Marina Schwarz + 1,576 January 28, 2019 Northeast struggles due to insufficient gas pipeline infrastructure Loath of repeating something that has been said a hundred times already on this forum I'll just go sit in the corner and marvel how good people are at screwing things up with the best of intentions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 January 28, 2019 A few years ago in New England: Gas Pipeline Plans Face Stiff Opposition "There's extreme opposition [to the pipeline proposal] in southern New Hampshire," said Maryann Harper, a Rindge, N.H., resident and a vocal critic of Northeast Energy Direct. "Almost every town along the pipeline route … has taken an official vote against the project." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoMack + 549 JM February 9, 2019 New York gets its natural gas from Pennsylvania since they won't develop their own resources. or build any pipelines. Massachusetts brings in LNG from the Carribbean and Algeria to meet their full demand for natural gas. It doesn't get any more bizarre than that when we have over 2 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country and that doesn't include transmission pipelines. These states really need a wake up call. Someday they will get it and they'll be heading to Florida. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites