E-car Sales Collapse

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14 hours ago, notsonice said:

what is happening to Elon's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow............. many billions did Tesla loose today ....30 Billion.........dang

Thank god Tesla is not the bellweather company for the EV industry.

Tesla goes down and everyone else is going up in the EV biz..........

Tesla will be kaput in 10 years......Competition is eating Elon's lunch


Teslas are overpriced and not what the market wants......a choice of SUV PHEVs or EVs for the same model in the US is where an automaker needs to be at these days...sorry Elon your party is over

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
361.62 USD−12.70 (3.39%)today
Closed: Feb 7, 7:59 PM EST • Disclaimer
After hours 357.36 −4.26 (1.18%)

Tesla is diversified. They can have weakness on the EV branch and still survive on battery storage installations.  

Trump will probably soon order a "energy security" executive order mandating HUGE amounts of battery storage.

"Nobody has seen energy storage like this.  We need it. We need it."

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4 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

Tesla is diversified. They can have weakness on the EV branch and still survive on battery storage installations.  

Trump will probably soon order a "energy security" executive order mandating HUGE amounts of battery storage.

"Nobody has seen energy storage like this.  We need it. We need it."

musk over trump.jpg

Tesla is diversified??????

how is their solar panel division doing these days?????? ha ha ha

you were crowing about their stock which represents all of Tesla parts    including their battery division...... A ray of Shinshine in the bottomless pit that Elon has dug???? ha ha ha  ha ha 

People lost their asses in the last month

and institutional investors dump the losers fast......oh my down to $360 from a high of $480 on Dec 17....25 % fall .....they call that a crashhhhhhhhhh

the carnage is not over.......expect the stock to crater to under $200 



an adage in the investing world is not try to catch a falling knife ...especially when bad news is all around

Tesla is a falling knife and their cratering sales all due to the Elon factor ...Tesla is not a stock to jump into anytime soon...unless you love to lose your shirt


Trump will probably soon order a "energy security" executive order mandating HUGE amounts of battery storage.??????

ha ha ha ha ha  ha ha now how does that fit into his Fossil fuel agenda

stop using drugs............

unless solar s backed with a coal fired power plant for backup Trump will not step in

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

ha ha ha ha ha  ha ha now how does that fit into his Fossil fuel agenda


Musk is running the show.  Try to keep up.  FYI Tesla is still super rich.  Not sure why you are so mad about that...

Tesla is up 90.7% over the last year.  Show me some other investment that made 90% over the last 12 months. 

Regardless, Tesla sells other products besides EVs - a fact you can ignore all you want - it won't hurt my feelings or wallet.  



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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Trump will probably soon order a "energy security" executive order mandating HUGE amounts of battery storage.??????



When that happens eat crow.

Musk already got a sweet government contract for his spaceships.

Just watch and learn. Trump is not the boss.

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

an adage in the investing world is not try to catch a falling knife ...especially when bad news is all around


90% gains is not a falling knife.

You sound like a bitter guy who missed the boat.

So many "experts" around here have no money or investments.  You have no worry about losing money on Tesla or anything else! You have to have money to lose money. :) 

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On 2/8/2025 at 4:37 PM, TailingsPond said:

Musk is running the show.  Try to keep up.  FYI Tesla is still super rich.  Not sure why you are so mad about that...

Tesla is up 90.7% over the last year.  Show me some other investment that made 90% over the last 12 months. 

Regardless, Tesla sells other products besides EVs - a fact you can ignore all you want - it won't hurt my feelings or wallet.  



Musk is running the show????

 so you piled into Tesla stock???? you were pumping the crap out of it when it was over $450

so if Musk is running the show and Tesla is so great....why is Tesla stock cratering??????

only a fool , such as yourself will believe somehow Musk is running anything these days...except a full blown shit show

how much Tesla shares to you own???? put your money where your mouth is and jump in and try to catch the falling knife......

and now the buyers of EVs are running from his circus........look at the dumpster fire that he calls the Cyber truck

I know a few Tesla owners and they all are embarrassed that they own a Tesla............

None of them will ever considered buying another one ever again


we call that a Shit show...Tesla stock is the biggest shit show in town and it is taking a big dump

The Elon factor

same thing happened to the Pillow guy...........

Never mix politics with your business........

50 percent might love Elons politics but not one of them would ever buy a Tesla product

and the other 50 percent  hate Elons politics and they will never consider a Tesla product again


PS the Cyber Truck............The AMC pacer was the bottom of the pile..... now it is the Cyber truck......

oh what a turd 



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1 hour ago, notsonice said:

Musk is running the show????

 so you piled into Tesla stock???? you were pumping the crap out of it when it was over $450

so if Musk is running the show and Tesla is so great....why is Tesla stock cratering??????

Calm down.  Tesla remains a huge investment winner.  Perhaps do not invest now but others have made tons of money.  Yes, I raved about them because they are killing it. 90% in one year is no joke.

Almost all my current investments are in a diversified mutual fund I do not direct.

Why do you hate logic when it comes to Tesla?  You can apparently look up a graph of their stock; do it again and use a reasonable investment time frame (think years, not months).  You will find Tesla was a great investment for those lucky early investors.

625% over the last five years.  625% is a freaking fantastic investment. 90% in this last year.

Do not become another "down is up loser."  Tesla is way up over all but the most recent time frames.

Musk throwing Nazi salutes won't help them much.

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1 hour ago, notsonice said:

Musk is running the show????

 so you piled into Tesla stock???? you were pumping the crap out of it when it was over $450

so if Musk is running the show and Tesla is so great....why is Tesla stock cratering??????



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On 2/8/2025 at 6:24 PM, TailingsPond said:


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did you catch the latest article on Tesla....just out this morning

love the quote in it 

  • Despite overall EV market growth, Tesla faces challenges in rebuilding consumer trust and maintaining brand loyalty.

Elon took a big dump on his own company with  his South African Fascist politics....if you ever worked with the club members that left South Africa in the 80's and 90's (IE the Old School South Africans and their kids) you would understand that Elon thinks he is a god and could never do any wrong (I worked for  a company that was South African to the core and they thought their shit did not stink, same as Elon, far from it) Today you are witnessing his politics is taking down his own company. He is such a fool to mix his politics with his business (His politics....... nothing but the pompous old school thinking out of the polo clubs of South Africa)


But you think the stock is going to go back up??? any day now?????? ha ha ha ha ha


Why Tesla Sales are Plummeting

By Ruby Wexford - Feb 10, 2025, 12:00 PM CST

  • Tesla's 2024 deliveries have dropped by double digits, indicating a loss of momentum in the electric vehicle market.
  • There's growing evidence that Elon Musk's actions and public persona have deterred potential Tesla buyers.
  • Despite overall EV market growth, Tesla faces challenges in rebuilding consumer trust and maintaining brand loyalty.

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

But you think the stock is going to go back up??? any day now?????? ha ha ha ha ha 


I am not in the "any day now camp."  I was just reporting the massive profits Tesla was making.  I am not a brand ambassador for Tesla.

Let us stick to the facts:

- Tesla valuation skyrocketed in the last year.  Even after the correction it is sitting at a one year growth of 86.4%.

- Musk has significant influence on the POTUS.  That will help his companies long-term.

Do not put words in my mouth. Try to find a post where I told someone to invest in Tesla.  Once again, I was just reporting Tesla's massive profits as a rebuttal to the idea of " E-car Sales Collapse" which is the topic of the thread.  

You need to just accept Tesla is rich. There is no stopping them now.  Did you look up their valuation compared to most banks? Eat crow.

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9 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

I am not in the "any day now camp."  I was just reporting the massive profits Tesla was making.  I am not a brand ambassador for Tesla.

Let us stick to the facts:

- Tesla valuation skyrocketed in the last year.  Even after the correction it is sitting at a one year growth of 86.4%.

- Musk has significant influence on the POTUS.  That will help his companies long-term.

Do not put words in my mouth. Try to find a post where I told someone to invest in Tesla.  Once again, I was just reporting Tesla's massive profits as a rebuttal to the idea of " E-car Sales Collapse" which is the topic of the thread.  

You need to just accept Tesla is rich. There is no stopping them now.  Did you look up their valuation compared to most banks? Eat crow.

any day now????


Musk can kiss Trumps ass all he wants does not mean sales for Tesla

  I was just reporting the massive profits Tesla was making???

what are you babbling about.......stock rise is not the same as Tesla making massive profits

when the P to E ratio is greater than 100 ......a stock is in dangerous oversold territory.....

for automakers a realistic P to E ratio is 20 one could see Tesla Stock falling to easily below 100 and now with Tesla sales cratering the earnings of  Tesla will crater ......Stock dropping to $50 a share in 2025.......very possible as this is truly any day now

then again you are in love with Tesla and should buy his stock.....just one more sucker that will lose his life savings to a charlatan 


in the there anyone out their willing to try to catch the falling knife?????? another drop today of 3 percent .......the fall from 480 on Dec 17 is Epic

Tesla Inc
−10.89 (3.01%)today
Closed: Feb 10, 7:59 PM EST • Disclaimer
After hours 347.61 −3.12 (0.89%)

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Market Summary > Tesla Inc
350.73 USD


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On 10/24/2024 at 5:44 PM, TailingsPond said:

Tesla up 21.9% in One Day!  +60% in last 6 months.

OXY petroleum up 0.06% today, -23.7% last 6 months.

Tell me more about your economics education and how gas is beating EVs.

Let me explain that for you; an investment in Tesla 6 months ago would be way up, the same investment in oil would be way down.

Let me explain that for you; an investment in Tesla 6 months ago would be way up, the same investment in oil would be way down.????

okay now explain how your investment in Tesla 2 months ago is a winner.......


Tell me more about your economics education and how gas is beating EVs.????

you were pumping Tesla in October are you still pumping Tesla today???? 

just another snake oil salesman no different than Elon


Tesla Market value is down how much since Dec 17????????/ oh that has to hurt .......even Elon has to be wondering how much more will he lose

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On 2/8/2025 at 6:24 PM, TailingsPond said:


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any day now

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
334.31 USD−16.42 (4.68%)today

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On 2/8/2025 at 6:24 PM, TailingsPond said:


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huh the market has a salute for is one fingered...the markets salute is more powerful than Elons

will you buy a car from a company that is imploding???? Look at what is happening to Jeep

same thing is happening to Tesla right now 

how much money did Tesla lose today....I will let you do the math....but it is a big big number north of 50 BILLION dollars just one day and since Dec 17 Telsa lost 500 BILLION DOLLARS in for a company that has annual revenue of less than 100 BILLION dollars a loss of 5 times your annual revenue is a big big deal.........Then again you were pumping the crap out of Tesla  ...that it was  making a fortune last fall.........


but now POOF the fortune is going up in smoke....guess no one will cater to his BS one

any day now the market will ease up on Elon any day....but not today...maybe when he quits playing politician when no one elected him will his fortunes change........but not anytime soon.

Expect a repeat of Ground Hog day to happen again tomorrow ...the after hours trades just are not going Elons way these days...unless you think a gullible white knight will jump in and try to catch the falling knife....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
328.50 USD−22.23 (6.34%)today
Closed: Feb 11, 4:26 PM EST • Disclaimer
After hours 327.65 −0.85 (0.26%)



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On 2/8/2025 at 6:24 PM, TailingsPond said:


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any day now...... any day...........Tesla will go up up up up?????????ha ha ha ha ha ha 


Yet today the Elon factor.........and to top it off a Trump recession...Tesla ....down down down down

and Trump will the recession takes hold and inflation goes up up up.......... 

The way Tesla sales are heading....down down down down.........Tesla may soon be losing massive amounts of money.........sales have cratered up massive firings at Tesla in the cards????? sales need for employees.....

Maybe the MAGA world will bail him out???? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  Trump will mandate Tesla purchases??? ha ha ha ha

oh wait even with the Elon factor ....No one is buying his Stock or cars these days

and yet for the rest of the EV world.....sales and revenue keeps going up up up up up 

How much did Tesla lose in the last 24 hours....100 billion dollars


Market Summary > Tesla Inc
302.80 USD−27.73 (8.39%)today
Closed: Feb 26, 6:57 AM EST • Disclaimer
Pre-market 306.50 +3.70 (1.22%)

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love the Elon and Trump factor..............IF Trump is associated with it is sure to be in bankruptcy if just a few years
US economy...........Deep Recession on its way
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2 hours ago, notsonice said:
love the Elon and Trump factor..............IF Trump is associated with it is sure to be in bankruptcy if just a few years
US economy...........Deep Recession on its way

Without a doubt people already, or soon will, hate Musk. That will hurt Tesla.

Unfortunately, Musk has so much money he doesn't need to care about Tesla. 

Tesla stockholders on the other hand will probably have him removed as CEO soon.  Publicly traded companies usually do not tolerate a single person destroying company value.

Does Musk even work at Tesla anymore?  He is too busy with global politics / domination.

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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Maybe the MAGA world will bail him out???? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  Trump will mandate Tesla purchases??? ha ha ha ha


There was a budget line item about the military buying armoured vehicles from Tesla. It was relabelled armoured electric vehicles.

Do not doubt that government contracts will go to Musk companies.  SpaceX has already got many contracts. 

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5 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

Without a doubt people already, or soon will, hate Musk. That will hurt Tesla.

Unfortunately, Musk has so much money he doesn't need to care about Tesla. 

Tesla stockholders on the other hand will probably have him removed as CEO soon.  Publicly traded companies usually do not tolerate a single person destroying company value.

Does Musk even work at Tesla anymore?  He is too busy with global politics / domination.

Musk has so much money he doesn't need to care about Tesla?????


boy you sure do not know when to throw in the much for your love affair with Elon.....and Trump.......his recession this year will seal his Elon's fate ....Elon will be thrown under the bus and Trump will claim he never knew the guy

Tesla stockholders on the other hand will probably have him removed as CEO soon???? too late

have you been paying attention at all....his wealth is tied into shares of Tesla ....he never cashes in or gets a paycheck because he does not want to pay taxes....His ability to monetize his shares into cash long gone now


shares of a worthless company does not turn into cash......every time He tries to sell any shares he has to disclose the sale and the share price goes down further....


did you catch the Tesla price today........oh that has to hurt just a company crashing  back to earth with no parachute....splatttttttt

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
289.47 USD−13.33 (4.40%)today
Feb 26, 3:17 PM EST • Disclaimer

He bought Twitter with loans and those loans are backed with Tesla shares......How long before the Banks come knocking on his door asking for cash...that he does not have.........He pledged collateral ,..stock shares...........he will have to find real cash to back the loans soon or sell the shares to satisfy the loans to a company that is not making any money

Tesla is going down the is in the cards.........

Twitter ?????. .... would not take much for everyone that hates him ....including companies that used to advertise on Twitter end all relationships with Twitter


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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

Musk has so much money he doesn't need to care about Tesla?????


boy you sure do not know when to throw in the much for your love affair with Elon.....and Trump.......his recession this year will seal his Elon's fate ....Elon will be thrown under the bus and Trump will claim he never knew the guy


I hate trump and am not pushing Tesla or Musk. 

I pointed out Tesla was making a ton of money when they were. Fact. I just pointed out the rising share price to make fun of the "E-car sale collapse."

Musk is the richest person on Earth like it or not.  I don't like it but I accept that reality because it is true.

STOP playing me up as a Musk fan boy.  I am not, that is your misguided belief because I noticed Tesla stock prices are, in fact, way up.  Even after the massive recent losses they are still up 45% in the last year. It would still be a better investment than say, oil.

I portray Musk as the f* nazi he is - so speak for yourself.



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2 hours ago, notsonice said:

boy you sure do not know when to throw in the much for your love affair with Elon.....and Trump

Why is your reading comprehension so poor?

I wrote "Without a doubt people already, or soon will, hate Musk. That will hurt Tesla" and you interpret that as a love affair with Musk and Trump?

Drop your pre-conceived notions about me and read what I actually write. 

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On 12/11/2024 at 12:23 PM, TailingsPond said:

Tesla way up once again today (4.28%).

Market cap now 1.31 T  Yesterday it was 1.26.  That's right they made 0.05 trillion in less than a day. 


Tell me more about their suffering and the collapse of EV.  LOL :)

Meanwhile Ford fell another 1.6% falling to mere 41.3 billion market cap.

Eventually this should start to sink in to even the most resistant failed economists.  Tesla increased in value by more than the entire value of Ford in in one day.

You were pumping Tesla ............................Did you forget what you were posting just a few months ago... You were in love with Elon and Teslas rise ...Now you claim you do not know anything about your posts from a few months ago??????
Eventually this should start to sink in to even the most resistant failed economists.  Tesla increased in value by more than the entire value of Ford in in one day.?????????????????
I do not see any posts from you stating the crash of Tesla is happening full speed now...............The Overall EV market is not crashing....Just Tesla...
Oh my Tesla stock now solidly under 300..............heading to under 250 in the next week??????
lots of downside left to be had..........Under 100 this year.?????? Just remember bankrupt companies share prices are 1 penny...lots of downside  left 
Your failure of not being able to spot that the Tesla share price above 450 or 350 or 300 was just a pyramid built by Elon speaks volumes......
the worst is you were touting Tesla rising stock stated when Tesla hit above 450 .......Eventually this should start to sink in to even the most resistant failed economists....Oh my do you love eating crow??????
Just another day in paradise for Elon and Tesla.........2025 is not a Tesla year..............The shorts are making a killing....
Market Summary > Tesla Inc
281.95 USD−8.85 (3.04%)today
Closed: Feb 28, 4:41 AM EST • Disclaimer
Pre-market 282.97 +1.02 (0.36%)
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3 hours ago, notsonice said:
You were pumping Tesla ............................Did you forget what you were posting just a few months ago... You were in love with Elon and Teslas rise

No, I was pointing out that EV's are not collapsing.  Look a the title of the thread.

Was Tesla skyrocketing at that time? Yes it was. I pointed that out.

Don't let your hate of Musk cloud your vision.  I dislike him but will not deny that even after recent losses Tesla was still a good stock pick for many investors. One year growth is still 39.5%.

Your portfolio almost certainly didn't grow that much in the last year.  My fund did very well at around 10%, still nothing close to 39.5%.

Do not confuse down with up.

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3 hours ago, notsonice said:
.2025 is not a Tesla year..............The shorts are making a killing....

Hmm I wonder if some rich a holes are doing that???

Tesla is still way up year over year, but I do not doubt that there is a possibility of insider trading.  Musk could tell some rich people that he is going to mess up Tesla and they can make big money from the fall.

Musk has zero concerns over money.  All he wants is power now.

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15 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

No, I was pointing out that EV's are not collapsing.  Look a the title of the thread.

Was Tesla skyrocketing at that time? Yes it was. I pointed that out.

Don't let your hate of Musk cloud your vision.  I dislike him but will not deny that even after recent losses Tesla was still a good stock pick for many investors. One year growth is still 39.5%.

Your portfolio almost certainly didn't grow that much in the last year.  My fund did very well at around 10%, still nothing close to 39.5%.

Do not confuse down with up.

Musk's brother is selling the stock; Elon cut his share from majority share holder to ~10%. His afro-white group is dumping the share.

Sell it quick.

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