Douglas Buckland

The Root Cause of All Environmental Problems and Why We Will Not Address It

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This ignorance also shows that the pope has no more expertise in the fields of agricultural science, population planning, or resoure management than the pope in Galileo's time did in the area of astronomy. 


Pope John Paul II may be gone but Pope Benedict XVI maintains a tradition of ignorance and human materialism that has no justification even in a literal interpretation of the Bible and only insures perpetual human ignorance and misery. 

Sometimes............. Science......... at the beginning of every discussion is like the blinds trying to guess an elephant.......... One touched the leg and guessed it is a pillar; one touched the ear and said it is a fan; one touched the trunk and guessed it might be a snake and one held the tail and guessed it must be a horse........... 

When Science fails the understanding of the religious........ "Just Believe" could be a wonderful thing that brings happiness.............

said and not said sarcasm.jpg

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So, a lot of talk about declining birth rates in developed countries, zero growth in the Northern hemisphere, and so forth. How does that negate the fact that there will be around 7.7 billion people on the planet this year? The inclining birth rates and exceptional growth in the developing world will more than account for what we are seeing in developed countries.

Population growth is the culprit, whether we want to address it or not.


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