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Driverless cars - another bust prediction..

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Here is a link to a free, online article by an Australian academic. Below is the intro..

According to predictions made nearly a decade ago, we should be riding around in self-driving vehicles today. It’s now clear the autonomous vehicle revolution was overhyped.

Proponents woefully underestimated the technological challenges. It turns out developing a truly driverless vehicle is hard.

The academic points to various levels of autonomous driving. Investment in the area has certainly not been wasted but, of course, forecasts that self-driven e-cars would push aside petrol cars have proved ridiculously optimistic..  Anyway, worth a read. 

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  On 3/28/2023 at 11:13 AM, markslawson said:

Here is a link to a free, online article by an Australian academic. Below is the intro..

According to predictions made nearly a decade ago, we should be riding around in self-driving vehicles today. It’s now clear the autonomous vehicle revolution was overhyped.

Proponents woefully underestimated the technological challenges. It turns out developing a truly driverless vehicle is hard.

The academic points to various levels of autonomous driving. Investment in the area has certainly not been wasted but, of course, forecasts that self-driven e-cars would push aside petrol cars have proved ridiculously optimistic..  Anyway, worth a read. 


Just rented a car in Florida last week....

not driverless

but the driver aids that make driving so much easier

Car automatically keeps a distance behind the car in front....cruising on the freeway is alot safer and easier

Car automatically stays in lane on can feel the steering wheel maintaining the lane by itself...the car would warn me and try to maintain the lane if I was pushing the car out of a lane when not signalling a lane change

Car automatically brakes backing up near objects

Car automatically parks a few configurations


On board computer display has a lot of self driving aids that I did not mess with

Rome was not built in a day, self driving cars are one step at a time are slowly getting options that mimic auto pilot


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  On 3/29/2023 at 6:08 AM, notsonice said:

not driverless

but the driver aids that make driving so much easier


Yes, the money spent on research in this area has not been wasted, with plenty of apps to help the driver. That's good. Just the fully driverless car is proving to be a much longer haul than expected. Now that I think about it, the fully driverless urban experience could be achieved by making each car part of a grid overseen by a city-wide AI. Would the AI then start telling you where to drive? I dunno but its a thought?  

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Driverless cars certainly exist, the tech is developed.  There are driver-less spaceships for petes sake.  There just are pressures to not implement / legalize them.

Can you imagine if nearly every trucker, taxi driver, delivery driver, was laid off in short order?



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