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Oil & gas and true culprits of war

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A post on LinkedIn indicated that Israel determines to be there despite surrounded by enemies has been due to  possible ownership of gas fields (see image).

If entire coast line is targeted by firing missiles back and forth, the war would be long. Unlike ancient strategy: invade, conquer, withdraw, which often happened rather quickly and efficiently, modern technique of distance fighting with missiles is really patient taking. After one fires, one waits for retaliation, fires again - waits - fires-------------. 

When someone posted another post on holocaust on LinkedIn, it intrigues an intention to know who Hitler was, what had Jews possibly  done to Hitler in inducing the outcome of WWII etc.

Is oil & gas culprits of war?? Below is the summary and references.


Note: German + Jews (Aryan) => WWII & massacre of jews

- Japan, alliance of Germany, invaded Manchuria for natural resources from the east; Aryan from the west. When lost, Aryan bought off UN for having Israel over potential gas fields.

Aryan race
- pseudoscience ( collective bilefs)/ self designated [1]
a) distinct progenitors of a superior specimen of humankind... [1]

b) desirers of the godhead (the state of being a God) …[2]

c) the Rig Vedic: ārya ( nomad) vs dasyu ( aborigine) =  "disorder, chaos and dark side of human nature"  vs  "order, purity, goodness and light" [1]

- Aryan believe “Mankind has grown great in eternal war. It would decay in eternal peace.” [4]

- attempted to identify the races of Europe as Aryan (light-skinned blue-eyed blonds)... a diffusionist model of culture emphasised racial superiority of Germans (and Jews of North Germany) over Romans and French.

Aims of Hitler
1. German (Aryan) master race [4]
-  “Aryan”, chief role in creating culture and civilization around the globe throughout history. “  [5]

- (Aryan) provides the mightiest building stones and plans for all human progress and only the execution corresponds to the nature of the varying men and races

- In a few decades, for example, the entire east of Asia will possess a culture whose ultimate foundation will be Hellenic spirit (conformity to, imitation of, or devotion to the culture ) and Germanic technology, just as much as in Europe. [5]


2. Revival of German language, tradition, ambition

a) national culture was believed to be under attack, either by foreign elements active in the domestic arena or by an international hegemon [5]
- The influence of Romanticism ( romantic era)  in Germany saw a revival of the intellectual quest for "the German language and traditions" and a desire to "discard the cold, artificial logic of Enlightenment".[1]

b) they faced an onerous international system designed to maintain Franco-British dominance at the expense of German (Aryan) and Japanese ambitions [5]
- He and other patriotic Germans were outraged and humiliated by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. By September 1923, 4 billion German Marks = 1USD. The Nazis fed on bank failures, very high inflation and unemployment— proved ineffectiveness of democratic government. [4]

c) Hitler blamed the Weimar Republic’s weakness on the influence of Germany’s Jewish and communist minorities, who he claimed were trying to take over the country.

- Jews represented everything the Nazis found repugnant: finance capitalism (controlled by powerful Jewish financiers), international communism (Karl Marx was a German Jew, and the leadership of the German Communist Party was heavily Jewish), and modernist cultural movements like psychoanalysis and swing music. [4]

- major Jewish communities identified today are Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi depending on place of origin [6]

- Because of its relative isolation over many centuries, the Ashkenazi (Europe origin) population, which accounts for most of the world's Jews today, is also known to have accummulated some 20 recessive hereditary disorders ( such as Tay-Sachs disease), rarely found in other populations.[3]

- (Aryan) rationalized that "unfit" races were suggested as a source of genetic weakness, and a threat that might contaminate the superior qualities of the "fit" races." [1]

- Nazi Party ( from Ashkenazi?) foreign policy aimed to rid Europe off Jews and other “inferior” peoples, absorb pure-blooded Aryans [4]


3. Ambition: Expanding empire of Germany
- a greatly expanded German empire —a “Third Reich”, would extend from northern Germany to Russia. It aims to

a) create living space for their farms and communities —and

b) wage unrelenting war on Slavs [4]

Nutshell: was WWII a self-ochestrated Jews massacre by Aryanic German & a few Jews of a family??!! 

If triggering war so that countries can grow is the aim, where do you stand?? If oil & gas fields are the targets, what would you do??

If Aryan empire for living space is true, where do you stand?? Very ambitious and powerful nomadic tribe of no land from Northern Germany, and of one family?? Could those figures appeared in movies "The sum of all fear" and " Captain America" resemble those involved in real life??


2. › rigveda › the Conquest over the Dasyus - CWSA - The Secret of 
3. > pmc
Gene tests show that two fifths of Ashkenazi Jews are descended...
4. Party foreign policy aimed,to be Untermenschen (subhuman)


6. › blog
Types of Jewish Identities: Identify Your Jewish Roots - FamilySearch



Edited by specinho

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