
Projection Of Experts: Oil Prices Expected To Stay Anchored Around $65-70 Through 2023

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Spirtuality has nothing to do with re

  On 1/18/2019 at 2:07 AM, Illurion said:

You are free to have your opinion of course.

I do not share it.

Based on what you wrote,  you are not American,  and do not seem to grasp who and what we are.

You also obviously have some real HATE ISSUES,  in that you appear to hate religion,  and want to blame it for all the alleged wrongs you see.

(1)  China is not a sophisticated scientific economy.    It is a totalitarian State that has amassed vast amounts of it's "science" by outright theft.

(2)  China's predatory trading practices are now coming to an end,  thanks to President Trump.    The Chinese economy is experiencing much strain,  as has been noted in many current media articles,  and even China's illegal "currency manipulation" cannot help them this time.

(3)  China's on again,  off again,  on again,  hatred towards Religion will,  in the end,  be China's undoing,  as Human Beings are,  BY NATURE,  SPIRITUALISTIC.     China is at war with the Human Spirit,  and china will lose the war eventually.   All thug countries always do....

(4)  I agree with you that much of the US Government is out of control and could very well be described as a "mafia",  however,  it already has a name,  ie:  "THE DEEP STATE",  populated by  "SWAMP CREATURES."

And we hired President Trump to destroy the deep state,  and to drain the swamp,  and destroy the swamp creatures.

(5)  As for the consumerism that exists in America,  it is called CAPITALISM.    And it generates far more wealth than your heroes,  the Chinese could ever hope to steal.


So,  in conclusion,   the Dollar will not crash....   

As for long on oil,   depending on what price you set,  that may be a good deal.

But short on gold would be a losing bet,  unless there is a war.

Have a nice day.



 Haha, thats awsome, dont forget your so called  capitalism, yes generates alot of wealth- for china.   Tell me, how many products you are using, watching or wearing, and eating and eating off of. All the products you are consuming are from china. So yes capitalism generates endless riches- for chinese companies tied to the state. Good guess on not being american, im canadian, but aside from being from canada, i have also left my borders to experience life outside Jewish controlled media, and its amazing. There is endless vibrant energy both culturally and economically.

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  On 1/18/2019 at 2:07 AM, Illurion said:


You also obviously have some real HATE ISSUES in that you appear to hate religion,  and want to blame it for all the alleged wrongs you see.



Hate of Islam is... very American.

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whoa people, first, i would never say hate.  i simply disagree with fake beliefs.  islam, judeism, and christianity  are all equally fake beliefs..  everyone stop putting bad words into peoples mouths ..we are predicting price of oil here. 53 dollars here we come

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  On 1/18/2019 at 2:15 AM, Danial Gable said:

Spirtuality has nothing to do with re

 Haha, thats awsome, dont forget your so called  capitalism, yes generates alot of wealth- for china.   Tell me, how many products you are using, watching or wearing, and eating and eating off of. All the products you are consuming are from china. So yes capitalism generates endless riches- for chinese companies tied to the state. Good guess on not being american, im canadian, but aside from being from canada, i have also left my borders to experience life outside Jewish controlled media, and its amazing. There is endless vibrant energy both culturally and economically.


You are exactly correct,  the US Government made a big mistake 20 odd years ago when it allowed China into the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund.

China has systematically LOOTED those two organizations of money,  and used those monies to build plants in China that make all of the products that you describe.


As Ross Perot stated at the time in 1992,   "FREE TRADE" had never worked in the history of the world,  and every country that ever switched to it FELL.

So China,  as you so well stated,   TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THESE TWO MISTAKES BY THE US GOVERNMENT,   and used all of the WTO & IMF stolen money to build manufacturing plants in China that took the place of the closing plants in America...


So,  everything you wrote is correct.

And that is why we hired President Trump to put an end to it.

We have changed our policies in reference to the funding of IMF and WTO to make them no longer China-Centric.

We have raised tariffs against China on many things,  with many more tariffs to come in the future.


The results are already showing...


A report last week stated that the USA,  in the 8 years of Obama,  LOST 250,000 MANUFACTURING JOBS.

The same report says in the last 2 years of Trump,  the USA has GAINED OVER 600,000 MANUFACTURING JOBS...


Many of those came from China...  and many more will come from China in the future..


And,  many of them have come from Canada too,  as the Canadian auto plants are closing left and right.

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  On 1/18/2019 at 2:44 AM, Enthalpic said:

Hate of Islam is... very American.


True...   we act as a mirror to what Islam shows us.....

Islam is incompatible with Freedom,  which is what we cherish.

Edited by Illurion

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  On 1/18/2019 at 2:51 AM, Danial Gable said:

whoa people, first, i would never say hate.  i simply disagree with fake beliefs.  islam, judeism, and christianity  are all equally fake beliefs..  everyone stop putting bad words into peoples mouths ..we are predicting price of oil here. 53 dollars here we come


I do not believe Christianity is a fake religion,  but i will not kill you for saying it.

The Muslims would cut your head off for writing what you just wrote..

They do it to people all the time...


As for $53.00,  sounds good to me...   But are you talking BRENT,  or WTI  ?

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Probabably better to not bring religion into an oil discussion.  Dead end road.

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  On 1/18/2019 at 5:22 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

Probabably better to not bring religion into an oil discussion.  Dead end road.


I wasn't offended by any of that religion chat at all until someone suggested $53 Brent ! Now that I find highly offensive !

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  On 1/18/2019 at 5:46 PM, Auson said:

I wasn't offended by any of that religion chat at all until someone suggested $53 Brent ! Now that I find highly offensive !


yo....it was 53 wti, and make that 54

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  On 1/18/2019 at 5:22 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

Probabably better to not bring religion into an oil discussion.  Dead end road.


Totally agree!  Oil production has zero to do with religion.  It does have a lot to do with government.  

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  On 1/18/2019 at 5:22 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

Probabably better to not bring religion into an oil discussion.  Dead end road.


Yes 100% right it is better not to bring religion in to this community.

We are here to talk about oil.

And for anybody who wants to know I Am a English Man and a buddhist  with that said it has nothing to do with me buying or selling oil. 


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  On 1/19/2019 at 7:12 PM, JoMack said:

Totally agree!  Oil production has zero to do with religion.  It does have a lot to do with government.  


it appears to me that Tesla is a religion. Just thought I would throw that out there. 

I think I might start an EV thread now for anyone thats interested

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  On 1/19/2019 at 7:15 PM, David Bench said:

Yes 100% right it is better not to bring religion in to this community.

We are here to talk about oil.

And for anybody who wants to know I Am a English Man and a buddhist  with that said it has nothing to do with me buying or selling oil. 




I don't mean to judge at all but I would genuinely be interested in how you feel buddhism and buying and selling oil can be squared ?

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  On 1/19/2019 at 7:12 PM, JoMack said:

Oil production has zero to do with religion.  It does have a lot to do with government.  


Oil production has been tremendously impacted by religion. Salasim/wahabbism, funded by oil made Sunni islamic fundamentalism the force it is today. Without religion there is no '73 oil embargo, no 9-11. Wahabbism would still exist in it's pure state in a Najd region of Saudi Arabia, as it has since the 18th century, but pretty much no where else. Without the need to feed this power machine, and of course the Iranian influence machine which strives to counter-balance. Would we give a hoot about Iran is not for the Hezbullah. 

Of course as often stated, in the end the production can't really wander off demand, but religion injects uncertainty into the market and has impacted sort term production and tremendously effects global politics. 

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  On 1/19/2019 at 8:39 PM, Auson said:


I don't mean to judge at all but I would genuinely be interested in how you feel buddhism and buying and selling oil can be squared ?


Auson Thank you for your reply. For me there is nothing to "squared" There is nothing  wrong, Bad ,or Forbidden in making money. How every It is only the way you use that money thru your Life that maybe One should question.



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