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For the last time I do not own any Tesla stock.

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1 hour ago, specinho said:

Musk's brother is selling the stock; Elon cut his share from majority share holder to ~10%. His afro-white group is dumping the share.

Sell it quick.

Sell high is a good idea.

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On 11/30/2024 at 8:15 AM, TailingsPond said:

Tesla wants the subsidies removed. They want other EV manufacturers to suffer, they have more than enough money to weather the storm.  Smaller manufactures do not have as big a war chest (less than half the money).  It is a long-term plan that long-term investors think will work.

Company valuation is not the company gambling.  You could argue the investors themselves are gambling but the company is not, people are sending them perfectly good money. They gained 3.7% in one day!  3.7% of 1.04 trillion is a massive amount of incoming money.  Bumped their market cap to 1.08T

+$3,848,000,0000 in one day. That is real money coming in from investors. Do the math on that!

They could now just operate like a bank and not make any damn cars.

Loved your recent post

".....+$3,848,000,0000 in one day. That is real money coming in from investors. Do the math on that! They could now just operate like a bank and not make any damn cars".??????
you really are a were babbling non-stop how great Tesla is......and now?????

ha ha ha ha ha

you did babble and not make any damn cars.???? at least you got that right...... no one is buying them anymore...lets see how long Tesla lasts before they are out of need to produce that no one wants...seems the EV buyers have moved onto better EVs made by Teslas rivals......

I expect Elon will force Tesla employees to write 5 things they have done at work soon and Elon will then fire the standard reply will be Sat on their assess awaiting an order ha ha ha ha ha ha 


Expect his plants to shut down for months at a time as Teslas are stacking up behind fences now with no buyers in sight....Leased cars being returned with no one wanting to lease again....see the article below

and the part about They could now just operate like a bank?????

really can Tesla sell more shares into the market????? buy back its stock from investors that bought into your own BS and make investors whole ??????

Please Mr. Tesla explain how they can operate just like a bank?????............You wrote the garbage now you can write how  Elon can run Tesla......just like a bank....


The Tesla piggy bank is disappearing fast




Edited by notsonice

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Loved your recent post

".....+$3,848,000,0000 in one day. That is real money coming in from investors. Do the math on that! They could now just operate like a bank and not make any damn cars".??????
you really are a were babbling non-stop how great Tesla is......and now?????

ha ha ha ha ha

you did babble and not make any damn cars.???? at least you got that right...... no one is buying them anymore...lets see how long Tesla lasts before they are out of need to produce that no one wants...seems the EV buyers have moved onto better EVs made by Teslas rivals......

I expect Elon will force Tesla employees to write 5 things they have done at work soon and Elon will then fire the standard reply will be Sat on their assess awaiting an order ha ha ha ha ha ha 


Expect his plants to shut down for months at a time as Teslas are stacking up behind fences now with no buyers in sight....Leased cars being returned with no one wanting to lease again....see the article below

and the part about They could now just operate like a bank?????

really can Tesla sell more shares into the market????? buy back its stock from investors that bought into your own BS and make investors whole ??????

Please Mr. Tesla explain how they can operate just like a bank?????............You wrote the garbage now you can write how  Elon can run Tesla......just like a bank....


The Tesla piggy bank is disappearing fast




You need to let this go.

I pointed out that Tesla was rising fast (it was) and they do, in fact, have more money then some major banks.

Why are you hunting for some sort of capitulation from me? Nothing I wrote was wrong.



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Why were steam engines replaced? 

Edited by specinho
  • Haha 1

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On 3/1/2025 at 2:56 PM, TailingsPond said:

You need to let this go.

I pointed out that Tesla was rising fast (it was) and they do, in fact, have more money then some major banks.

Why are you hunting for some sort of capitulation from me? Nothing I wrote was wrong.



Nothing I wrote was wrong?????

do you not even bother to read your own comments???????


here is some of your other winners

Tesla does not need to make cars any more.  They own the executive branch and have 1.26T in valuation. For real, listed on a regulated market.

Tesla owns the executive branch?????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


Spout off all you want, the market forces don't care what you think.  There is extreme investor confidence in Tesla - that is what is making them insane amounts of money.

Love your bs 

 There is extreme investor confidence in Tesla - that is what is making them insane amounts of money.

yeah , you were pumping how great Tesla was and now you hide from your comments.......

where is this insane amount of money????? Pooffffffffffffffffffffffffff gone  now they are losing insane amounts of Money

a house of cards, built by the CEO moron.........

and you were blabbing about how 

".....+$3,848,000,0000 in one day. That is real money coming in from investors. Do the math on that! They could now just operate like a bank and not make any damn cars".??????

Now your love affair with Tesla and Elon is gone?????? 


now for your personal comment directed to me, on Dec 10, 2024

Spout off all you want, the market forces don't care what you think.....

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ....................

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
279.64 USD−13.34 (4.55%)today
Mar 3, 3:24 PM EST • Disclaimer
The fall is not over............................the market forces don't care what you think


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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Nothing I wrote was wrong?????



Tesla 891.9B Market cap (+51% for the last year).  Great investment.

Compare that to Ford 37.B Market cap (-26.3% for the last year).  Crap investment.

Telsa is not gone - not by a long shot.  Just drop this nonsense already.  Tesla is up, not down, in any significant time frame.

Join the losers club if you want.  You seem reasonable about most things except this.  Just stop denying reality and I won't shame you.

Edited by TailingsPond

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17 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

Tesla 891.9B Market cap (+51% for the last year).  Great investment.

Compare that to Ford 37.B Market cap (-26.3% for the last year).  Crap investment.

Telsa is not gone - not by a long shot.  Just drop this nonsense already.  Tesla is up, not down, in any significant time frame.

Join the losers club if you want.  You seem reasonable about most things except this.  Just stop denying reality and I won't shame you.

Did you catch the price today...Oh my your beloved Tesla Shares are crapping out many times has it now crapped out since Elon joined Trump (looks like a great time to exit was Dec 17 2024).........


market Cap coming close to dropping in half in less than 3 months....oh my what a great stock...ha ha ha ha ha

Now it is just a company heading for bankruptcy....No one is buying a Tesla anymore one....Used Teslas are stacking up on dealers lots everywhere............yet no buyers...same for new Teslas


pull your head out of your ass (If you can manage) and look at the Brand destruction Elon has unleashed on his own company and his shareholders.........It is not reversible at this point


Shareholder lawsuits will wipe out Elon ...he will be ousted very soon out of Tesla...but it will not matter..the damage has been done...

again no one will buy a Tesla anymore nor its stock


Will Elon dump shares to get some cash.............Morgan Stanley is not happy these days with their loans to Elon with Tesla shares backing the loans.

Tesla 891.9B Market cap (+51% for the last year).  Great investment.??????

Never was ...unless you enjoy Ponzi schemes .....always looking to scam the next low IQ investor with BS the Elon way...Tesla is a classic pump the public with wild Dreams IE Elon BS babble. Now the shareholders are getting creamed

go ahead and dump your savings into Tesla today...put your money where your mouth is....if it was a great investment last year should be today.....Based on your fundamentals??? ha ha ha ha ha ha 

You seem to love the opportunities that surround one else does

lots of losers who bought above $260 (+51% for the last year).  Great investment.???????? now they are losers

and the way it is going anyone holding Tesla who paid more than $200 will be out serious bank very soon

the Tesla house of cards on its share price is crashing all the way down to less than $100 ....and fast


Dude Tesla stock no longer it is a pile of crap...Stock is still way overpriced today and in light of crashing sales............

The house of cards has got a lot of room to fall more.....enjoy eating your BS on how Tesla is so great

but you still think it is great???? again jump in and buy Tesla...........

Many shareholders today who bought into you BS are looking to unload their shares

you just do not know when to give up on your love for Tesla


Market Summary > Tesla Inc

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Did you catch the price today...Oh my your beloved Tesla Shares are crapping out again..


You lack reading comprehension.

Read what I wrote.  I do not "love Tesla"  I was reporting the massive gains that were happening at that time.

The gains persist (+45.2% in last year) up remains up. This is in the face of massive recession where everything will go down and Elon showing himself as a nazi.

Just drop this "i love tesla" garbage against me.  I report actual market numbers. Facts. You are just emotional and go on silly rants.

Why don't you put your money where your keyboard is?  Short the Heck out of Tesla! Do it!


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Some of you are clueless on how the rich get richer.

Trump and pals will drive down the markets with tariffs and selling off their own shares at high prices.  The market slumps and then they re-buy the shares at discounted prices.  Remove the tariffs, market rises. Rinse and repeat.  It's a scam.

Watch gold prices, it rises during these market manipulations.

Thousands of unemployed public servants will probably make some cheap real estate available due to foreclosures.  Gobble gobble.

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3 hours ago, notsonice said:

the Tesla house of cards on its share price is crashing all the way down to less than $100 ....and fast

Put a date and some money on that prediction big boy.

Real investors can play both long and short game. Win with rising or falling markets.

Seriously predict the date it will go below $100. You say "and fast" so do not say years from now.

Short the stock if you are so certain. Make money.

$272.04 at time of this post.  Predict the date it will fall below $100 as you claim.  Otherwise just STFU about Tesla.

I don't love Tesla but you seem to have illogical hate.

Edited by TailingsPond

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Someone is "unpopular".


Edited by turbguy

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2 minutes ago, turbguy said:


Someone is "unpopular".


Yeah Musk came out as a nazi.  Tesla as a company remains solid.  I predict Elon and Tesla will part ways soon.  Musk is too busy being POTUS and manipulating foreign elections.


new leader.jpg

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Well, one way of driving down energy prices is to create a recession (or worse).

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woohoo stagflation!



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On 3/4/2025 at 10:52 AM, notsonice said:

the Tesla house of cards on its share price is crashing all the way down to less than $100 ....and fast


I still do not see your predicted date when it will fall below $100 "and fast."

Put a date on it or be like Ecocharger.  Better yet put money on it and short Tesla stock.

 If you don't put dates on it you are just an airbag like the other losers.  Have some conviction in your predictions. 

Dates and numbers, simple.  I did that with the oil graphs and was right.  Put up or shut up!

I will personally bet you $1000USD you can not predict that within a 60 day time-frame. 

Pick a date and if Tesla stock price falls below  $100/share within 60 days of the day you predict I will send you $1000USD.  Otherwise you send me $1000USD.  Ask yourself who is better at this game.

+2.6% today.

Edited by TailingsPond

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17 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

I still do not see your predicted date when it will fall below $100 "and fast."

Put a date on it or be like Ecocharger.  Better yet put money on it and short Tesla stock.

 If you don't put dates on it you are just an airbag like the other losers.  Have some conviction in your predictions. 

Dates and numbers, simple.  I did that with the oil graphs and was right.  Put up or shut up!

I will personally bet you $1000USD you can not predict that within a 60 day time-frame. 

Pick a date and if Tesla stock price falls below  $100/share within 60 days of the day you predict I will send you $1000USD.  Otherwise you send me $1000USD.  Ask yourself who is better at this game.

+2.6% today.

+2.6% today.?????? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .did you  catch the price this morning ????
damn minus 6 % this morning
Market Summary > Tesla Inc
261.41 USD−17.69 (6.34%)today
As the Frozen Turkey called Tesla hurtles back to Earth...
Okay my prediction when it will fall get close to or fall below 100...end of year . Under 175 no later than the day after they release their 2nd quarter report which will be in the last week of July 2025....I definitely expect it to be under 200 by the end of this month
Enjoy the Tesla one is buying a Tesla these days.......and with the Trump recession ...ha ha ha
Elon is going to get thrown under the bus right along with the Fed chair
what is your prediction for the stock price when they release the 2nd quarter report???????? End of Year
because from your post pumping Tesla after the last years election ....I figured you thought the price was going to easily pass 500
any day now ...any day
Market Summary > Tesla Inc
261.41 USD−17.69 (6.34%)today

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26 minutes ago, notsonice said:
.did you  catch the price this morning ????

Still way above $100.

Tell me when it will go that low?  If you could predict that I would make a lot of money.

I watch markets, stuff goes up, stuff goes down.  Elon coming out as nazi screwed up Tesla.

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