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No Break Of Middle East: Iranian Commander Threatens Israel's Destruction If It Attacks

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The comments by Brigadier General Hossein Salami, deputy head of the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, followed an Israeli attack on Iranian targets in Syria last week - the latest in a series of assaults targeting Tehran’s presence there in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government. “We announce that if Israel takes any action to wage a war against us, it will definitely lead to its own elimination and the freeing of occupied (Palestinian) territories,” Salami said, quoted by state television. Iranian officials have previously said Tehran, which does not recognize Israel, would respond swiftly to any Israeli attack. Israel backed U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to back out of the 2015 international deal on Iran’s nuclear program and welcomed Washington’s reimposition of sanctions on the country. Israel sees Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs as a threat to its existence. Iran says its nuclear work is for peaceful purposes only.

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After all sanctions, they still have a time for threatens...

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Syria threatens to attack Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, and Iran says they are ready to destroy the Jewish State of Israel, is this the beginning of World War Three? No, it's a way of life there..

Edited by damirUSBiH

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According to @INSSIsrael public opinion poll in Israel here are the top security threats for Israelis:
1. Northern front (Syria) - 28%
2. Isr-Palestine conflict - 21%
3. Iran -20%

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Indeed, Israel and Iran are already waging a "secret" war - for now in Syria

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Time to wipe Iran mullahs, Iranians do not support the actions of the regime...

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you know this how?

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Let us be frank on the muscle power both sides have- We all know Israel is a very powerful country with respect to its military might and tactical capabilities . Iran is no match to Israel. Diplomatically Israel is super power having United states and Western world on its side. Iran has its sworn enemies in the Arab world itself. Saudi Arabia is its very long time enemy and any slightest provocation by any side may ignite the highly explosive atmosphere between this two Islamic arch rivals. Militarily Saudi Arabia is much more powerful than Iran and Riyadh enjoys  diplomatic edge over Tehran due to its long term strategic relations with USA.

Israel is a very powerful military with nuclear capabilities having most advanced missile system . On the other side Iran is facing many adversaries with its economy facing very tough time due to ongoing sanctions imposed by Washington. Such immature  comment by a military commander from Iran is nothing less than childish and fancy  adventurism .

Edited by Sukumar Ray

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If war breaks out between Iran and Israel, in its probability, war will last for few months if not days . Iran will not be able to endure war with its crippling economy and may be pushed into severe economic recessions and will take decades to recover. Due to severe economic hardship and poor leadership post war , there may be rise of another Iranian revolution that the country witnessed during 1979 and the country may witness another Syria . It is utter frustrating and complete lack of prudence on the part of Iran to wage a war with Israel which is small in size  but a very potent military with such an unimaginable prowess that entire Arab world combined is no match to it.

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not very realistic comments by you, the people in the north have hundred of thousand of missiles and while the Israelis have advance systems they wont be able to prevent even half of what will be rained down indiscriminately. The trouble is the Israelis are now like Americans and wont be able to handle a week of destruction, politically its the end of whatever government is in power when their soldiers and civilians start dying. The only war the Israelis are willing if not happy to get involved in is the one against the rock throwers in Gaza, where there is next to zero risk. And you forget that the power in the ME is shifted, and Israel must be feeling very isolated. The EU have no time for them (they says differently but....., people are sick of the excuses about the past, when they can visually watch the Israeli snipers laughing and smiling as they kill and maim rock throwers), Turkey has no time for them, the Russians see them as pawns, the US is leaving town and any notion that the Saudi leadership will be supported by the Saudi populace taking sides against other Arabs in a conflict with Israel is absurd. There are a about 4 million Shias in Saudi. In the oil areas too. And the notion that the US has many allies now a days is also absurd.

I don't doubt many of the of points you make about might and right. I also think that in Iran itself that its correct to say that there a lot of people that would like to go back to the way it was before the opulence of the shah bred resentment and opened the door to the radicals that have maintained a grip since the 70,s revolution. The reality is that the situation in Iran is the direct result of failed interventions in the country by the US and UK since the 50,s. Sadly the outcome of that is what we have now. I think it would not matter if even 80% of the population disagreed with the direction Iran has taken, but the other 20% are willing to die for what they believe at the drop of a hat. And that's scary in a country with a population of nearly 100million souls. And Israel cant fight that. And they know it. So status quo is what is being sought with push shove the name of game.



Edited by JR EWING
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“We announce that if Israel takes any action to wage a war against us, it will definitely lead to its own elimination and the freeing of occupied (Palestinian) territories,” Salami said


Why wouldn't they do it now for the freedom of the occupied (Palestinian) territories?  I call B.S.

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Assad needs Iran, and Russian, assistance. No Middle East country has a snowballs chance in hell straight up against Israel. The way to go after Israel is babies and bodies, sticks and stones, etc.. The demographics of Palestine and birth rates. Saudi Arabia's military can't take down the Houthies. Fat chance they have against any credible army. The Kingdom does have a lot of advance weaponry, reliant on western service companies to maintain. The House of Saud can't have a genuine strong military, that would run the risk of a coup.

Iran doesn't have what I would call a strong military, but it does have a cadre of battle hardened folks that can genuinely fight. Hezbullah is tough in it's own way. But does that mean the ability to take on Israel in a classic sense, no. Any Middle East country that really tries to take on Israel would find be committing national suicide by cop so to speak.

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