Tom Kirkman

US / EU / Turkey Natural Gas Intrigue! Operation 'Crossfire Hurricane', Mueller, and Other Hydrocarbon Security / Spygate Skullduggery

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He is right up there with Lincoln, T.R., and Reagan in my book. You are the clown. 

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  On 4/2/2019 at 11:16 PM, ronwagn said:

He is right up there with Lincoln, T.R., and Reagan in my book. You are the clown. 


This type of thinking is the most amazing insight into how far people can be duped I have ever seen. No exaggeration. No offense to you as a person but man, your bullshit  detector is completely broken. Trump is a complete moron and if you can't see that, well, your bullshit detector is shot. He has absolutely no clue what he is doing and has never been anything less than a total fraud. It's staring you in the face and when he goes to yakking, if you don't want to throw up, it must  be nice being able to live in a fantasy world. Good luck.

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  On 4/3/2019 at 1:28 AM, BillKidd said:

This type of thinking is the most amazing insight into how far people can be duped I have ever seen. No exaggeration. No offense to you as a person but man, your bullshit  detector is completely broken. Trump is a complete moron and if you can't see that, well, your bullshit detector is shot. He has absolutely no clue what he is doing and has never been anything less than a total fraud. It's staring you in the face and when he goes to yakking, if you don't want to throw up, it must  be nice being able to live in a fantasy world. Good luck.


Well, I would say the same exact thing to you. I guess you loved Obama. See Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals

Edited by ronwagn

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  On 4/2/2019 at 3:37 AM, ronwagn said:

Clinton refused to grab Bin Laden when he had the chance. Bush was a disappointment but not the evil doer and not the Liar in Chief that Obama was. 


Ron, Please tell me (in short "Common Sence" explanations) why Obama was the "Liar in Chief"? and what did he do in office that was so bad?  I am an Old School (Common Since) Independent Democrat Who hasn't voted for a Republican since they Happily Marched Off the Right Cliff.  In my opinion Character and Brains are the #1 Thing an Elected Official should have.  Bush 41 was a great man who had Both, Clinton was the Smartest Cockroach ever to sit in the Oval Office,  Bush 43 was a Decent Man who had to Borrow His VP's Brain because he didn't have one and Obama was a Decent man with great intelligence. Umm..and then there's Trump...As an old Wise Man once told me...He's the Kind Of Guy Who Doesn't Think his Shit Stinks.

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"preserve the United States and the values by which it was founded" Preserve it 'from what'? Anyone that makes a statement like this is wearing blinders. The US is a real improvement over a lot of European empires that existed in the the 1700's and 1800's, but it's had institutionalized slavery, still has institutionalized discrimination, built a colonial empire in the Pacific and Caribbean from the spoils of the Spanish-American war, and so on.

 "The primary actor was Obama who worked through the entire Deep State to attack the conservative movement and plan the insurance policy by undermining and smearing Trump." This does not address any single policy question such as foreign trade, immigration, housing costs, infrastructure, entitlements, etc. All it does is point fingers. Are people going to spend lifetimes blaming others for the nations problems, or are they going to focus on solutions?

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@Tom Kirkman It's been a pleasure reading your posts and funny pictures for almost a year now. ty It's been revealing reading community articles and headlines, most of which, especially the later, seem to contradict themselves the following day.  


As for the Board of Genie Energy; one can only laugh. The who's who of American Elite, Power and More. 

George P. plead guilty to making false statements. Is it your stance he didn't commit this crime? (Not debating you, just curious)



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  On 4/3/2019 at 11:57 AM, Marc Savoie said:

@Tom Kirkman It's been a pleasure reading your posts and funny pictures for almost a year now. ty It's been revealing reading community articles and headlines, most of which, especially the later, seem to contradict themselves the following day.  


As for the Board of Genie Energy; one can only laugh. The who's who of American Elite, Power and More. 

George P. plead guilty to making false statements. Is it your stance he didn't commit this crime? (Not debating you, just curious)


Thanks for your kind words, Marc.  I enjoy shooting my mouth off, and on this Oil Price forum, I normally try to keep my focus on Oil & Gas.

But global politics is deeply involved with global oil & gas, so it can be a bit tricky to separate the politics from the hydrocarbons.

Elsewhere on the internet, unrestricted and untamed forums have all sorts of things to say abour topics like Genie Energy and George P. and other complicated politics, most of which I cannot print here on a moderated forum that actually has professional decorum.

I would encourage you to take the time to read the lengthy feature article linked below, to get a bit of background on some of the things that tend to bounce around in my head and influence my general mindset about U.S. and global politics.  

Obama issuing last minute orders to screw up American oil & gas was all part of this bigger picture and bigger plan, in my opinion.  Trump upended a lot of nefarious and downright evil activities when he won.  The entrenched power brokers never thought Hillary would lose the election.

I made a new post this morning, about Trump upending the sea of red tape restrictions again Keystone XL pipeline, which will very likey create panic from the AOC New Green Deal crowd.  The backlash from Oil & Gas haters should be fun to watch : )

Anyway, here's that feature article again, for you to read and consider the implications:

Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump



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  On 4/3/2019 at 8:05 AM, tldpdb1 said:

Ron, Please tell me (in short "Common Sence" explanations) why Obama was the "Liar in Chief"? and what did he do in office that was so bad?  I am an Old School (Common Since) Independent Democrat Who hasn't voted for a Republican since they Happily Marched Off the Right Cliff.  In my opinion Character and Brains are the #1 Thing an Elected Official should have.  Bush 41 was a great man who had Both, Clinton was the Smartest Cockroach ever to sit in the Oval Office,  Bush 43 was a Decent Man who had to Borrow His VP's Brain because he didn't have one and Obama was a Decent man with great intelligence. Umm..and then there's Trump...As an old Wise Man once told me...He's the Kind Of Guy Who Doesn't Think his Shit Stinks.


You have to study the facts about the Obama Administration. That will take some time. Here they are again, and they are still unfolding.  . See Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals

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  On 4/4/2019 at 3:23 AM, ronwagn said:

You have to study the facts about the Obama Administration. That will take some time. Here they are again, and they are still unfolding.  . See Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals


1. Spying on the Associated Press, Fox News, etc.


2. Benghazi


3. Gun running to Mexico.


4. Targeting conservative groups, and individuals by the IRS to suppress their activities and/or deny them tax exempt status.


5. Giving private IRS information to liberal groups.


6. Eric Holder directing the Justice Department to not prioritize any crimes against whites, but to focus only on those against minorities.

This came to light after Holder refused to prosecute Black Panthers for intimidating voters.  He later prosecuted a White man, who richly deserved it, for a hate crime, while not prosecuting even one Black thug of hundreds who attacked Whites.


7. Not prosecuting any banksters involved in the collapse of the home loan industry and all the malfeasance involved.


8. Attempting to suppress  second amendment rights.


9. Covering up and obfuscating matters being investigated by congress.


10. Not allowing the Border Patrol to do its job.


11.  Continuously printing money through “ quantitative easing” to make the economy look better, as it destroys it in the long run by inflating the currency.


12. Exorbitant expenditures on trips, personal assistants etc.


13. Allowing cities to create safe havens for illegal immigrants while fighting the ability of states to send illegals back to their own countries.


14. Endemic use of secret e-mail accounts by government officials.


15. Appointing czars to overlook all administrative agencies under his control, but never knowing anything that is going on. “I didn’t know until I read about it in the newspaper.”


16. The job of the president is to govern his administration. If he fails at that, he is responsible as is any chief executive! The IRS scandal was known of by everyone including the President. He is not that stupid or inept. All of these scandals are revelations of planned strategies to abuse the power of the administration to advance socialist policies and politics.


17. Pigford Scandal. Giving hundreds of millions of dollars to fake “farmers” with little or no qualifying investigation. Ignored by the mainstream media.


18. New! Another scandal: This needs to be thoroughly investigated! It goes against the unreasonable search and seizure protections of the U.S. Constitution. Who OK’d this? No warrants were received!

19. Another scandal that needs a lot more attention!


20. Forcing or allowing the army to call the Ft. Hood shootings workplace violence and thus further harm the victims. He is the Commander in Chief. (Liar in Chief in my book)


21. Suppressing Christianity in the armed forces.


22. Partnering with the Muslim Brotherhood and promoting their influence in United States institutions including the armed forces.

Later allowed Muslim Brotherhood leaders into the United States without normal searches.


23. Donilon’s and others leaks to make Obama look good. Susan Rices false narratives are part of this. Obama and Hillary were the authors of all this. They spoke the night of the raid and concocted the story. (My surmise).


24. Widespread invasion of privacy of phone records and computers of Americans. Even demanding backdoors to software programs. See more as they have developed below.


25. IRS spending on conferences. IRS employees also got bonuses for performance.






27. EPA bias in fees charged conservative organizations versus liberals.




28. Using insider information to make big stock market profits in health care stocks.


29. Security sex scandals.


30. Suppressing conservatives with the IRS .


31. Federal Election Commission collusion with IRS.


32. As Commander in Chief Obama bears responsibility for setting in place the policies that allowed Hassan to remain an army officer rather than being cut for his well known Islamism. He then allows Hassan to continue to receive full pay, while calling the attack workplace violence rather than a terrorist attack. The dead and wounded are not even eligible for purple hearts or other benefits due to this travesty. Now Hassan will be allowed to cross examine his victims!


33. Delphi Pension Scandal


34. Not aiding Arizona after massive wildfire. Arizona’s Governor is a staunch opponent.



Generals forced to retire while civilians are left on the job. Extensive spying on the military was also done. Chaplains not allowed to talk about Jesus Christ. Uniform can be worn in gay parades but not in church! Air Force cadets allowed to dress in drag.


36. Using Seals Accomplishments, as his own, revealing military secrets that endangered Seals and the doctor who helped the seals find Bin Laden.

A Seal Team Six helicopter was shot down, and the doctor was thrown in prison by Pakistan.


37. Using the National Park Service to promote Islam!


38. Selectively choosing the most hurtful ways to cut governmental services for National Parks, National Monuments, Veterans etc.


39. Constantly distorting data given to news agencies.


40. Purposely lying about Obamacare, and giving special exemptions to unions, certain companies and others.


41. Trans Pacific Partnership being secretly negotiated.






44. Obama administration leaked while going after righteous whistleblowers.


45.  U.S. knew about rebel chemical weapon capacity.






48. “Recess” appointments when there was no recess.


49. Obama takes credit for the fracked energy boom while he has done little to help it and much to delay it.


50. This is a separate scandal from the non-profit’s investigations.


This might take me awhile Ron😮....Can you please cut it down to 10 very solid issues that I might get done in a month? ..Thx



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