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1 hour ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

IT did go away by itself, it was just a common cold with slight variation that most are not used to. 

Did he cause damage?  By going along with the moron CDC, WHO, and not demanding a balanced budget.

Your'e delusion is off the charts. 

Check into a looney bin for help

IT did go away by itself, it was just a common cold with slight variation that most are not used to. ?????

yes you now are the worlds biggest Idiot next to the idiot that stated in the spring of  2020 that it would be gone by itself

first of all COVID did not go away

what was the slight variation??????

death to over 1 million Americans in the first year...that did not get vaccinated..........just a common cold with slight variation....????????

You call death a slight variation?????

COVID is not gone, it is just feasting on the brain dead who refuse to get vaccinated. And you???? vaccinated or waiting for COVID to come knocking at your door ...slight variation of a cold??????????? good luck

US COVID deaths in 2023....90,000....



PHOTO: Provisional Weekly COVID-19 Deaths in the United States- Jan. 7, 2023 – Dec. 30, 2023

Why are 1500 Americans still dying from COVID every week?

Jan 10, 2024 — Nearly 1,500 Americans have died each week from the disease, as of Dec. 9, 2023, according to the CDC. More than three years ...


Edited by notsonice

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Covid was controlled with mass vaccination.

Twice impeached convicted felon is not the answer to any problem.

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1 hour ago, notsonice said:

IT did go away by itself, it was just a common cold with slight variation that most are not used to. ?????

yes you now are the worlds biggest Idiot next to the idiot that stated in the spring of  2020 that it would be gone by itself

first of all COVID did not go away

what was the slight variation??????

death to over 1 million Americans in the first year...that did not get vaccinated..........just a common cold with slight variation....????????

You call death a slight variation?????

COVID is not gone, it is just feasting on the brain dead who refuse to get vaccinated. And you???? vaccinated or waiting for COVID to come knocking at your door ...slight variation of a cold??????????? good luck

US COVID deaths in 2023....90,000....



PHOTO: Provisional Weekly COVID-19 Deaths in the United States- Jan. 7, 2023 – Dec. 30, 2023

Why are 1500 Americans still dying from COVID every week?

Jan 10, 2024 — Nearly 1,500 Americans have died each week from the disease, as of Dec. 9, 2023, according to the CDC. More than three years ...


Everyone has had Co19 and its multiple variations, multiple TIMES.  EVERYONE, or are you really this STUPID?  Just some idiots took an untested mRNA drug which partially alleviated the symptoms and instead were then dying off from "other causes" at 10%-->15% for a year+ after they took the idiot shots  Brilliant!!!

Meanwhile death rates AFTER supposedly people got the idiot shot in populations which took the shot in record numbers were dying off at upwards of 15% higher than normal and it had NOTHING to do with Co19... Lets see a Much HIGHER death rate without Co19 as culprit vrs Co19 at its peak... LOL--> You truly are stupid.  Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Meanwhile here in reality, the CDC removed lower respritory death category from its tabulated data in 2020 after being completely embarrassed by June when it went to ~zero but claimed co19 ballooned.  if you bother to look up Old lower respiratory deaths, it is 250,000/yr yet magically that category disappeared.  Flu/pneumonia death category with another 50,000 magically disappeared down to under 10,000 and all magically get labeled as Co19.  That is a normal year.  In years past often this number is MUCH MUCH higher due to different flu's which happen. Magically all of a sudden, PPOOOOOFFFF this category all of a sudden is back in 2023 after all the fear mongers have stopped... Magic... must be, yes indeed, magic...

Poor baby boo boo, some old 70 somethings with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer died off a bit faster... Guess what, just like ALL PREVIOUS odd flu years which were worse than normal. 

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH


Edited by footeab@yahoo.com
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6 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

Everyone has had Co19 and its multiple variations, multiple TIMES.  EVERYONE, or are you really this STUPID?  Just some idiots took an untested mRNA drug which partially alleviated the symptoms and instead were then dying off from "other causes" at 10%-->15% for a year+ after they took the idiot shots  Brilliant!!!

Meanwhile death rates AFTER supposedly people got the idiot shot in populations which took the shot in record numbers were dying off at upwards of 15% higher than normal and it had NOTHING to do with Co19... Lets see a Much HIGHER death rate without Co19 as culprit vrs Co19 at its peak... LOL--> You truly are stupid.  Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Meanwhile here in reality, the CDC removed lower respritory death category from its tabulated data in 2020 after being completely embarrassed by June when it went to ~zero but claimed co19 ballooned.  if you bother to look up Old lower respiratory deaths, it is 250,000/yr yet magically that category disappeared.  Flu/pneumonia death category with another 50,000 magically disappeared down to under 10,000 and all magically get labeled as Co19.  That is a normal year.  In years past often this number is MUCH MUCH higher due to different flu's which happen. Magically all of a sudden, PPOOOOOFFFF this category all of a sudden is back in 2023 after all the fear mongers have stopped... Magic... must be, yes indeed, magic...

Poor baby boo boo, some old 70 somethings with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer died off a bit faster... Guess what, just like ALL PREVIOUS odd flu years which were worse than normal. 

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH


Everyone has had Co19 and its multiple variations, multiple TIMES.  EVERYONE, ?????


you really are a Moron...do you bother to make sure what you are posting is right?? obviously not...you just make up crap and post it....as usual


everyone has not had COVID....and of the 20 Plus percent of Adults that did not catch COVID many are not vaccinated


For those who did not get vaccinated and or did not get boosters in a timely manner good luck


Death will knock on the door of those who did not get vaccinated or keep up with the boosters that believe COVID is gone. 

Last year , 90,000 morons got that knock on their doors


You can bet that everyone will need boosters again...COVID is a virus and vaccinations for viruses do not last forever in your body


and your name calling??? you post BS...... then all you have to back up your BS with  name calling when you are called out and proven to be wrong.......Please keep acting like a 5 year old............





What's the nation's progress on vaccinations? 

At least 270,227,181 people or 81% of the population have received at least one dose.

Overall, 230,637,348 people or 70% of the population are considered fully vaccinated.


Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. adults and older teens had still not caught COVID-19 by the end of last year, according to new estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while 77.5% had antibodies from at least one prior infection.Jul 5, 2023

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18 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

Everyone has had Co19 and its multiple variations, multiple TIMES.  EVERYONE, or are you really this STUPID?  Just some idiots took an untested mRNA drug which partially alleviated the symptoms and instead were then dying off from "other causes" at 10%-->15% for a year+ after they took the idiot shots  Brilliant!!!

Meanwhile death rates AFTER supposedly people got the idiot shot in populations which took the shot in record numbers were dying off at upwards of 15% higher than normal and it had NOTHING to do with Co19... Lets see a Much HIGHER death rate without Co19 as culprit vrs Co19 at its peak... LOL--> You truly are stupid.  Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Meanwhile here in reality, the CDC removed lower respritory death category from its tabulated data in 2020 after being completely embarrassed by June when it went to ~zero but claimed co19 ballooned.  if you bother to look up Old lower respiratory deaths, it is 250,000/yr yet magically that category disappeared.  Flu/pneumonia death category with another 50,000 magically disappeared down to under 10,000 and all magically get labeled as Co19.  That is a normal year.  In years past often this number is MUCH MUCH higher due to different flu's which happen. Magically all of a sudden, PPOOOOOFFFF this category all of a sudden is back in 2023 after all the fear mongers have stopped... Magic... must be, yes indeed, magic...

Poor baby boo boo, some old 70 somethings with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer died off a bit faster... Guess what, just like ALL PREVIOUS odd flu years which were worse than normal. 

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH

Baaaahhh stupid sheep BAAAAAHHH



I don't believe I've ever heard of a "flu" or "cold" that required the President to invoke the the Defense Production Act just to produce...



N95 respirator masks
Surgical masks
Surgical gloves

Anyone else hear of such a situation??

I suspect that "someone" high up thought it was serious enough to do so.

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1 hour ago, turbguy said:


I don't believe I've ever heard of a "flu" or "cold" that required the President to invoke the the Defense Production Act just to produce...



N95 respirator masks
Surgical masks
Surgical gloves

Anyone else hear of such a situation??

I suspect that "someone" high up thought it was serious enough to do so.

And you may wish to travel down memory lane to MERS virus out break or EBOLA outbreak, or Hong Kong Flu of 1968, where all travel was stopped etc etc and millions died.  But hey, your delusions regarding co19 are real! 

Stupid politicians making up pure 100% BS on the spot(pretending N95 masks stop virus's, or 6ft baloney separation rule, when virus's float in the air for minutes-->days)... Brilliant!   They have to be seen "doing" something(nothing in reality) ahead of the fear mongers. 

Gee, 12 year old kids used to be able to buy guns at your local drug store.  Anyone could buy ANY chemical, in any quantity they wanted without a permit.  No one needed a permit to build ANY structure on their own land.  And the USA used to manufacture nearly half of everything in the world... which our capitalists in charge farmed out to dictator scum in ~China, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. 



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3 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

Stupid politicians making up pure 100% BS on the spot[]

Gee, 12 year old kids used to be able to buy guns at your local drug store.  Anyone could buy ANY chemical, in any quantity they wanted without a permit. 

You really need to look at history.  Well before your birth chemicals were already regulated.

As early as 1914  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Narcotics_Tax_Act

Then there was that whole prohibition thing...  Not only could you not buy any chemical you wanted, you could not even ferment the grains you grew on your own land - a natural biological process.



Edited by TailingsPond

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9 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

And you may wish to travel down memory lane to MERS virus out break or EBOLA outbreak, or Hong Kong Flu of 1968, where all travel was stopped etc etc and millions died.  But hey, your delusions regarding co19 are real! 

Stupid politicians making up pure 100% BS on the spot(pretending N95 masks stop virus's, or 6ft baloney separation rule, when virus's float in the air for minutes-->days)... Brilliant!   They have to be seen "doing" something(nothing in reality) ahead of the fear mongers. 

Gee, 12 year old kids used to be able to buy guns at your local drug store.  Anyone could buy ANY chemical, in any quantity they wanted without a permit.  No one needed a permit to build ANY structure on their own land.  And the USA used to manufacture nearly half of everything in the world... which our capitalists in charge farmed out to dictator scum in ~China, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. 



So, was the Defense Production Act used back then, or with ANY prior "outbreak", or not?

It was not.

It's my opinion that international air travel has increased by HUNDREDS OF PERCENT since 1968.

Show that is an inaccurate opinion.

Edited by turbguy

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9 hours ago, turbguy said:

So, was the Defense Production Act used back then, or with ANY prior "outbreak", or not?

It was not.

It's my opinion that international air travel has increased by HUNDREDS OF PERCENT since 1968.

Show that is an inaccurate opinion.

So, was the 1820 land act used with ANY prior "OUTBREAK" or not?

Just as relevant as your moronic post

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15 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said:

So, was the 1820 land act used with ANY prior "OUTBREAK" or not?

Just as relevant as your moronic post

No, it was not (whatever that act has to do with the defense of the life and livelihood of US citizens).

Show my statement is inaccurate.  It is a fact.

You are welcome to your opinion, not your own facts.

(I got a funny look from the pharmacist when I was 12 years old and asked for a pound of PU0â‚‚)


Edited by turbguy
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