of the story. Rather, the US government's very public accusation that the Kremlin was plotting a nefarious false flag conspiracy was in fact just the beginning of a new era of geopolitics. With false flag conspiracy theorizing having successfully transitioned from a topic entertained only by mentally disturbed kooks [See LINK] to a matter that can be solemnly discussed by level-headed paragons of mental acuity like unnamed "US intelligence officials," the floodgate had been opened. It was only a matter of time before other nations began bandying false flag allegations about on the world stage. And so it was that earlier this week the Russians began frantically warning anyone who would listen that the Ukrainians are preparing a false flag provocation of their own. According to a report from Russia's state-owned news agency, TASS, "[t]wo Ukrainian organizations have received concrete instructions to create a ‘dirty bomb’, and work on the bomb is nearing completion." In a briefing to journalists last Monday, Russia's Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov did not specify which Ukrainian "organizations" are alleged to be involved in this plan. He did, however, reiterate that those organizations "have concrete instructions to create a so-called dirty bomb"—a weapon that combines conventional explosives and radioactive material and which, when detonated, leaves behind an area of deadly radioactive fallout. Kirillov further asserted that "[w]ork [on the bomb] is at the final stage" and that "[t]he Russian Defense Ministry has data on contacts of the Ukrainian presidential office with the UK on the issue of potentially obtaining these nuclear technologies." Kirillov's press conference came hot on the heels of a flurry of phone calls that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made to his counterparts in Britain, France, Turkey and the US last Sunday to warn them of the plot. Unsurprisingly, Shoigu was rebuffed by those officials, who immediately went on the record to dismiss Russia's false flag concerns as an "absolute and quite predictable absurdity." This has not dissuaded Russia from pursuing the matter. In fact, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations even raised the allegation at a closed door session of the UN Security Council on Thursday. Although that session didn't result in any Security Council action on the alleged plot, it did convince the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency to send inspectors to Ukraine in the coming days "to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities and material." Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the threat of a dirty bomb being used as a provocation in any situation is disturbing enough. The threat of a dirty bomb in a false flag provocation designed to dupe the international community into hasty action against an innocent target is even more troubling. The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation being used in the middle of an ongoing military conflict is yet more dangerous. The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation taking place in Ukraine specifically—where one wrong move could send the world tumbling into all-out war between Russia and the US—is profoundly worrying. But the prospect of such a scenario playing out in Ukraine right now—right in the midst of nuclear war games being played simultaneously by Russia and NATO, when both sides are already preparing for a full-scale nuclear war and the Pentagon is announcing that it will no longer rule out a nuclear first use strategy—is the most sinister scenario of all. And if you thought this game of nuclear Russian roulette was crazy, just you wait. It gets even worse! THE FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG Given the situation in Ukraine and given the state of NATO/Russian relations, it is no surprise whatsoever that the West has been quick to denounce Russia's dirty bomb false flag accusation as disinformation. Nor is it surprising that the dinosaur media have taken it upon themselves to "fact check" Russia's allegations. No, none of that is surprising. What is surprising is that the US State Department and its friends around the world are not simply denouncing the Russians as wild-eyed conspiracy cranks for daring to suggest that false flag operations exist. No. They're going one step further. US State Department spokesman Ned Price, for one, has used the affair to remind Moscow "about the severe consequences that would result from nuclear use" in Ukraine, warning that there "would be consequences for Russia whether it uses a dirty bomb or a nuclear bomb." Wait. Stop. Re-read that. Do you see what's happening? The US is now implying that Russia's warning about a planned Ukrainian false flag operation is itself a false flag operation. In the State Department's narrative, it is Russia that is thinking of deploying a dirty bomb, and Russia's talk of a Ukrainian dirty bomb is part of a false flag deception to convince the world that any nuclear device going off in Ukraine is the work of Kiev, not Moscow. As we see, the US has gone a level deeper! It's suggesting a False Flag False Flag—a false flag operation to create the impression of a false flag operation! Now that's some Christopher Nolan-level, Inception-type, 5D backgammon thinking right there. I thought I'd seen some crazy conspiracy theories in my day, but apparently the online crazies have nothing on the State Department crazies. Of course, if we were to take this idea seriously even for a moment, the most cursory analysis would instantly reveal this particular False Flag False Flag narrative to be cartoon-level nonsense. Why would Russia go to the trouble of ginning up a fake false flag accusation in order to cover up its use of a dirty bomb—an incredibly ineffective weapon that serves no military purpose in an active combat situation? What conceivable Russian military objective would be advanced by perpetrating such an elaborate and strategically useless plot? Would they use the dirty bomb and its aftermath to justify . . . continuing their military operation in Ukraine? But they're already there. It just makes no sense. But to examine the False Flag False Flag plot rationally would be to miss the point. These accusations and counter-accusations are not about a sincere attempt to understand and accurately convey the truth about what is happening in the world. They are about something else entirely: weaponizing information itself in the ongoing, never-ending, ever-intensifying fifth-generation war on us. And the ultimate goal of this weapon is to obliterate the concept of truth altogether. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? I have often remarked that one of the "wins" of the 9/11 Truth Movement is that the truthers have succeeded in educating the public about the existence of false flag attacks. Two decades ago, most people would react to the suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job with genuine bewilderment: "Why would the government attack itself?" But today, the vast majority of the public understands the utility of staging spectacular terror attacks in order to blame those attacks on their enemies—thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of those valiant conspiracy realists who have worked to inform the public about the history of such operations. But now that false flag accusations have become so much a part of political discourse that they're being bandied back and forth at the international level, a critical shift has taken place. Henceforth, no event of any significance will ever be taken at face value. Think about it this way: if a dirty bomb were to go off in Ukraine next week, it would instantly become Schrödinger's bomb. If you think Russia Good/NATO Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Ukrainian false flag. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Russians were responsible, you'll know that the evidence isn't trustworthy. It's a psyop! It's fake news! It's a deep fake video! It's not real! And if you think NATO Good/Russia Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Russian attack. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Ukrainians were responsible, you'll know that the evidence isn't trustworthy. It's a psyop! It's fake news! It's a deep fake video! It's not real! In the house of mirrors that is the False Flag False Flag psyop, whatever happens will only ever enforce our existing beliefs. And it isn't hard to imagine how things could get even more insane. What if the Russians were to point to the US State Department's False Flag False Flag theory as a False Flag False Flag False Flag—an attempt to cover up a false flag operation by portraying the enemy's warnings about your false flag operation as a false flag operation? And then we could have a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and . . . etc., etc., ad infinitum. Yes, this is it, folks. Pandora's box has been opened. We have truly entered the "post-truth world" that the elitists have been warning us about. But as it turns out, their warning about the post-truth world wasn't a warning at all; it was a promise. In a world of deep fakes and false flags and fake whistleblowers and completely mediated "reality," what is truth, anyway? That, my friends, is a question for another day. All I know is that the False Flag False Flag hypothesis and the uncorking of the bottle that it entails is, in a sense, even more dangerous than a mere nuclear conflagration. After all, in the event of global thermonuclear war, the worst-case scenario is that we get bombed back to the Stone Age and have to start human civilization from scratch. But hey, at least in that case the Fourth Industrial Revolution would have to be postponed a millennium or two! But when Schrödinger's bomb goes off, we run the risk of losing our ability to ascertain truth itself. Buckle up, everyone. Regardless of what happens in Ukraine in the coming weeks, we have just started our descent into a new geopolitical era, and it's going to be a much wilder ride than even the most battle-hardened conspiracy realists can imagine. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,198 November 4, 2022 On 10/31/2022 at 4:48 AM, Tom Nolan said: responsible for the blasts. Stockholm also declined a joint investigation of the blasts with Denmark and Germany, citing national security concerns. The lead prosecutor on the case said Sweden was already cooperating with its two neighbors on the matter. Let me get this straight... Sweden in effect, just admitted THEY blew up the pipelines as their, "HELLO" let us join NATO gesture of good faith? Hrmm, think I will have to give higher praise to the armed forces of Sweden! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN November 5, 2022 On 10/31/2022 at 7:08 AM, Tom Nolan said: Schrödinger's Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine The Corbett Report Oct 29 Remember way back in January of this year when I predicted that geopolitical strife—"the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation" during the scamdemic—would "come back with a vengeance" in 2022? Well, if the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February and the ramping up of tensions with China over Taiwan this past summer didn't convince you that the struggle for control of the grand (3D) chessboard has indeed "come back with a vengeance" this year, the events of this past week should be more than enough to dispel your doubts. First we had the news that Russia is ringing the alarm over a false flag dirty bomb attack that (they assert) the Ukrainians are planning to stage in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Then we had the US counter-warning that it's actually Russia who's planning to release nukes in Ukraine and the Kremlin's false flag warning is a trick to make everyone believe that the Ukrainians are going to do it. Is your head spinning yet? Mine, too. In fact, I think that's the point. Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics? Let's find out. THE BLAME GAME GOES NUCLEAR It passed through the newswires so quickly that you may have missed it at the time, but back in January the US intelligence community revealed itself to be populated by a bunch of tinfoil hat-wearing conspiraloons. Specifically, as the AP reported on January 15: US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House. The theory, in a nutshell, was that Russia—in seeking an excuse to kick off its invasion of Ukraine—had "dispatched operatives trained in urban warfare" who could "use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces" in the country. These attacks would then be blamed on the Ukrainian government, thus giving Putin an apparent casus belli to justify the decision to send Russian forces into Ukraine. Now, you'd think it would be pretty big news that the US government was openly promoting the very type of false flag conspiracy theory that it has so long denigrated as bark-raving lunacy, wouldn't you? Well, if you did think that, you'd be wrong. As I say, you may have never even heard that startling accusation when it was first made, and you'd be forgiven for having forgotten about it even if you did hear it at the time. After all, the theory proved groundless; no spectacular terror attack occurred to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But that wasn't the end of the story. Rather, the US government's very public accusation that the Kremlin was plotting a nefarious false flag conspiracy was in fact just the beginning of a new era of geopolitics. With false flag conspiracy theorizing having successfully transitioned from a topic entertained only by mentally disturbed kooks [See LINK] to a matter that can be solemnly discussed by level-headed paragons of mental acuity like unnamed "US intelligence officials," the floodgate had been opened. It was only a matter of time before other nations began bandying false flag allegations about on the world stage. And so it was that earlier this week the Russians began frantically warning anyone who would listen that the Ukrainians are preparing a false flag provocation of their own. According to a report from Russia's state-owned news agency, TASS, "[t]wo Ukrainian organizations have received concrete instructions to create a ‘dirty bomb’, and work on the bomb is nearing completion." In a briefing to journalists last Monday, Russia's Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov did not specify which Ukrainian "organizations" are alleged to be involved in this plan. He did, however, reiterate that those organizations "have concrete instructions to create a so-called dirty bomb"—a weapon that combines conventional explosives and radioactive material and which, when detonated, leaves behind an area of deadly radioactive fallout. Kirillov further asserted that "[w]ork [on the bomb] is at the final stage" and that "[t]he Russian Defense Ministry has data on contacts of the Ukrainian presidential office with the UK on the issue of potentially obtaining these nuclear technologies." Kirillov's press conference came hot on the heels of a flurry of phone calls that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made to his counterparts in Britain, France, Turkey and the US last Sunday to warn them of the plot. Unsurprisingly, Shoigu was rebuffed by those officials, who immediately went on the record to dismiss Russia's false flag concerns as an "absolute and quite predictable absurdity." This has not dissuaded Russia from pursuing the matter. In fact, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations even raised the allegation at a closed door session of the UN Security Council on Thursday. Although that session didn't result in any Security Council action on the alleged plot, it did convince the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency to send inspectors to Ukraine in the coming days "to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities and material." Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the threat of a dirty bomb being used as a provocation in any situation is disturbing enough. The threat of a dirty bomb in a false flag provocation designed to dupe the international community into hasty action against an innocent target is even more troubling. The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation being used in the middle of an ongoing military conflict is yet more dangerous. The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation taking place in Ukraine specifically—where one wrong move could send the world tumbling into all-out war between Russia and the US—is profoundly worrying. But the prospect of such a scenario playing out in Ukraine right now—right in the midst of nuclear war games being played simultaneously by Russia and NATO, when both sides are already preparing for a full-scale nuclear war and the Pentagon is announcing that it will no longer rule out a nuclear first use strategy—is the most sinister scenario of all. And if you thought this game of nuclear Russian roulette was crazy, just you wait. It gets even worse! THE FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG Given the situation in Ukraine and given the state of NATO/Russian relations, it is no surprise whatsoever that the West has been quick to denounce Russia's dirty bomb false flag accusation as disinformation. Nor is it surprising that the dinosaur media have taken it upon themselves to "fact check" Russia's allegations. No, none of that is surprising. What is surprising is that the US State Department and its friends around the world are not simply denouncing the Russians as wild-eyed conspiracy cranks for daring to suggest that false flag operations exist. No. They're going one step further. US State Department spokesman Ned Price, for one, has used the affair to remind Moscow "about the severe consequences that would result from nuclear use" in Ukraine, warning that there "would be consequences for Russia whether it uses a dirty bomb or a nuclear bomb." Wait. Stop. Re-read that. Do you see what's happening? The US is now implying that Russia's warning about a planned Ukrainian false flag operation is itself a false flag operation. In the State Department's narrative, it is Russia that is thinking of deploying a dirty bomb, and Russia's talk of a Ukrainian dirty bomb is part of a false flag deception to convince the world that any nuclear device going off in Ukraine is the work of Kiev, not Moscow. As we see, the US has gone a level deeper! It's suggesting a False Flag False Flag—a false flag operation to create the impression of a false flag operation! Now that's some Christopher Nolan-level, Inception-type, 5D backgammon thinking right there. I thought I'd seen some crazy conspiracy theories in my day, but apparently the online crazies have nothing on the State Department crazies. Of course, if we were to take this idea seriously even for a moment, the most cursory analysis would instantly reveal this particular False Flag False Flag narrative to be cartoon-level nonsense. Why would Russia go to the trouble of ginning up a fake false flag accusation in order to cover up its use of a dirty bomb—an incredibly ineffective weapon that serves no military purpose in an active combat situation? What conceivable Russian military objective would be advanced by perpetrating such an elaborate and strategically useless plot? Would they use the dirty bomb and its aftermath to justify . . . continuing their military operation in Ukraine? But they're already there. It just makes no sense. But to examine the False Flag False Flag plot rationally would be to miss the point. These accusations and counter-accusations are not about a sincere attempt to understand and accurately convey the truth about what is happening in the world. They are about something else entirely: weaponizing information itself in the ongoing, never-ending, ever-intensifying fifth-generation war on us. And the ultimate goal of this weapon is to obliterate the concept of truth altogether. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? I have often remarked that one of the "wins" of the 9/11 Truth Movement is that the truthers have succeeded in educating the public about the existence of false flag attacks. Two decades ago, most people would react to the suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job with genuine bewilderment: "Why would the government attack itself?" But today, the vast majority of the public understands the utility of staging spectacular terror attacks in order to blame those attacks on their enemies—thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of those valiant conspiracy realists who have worked to inform the public about the history of such operations. But now that false flag accusations have become so much a part of political discourse that they're being bandied back and forth at the international level, a critical shift has taken place. Henceforth, no event of any significance will ever be taken at face value. Think about it this way: if a dirty bomb were to go off in Ukraine next week, it would instantly become Schrödinger's bomb. If you think Russia Good/NATO Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Ukrainian false flag. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Russians were responsible, you'll know that the evidence isn't trustworthy. It's a psyop! It's fake news! It's a deep fake video! It's not real! And if you think NATO Good/Russia Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Russian attack. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Ukrainians were responsible, you'll know that the evidence isn't trustworthy. It's a psyop! It's fake news! It's a deep fake video! It's not real! In the house of mirrors that is the False Flag False Flag psyop, whatever happens will only ever enforce our existing beliefs. And it isn't hard to imagine how things could get even more insane. What if the Russians were to point to the US State Department's False Flag False Flag theory as a False Flag False Flag False Flag—an attempt to cover up a false flag operation by portraying the enemy's warnings about your false flag operation as a false flag operation? And then we could have a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and . . . etc., etc., ad infinitum. Yes, this is it, folks. Pandora's box has been opened. We have truly entered the "post-truth world" that the elitists have been warning us about. But as it turns out, their warning about the post-truth world wasn't a warning at all; it was a promise. In a world of deep fakes and false flags and fake whistleblowers and completely mediated "reality," what is truth, anyway? That, my friends, is a question for another day. All I know is that the False Flag False Flag hypothesis and the uncorking of the bottle that it entails is, in a sense, even more dangerous than a mere nuclear conflagration. After all, in the event of global thermonuclear war, the worst-case scenario is that we get bombed back to the Stone Age and have to start human civilization from scratch. But hey, at least in that case the Fourth Industrial Revolution would have to be postponed a millennium or two! But when Schrödinger's bomb goes off, we run the risk of losing our ability to ascertain truth itself. Buckle up, everyone. Regardless of what happens in Ukraine in the coming weeks, we have just started our descent into a new geopolitical era, and it's going to be a much wilder ride than even the most battle-hardened conspiracy realists can imagine. More on the DIRTY BOMB False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag scenario... UN Team Is Inspecting Ukrainian Sites For Traces Of Alleged 'Dirty Bomb' by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Nov 01, 2022 - 11:01 AM The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi on Tuesday confirmed that a team of weapons inspectors is on the ground in Ukraine examining sites that Russia recently named in connection to an alleged Ukrainian 'dirty bomb' plot. Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia submitted a formal letter to other UN Security Council members last week which charged Ukraine’s nuclear research facility and mining company was creating a bomb with radioactive material on orders from President Zelensky himself. Russia's state news agency, RIA, had named the two sites as the Eastern Mineral Enrichment Plant in the central Dnipropetrovsk region and the Institute for Nuclear Research in Kiev. The letter alleged that Ukrainian technicians "received direct orders from Zelenskyy’s regime to develop such a dirty bomb." Kiev and its Western backers quickly condemned the claims as "transparently false". According to the IAEA's Grossi, "inspections had begun at two locations in Ukraine and would soon be completed. The inspections had been requested by Kyiv in the wake of the Russian allegations," according to The Associated Press. The UN agency had on Sunday described the mission as follows: "The purpose of the safeguards visits is to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities and material." The inspectors reportedly haven't found anything, and the UN agency additionally briefed reporters on the following: The International Atomic Energy Agency has said the investigated sites "are under IAEA safeguards and have been visited regularly by IAEA inspectors," whose mission is detecting undeclared nuclear activities and materials related to the development of dirty bombs. "The IAEA inspected one of the two locations a month ago and no undeclared nuclear activities or materials were found there," the agency said in a statement Monday. Last month Russia began alleging that a 'dirty bomb' detonation, which would spread radioactive waste and potentially contaminate large urban areas, was being prepared by Ukrainian forces so that such a mass casualty WMD incident could be blamed on Moscow, in order to justify greater Western intervention. The US last week pointed the finger at Moscow for allegedly preparing a 'false flag' event in Ukraine... [SEE VIDEO] There would be consequences for Russia if it uses a so-called "dirty bomb" or any other nuclear weapon, U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Monday Amid the false flag claims France ominously warned days ago that the crisis is "trending towards uncontrollable escalation" and urged the warring sides to find a diplomatic opening for peace talks. 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Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN November 5, 2022 Russia Warns That World's 5 Nuclear Powers Are On Brink Of "Direct Armed Conflict" by Tyler Durden Saturday, Nov 05, 2022 - 10:30 AM Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times, Russia’s foreign ministry said it fears that the world’s five declared nuclear powers are “on the brink of a direct armed conflict,” with Moscow warning of a catastrophic fallout and insisting that avoiding a clash is its top priority. [ARTICLE CONTINUES] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RichieRich216 + 454 RK November 6, 2022 Russia blames everyone for their problems and must get clued in from Biden.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites