WTI @ $75.75, headed for $64 - 67

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  On 10/22/2018 at 12:30 AM, Top Oil Trader said:

Basically what i see is this, yes a bounce is possible from the 60s, so say from 67 or 64, but also what is possible a collapse even further down to 59. And its a hard call, see its now the winter and everyone needs oil soon, so demand will move up, but what if countries get smart and get oit in the black market, then basically oil go go in a freefall. I see 2 scenarios oil down lower to my earlier targets, bounce back into trend, or trend collapses and oil goes into some freefall they will try to stop. This is where trading is ticky, since the range is now expanding it was 73 and down to 68. so now when you enter you are messed up since it can spike 1 buck up or down randomly on any made up news. Had you shorted at 72-73 when i first offered the short, now you would be sitting pretty and you could easily have ridden out the storm. I do think bulls, (not the smart ones) will try to get back long here.


But JJ to be far you offer really no time frames with any of your trades and usually fill it in after the fact. Will it go down in a month? A week? An hour? 12 years 4 months 6 days 2 hours from now? 

Like if I had a Put expiring this week and the drop happens next week, saying it would go down would be wrong this week but right next week so again none of this helps when you don't have any sort of timeframe associated with it

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  On 10/22/2018 at 1:41 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

I think the edge i discovered in trading, is that i now know when prices will go over the edge.


You don't though because again you don't offer time frames. Now if you could actually time the drops then I'd agree, but until then no

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oh no, atk says i dont have an edge. lol

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ATK this might be over your head, but when i give an entry point, its not based on time frame, its based on price.

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ATK i know what i have, my friend, I have a system both longterm and intraday. Something i have been looking for a long time. I am not someone who tries to figure out the 1 min chart and how to lose money every minute. I try to only enter when its profitable, for all i care i dont need to look at any chart just the price. Let me ask you when JPMorgan or the great like buffet entered a trade, do you ask them what time frame they used. I am not a nitty bitty micro trader, that looks at inconsequential time frames. Atk nother question, when the banks pull off a 2 bill trade, do you thnk they look at time frame, or price? Tikcer tape back then, was that timeframe or price. ATK little something you may want to add to your knowledge base, time is an illusion in your mind. ATK dont take this personal, but our levels of trading differs by about 20 light years.

Edited by Top Oil Trader
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So after looking at the trade setup, i realized that in fact the entry was at 40p higher prices. Ok there is always next time.

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  On 10/22/2018 at 2:00 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

ATK this might be over your head, but when i give an entry point, its not based on time frame, its based on price.


Cool I think oil will go to $50 within the next 10 years, so I guess I'm a trading genius then based on what your saying

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atk i never said you werent a genius, ill go even further, if einstein was alive, he would be considered a 2nd grader in math compared to you. atk by the way strands for "A Total Kenius"

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  On 10/22/2018 at 2:04 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

ATK i know what i have, my friend, I have a system both longterm and intraday. Something i have been looking for a long time. I am not someone who tries to figure out the 1 min chart and how to lose money every minute. I try to only enter when its profitable, for all i care i dont need to look at any chart just the price. Let me ask you when JPMorgan or the great like buffet entered a trade, do you ask them what time frame they used. I am not a nitty bitty micro trader, that looks at inconsequential time frames. Atk nother question, when the banks pull off a 2 bill trade, do you thnk they look at time frame, or price? Tikcer tape back then, was that timeframe or price. ATK little something you may want to add to your knowledge base, time is an illusion in your mind. ATK dont take this personal, but our levels of trading differs by about 20 light years.


Lol JJ nobody I'd asking what's going to happen in the next hour or minute, but to give at least some time frame for your trade.

When you trade options, timeframe is EXTREMELY important. Now I know the concept of trading with an expiration date might go over your head, but with options you are making a bet when you think a price point might hit within a given timeframe. So I agree it might not be as important with these pretend paper trades that you do, but they are important depending on things like option's trading.

Oh and I agree our trading does differ, I believe in being thorough about my reasoning behind my trade and the time it would take to happen and you believe in being very general as to have the ability to fill in the blanks afterward so that you can still appear to be right. 

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  On 10/22/2018 at 3:00 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

atk i never said you werent a genius, ill go even further, if einstein was alive, he would be considered a 2nd grader in math compared to you. atk by the way strands for "A Total Kenius"


Shit and I bet the oil "thems" think physic abilities are really based on your in depth calls. It's probably why you are being constantly monitored by the market markers of the world. They are trying to steal your profound secrets based off of all these right calls you made.


They don't want us getting that moon cheese!

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  On 10/22/2018 at 2:47 PM, McxCommodityResearch said:

J J are you agree with me..till this friday close we may see 64.50$???


He can't say because then that opens up the possibility that he could be wrong, needs to be more open ended so you can change your answer

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i dont predict for the week. This is not my goal, my name is not Jeremiah, though it starts with the same letter. So with 64.5 you are on your own. on  October 1st when WTI was close to 76 i said we hit 67-64, did not say the date or the time. So what i know is this 67 will be hit, could be this month maybe next, should bounce, somewhere at that level, they cant let it go under, would be a big loss. So they will support it, do i see prices hitting 59 yes. when? i got no clue. Could it hit 80? yes when i got no clue. right now im just focused on first target i had from oct 1, or 67.

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  On 10/22/2018 at 4:19 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

i dont predict for the week. This is not my goal, my name is not Jeremiah, though it starts with the same letter. So with 64.5 you are on your own. on  October 1st when WTI was close to 76 i said we hit 67-64, did not say the date or the time. So what i know is this 67 will be hit, could be this month maybe next, should bounce, somewhere at that level, they cant let it go under, would be a big loss. So they will support it, do i see prices hitting 59 yes. when? i got no clue. Could it hit 80? yes when i got no clue. right now im just focused on first target i had from oct 1, or 67.


No offense JJ but your price predictions are pretty much useless for anyone trying to trade this because again there is no time frame.

I think it will hit $50 eventually, I also think it will hit $100 eventually and I am right no matter what because I have all of eternity for those price points to hit. Nobody cares about hitting a certain price unless they can make money off of it .

Having an edge in the market would being knowing right before a drop is about to happen and not just saying there is going to be a drop in general.

Whenever you post these trades now I'll ask what your time frame is and if you don't have one I will label it as "useless JJ paper trade/ego stroke" 

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ATK its ok you can say what you want i take no offense im packing so too busy to read everything here. But really say what you wish, bring it on! wink

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some more thoughts on wti. i mean if you trade this monster, here is the deal it wont be easy to accumulate positions. So there bad news comes in it drops 60 cents, i gurantee you therell be big pockets who will take out the drop. But if they see when they gun for the stops, there is no more shorts, meaning they have been stopped out, there is no choice but to drop it, but this time a lot lower. So for you to make it in crude, im not talking about banking 200 bucks, but in the 1000s, man you better be really really good, timing wise, risk wise, and street smart, only way to win these guys, while they try to skin you  alive, before deep ftying you. Morale of this post, if you can daytrade crude , there is nothing you wont be able to trade. Everything after this, will be a breeze.

Edited by Top Oil Trader

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day... Just sayin...

My prediction is the stock market will crash... again... When? I don't know ;)

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Endless rambling from JJ playing on his fake money demo account - how many times have you blown up your demo account and had to start again JJ? Post a screen shot of your magical system which predicts the future and makes you rich enough to travel to the middle east and get the down low on where King salmon will push prices - oh i forgot your dating his daughter arnt you?

Are you even awake whilst your writing half of the drivel you put on here like starting up your own hedge fund to trade oil because your predictions are good enough to print money?

Ive never read such a bunch of baloney in all my life, i can see a dreamer a mile off... minutes wasted reading and responding ill never get back, i guess we are all as bored as you are on here!

Shame as it would be nice to share legitimate trading ideas for those of us serious enough to risk real money on this difficult business and not have the thread diluted with fantasies and useless information...


Edited by catch22
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  On 10/22/2018 at 2:04 PM, Top Oil Trader said:

Atk,  another question, when the banks pull off a $2 Billion trade, do you think they look at time frame, or price? .....  ATK dont take this personal, but our levels of trading differs by about 20 light years.


Are you for real!? seriously!? im actually speechless... dumbfounded... ive never been so gobsmacked by such an impressive display of ignorance which is then compounded and then superseded by an even more impressive display of conceited arrogance... wow...😦

I am relieved to hear that ATKs level of trading is 20 light years from yours tho.




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Catch can i ask you, why this accusation? what is making you angry that im giving you guys perfect entries? will wait for your answer

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You know what, I think i will still stay here, maybe, but you will never ever again get a daytrade entry  from me again. Ever. next time rely on those other guys. Obviously they have never ever seen someone call crude that accurately so far ahead of time, even after they have traded crude for years maybe 20 years, me just a couple of times, so how can i possibly figure it out, while they struggle and struggle, and like 99% of the rest of the traders, dont figure it out. So here is your chance, the floor is yours, let the other traders know when you think its a good time to enter.

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  On 10/23/2018 at 1:32 AM, Top Oil Trader said:

You know what, I think i will still stay here, maybe, but you will never ever again get a daytrade entry  from me again. Ever. next time rely on those other guys. Obviously they have never ever seen someone call crude that accurately so far ahead of time, even after they have traded crude for years maybe 20 years, me just a couple of times, so how can i possibly figure it out, while they struggle and struggle, and like 99% of the rest of the traders, dont figure it out. So here is your chance, the floor is yours, let the other traders know when you think its a good time to enter.


And this is exactly why everyone is laughing at you... how on earth can you possibly give someone a entry when you have no idea how they are trading it? To decide upon a position, you need to know what instruments are being traded, what the leverage is, what % of account balance you can tolerate in drawdown before coming into profit or hitting SL, and most importantly (what you still dont understand) over what time frame you wish to take the position. You honestly dont seem to have any understanding of these basic concepts and is why you cannot ask someone to give you an entry or a signal without knowing alot more information about the investment to be made.

Its ok tho JJ - your still learning, youll get there one day, probably in about 20 light years :D

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jj read my report...68.10 new low....


Edited by Rodent
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Todays target is 67.1, however they could still try to clean out some early shorts. Im still short 2 contracts from yesterday before the plunge happened, and may get out once  65 is hit. and probably call it a month.

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