E-car Sales Collapse

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5 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

You are the deflector, you never answer simple questions.

FYI the province also contributed, funnily enough under the Ford government (Doug Ford).

As for a response, the government works really slow - their lawyers will get around this soon enough.  The government does not even have to make any announcements, they just can not give Ford the subsidy money due to P3 contract violations.

They do that and Trudeau will get seriously roasted and smoked out of the PM job come next election...pulling the plug on this transition to fossil fuels won't even begin to happen.

Edited by Ecocharger
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13 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

They do that and Trudeau will get seriously roasted and smoked out of the PM job come next election...pulling the plug on this transition to fossil fuels won't even begin to happen.

The people of Canada are not that loyal to Ford motors.  A small area of Ontario may care but the liberals tend to win there anyways. Regardless, the plant will go ahead, just Ford may have to pay more of their own way.   Heck, many people would be happy if the government pulled subsidy money (taxes) to big auto.

The plant is still scheduled to be electric by 2027...


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On 8/5/2024 at 1:55 PM, TailingsPond said:

The people of Canada are not that loyal to Ford motors.  A small area of Ontario may care but the liberals tend to win there anyways. Regardless, the plant will go ahead, just Ford may have to pay more of their own way.   Heck, many people would be happy if the government pulled subsidy money (taxes) to big auto.

The plant is still scheduled to be electric by 2027...


And you claim to be Canadian?  Uh huh...

  1. Do you not know it gets cold in Canada? 
  2. Do you not know at temps majority population of Canada drops to batteries lose over half their capacity or worse?
  3. Do you not know at temps majority population of Canada drops to batteries lose over half their charging rate?  Most batteries it is 4X or worse?

If you live ANYWHERE outside of Victoria/Vancouver area, you are beyond an IDIOT to buy an electric car unless you can guarantee a warm garage to store/charge it in every night. 

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any one want to estimate when China hits 100 percent EVs in their new car sales??????

looks like the percentage is accelerating  towards 100 percent......

60 percent by the end of the year?????

75 percent by the end of 2025?????

90 percent by the end of 2026?????

100 percent by the end of 2027

Oil demand???????? going down down down

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost

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20 hours ago, notsonice said:

any one want to estimate when China hits 100 percent EVs in their new car sales??????

looks like the percentage is accelerating  towards 100 percent......

60 percent by the end of the year?????

75 percent by the end of 2025?????

90 percent by the end of 2026?????

100 percent by the end of 2027

Oil demand???????? going down down down

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost

Yeah, let me know when their military is all electric, Then i'll believe they are true greenies. They have to import fossil fuels, they are just trying to be independent out of necessity.

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On 8/6/2024 at 10:02 PM, said:

And you claim to be Canadian?  Uh huh...

  1. Do you not know it gets cold in Canada? 
  2. Do you not know at temps majority population of Canada drops to batteries lose over half their capacity or worse?
  3. Do you not know at temps majority population of Canada drops to batteries lose over half their charging rate?  Most batteries it is 4X or worse?

If you live ANYWHERE outside of Victoria/Vancouver area, you are beyond an IDIOT to buy an electric car unless you can guarantee a warm garage to store/charge it in every night. 

You would be surprised how many EV's are on the roads up here.  They work.

Do you know is gets so cold in Canada ICE cars fail to start unless you plug in a block heater?  The heater does not charge your battery, it only wastes energy. 

Do you know that almost everyone who drives an ICE car around here carries booster cables because the bloody lead acid batteries suck in cold temperatures?

Do you know that ICE cars lose a lot of efficiency in the cold All the moving parts and fluids stiffen up.  People let their cars idle wasting loads of energy so they can warm up before moving.  People with hard to start diesel trucks just let them run overnight sometimes.  Running but going nowhere... super efficient.

Tell me more about how you know more about Canadian winters than I do.

Edited by TailingsPond

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On 8/5/2024 at 4:55 PM, TailingsPond said:

The people of Canada are not that loyal to Ford motors.  A small area of Ontario may care but the liberals tend to win there anyways. Regardless, the plant will go ahead, just Ford may have to pay more of their own way.   Heck, many people would be happy if the government pulled subsidy money (taxes) to big auto.

The plant is still scheduled to be electric by 2027...


People care about jobs..Trudeau is history already.

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1 hour ago, TailingsPond said:

You would be surprised how many EV's are on the roads up here.  They work.

Do you know is gets so cold in Canada ICE cars fail to start unless you plug them into a block heater?  The heater does not charge your battery, it only wastes energy. 

Do you know that almost everyone who drives an ICE car around here carries booster cables because the bloody lead acid batteries suck in cold temperatures?

Do you know that ICE cars lose a lot of efficiency in the cold All the moving parts and fluids stiffen up.  People let there cars idle wasting loads of energy so they can warm up before moving.  People with hard to start diesel trucks just let them run overnight sometimes.  Running but going nowhere... super efficient.

Tell me more about how you know more about Canadian winters than I do.




ICE car sales are going up while EV sales collapse...the transition is dead.

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3 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

People care about jobs..Trudeau is history already.

He has a history of winning elections.

Edited by TailingsPond
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3 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

ICE car sales are going up while EV sales collapse...the transition is dead.

How was this related to the cold weather post?


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4 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

People care about jobs.

EV factories make jobs.

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21 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

EV factories make jobs.

If Trudeau junks the new fossil fuel plants, that cuts jobs in Ontario where Trudeau needs votes.

The people who build those fossil fuel vehicles drive fossil fuel cars.

Edited by Ecocharger

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3 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

If Trudeau junks the new fossil fuel plants, that cuts jobs in Ontario where Trudeau needs votes.

The people who build those fossil fuel vehicles drive fossil fuel cars.

The Ford truck factory will go ahead - no doubt about that; just some of the subsidies may be curtailed.

The "new fossil fuel plants" line is funny.  Try harder

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On 8/7/2024 at 7:25 PM, notsonice said:

any one want to estimate when China hits 100 percent EVs in their new car sales??????

looks like the percentage is accelerating  towards 100 percent......

60 percent by the end of the year?????

75 percent by the end of 2025?????

90 percent by the end of 2026?????

100 percent by the end of 2027

Oil demand???????? going down down down

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost



here is reality 

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 52.59 percent in August 1-11

chart that 52.59 percent and tell me where it will be at the end of this year

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost

Edited by notsonice

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Really, you posted this stupid chart again? Refer to my post above.

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Oil is screwed in the long term. 
China produces over 1 out every three vehicles worldwide today
in 2023 it was 34 percent....2024 and it is looking to hit 36 percent......
China is cranking out new car carriers to ply the Ocean with passenger car exports
do not act surprised when China dominates the Global market with production of over 50 percent  of all new passenger vehicles in 2035 and with that they will be mostly EVs and plugin hybrids (over 95 percent of what they produce will be EVs and plug in hybrids in just 2 years from now) . Their competition???? you guess it will be all in with Plugin hybrids and EVs
Market share of China at global automobile production
They are the worlds low cost producer, bar none, in evs/plugins and ICE vehicles
Once the China market is 100 percent EVs/plugins, which looks like it will occur in 2027, you can bet they will work on the other 2/3rds of the global market
The passenger vehicle market is set up like Dominoes ...............
Peak Oil already happened and China is the cause
first ten days in August and the EVs/pluggins in China hit another new high at over 52 percent of new vehicle sales
Edited by notsonice

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8 hours ago, El Gato said:

Really, you posted this stupid chart again? Refer to my post above.

Yep, the Stupid chart was posted for the Stupid Luddites.....


Enjoy the chart and the latest news

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 52.59 percent in August 1-11

chart that 52.59 percent and tell me where it will be at the end of this year

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost

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On 8/15/2024 at 2:27 PM, El Gato said:

Really, you posted this stupid chart again? Refer to my post above.

Luddite, I will let you update the stupid chart below

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 54.02 percent in August 1-18

how does that look???? 60 percent retail rate by the end of the year...maybe I am too conservative at 60 percent???? lets call it 62 percent?????? Da stupid chart you where referring to does not look like it is to supporting Marks great (STUPID) comment of E-car Sales Collapse

You think you will be driving a Chinacar by the beginning of 2028????? as you can bet they will be producing them on a large scale in Mexico by then.........and we all know that everything Mexican crosses the border into your beloved California faster than the speed of light.....

here is the latest data 

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 54.02 percent in August 1-18, and 43.92 percent year-to-date

China NEV retail at 490,000 in Aug 1-18, up 27% from same period last month

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost


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1 hour ago, notsonice said:

Luddite, I will let you update the stupid chart below

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 54.02 percent in August 1-18

how does that look???? 60 percent retail rate by the end of the year...maybe I am too conservative at 60 percent???? lets call it 62 percent?????? Da stupid chart you where referring to does not look like it is to supporting Marks great (STUPID) comment of E-car Sales Collapse

You think you will be driving a Chinacar by the beginning of 2028????? as you can bet they will be producing them on a large scale in Mexico by then.........and we all know that everything Mexican crosses the border into your beloved California faster than the speed of light.....

here is the latest data 

China's NEV retail penetration rate was 54.02 percent in August 1-18, and 43.92 percent year-to-date

China NEV retail at 490,000 in Aug 1-18, up 27% from same period last month

China NEV retail at 879,000 in Jul, penetration exceeds 50% for 1st time, preliminary CPCA data show-CnEVPost


Name calling.....sad. I am not quite sure why your fixated on China's numbers? You actually believe their propaganda? 

Another hysterical Leftie thinking Kamala is gonna win and all will be the same. 

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On 8/21/2024 at 7:17 PM, Old-Ruffneck said:

Name calling.....sad. I am not quite sure why your fixated on China's numbers? You actually believe their propaganda? 

Another hysterical Leftie thinking Kamala is gonna win and all will be the same. 

Jul 19, 2024  Former President Donald Trump has reiterated an openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the US as a way to boost the economy


enjoy .........

PS you love to name call and make up bs yet you are incapable of dealing with reality on what is happening


and your political BS????? please tell us how it relates to EVs and Plugin hybrids in China.....did  you celebrate when your dimwitted boss openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the US as a way to boost the economy. Will  you pop a bottle of champagne  and welcome the Chinese with your open arms when they are opening auto plants in your backyard????? the same as your beloved leader???????? Guess you can say your beloved leader is a Leftie when  welcoming with open arms foreigners building cars in the US. Love your new neighbors no matter how many US auto plants they help shut down??????? Will anyone in your trailer park have a job when your beloved leader is selling them out right in front of their faces?????

China is all in on the Green agenda know EVs and plug in hybrids..........they will not build ICE vehicles in the US. Reality they want to import import import and put you and your neighbors out of work


There is absolutely nothing wrong with EVs or plugin hybrids........Nothing wrong with less coal or oil use ....better for everyone on all levels.

Only a Luddite thinks otherwise . Only A fool Luddite welcomes the Chinese to take over US auto production at the same time as fighting the technology advances that are happening with the Green agenda

China is taking a massive turn to EVs and plug in hybrids not ICE vehicles....Reality...and at the prices they are offering them they will overtake the global car market fast


PS here is the latest chart.........heading toward 60 percent in China and when it hits 90 percent in China , the Chinese will set their sights on the rest of the world. And your boss welcomes it with open arms..... MAGA ...what a fucking joke as he plays you every chance he gets. 

Slow people will always buy snake oil from con men

He is senile, yet  you keep buying his snake oil


again enjoy

Jul 19, 2024  Former President Donald Trump has reiterated an openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the US as a way to boost the economy


CPCA expects China's Aug NEV retail at 980,000, with record 53.2% penetration-CnEVPost

Edited by notsonice
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pesky EVs and plug-in hybrids

Oil is doomed


China NEV retail at 718,000 in Aug 1-25, up 18% from same period last month

China's NEV retail penetration was 55.1 percent in the August 1-25 period, and 44.3 percent year-to-date.

Trump Welcomes China to Build Cars in US in Departure ...

Jul 19, 2024  Former President Donald Trump has reiterated an openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the US as a way to boost the economy
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Rivian Fire, about 70 new cars burned. Was in staging area, ready for transport. August 24th.

Normal Rivian plant EV fire

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1 hour ago, Old-Ruffneck said:

Rivian Fire, about 70 new cars burned. Was in staging area, ready for transport. August 24th.

Normal Rivian plant EV fire

Did anyone die?



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8 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

Did anyone die?



oh my how much oil was spilled as a result??????

 the United States federal government estimated the total discharge at 4.9 MMbbl 


guess the old Luddite  has to cling onto something , such as a burning EV photo, and at the same time his selective memory blocks out the reality of what oil does to nature, the planet as a whole and to everyone's health. Now I hope he appreciates the photo you should be the number one reason in everyone's mind on why reducing the use of oil is a good thing. 

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