Michael Sanches + 191 April 10, 2023 On 3/23/2023 at 5:58 AM, Rob Plant said: As a UK citizen knowing my own country has rarely if ever been as polarized as it is today largely because of Brexit, I am costantly surprised by the enormous divide and mistrust by USA posters on this site who are either pro Democrat or pro Republican. Since the rise of Trump and the political fervour surrounding him from both sides the rhetoric has just escalated to a new level or at least that is my perception as a "foreigner". Do you guys feel there is ever going to be a more accepting middle ground between the 2 parties or even the potential politically for a new party to take that middle ground and become a force in years to come? Love to know your thoughts. The "Let's go Brandon," cry tells it all. The News says, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying ears." By saying, "Let's go Brandon, we mock those who want to tell us how to live." Books like 1965 and Animal Farm are now considered subversive by the administration and the left. And, we have the right that believes in science: 1. A new human with rights is created at fertilization with his/her own unique genetic code. 2. If you are XX, you are female. If you are XY, you are male. Then, we have the left that says "my desires trump science." The left says everyone should be able to be happy 100% of the time. The right says life is work and don't expect to have a problem free life. Lastly, the left doesn't believe in free speech, only speech they approve of. They believe they are Gods that can determine what allowable speech is. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,044 GE April 10, 2023 (edited) 13 minutes ago, Michael Sanches said: Lastly, the left doesn't believe in free speech, only speech they approve of. They believe they are Gods that can determine what allowable speech is. Which states ban more books and certain education topics? Red states. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3261964-the-five-states-with-the-most-book-bans/ "Texas came in first as the state with the largest number of book bans at 713, followed by Pennsylvania with a striking 456 bans, Florida with 204, Oklahoma with 43, Kansas with 30 and Tennessee with 16, according to the report." Edited April 10, 2023 by TailingsPond Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turbguy + 1,568 April 11, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, Michael Sanches said: 2. If you are XX, you are female. If you are XY, you are male.. The designations of sex as XX and XY refer to the genetic sex of an individual, where XX typically represents female and XY typically represents male. There are other chromosomal combinations that can occur, such as XXY, XXX, XYY, and others. These chromosomal variations can result in differences in physical and developmental traits and are collectively known as intersex conditions or disorders of sex development. Not all intersex individuals identify as non-binary, and not all non-binary individuals are intersex. Gender identity and biological sex are complex and nuanced, and individuals may identify in a variety of ways that may not correspond with typical societal, or your, expectations or understandings of gender. YMMV. Edited April 11, 2023 by turbguy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,044 GE April 11, 2023 43 minutes ago, turbguy said: The designations of sex as XX and XY refer to the genetic sex of an individual, where XX typically represents female and XY typically represents male. There are other chromosomal combinations that can occur, such as XXY, XXX, XYY, and others. These chromosomal variations can result in differences in physical and developmental traits and are collectively known as intersex conditions or disorders of sex development. Not all intersex individuals identify as non-binary, and not all non-binary individuals are intersex. Gender identity and biological sex are complex and nuanced, and individuals may identify in a variety of ways that may not correspond with typical societal, or your, expectations or understandings of gender. YMMV. Just adding some more info. Phenotype is more important than genetics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_insensitivity_syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kallmann_syndrome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specinho + 496 April 11, 2023 On 4/10/2023 at 8:47 AM, TailingsPond said: Build a wall. Hate "Gina." "Chinese virus." Racism is alive and well. You are the reason they do this to the impoverished kid of oversea grad..........🤬 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP April 14, 2023 On 4/10/2023 at 12:43 AM, Eyes Wide Open said: Frankly great question. What does racism have to do with anything? As torrid and shorted sighted as it is..It is well within a human rights construct. As you can see it crosses all nations,races and culture's. You might travel the world a bit...It is a very prevalent issue. I have travelled the world a lot and the only country where I felt there was no racism detectable was Cuba! Cuba aside every single one of the 60 or so countries I have been to there is racism , institutionalised or not but its there. The UK's police force is a classic example of institutionalised racism especially in London. By the way I'm a white male, but I'm not blind. Its very sad that in the 21st century ethnicity still determines whether you have the same opportunities as someone who looks different to you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 14, 2023 (edited) 9 hours ago, Rob Plant said: I have travelled the world a lot and the only country where I felt there was no racism detectable was Cuba! Cuba aside every single one of the 60 or so countries I have been to there is racism , institutionalised or not but its there. The UK's police force is a classic example of institutionalised racism especially in London. By the way I'm a white male, but I'm not blind. Its very sad that in the 21st century ethnicity still determines whether you have the same opportunities as someone who looks different to you. Mr Plant...Perhaps it is time for a smidgen of reflection. There is no country on earth or in recorded history that has elevated people of color to notaritaty fame and wealthy such as the US. Frankly it is almost mind boggling if one gives it some thought. Racism is not our issue culture would be. Sammy Davis Jr. Barrack Obama Stevie Wonder Mohammed Ali Clarence Thomas Michael Jackson Oprah Winfrey Michael Jordan...Thee GOAT Sidney Poiter Marvin Haggler Martin Luther king Donna Summers Sugar Ray Leonard Diane Warnick Ella Fitzgerald General Colan Powell The above list is off the cuff and woefully incomplete, there are 1000's more. The above are all social icons. Mr Plant it is culture's that have difficulty dealing with acceptance. Forced integration, You might try visiting a fine Fench restaurant at some point and order a double cheese and fries..you may well be asked to leave. Racism I guess? Perhaps you might visit say LA at some point and visit the Mexican Burroughs..take notes you will not see black people and the reverse is true for the black Burroughs. Perhaps you might take a stroll down the streets of Terhan in Bermuda shorts and light cotton Hawaiian shirt...you might make a few blocks. Humanity is very primitive, we cannot even acknowledge our foundational differences. Instead we spend our time playing moral high ground game. When in Rome do as the Romans do has more credibility now more than ever. If that's repulsive well stay clear of Rome..It works well. It is our very government attempting vast cultural changes...forced changes. These changes are tearing apart a country and a world at the same time. Below take note..France is in chaos at the same time..It would there culture that is under fire. They to have endured far to much. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230413-live-french-take-to-streets-ahead-of-crucial-court-ruling-on-pension-reform Edited April 14, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Sanches + 191 April 14, 2023 On 3/23/2023 at 5:58 AM, Rob Plant said: Love to know your thoughts. People who say race is important are scum. As a person that has grandparents from Europe, Mexico, and Tlaxcala Indians in Mexico, I have no race. People who say race is important say I am not fully human, since I have no race. They are vile haters. The genome project proved we are all one race, and, therefore, race is not important. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SUZNV + 1,197 April 15, 2023 (edited) On 3/23/2023 at 5:58 AM, Rob Plant said: Love to know your thoughts. Below is my conclusion (after using ChatGPT to correct my writing and I proof read): The populous system in the US is a feature by designed. The world don't really understand US young fresh culture without a deep history and US don't understand the world's deep historical culture, especially in Europe. And I am by all mean no religion, no worship, but love philosophy . The US can afford individualism because most of its founders were members of the educated elite class, but building a decentralized system for commoners. This is very rare, if not unique, in world history. The soul of the system originated from the decentralized UK's Protestants, who lacked a centralized Vatican ( unlike Spanish and Portuguese South America. Although these regions had similar starting points, they ended up with different outcomes). The security of the decentralized government and individualism was ensured by geopolitics. To glue everything together, a soul was needed, one that was both religious and focused on common goals for security, while also accumulating private wealth. The religious component is crucial. "All men are created equal" does not imply that everyone is born equal, but rather that we are all equal in death. The justice system depends on faith and a guilt-based culture, in addition to laws. All of the above combined into a fresh culture that had never existed anywhere else before, on top of Adam Smith's economy. The decentralized, religious, Adam Smith-inspired, and isolationist culture was unique. Europe and the rest of the world have experienced many significant cultural changes, such as colonialism, the French Revolution, World War I, World War II, and the collapse of kingdoms in East Asia, among others. Based on the aforementioned ideology, most common Americans belonged to a "Frontier" type background until the 20th century. They were impoverished, yet had strong moral values, worked diligently to secure their family's assets, and were largely disinterested in politics. As a result, they elected super delegates to represent their interests in Washington D.C. Their focus was largely domestic, and they engaged in trade with other nations while maintaining a uniquely isolated culture. The primary positive trait of these Frontiersmen was their bravery and love of freedom, while the negative was a "mind your own business" attitude that some found uncivilized. They detested the idea of a large government providing security. The super delegate system made the US more of a Republic than a Democracy, a term both political parties still use. Individualism and the Super Delegate system are the ingenious responses to Plato's view of Democracy. He claimed that democracy was dangerous due to excessive freedom, and that a system where everyone has the right to rule could enable self-serving individuals motivated by personal desires to attain power. From the aforementioned culture, the US became the world's number one superpower with its current voting system, in a globalized culture and economy. However, most US-born citizens today do not possess the deep level of knowledge about world history, particularly in Europe, Greece, and Rome's philosophers and political systems, like the founding fathers did. Instead, they prioritize accumulating wealth. Alongside wealth, there is less emphasis on religious and moral values and bravery, but a focus on the stock market and making money. The new elites do not possess the same moral values as the founding fathers, but aim to secure their wealth through lobbying, much like how governments try to expand their power to secure their own interests. In great times, weak men seek security, and it's not anyone's fault really, as it is human nature and everyone has a different answer to the meaning of life. Philosophy, history, or understanding the world doesn't help much when it comes to individual stock picks. Benjamin Franklin said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Besides selling fear and hate to gain power, both political parties in the US have been playing the game of divide and conquer since WW2, first with the Cold War, then for globalization. Individualism is a threat to any government because the government's role is to provide security and manage the country, and more individual freedom means less manageability and less job security for full-time politicians. Religions, races, ages, education levels, and other backgrounds are simply tools used to divide people. In a perfect world where everyone is united and helps each other, the government's only function is to offer security. However, historically, the government's role is to manage, and the bigger it is, the more manageable but less freedom there is, which leads to no self-adjustment to fix mistakes. Globalization has also created a need for a larger US government. Currently, the US is an empire projecting power outside but is empty inside. There is a conflict between focusing on healing within the US or continuing to project power outward to secure globalization. US after Many foreign governments don't like US individualism as it undermined their power when US offer security to its ally already (maybe until It couldn't). Common people outside of the US often don't understand or have any experience with individualism from their history or culture. In many cases, without a big government, a country could be annexed by its neighbors or simply robbed. This was popular worldwide until the end of WW2. This is where the US failed to introduce their "democracy" in Vietnam or Afghanistan. The people there didn't have a chance to start from a fresh culture like in the US and under the spell of history and geopolitics. All they saw was their countries being occupied. US previous gov traded Yeltsin who gave up Soviet Union geopolitics advantage for Putin who wants to get it back just for their old and new allies forming the EU and buying cheap Gas. After WW2 US changed the world with globalization, peace and prosperity. But in return the world changed US with materialistic consumption and foreign imported ideologies, which leads to current domestically conflicts without a real answer. I am curious how thing ends. “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This is still the best historical century in history so far, materialistically. Edited April 15, 2023 by SUZNV 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,331 RG April 15, 2023 On 4/14/2023 at 4:33 AM, Rob Plant said: I have travelled the world a lot and the only country where I felt there was no racism detectable was Cuba! Cuba aside every single one of the 60 or so countries I have been to there is racism , institutionalised or not but its there. The UK's police force is a classic example of institutionalised racism especially in London. By the way I'm a white male, but I'm not blind. Its very sad that in the 21st century ethnicity still determines whether you have the same opportunities as someone who looks different to you. That’s a very woke feeling. That’s almost like a sense of fairness, another woke characteristic. Same color racism isn’t much different than other color racism. Mainly it’s just hard to compromise solutions. That requires brains and work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP April 17, 2023 On 4/14/2023 at 6:24 PM, Eyes Wide Open said: Mr Plant...Perhaps it is time for a smidgen of reflection. There is no country on earth or in recorded history that has elevated people of color to notaritaty fame and wealthy such as the US. Frankly it is almost mind boggling if one gives it some thought. Racism is not our issue culture would be. Sammy Davis Jr. Barrack Obama Stevie Wonder Mohammed Ali Clarence Thomas Michael Jackson Oprah Winfrey Michael Jordan...Thee GOAT Sidney Poiter Marvin Haggler Martin Luther king Donna Summers Sugar Ray Leonard Diane Warnick Ella Fitzgerald General Colan Powell The above list is off the cuff and woefully incomplete, there are 1000's more. The above are all social icons. Mr Plant it is culture's that have difficulty dealing with acceptance. Forced integration, You might try visiting a fine Fench restaurant at some point and order a double cheese and fries..you may well be asked to leave. Racism I guess? Perhaps you might visit say LA at some point and visit the Mexican Burroughs..take notes you will not see black people and the reverse is true for the black Burroughs. Perhaps you might take a stroll down the streets of Terhan in Bermuda shorts and light cotton Hawaiian shirt...you might make a few blocks. Humanity is very primitive, we cannot even acknowledge our foundational differences. Instead we spend our time playing moral high ground game. When in Rome do as the Romans do has more credibility now more than ever. If that's repulsive well stay clear of Rome..It works well. It is our very government attempting vast cultural changes...forced changes. These changes are tearing apart a country and a world at the same time. Below take note..France is in chaos at the same time..It would there culture that is under fire. They to have endured far to much. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230413-live-french-take-to-streets-ahead-of-crucial-court-ruling-on-pension-reform EWO What have French riots got to do with race? The riots are happening because Macron has unilaterally raised the age of retirement without any debate, nothing to do with racism. How is ordering a cheeseburger at a French fine dining restaurant racism or "cultural differences" I would suggest anyone who did that was a moron and in the wrong place so yeah they should leave and find MacDonalds! Every country has its own culture and anyone travelling to a foreign country should respect that country's traditions and culture, if you dont then you disrespect that nation! You should then accept the consequences. Listing 2 dozen African American people who have become successful in the US doesnt make your society racism free. Your police beat people of this demograph to death or shoot them for little apparent reason. Hell your civil war was largely down to racism and slavery. I'm not painting a great picture of my own country historically or the present as its still inherently racist and opportunity for all is unequal. Can you seriously say that the US isnt the same and racist because you post a list of people who have bucked the trend? Wow! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 17, 2023 (edited) 10 hours ago, Rob Plant said: Every country has its own culture and anyone travelling to a foreign country should respect that country's traditions and culture, if you dont then you disrespect that nation! You should then accept the consequences. Mr. Plant it is culture below is a article that seems to define huge cultural differences as a mental health issue. I give you a large group of people with by far different culture norms might very well act up a smidge. After all it is a enough to make a person crazy.. I would suggest the powers in play have such a difficult time with the truth they are unable to lead effectively. A breeding ground for chaos..welcome to world order. In the words of a very wise man... " I leave it with you." UK police are making Muslim mental health a terrorism flag A mental health project run by counterterrorism forces is criminalising mental health problems among Muslims. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/6/8/uk-police-is-making-muslim-mental-health-a-terrorism-flag Edited April 17, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Plant + 2,756 RP April 18, 2023 13 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said: Mr. Plant it is culture below is a article that seems to define huge cultural differences as a mental health issue. I give you a large group of people with by far different culture norms might very well act up a smidge. After all it is a enough to make a person crazy.. I would suggest the powers in play have such a difficult time with the truth they are unable to lead effectively. A breeding ground for chaos..welcome to world order. In the words of a very wise man... " I leave it with you." UK police are making Muslim mental health a terrorism flag A mental health project run by counterterrorism forces is criminalising mental health problems among Muslims. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/6/8/uk-police-is-making-muslim-mental-health-a-terrorism-flag This is a tough one as you obviously need robust intelligence to counter the terrorist threat but you also need a balance if it is targeting mental health. As the report states over half of the known radicalised muslims have known mental health conditions and this is probably why they were radicalised in the first place. Who is really at fault here for exploiting their mental health conditions? the police or those that radicalised them in the first place?? Maybe both, but you cant just let radicalised men and women plot terror campaingns (which they do frequently) and kill innocent people. If you do you end up with the below and other situations like it. If you think the police should do nothing then go and have a chat with the parents of the kids that were killed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Arena_bombing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notsonice + 1,290 DM April 18, 2023 On 4/14/2023 at 11:24 AM, Eyes Wide Open said: Mr Plant...Perhaps it is time for a smidgen of reflection. There is no country on earth or in recorded history that has elevated people of color to notaritaty fame and wealthy such as the US. Frankly it is almost mind boggling if one gives it some thought. Racism is not our issue culture would be. Sammy Davis Jr. Barrack Obama Stevie Wonder Mohammed Ali Clarence Thomas Michael Jackson Oprah Winfrey Michael Jordan...Thee GOAT Sidney Poiter Marvin Haggler Martin Luther king Donna Summers Sugar Ray Leonard Diane Warnick Ella Fitzgerald General Colan Powell The above list is off the cuff and woefully incomplete, there are 1000's more. The above are all social icons. Mr Plant it is culture's that have difficulty dealing with acceptance. Forced integration, You might try visiting a fine Fench restaurant at some point and order a double cheese and fries..you may well be asked to leave. Racism I guess? Perhaps you might visit say LA at some point and visit the Mexican Burroughs..take notes you will not see black people and the reverse is true for the black Burroughs. Perhaps you might take a stroll down the streets of Terhan in Bermuda shorts and light cotton Hawaiian shirt...you might make a few blocks. Humanity is very primitive, we cannot even acknowledge our foundational differences. Instead we spend our time playing moral high ground game. When in Rome do as the Romans do has more credibility now more than ever. If that's repulsive well stay clear of Rome..It works well. It is our very government attempting vast cultural changes...forced changes. These changes are tearing apart a country and a world at the same time. Below take note..France is in chaos at the same time..It would there culture that is under fire. They to have endured far to much. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230413-live-french-take-to-streets-ahead-of-crucial-court-ruling-on-pension-reform Clarence Thomas....well I would not call him much of a success anymore seems that he has a few large skeletons in his closet..... How many more are going to pop out???? Now the big question is .....did he pay gift taxes on all those gifts of travel....... or the gift of a free home and care for it for his mama?????? Corrupt Judges sure do find innovative ways to get freebies......and no disclosure or reporting of the gifts....my my tax evasion is a felony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 21, 2023 On 4/17/2023 at 1:55 AM, Rob Plant said: What have French riots got to do with race? The riots are happening because Macron has unilaterally raised the age of retirement without any debate, nothing to do with racism. How is ordering a cheeseburger at a French fine dining restaurant racism or "cultural differences" I would suggest anyone who did that was a moron and in the wrong place so yeah they should leave and find MacDonalds! Every country has its own culture and anyone travelling to a foreign country should respect that country's traditions and culture, if you dont then you disrespect that nation! You should then accept the consequences. Mr Plant each and every question surrounds culture, you yourself may well defined culture's. Tradition's those things that define a family, a race, country. The sum of actions that do indeed Cleary define us all. US tradition's have been violated...torn at the foundation's. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 21, 2023 (edited) https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/merrick-garland-at-center-of-hunter-biden-whistleblower-claim/ Attorney General Merrick Garland is ‘senior’ Biden official in Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower claim WASHINGTON — Attorney General Merrick Garland is the unnamed official whose sworn testimony before Congress is being challenged in a bombshell letter from an IRS whistleblower’s attorney that also alleges a cover-up in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, The Post has learned. Edited April 21, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 21, 2023 (edited) https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/biden-campaign-pushed-spies-to-write-false-hunter-laptop-letter/ Ex-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write false Hunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden’ In private sworn testimony, Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, then-Vice President Biden Edited April 21, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 21, 2023 (edited) A sitting US. President impeached over exposing political corruption, world wide political corruption. A bit of history...That cannot be unwritten. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-ukraine/ukraine-found-no-evidence-against-hunter-biden-in-case-audit-former-top-prosecutor-idUSKBN23B2RB Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutor KIEV (Reuters) - An audit of thousands of old case files by Ukrainian prosecutors found no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hunter Biden, the former prosecutor general, who had launched the audit, told Reuters. Edited April 21, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 21, 2023 (edited) On 4/17/2023 at 1:55 AM, Rob Plant said: Listing 2 dozen African American people who have become successful in the US doesnt make your society racism free Mr Plant let me assist you in your critical thinking here, those 24 people were and still are social icons. People who have achieved not only achieved fincial security they have social greatness. Ahh one note here. Social Icon would not mean some Twitter/TikTok azzhat. Below a social Icon..true US exceptionalism. Achieved by a man of color From By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Although, a summary of his basketball career and influence on the game inevitably fails to do it justice, as a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of fundamental soundness, grace, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire, Jordan single-handedly redefined the NBA superstar. Colan Powell He was awarded the Purple Heart, and later that year, the Bronze Star. Powell served a second tour of duty in Vietnam in 1968-69. During this second tour he was injured in a helicopter crash. Despite his own injuries, he managed to rescue his comrades from the burning helicopter and was awarded the Soldier’s Medal. In all, he has received 11 military decorations, including the Legion of Merit. Powell earned an MBA at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and after being promoted to major, won a White House Fellowship. Powell was assigned to the Office of Management and Budget during the administration of President Nixon, and there he made a lasting impression on the director and the deputy director of the Office: Caspar Weinberger and Frank Carlucci. Both of these men were to call on Powell when they served as Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor, respectively, under President Ronald Reagan. Name one country with such acceptance. Edited April 21, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,044 GE April 21, 2023 On 4/15/2023 at 12:36 PM, SUZNV said: Below is my conclusion (after using ChatGPT to correct my writing and I proof read) Don't do that. If you can't think or write for yourself, learn - don't plagiarize AI. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,044 GE April 21, 2023 2 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said: Mr Plant let me assist you in your critical thinking here, those 24 people were and still are social icons. People who have achieved not only achieved fincial security they have social greatness. Post a list of white people who got rich and famous during that time-frame and compare. Empirical data says racism is alive and well. For example in the courts: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/young_lawyers/publications/after-the-bar/public-service/racial-disparities-criminal-justice-how-lawyers-can-help/ "The net effects of history’s injustices are staggering. According to statistics the NAACP examined, although Black people make up 13.4 percent of the population, they make up: 22 percent of fatal police shootings, 47 percent of wrongful conviction exonerations, and 35 percent of individuals executed by the death penalty. African Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at five times the rate of whites." Or finances: https://inequality.org/facts/racial-inequality/#racial-wealth-divide "the median Black family has $24,100 in wealth. This is just 12.7 percent of the $189,100 in wealth owned by the typical white family. The median Latino family, with $36,050, owns just 19.1 percent of the wealth of the median white family." 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 22, 2023 (edited) 19 hours ago, TailingsPond said: The net effects of history’s injustices are staggering. According to statistics the NAACP examined, You lost any and all credibility sighting the NAACP, a organization of corruption on par with Democratic party leadership. Carry on your messaging of obtuse hate and misinformation, your movement's relevance is short. I stated this election will be dramatic, I never anticipated bringing the world to the brink of war... Now perhaps you might demonstrate any society that has had such racial diversity success as the US. Edited April 22, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TailingsPond + 1,044 GE April 22, 2023 (edited) 6 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said: I stated this election will be dramatic, I never anticipated bringing the world to the brink of war... You are always wrong. However, your dedication to failure / trump is impressive. "But, but what about hunter biden!" 😄 Edited April 22, 2023 by TailingsPond Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 April 22, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, TailingsPond said: You are always wrong. However, your dedication to failure / trump is impressive. "But, but what about hunter biden!" 😄 I am wrong? The world is about to change. Where this goes is beyond my experience. Google itself is getting involved. Mike Morrel congressional testimony is being suppressed, mind numbing. He openly stated Biden's deceptions, along with the highest admin official in the DOJ. And of course 50 intelligence administration members. All over a little laptop...as you say. Edited April 22, 2023 by Eyes Wide Open Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites