Mullahs Out Of Control: 'Get out of Syria,' Iran tells U.S

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  On 2/8/2019 at 6:15 PM, Dan Warnick said:

Are Caine's brother's family, the slaves of the Romans, Alexander the Great's victims and the American Indians on AOC's list of people we also need to pay reparations to?  Just asking.  She has to put her order in for the printing of the greenbacks to cover all of this, so we should do our best to keep her informed about history.  Anyone wronged before, oh, 30+ years ago should be on her list, and she's no doubt checking it twice.


Well as a registered Republican I can only imagine what's going on in AOC's brain. Personally I believe she is so extreme she'll be a one term nut job. Her thinking doesn't jive with most American's way of thinking. Her plan will not pass the Republican held Senate. I really wonder if she would pass a mental health test?

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  On 2/8/2019 at 6:40 PM, Old-Ruffneck said:

Well as a registered Republican I can only imagine what's going on in AOC's brain. Personally I believe she is so extreme she'll be a one term nut job. Her thinking doesn't jive with most American's way of thinking. Her plan will not pass the Republican held Senate. I really wonder if she would pass a mental health test?


I would agree that AOC is a bit out there -but the required end is not to decide who is correct-since that will never happen. The end result needs to be a compromise. In the US today it is either black or white. The answer to utopia is in the grey zone. People need to stop buckling down for a fight and start actually talking. AOC is a bit off the deep end but so are many in the republican ranks these days. People have to all start being independents and forcing both parties to talk. Taking sides is not working for the betterment of anyone.

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  On 2/7/2019 at 10:26 AM, Cowpoke said:

umm we did and got ISIS..


I wonder what vacuum ISIS appeared from,

The appearance of ISIS was a prediction of Saddam Hussein, the asshole that kept things under control in that neck of the woods.


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  On 2/8/2019 at 4:51 PM, Jeff_Calgary said:

What Mr. Trump and much of the recent US Iran policies neglects to consider is the age of the people in Iran. The young are the majority and the old religious zealots are dying off. That 10 year nuclear deal would have worked just fine due to the changing of the guard over there.

It seems that the previous admin and other countries realize this but the bias among many republicans does not allow them to see the reality of the situation.


Afraid not, we Americans see things quite clearly regarding Iran, the rest are starting to catch up.


Many have posited the theory that the young in Iran will bring positive change, we’ve been hearing that for quite some time.  Still waiting.......

Edited by TXPower
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  On 2/7/2019 at 2:27 PM, Rasmus Jorgensen said:

more boots on the ground? 


A lot of bodies coming home in a bag / good ole boys missing limbs. 

Iran is geographically more like Afghanistan than Iraq with 80 million people. While many don't like the regime they wouldn't be too keen on occupiers either. 

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  On 2/11/2019 at 12:29 PM, TXPower said:

Afraid not, we Americans see things quite clearly regarding Iran, the rest are starting to catch up.


Many have posited the theory that the young in Iran will bring positive change, we’ve been hearing that for quite some time.  Still waiting.......


I read that article. Interestingly worded. If you look closely it basically says 'yes they are complying but we don't believe them.'

I would suggest that all you are doing at the present time is making another generation of Iranians your enemy. There does not seem to be an endgame to the present course of action.

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  On 2/11/2019 at 4:24 PM, Jeff_Calgary said:

I read that article. Interestingly worded. If you look closely it basically says 'yes they are complying but we don't believe them.'

I would suggest that all you are doing at the present time is making another generation of Iranians your enemy. There does not seem to be an endgame to the present course of action.


Interesting how differently people comprehend the same article.  

On the contrary however, the end game is clear.  Choke the Iranian Govt’s ability to generate income with which to develop deliverable nuclear weapons and thus their ability to project power beyond the sandbox.  

This of course will make things difficult for the young folks who so many have placed their faith in as possible agents of change in Iran. Perhaps it will galvanize their supposed resolve to push back against the disastrous and freedom sucking Islamic Extremism that has ruled there since the 70’s.  

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Perhaps the question here should be who does the Syrian Government want in their Country to support them. It appears that answer is Russia and Iran. 

Of course we then hear about what a Dictator Assad is. This is true. Then again the west is also very good friends with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Egypt etc etc. Not exactly paragons of human rights and liberty either. 

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No world power is “friends” with the major oil producing countries of Africa and the Middle East for friendships sake. Obviously the US isn’t involved with those nations due to some shared sense of ethics, right and wrong, Liberty etc. No, the only reasons are cheap oil and balance of power.  The idea of the US seeding democracy where Islam, a total control Theocracy, has ruled for hundreds of years, was a naive sideshow.

An argument can be made that one of those world powers(hint, it’s not Russia) takes actions in the ME from time to time that have some moral basis.  As we have in other places around the world.  Otherwise, it’s cheap oil and balance of power.

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  On 2/7/2019 at 4:01 PM, Dan Warnick said:

For Pete's sake.  What is Iran empowered to do, pray tell?  


When we castrated Iraq, and inadvertently (as cynic would say intentionally) set Sunni fundamentalism into hyperdrive, we took away the folks holding Iran somewhat in check. Saddam's job for the USA for quite a while was holding back Iran, and he was quite good at it. 

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  On 2/12/2019 at 1:23 AM, John Foote said:

When we castrated Iraq, and inadvertently (as cynic would say intentionally) set Sunni fundamentalism into hyperdrive, we took away the folks holding Iran somewhat in check. Saddam's job for the USA for quite a while was holding back Iran, and he was quite good at it. 


True.  Bush 1 handled Saddam the right way, it would seem, while Bush 2 allowed the loss of all sanity.  Cheney and friends manipulated that man to no end and it cost not only the U.S. dearly, but the whole world.  People complain about Trump?  Short memories.

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  On 2/8/2019 at 6:01 PM, Old-Ruffneck said:

Islamic Extremism is as old as time (...) and if we are the "infidels" they want to destroy, better to destroy them before they us first. 


Only problem : islamic extremists who kill us are Sunni. hese jihadists are created by our dear allies : Saudi Arabia, Qatar...

Iran is Shia and our best shield against the terrorists who want to blow up the world.

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  On 2/6/2019 at 2:37 PM, 50 shades of black said:

As long these religious mullah are in power, there is no hope for Iran and the poor people there...


Have you been there or did you just read one and half article and see three pictures on the net ?

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  On 2/6/2019 at 2:49 PM, damirUSBiH said:

U.S. CENTCOM Commander Joseph Votel at Senate Armed Forces Committee hearing:
"Our future in the Tanf base in Syria is a very important and principle issue. Iran and her proxies would like to exploit this strategic area. We will very carefully consider disposition from Tanf."

Clear and precisely....



Us soldiers dying for Israel's strategic interests, all over again...

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  On 2/7/2019 at 3:32 PM, Dan Warnick said:

This line is one of my favorites.  AS IF infidels aren't targets already, with BIG SATAN at the top of the list because he represents all that is not of their preaching.


The terrorists are Sunni and our friends. Our leaders created Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 1982, our leaders asked their Saudi and Turkish buddies to fund and arm ISIS in 2014.

Iran is Shia and doesn't send terrorists all over the world to blow up civilians.

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  On 2/13/2019 at 5:25 AM, Observatus Geopoliticus said:

Only problem : islamic extremists who kill us are Sunni. hese jihadists are created by our dear allies : Saudi Arabia, Qatar...

Iran is Shia and our best shield against the terrorists who want to blow up the world.


You forget how many Saudis' were on the planes that destroyed the Trade Centers? No.....I no trust no part of that Religious fanaticism. In all religious wars, from time began, nations were conquered and will be in the future....

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  On 2/13/2019 at 6:26 AM, Old-Ruffneck said:

You forget how many Saudis' were on the planes that destroyed the Trade Centers? No.....I no trust no part of that Religious fanaticism. In all religious wars, from time began, nations were conquered and will be in the future....


Precisely, Saudi Arabia is Sunni. So is Al Qaeda (created by the US/Saudi/Pakistani alliance in 1982 in Afghanistan) or ISIS (funded and armed by Saudi/Qatar/Turkey with US knowledge in 2014).

The danger are the Sunnis, not the Shias. Not Iran.

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Never should have been there in the first place. Coptic Christians lived in peace as did the Kurds. Damascus now a ruinous heap due to US Deep State funding and creation of ISIS aka Al Quida to further their destruction and control, New World Oder implemented by Bush(Saudis)/Obama(Clinton) starting with 911(Patriot Act) and the Soros Central Banker funded Color Revolutions in Egypt backed by Obama(Valerie Jarret) and his/her Muslim Brotherhood compatriots then on to Libya with NATO and a purposeful migrant EU supported crisis by the young male non assimilating Islamist to help the destabilization and consolidation by the EU Globalist(see USA southern border) and full economic control through unsustainable DEBT. Bottom line here is Israel to Iran...not happening. Bring our soldiers home. Hillary was supposed to the Globalist End Game. 

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