Illurion + 894 IG December 11, 2018 On 12/10/2018 at 8:08 AM, Rasmus Jorgensen said: Are you questioning the checks and balances system in America? Seriously? Expand Yes. Of course. The "checks and balances" as you call them, have been "OUT OF BALANCE FOR SOME 50 YEARS." The courts (judicial branch) are out of control, having encroached on the tasks of both the legislative, and executive branches. 1 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illurion + 894 IG December 11, 2018 On 12/10/2018 at 8:09 AM, Rasmus Jorgensen said: Are you seriously comparing modern day Germany and France to the former USSR? Expand Sorry for the delay. had pneumonia the docs say. i am better now. hate hospitals, though they are always kind to me. As for your question, the answer is YES. Very much so YES. The reasoning is simple, both merkel and macron are taking their people where the people do not want to go. .................. It appears that merkel is stepping aside, though in name only. appears to still be the power in germany. Today, the idiot that will soon run the EU announced that 'reuniting europe and africa" is the DESTINY of the EU... Idiocy. History will look back on this time as a time when utter chaos was caused by the destabilizing influence of a few misguided people. Merkel and Macron will go down in history along with Hitler as people who caused so much damage to so many millions of people. In conclusion, i stand by my statement from last week that France will collapse into full civil war and revolution if this idiocy continues past the next election. The same for Germany, but at a slower pace. The current protests are nothing in comparison to what is coming. 2 2 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illurion + 894 IG December 11, 2018 (edited) On 12/10/2018 at 1:03 PM, Jan van Eck said: I remain offended by the behavior of the Likud Party of Israel and I find Benjamin Netanyahu to be a huge destroyer of peace in the Middle East; pretty much all the problems there can trace back to Jewish theft of land and murder of the natives. Expand I am a Christian, though i am also a brother of the largest "Jewish" social Fraternity in the USA. I very much like Netanyahu. Jews need someone to stand up for them, and Benjamin is "THE MAN" as far as i am concerned toward that task. A week or so ago, in another thread, i talked with Guillaume Albasini, about my friends, a married Jewish couple, and their extended family, who live in France, and have had to move twice in the last 2 years as their neighborhoods were absorbed by the islamic "no go zones." My friends were told to convert to islam, move, or die. They feel that they are no longer safe in France, as Jews. They want to move, but are not in a position to do so. Guillaume Albasini was unimpressed with my friends story, and rejected my friends admonition to him that he is lucky his neighborhood has not been affected so far. HOWEVER, today, a study came out that further exhibits that what is happening to my Jewish friends in French EU is happening ALL OVER THE EU. As a side note, What "natives" are you talking about. The land there has belonged to Jews for 4 or 5 thousand years. They keep getting conquered over time, and moved elsewhere, but they always eventually come back home. The Jews "are" the natives. Edited December 11, 2018 by Illurion 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jan van Eck + 7,558 MG December 12, 2018 (edited) On 12/11/2018 at 10:39 PM, Illurion said: As a side note, What "natives" are you talking about. The land there has belonged to Jews for 4 or 5 thousand years. They keep getting conquered over time, and moved elsewhere, but they always eventually come back home. The Jews "are" the natives. Expand The problems in the Middle East all come back to Jewish, specifically Zionist, behavior. Th Zionists steal the lands of the Palestinian Arabs, pure and simple. The Arabs get pushed out, to go live in some permanent refugee camp, in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, even Gaza. OK, so the refugees are being used as pawns by the Arab societies, it still comes down to the theft of land. The Jews have made themselves the Prussians of the Middle East, the classic war machine (all heavily supported by the USA, incidentally, to the tune of about $3.5 billion in taxpayer dollars, before you even add it the "Jewish Bonds" sold in synagogues around the USA). You say: "the land has belonged to Jews for 4 or 5 thousand years." That is hogwash. The original peoples there were the Canaanites, the ancestors of the Palestinians. The Jews showed up out of Egypt's Nile River Delta area, where (contrary to legend) they were not slaves, rather an aggressive culture that the Pharaohs found useful to hire as mercenaries. When it started to sink in that having armed mercenaries with no fealty to the Pharaoh, only to money, sitting on the border area, Pharaoh drove them out, and the Jews left en masse for what is today the West Bank. There, the Jews simply slaughtered their way into power. Read your Old Testament, it is all there. From there, the Jews migrated for a while in Baghdad (time of Jeremiah) and then some portion back in Galilee, under an uneasy arrangement with the Romans, ultimately to go to the fringes of Roman Rule to get out from underneath the rough Roman control, starting that millennia-long migration through Russia and into Ukraine and Poland, then eventually into Germany and France. After WWII, the question among the Allies was, What do we do with the Jews? Resettlement inside Germany and Poland was unrealistic, The USA and Canada didn't want them (remember the notorious voyage of the steamship St. Louis), and the British didn't want Jews in Palestine, fearing violence with the Arabs by the Jewish underground fighters from Yugoslavia. They came anyway, as you can see in the movie "Exodus," and the fighters formed the Irgun, which promptly blew up the HQ of the British, inside the King David Hotel. The British departed, and the Irgun started killing the native Palestinians, who fled to those refugee camps in Jordan. And that sets the stage for today's problems. Jewish mythology requires the belief in "the Return" after 2,000 years, basically saying: "Hey, some ancestor lived here 2,000 years ago, so that gives me the right to show up from Poland and kill you and go sit on your land." And that is where Netanyahu is coming from. To no surprise, now the Palestinians adopt the same approach, and you have suicide-vest bombers, the Intifada, and a state of perpetual war. Some very brave Jewish leaders tried (with the help of President Carter) to get out from underneath the cycle of violence, making peace with Egypt, only to be murdered by Irgun elements. Netanyahu is the leader of the most violent of the Irgun outgrowth, the Likud. Is he mentally ill? Probably. Meanwhile, you have this state of perpetual war, and "settlements" in the West Bank that make any peace impossible. It is a desolate history. Edited December 12, 2018 by Jan van Eck 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illurion + 894 IG December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 12:10 AM, Jan van Eck said: The original peoples there were the Canaanites, the ancestors of the Palestinians. Expand If memory serves, Jewish history says the Jews had previously lived in the "promised land", but had been conquered and taken away from it long ago, and that it was their escape from the Egyptians that led them back to their former land, only to find it now occupied by the Canaanites, who they subsequently conquered in order to retake what had previously been theirs. In addition, i have never seen any evidence that the so called Palestinians, are in any way connected to the Canaanites. The current day Palestinians, et al, appear to be the descendants of the arabs that took over the land after the Jewish diaspora caused by the Romans destruction of Jerusalem, and the muslim hordes who subsequently conquered the whole middle east. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jan van Eck + 7,558 MG December 12, 2018 (edited) On 12/12/2018 at 12:24 AM, Illurion said: If memory serves, Jewish history says the Jews had previously lived in the "promised land", but had been conquered and taken away from it long ago, and that it was their escape from the Egyptians that led them back to their former land, only to find it now occupied by the Canaanites, who they subsequently conquered in order to retake what had previously been theirs. In addition, i have never seen any evidence that the so called Palestinians, are in any way connected to the Canaanites. The current day Palestinians, et al, appear to be the descendants of the arabs that took over the land after the Jewish diaspora caused by the Romans destruction of Jerusalem, and the muslim hordes who subsequently conquered the whole middle east. Expand Memory serves you poorly. I am going to move on from some historical discussion of the Jews, as this is a forum on oil. That said, the current turmoil in the Middle East does relate directly back to Jewish re-arrival compliments of the WWII allies, and their behavior since then, starting with the Irgun. At one point, Madeline Albright, the US Secretary of State, was asked what the West should do with the Jews in Israel. Her stunningly unreserved reply" "Send them back to Poland!" She was fired two days later for that crack. The reason behind the Poland remark was that so many of the arrivals in Palestine came there directly from the camps in Poland - both the survivors of the concentration camps, and of the work or forced-labor camps set up to support the German war effort. To understand this, you can view the Spielberg movie Schindler's List, which was surprisingly accurate to capture the tenor of the times. Both Jews and Poles were forced labor, the difference being that Poles actually did get paid (very, very little) as Jews got paid nothing (although the German overseer did charge the labor contractor, in this case a vaguely murky man possibly Hungarian). This large migration of Polish Jews rapidly filled up the Palestinian Mandate, now Israel, and started the spill-over into the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Obviously, if the Polish Jews went back to Poland (where, don't forget, they lived in ghettos, compounds with big gates that were barred shut at night) then you would not have this pressure on land in Palestine. But that required the newly-democratic government of Poland to do an upheaval of spectacular proportions, which it was not prepared to do. So the Albright remark had no reality behind it, the remark was one of exasperation. Still, enough to get you fired from your job. Not politically correct. Edited December 12, 2018 by Jan van Eck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illurion + 894 IG December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 12:35 AM, Jan van Eck said: Madeline Albright, the US Secretary of State Expand Such a liberal idiot. Every time she opened her mouth, i cringed back then. Surprisingly, the main stream media still love her and put her on tv all the time. So sad. Some years later, she claimed to have "Jewish ancestors" and to have changed her tune about Israel. I do not believe her. Nothing changes. The latest liberal "idiot of the month" , Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is also suddenly claiming she has undisclosed "Jewish ancestors." I have come to believe it is a New York thing, as there are so many Jews in NY, the politicians are just trying to kiss butt. As for Schindler's List, i love the movie, and listen to the theme song everyday, as it is one of 35 songs on my car radio mp3 player sd card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Epic + 390 cc December 12, 2018 On 12/10/2018 at 5:43 PM, Jan van Eck said: I would be very surprised if Macron can politically survive an uprising against him of this intensity. Expand Do not underestimate clever little political puppets who have all the resources of their puppet-masters at their disposal. After all, what better way to put down the yellow vest uprising than with an undercover rogue agent posing as a jihadi terrorist: Remember, jihadis stand their ground and die fighting. Rogue agents flee to stage false-flags another day. And this guy fought off armed security forces at multiple different locations, which, I'd say, is no small feat and requires substantive amounts of training in fire-and-maneuver tactics. I also like how "the authorities" already know who the shooter is, but they just can't seem to be able find the guy. Hmmmm. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowkin + 584 EA December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 12:10 AM, Jan van Eck said: The problems in the Middle East all come back to Jewish, specifically Zionist, behavior. Th Zionists steal the lands of the Palestinian Arabs, pure and simple. The Arabs get pushed out, to go live in some permanent refugee camp, in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, even Gaza. OK, so the refugees are being used as pawns by the Arab societies, it still comes down to the theft of land. The Jews have made themselves the Prussians of the Middle East, the classic war machine (all heavily supported by the USA, incidentally, to the tune of about $3.5 billion in taxpayer dollars, before you even add it the "Jewish Bonds" sold in synagogues around the USA). You say: "the land has belonged to Jews for 4 or 5 thousand years." That is hogwash. The original peoples there were the Canaanites, the ancestors of the Palestinians. The Jews showed up out of Egypt's Nile River Delta area, where (contrary to legend) they were not slaves, rather an aggressive culture that the Pharaohs found useful to hire as mercenaries. When it started to sink in that having armed mercenaries with no fealty to the Pharaoh, only to money, sitting on the border area, Pharaoh drove them out, and the Jews left en masse for what is today the West Bank. There, the Jews simply slaughtered their way into power. Read your Old Testament, it is all there. From there, the Jews migrated for a while in Baghdad (time of Jeremiah) and then some portion back in Galilee, under an uneasy arrangement with the Romans, ultimately to go to the fringes of Roman Rule to get out from underneath the rough Roman control, starting that millennia-long migration through Russia and into Ukraine and Poland, then eventually into Germany and France. After WWII, the question among the Allies was, What do we do with the Jews? Resettlement inside Germany and Poland was unrealistic, The USA and Canada didn't want them (remember the notorious voyage of the steamship St. Louis), and the British didn't want Jews in Palestine, fearing violence with the Arabs by the Jewish underground fighters from Yugoslavia. They came anyway, as you can see in the movie "Exodus," and the fighters formed the Irgun, which promptly blew up the HQ of the British, inside the King David Hotel. The British departed, and the Irgun started killing the native Palestinians, who fled to those refugee camps in Jordan. And that sets the stage for today's problems. Jewish mythology requires the belief in "the Return" after 2,000 years, basically saying: "Hey, some ancestor lived here 2,000 years ago, so that gives me the right to show up from Poland and kill you and go sit on your land." And that is where Netanyahu is coming from. To no surprise, now the Palestinians adopt the same approach, and you have suicide-vest bombers, the Intifada, and a state of perpetual war. Some very brave Jewish leaders tried (with the help of President Carter) to get out from underneath the cycle of violence, making peace with Egypt, only to be murdered by Irgun elements. Netanyahu is the leader of the most violent of the Irgun outgrowth, the Likud. Is he mentally ill? Probably. Meanwhile, you have this state of perpetual war, and "settlements" in the West Bank that make any peace impossible. It is a desolate history. Expand Some of Israel’s history, according to the Jews, you take as gospel (it’s all in their book just look!) some of it as lies and propaganda (they were Egyptian mercs not slaves!). Which one is which? Whichever supports your lies of course. Migrating for a while in Babylonia (Baghdad)? Lol no. Israel was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and prominent Jews were exiled to Babylonia (Iraq). This wording is similar to your ‘mass deaths’ comment when speaking of 9/11. You’re an emasculated Euro who can’t call a spade a spade. You then continue making things up by saying the Jews migrated back to Israel from Babylonia after having made some ‘uneasy arrangement’ with the Romans. Nope. The Persians under Cyrus conquered the Babylonians and gave those exiled Jews the option to return to Israel from Babylon. This is circa 586-538 BC. Romans don’t take control of Israel until almost 500 years later! They weren’t even in the picture. As I said in another thread you’re clueless and should really stop posting about politics and history. It’s safe to say you have very little credibility. On 12/12/2018 at 12:35 AM, Jan van Eck said: I am going to move on from some historical discussion of the Jews, as this is a forum on oil. Expand Of course you want to pivot away from history since you know so little of it and go on some tangent about Madeleine Albright and Poland. Whether you’re right or wrong about that has nothing to do with who has a legitimate claim to Israel. We have a rule in the US that might as well be a world rule. Possession is 9/10 of the law. You can whine about evil Zionists all you want but realistically Israel isn’t going anywhere. They have the best military in the ME, nukes, and are a valuable ally/asset to the US in a strategic location. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 December 12, 2018 (edited) The problem is not just climate change related taxes but actual increases in utility costs. See Edited December 12, 2018 by ronwagn 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 December 12, 2018 Can the ‘Yellow Vests’ Protests Go Global? As the protests started to attract increased international attention, I began to wonder if they could spread spontaneously to other nations. As such, it was noteworthy to see reports of yellow vest-style protests in Belgium, and to a lesser extent The Netherlands, this past weekend. Then last evening I came across the following headline from the AP. CAIRO (AP) — Egyptian authorities have quietly introduced restrictions on the sale of yellow reflective vests, fearing opponents might attempt to copy French protesters during next month’s anniversary of the 2011 popular uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak, security officials and retailers said Monday. They said industrial safety equipment dealers have been instructed not to sell yellow vests to walk-in buyers and to restrict business to wholesale sales to verified companies, but only after securing police permission. They were told offenders would be punished, the officials said without elaborating. You know a government’s weak and paranoid when they’re afraid citizens might wear an article of brightly colored clothing into the streets, but the concern is warranted. Not just in Egypt, but across the world. ================================ Actually, a few years ago here in Malaysia, it was illegal to wear the color yellow, as I reported anonymously back in 2011 (I later used the disposable pseudonymn of "Yellow Card" for reporting in that thread) AnonymousMember dvybeyond said: ↑ I know what youre talking about even though I didnt get so deep into it. I lived in Malasyia too for a quite long time and I have family there (Subang Jaya). So Id be glad if you could keep us/ me updated about whats going on. Thx And if you get a chance kick the govs ass! On it. I'm nearby, in Shah Alam. Total lockdown in and out of Kuala Lumpur since last night. At least 30 major roads closed down leading to KL, the Capital City. The North - South highway (the main artery from the top to bottom of peninsular Malaysia is chocked down to 1 lane, police looking inside every vehicle. Busses of protesters not allowed. Wearing yellow t-shirts is still illegal. At least 250 peaceful protesters arrested so far. At least the internet is still up and running. Police have warned that they will arrest anyone who spreads rumors of an impending internet shutdown. ^ Think about that for a second... 10AM local time, rally is at 2 PM today. More updates later. I would dearly love to attend the rally, but my spouse says no way in hell. At minimum, tear gas and water cannons laced with irritating chemicals are expected, which is normal retaliation for any protests here. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 December 12, 2018 Damn fine article, covers a lot of ground, a fairly lengthy read: The Riots in France Are NOT Just About Taxes ... Initially, we were told that the protests were the result of a single issue - taxes. This is believable enough. People have been protesting taxes for years. But these protests seem different. First, it is not a mere financial issue such as what taxes have long been considered in the US (mainly because taxes have been relatively low compared to socialist countries in Europe . . . for now) but also because the taxes allegedly spawning the protests have come as a result of the imposition of a fuel tax under the guise of environmental concerns. The Macron government claims that the taxes are being imposed in order to transition France off of fossil fuel and toward alternative energy for the purpose of combatting climate change. The taxes are, of course, simply more eco-fascism and money grabbing from the French government which is acting the great tradition of Western governments using climate change, as the Club of Rome once devised, as the crisis that would “fit the bill” to force “wealthy” Westerners to accept much less in terms of their living standards and disposable income. ... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 December 12, 2018 On 12/10/2018 at 5:20 AM, ronwagn said: Expand Maybe the young'un is smarter than I gave him credit for. Of course the can re-enact it, at their further peril. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowkin + 584 EA December 12, 2018 On 12/9/2018 at 10:39 PM, Illurion said: Frankly, i believe the native French will lose, and France will become a Muslim country eventually, as i do not believe the French people have the guts to do what is necessary. Expand The US will be forced to intervene on the side of native French. Agreed the French don't have what it takes except a minority of them who will form auxiliaries for the US military in this coming war On 12/9/2018 at 10:39 PM, Illurion said: Everything can be managed through a political process. Expand I'm not sure this is the case anymore On 12/9/2018 at 10:39 PM, Illurion said: We just need to get rid of liberal Judges that are preventing us from enforcing our laws Expand This is key 2 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red + 252 RK December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 7:37 PM, shadowkin said: The US will be forced to intervene on the side of native French. Agreed the French don't have what it takes except a minority of them who will form auxiliaries for the US military in this coming war I'm not sure this is the case anymore This is key Expand The gilets jaunes' swat team is prepared for all contingencies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Epic + 390 cc December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 4:30 AM, shadowkin said: Romans don’t take control of Israel until almost 500 years later! They weren’t even in the picture. As I said in another thread you’re clueless and should really stop posting about politics and history. It’s safe to say you have very little credibility. Expand First of all, Jan is probably one of the most highly educated and widely read members of this forum. Second, before throwing insults concerning credibility, one might want to check the leaderboard status of the one who's credibility you are about to insult. Third, any time someone takes the time to write aswell articulated posts as Jan does, it might strongly behoove one to take a bit extra time to consider what was written before being so quick to insert foot into mouth. Fourth, always remember that internet posting can result in miscommunication. You may be misreading what was written, or it is possible that Jan's words were not as clear as they could have been...or (and most likely), your background and use of language is slightly different than Jan's, and this can result in the appearance of error where no error actually exists. Fifth, while Jan is not always correct (none of us are always correct), I have found that if Jan says something different than what I believe, it is best to do additional research and make an educated reply based on facts and data rather than emotional character attacks. Sixth, always remember to smile and have a nice day! (Not that Jan needs any one to defend him, but I for one do like to stand up for truth). 2 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red + 252 RK December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 4:30 AM, shadowkin said: Of course you want to pivot away from history since you know so little of it and go on some tangent about Madeleine Albright and Poland. Whether you’re right or wrong about that has nothing to do with who has a legitimate claim to Israel. We have a rule in the US that might as well be a world rule. Possession is 9/10 of the law. Expand So when someone steals your car, or decides they would like to live in your home now because you went on vacation, that's fine? After all, it is as you say "a rule in the US". 1 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowkin + 584 EA December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 8:39 PM, Red said: So when someone steals your car, or decides they would like to live in your home now because you went on vacation, that's fine? After all, it is as you say "a rule in the US". Expand No it doesn't work like that. When it comes to nations territory has changed so many times if we were to apply what many want to apply to Israel many nations would no longer exist. It's not realistic. For example Xinjiang and Tibet would be broken off from China. I don't read all posts on here but I don't see anyone advocating for that with the same passion as Israel and its territory. Do you think that's going to happen without a war? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowkin + 584 EA December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 8:27 PM, Epic said: First of all, Jan is probably one of the most highly educated and widely read members of this forum. Second, before throwing insults concerning credibility, one might want to check the leaderboard status of the one who's credibility you are about to insult. Third, any time someone takes the time to write aswell articulated posts as Jan does, it might strongly behoove one to take a bit extra time to consider what was written before being so quick to insert foot into mouth. Fourth, always remember that internet posting can result in miscommunication. You may be misreading what was written, or it is possible that Jan's words were not as clear as they could have been...or (and most likely), your background and use of language is slightly different than Jan's, and this can result in the appearance of error where no error actually exists. Fifth, while Jan is not always correct (none of us are always correct), I have found that if Jan says something different than what I believe, it is best to do additional research and make an educated reply based on facts and data rather than emotional character attacks. Sixth, always remember to smile and have a nice day! (Not that Jan needs any one to defend him, but I for one do like to stand up for truth). Expand So many words yet you can't dispute his logical and factual errors Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red + 252 RK December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 8:47 PM, shadowkin said: No it doesn't work like that. When it comes to nations territory has changed so many times if we were to apply what many want to apply to Israel many nations would no longer exist. It's not realistic. For example Xinjiang and Tibet would be broken off from China. I don't read all posts on here but I don't see anyone advocating for that with the same passion as Israel and its territory. Do you think that's going to happen without a war? Expand Maybe you should go and study both history and law because I really think you are clutching at straws. The notion that peoples of any other "country", however defined, have a lesser passion for where they live, and done so for generations, is curious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illurion + 894 IG December 12, 2018 (edited) On 12/12/2018 at 8:54 PM, Red said: The notion that peoples of any other "country", however defined, have a lesser passion for where they live, and done so for generations, is curious. Expand I know nothing about the China situation Shadowkin mentioned, however, in regard to France, i believe he is agreeing with my post about the French government collapsing again because it has happened so many times. As i mentioned earlier and in other posts, i have very good friends living outside of Paris who i have known for over 40 years. They are French born and raised, and i know beyond a shadow of doubt that they love their country. Yet, when confronted by migrants, they have moved twice in the last 2 years ! The first house they moved from they had lived in for over 25 years ! yet they gave it up ? Personally, i'd have fought, and killed if necessary to protect my home. Where i live, most everyone has guns, and the law allows us to "STAND OUR GROUND", and we are allowed to kill to protect our property, and selves. The fact that these riots are happening in France is actually a good thing. People are standing up for themselves. Unfortunately, the facts seem to indicate that many of the rioters are NOT the native-French, but are the INVADING IMMIGRANTS instead. Not a good thing. ps: in defense of my friends, they tell me they would have stayed if THERE HAD NOT BEEN SO SO MANY OF THE MUSLIM MIGRANTS MOVE IN SO SUDDENLY. They say that is THE MAJOR SCREW-UP BY THE GOVERNMENT, NOT JUST LETTING THE HORDES IN, BUT LETTING IN SO MANY, SO FAST, THAT THE NATIVE FRENCH ARE OUTNUMBERED, AND MUST RETREAT. Edited December 12, 2018 by Illurion 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red + 252 RK December 12, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 11:47 PM, Illurion said: The fact that these riots are happening in France is actually a good thing. People are standing up for themselves. Unfortunately, the facts seem to indicate that many of the rioters are NOT the native-French, but are the INVADING IMMIGRANTS instead. Expand Luckily your "facts" are not confusing. It's a good thing for France that the invading immigrants are rioting 😕. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 December 13, 2018 On 12/11/2018 at 5:36 AM, Jan van Eck said: This is one of the problems in earth science. It gets difficult to separate correlation from causation. You may be measuring the same volume of water, but having it slosh around on the planet surface in some different pattern. Expand 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red + 252 RK December 13, 2018 On 12/13/2018 at 1:58 AM, Tom Kirkman said: Expand When you put it that way, I understand what you do not understand. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodent + 1,424 December 13, 2018 On 12/12/2018 at 8:47 PM, shadowkin said: No it doesn't work like that. When it comes to nations territory has changed so many times if we were to apply what many want to apply to Israel many nations would no longer exist. It's not realistic. For example Xinjiang and Tibet would be broken off from China. I don't read all posts on here but I don't see anyone advocating for that with the same passion as Israel and its territory. Do you think that's going to happen without a war? Expand And y'all would have to get the flip off my land. Get off my lawn!!! 1 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites