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Corruption - All Around Us

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Transparency Int'l published list of most corrupt countries...

1. North Korea
2. Somalia
3. South Sudan
11. Iraq
23. Zimbabwe
44. Nigeria
46. Iran
46. Russia
98. China
98. India
102. Turkey
113.South Africa
115. Saudi Arabia
117. Italy
154. France 159.
US 167. UK 176.
New Zealand (Transparency International)



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For me is interesting to know how could we determine that North Korea is the most corrupt country? Does any government official there dare to be corrupt?

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For example - I can't see Mexico on the list....But, all of us has to know that journalists are being killed on a monthly basis in Mexico. Union leaders are sent to prison or whacked. More than 150 000 people whacked in 7 years. Corruption is at it's peak-highest in the last 30 years. 2017 was the most violent year in half a century. Also, where is my country on this list (Serbia). In my opinion we have to be on the first 50 places. 

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For me is interesting position 46! Iran and Russia are together:) Of course, after every report of TI we have many questions, but they are working this job so many years and as I know, each time reactions are similar. One example. My friend lives in Swiss and by his opinion Switzerland should be no 1! They keep a lot of corrupt money in their banks. And nobody doesn't know source of money, how much money, etc....Because they have protection rules for the banking sector

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I don't know to much about Swiss, but I know how corruption does represent a significant business risk for foreign investors in the Serbia. Not, just in Serbia. It's a similar problem for our neighbors. I' m talking about systems corruption.

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It's an impossible mission to win corruption. There's everywhere. And the key mission is try to reduce corruption. As I said, corruption is all around us

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Regime in Iran are in offensive "operations" against the protesters. New, threatening, message from Khamenei: 
”You are not Iranian. You will come on the streets again but you will be dealt with like an enemy”.


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With what Rouhani told for protesters means just one: brutality will continue. 

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And. I'm confused. Who is enemy here ? One who's deprived of his rights? Or one who's depriving? Mullahs, too much of you. 

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The great Iranian people will rise again, I've no doubt about it and these evil, murdering, torturing scumbags will get their comeuppance. The enemy of Iran is you Khamenei. Tick tock

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I really hope that the people of Iran will see the freedom and the kind of leadership they seek and they deserve.  

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Regime change in Iran by Iranian people and their democratic opposition is possible and is in reach. But, it's not easy process and I beleive how we have to still wait 

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Topic is really about corruption, but as we can see - Iran is 46 on this list. And I'm sure how they are between  3 in area of breaching human rights.  

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